Papers by Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska
TRADYCJA A NOWOCZESNOŚĆ, red. E. Woźniak, 2008
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie semantyki oraz procesu translacji biblijnych i koranicznych nazw św... more Celem artykułu jest pokazanie semantyki oraz procesu translacji biblijnych i koranicznych nazw świętych ksiąg takich, jak: "Ewangelia", "Pięcioksiąg", "Psalm", "Tora".
Home is a concept that accompanies man at all times and in each historical epoch. It is of paramo... more Home is a concept that accompanies man at all times and in each historical epoch. It is of paramount importance not only in Europe but in all cultures’ spiritual and material heritage.
VARIA XV, Zborník materiálov z XV. kolokvia mladých jazykovedcov (Banská Bystrica - Tajov 7. – 9. 12. 2005), 2008
Przedmiotem badań jest leksyka z kręgu nazw bogów pogańskich zarówno w Koranie jak i w tekstach ... more Przedmiotem badań jest leksyka z kręgu nazw bogów pogańskich zarówno w Koranie jak i w tekstach biblijnych. Analizie poddano apelatywy "partner", "równy", "towarzysz".
Diagnozą ontologiczną stawianą przez współczesnych filozofów jest twierdzenie, iż Najbardziej zas... more Diagnozą ontologiczną stawianą przez współczesnych filozofów jest twierdzenie, iż Najbardziej zastanawiające w naszych dających do myślenia czasach jest to, że jeszcze nie myślimy. Nie myślimy, ponieważ nie mamy skłonności, nie skłaniamy się ku myśleniu [...] Trudno nam być tymi, którymi jesteśmy – myślącymi, a więc mającymi więź z byciem, gdy tymczasem będące jest dla nas ważniejsze i możniejsze. Podstawą w odniesieniu człowieka do bycia i będącego jest mowa. Język myślenia, inaczej niż zwykłej komunikacji, wymaga ważenia każdego słowa i uwzględniania jego pełnego, zazwyczaj zakrytego ciężaru. Nieuważność wobec tego, co jest nam przekazywane za pomocą słów, wchłanianie przekazu bez zachowania środków ostrożności – czyni nas podatnymi na wpływy innych, otwartymi na działania manipulacyjne.
POGRANICZA, red. D. Kowalska, 2007
Celem analizy semantycznej leksemów "księga", "pismo", "słowo", występujących na kartach Koranu o... more Celem analizy semantycznej leksemów "księga", "pismo", "słowo", występujących na kartach Koranu oraz w Biblii, jest poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na pytania: w jakich znaczeniach funkcjonują one w tekstach religijnych chrześcijaństwa i islamu? W jaki sposób przekładano pewne pojęcia i związane z nimi znaczenia na grunt języka polskiego? Czy w procesie przekładu świętej księgi islamu wzorowano się na tekstach biblijnych czy też szukano odpowiedników semantycznych w polszczyźnie ogólnej (stąd wskazanie na historię tych leksemów w języku polskim)?
CHRESTOMATIA TEOLINGWISTYKI, red. A. Gadomski, Cz. Łapicz, Symferopol 2008-2009
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie różnych możliwości przekładu chrześcijańskiej i muzułmańskiej termin... more Celem artykułu jest ukazanie różnych możliwości przekładu chrześcijańskiej i muzułmańskiej terminologii religijnej na podstawie wybranych leksemów pola semantycznego nazw świętych księg. Są to nazwy związane z nauczaniem Słowa Bożego, jak np. Ewangelia, Nowina (=Ewangelia), Objawienie, Słowo (inne nazwy w tym polu semantycznym to: Historia, Przestroga, Przesłanie). Materiał źródłowy stanowią teksty zróżnicowane pod względem formalnym i czasowym, bowiem źródłem ekscerpcji słownictwa są zarówno polskie przekłady Koranu, jak i zabytki Tatarów litewsko-polskich, pisane grafią arabską, wymagające transkrypcji i transliteracji, wraz z polskimi tłumaczeniami biblijnymi z XVI i XVII w.

Artykuł ukazuje adaptację wyrazów orientalnego pochodzenia do systemu gramatyczno-leksykalnego ję... more Artykuł ukazuje adaptację wyrazów orientalnego pochodzenia do systemu gramatyczno-leksykalnego języka polskiego w dobie staropolskiej. Analizie podlegają zapożyczenia bezpośrednie i pośrednie z języków orientalnych, czyli z arabskiego, tureckiego i perskiego, notowane w SStp. Orientalizmy doby staropolskiej są przedstawione w porządku alfabetycznym. Opracowanie hasła polega na podaniu znaczenia wyrazu w tej dobie oraz opisaniu późniejszych zmian semantycznych (jeśli takowe zaistnieją), ustaleniu pochodzenia zapożyczenia w polszczyźnie (na podstawie monografii o wyrazach zapożyczonych w języku polskim, historycznych i etymologicznych słowników języka polskiego), podaniu dokumentacji źródłowej (na podstawie SStp i SPolXVI) w celu ustalenia stopnia adaptacji wyrazu zapożyczonego do systemu gramatyczno-leksykalnego polszczyzny. Wnioski z analizy materiału leksykalnego są sformułowane na podstawie kryteriów: autentyczności, pochodzenia, trwałości, zasięgu, stopnia i rodzaju adaptacji.

Artykuł ukazuje adaptację wyrazów orientalnego pochodzenia do systemu gramatyczno-leksykalnego ję... more Artykuł ukazuje adaptację wyrazów orientalnego pochodzenia do systemu gramatyczno-leksykalnego języka polskiego w dobie staropolskiej. Analizie podlegają zapożyczenia bezpośrednie i pośrednie z języków orientalnych, czyli z arabskiego, tureckiego i perskiego, notowane w SStp. Orientalizmy doby staropolskiej są przedstawione w porządku alfabetycznym. Opracowanie hasła polega na podaniu znaczenia wyrazu w tej dobie oraz opisaniu późniejszych zmian semantycznych (jeśli takowe zaistnieją), ustaleniu pochodzenia zapożyczenia w polszczyźnie (na podstawie monografii o wyrazach zapożyczonych w języku polskim, historycznych i etymologicznych słowników języka polskiego), podaniu dokumentacji źródłowej (na podstawie SStp i SPolXVI) w celu ustalenia stopnia adaptacji wyrazu zapożyczonego do systemu gramatyczno-leksykalnego polszczyzny. Wnioski z analizy materiału leksykalnego są sformułowane na podstawie kryteriów: autentyczności, pochodzenia, trwałości, zasięgu, stopnia i rodzaju adaptacji.

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
Abstract: Manuscripts of the Tatars of t... more GLOSSES, ANNOTATIONS, AND COMMENTS IN THE ALYTUS TEFSIR
Abstract: Manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are distinguished by many features, typical of the literary monuments of the Old Polish period, including biblical and psalter literature. Glosses are one of the characteristics, combining both types of texts. Their presence and nature often depend on the translator’s workshop and the use of a specific translation technique. As a general rule, glosses vary with regard to length, meaning, style, and grammar, which may be proof of the fact that they were created at different times by several translators and copyists. The paper analyses, in detail, the glosses from The Alytus Tefsir. The annotations, inside and outside the text, are described, owing to which it was possible to determine the owners of the tefsir and the chronology of glosses, identify the languages in which the glosses were written, and establish the number of the copyists and commentators of the monument. This also contributed to determining the sources on which the manuscript translator and copyists relied, and to dating of the tefsir.
Keywords: the Qur’an, tefsir, translation, glosses

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to ... more TATAR TEFSIR IN WESTERN EUROPEAN BIBLICAL LITERATURE
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the influence of biblical translation traditions on the translation of the Qur’an, rendered in the 16th century by the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Research has demonstrated that, at the level of language and translation techniques, Tatar translators followed, or referred to, the principles of translation of Christian holy books, including the Bible. In particular, they drew on Reformation literature; specifically, on Arian religious writings, with "Biblia nieświeska" enjoying most interest. Consequently, it has been established that the Tatar tefsir contains Christian terminology, derived from the above-mentioned translation, as well as from other 16th-century translations of the Bible into Polish. The terminology was adapted for the needs of Islam, professed in cultural and religious Christian environment.
Keywords: the Qur’an, tefsir, translation, biblical and Qur’anic translation tradition

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
Ałła Kożynowa, Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska, Czesław Łapicz
BELARUSIAN FEATURES IN THE ALYTUS TEFSIR... more Ałła Kożynowa, Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska, Czesław Łapicz
Abstract: The Alytus Tefsir provides a rich documentation of the features of various language layers, typical of Belarusian and Ukrainian dialects, as well as the Russian language. Moreover, an eastern Slavic influence can be discerned therein, with regard to literary language. However, most recorded features refer to Belarusian, with a majority (25) coming from south-western Belarus. The monument also comprises linguistic elements, which were confirmed in Belarusian philological studies, functioning in the language until the 16th century, with some being used in the 17th and 18th centuries, or even later.
Keywords: historical dialectology, history of Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, Belarusian dialects, Ukrainian dialects
, historia języków białoruskiego i ukraińskiego, dialekty białoruskie, dialekt ukraiński

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
Ałła Kożynowa, Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska, Czesław Łapicz
NORTH-EASTERN BORDERLAND VARIETY OF POLI... more Ałła Kożynowa, Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska, Czesław Łapicz
Abstract: Varied in terms of time and space and based, to a considerable extent, on the phonetic rule, the literature of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania documents the process of shaping the north-eastern borderland variety of Polish on the Belarusian substrate. An analysis of the language of the Tatar tefsir demonstrated both the features described in expert literature, and new facts from the history of the Polish and Belarusian languages (specifically at the level of lexis, semantics, and grammar), concerning the evolution of Belarusian, Polish, and the north-eastern borderland variety of Polish. Moreover, the analysis identified new lexical (also etymological), semantic, derivational, formal (e.g. Polish-Belarusian hybrids), phraseological, and syntactical facts essential in the history of the Polish and Belarusian languages, as well as to research into Polish-Belarusian relations.
Keywords: historical dialectology, history of the Polish and Belarusian languages, north-eastern borderland variety of Polish
Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to i... more THE ALYTUS TEFSIR.
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to indicate the paleographic, orthographic, and linguistic features, which will be conducive to establishing the genesis of The Alytus Tefsir, thus contributing to the specification of the time and place of origin of the first translation of the Qur’an into Polish. They include:
– external features of the manuscript,
– the typology of the monument,
– the dating of the manuscript on the basis of indirect data, e.g. watermarks, and direct data, i.e. the language of the manuscript, including older and newer features, indicating the time of the origin of the copy,
– testimony of the owner,
– the arrangement of content.
Keywords: tefsir, manuscript dating, paleography, orthography
Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
Wydanie krytyczne zabytku polskiej kultury narodowej. Komentarz pod red. J. Kulwickiej-Kamińskiej... more Wydanie krytyczne zabytku polskiej kultury narodowej. Komentarz pod red. J. Kulwickiej-Kamińskiej i Cz. Łapicza, Toruń 2022 Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska Metryka tefsiru z Olity (1723 rok) Miejsce przechowywania: zbiory prywatne, Litwa. Kopie: skany rękopisu są w posiadaniu wykonawców projektu "Tefsir". Symbol: TAL.

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
The purpose of the paper is to establish the genesis of Oriental words in The Alytus Tefsir and describe their further history, i.e. lending to the Polish language. It has been concluded that Tatar manuscripts contain primarily vocabulary of Arabic origin (borrowed directly from, or through, Turkish, specifically, Ottoman Turkish), while words of other Turkish and Persian origins are less frequent. Some Islamicisms derive from languages other than Oriental ones, but were incorporated into the monuments of Polish-Lithuanian Muslims from other Oriental languages, e.g. ǧahannam (Heb. Gehinnōm). Islamicisms include words that can be found only in Tatar literature. Most of them lack Slavic equivalents, and are thus untranslatable (especially, Oriental names and proper nouns). They were adopted into the grammatical and lexical system of the Polish language, undergoing Slavicisation processes. The other words that belonged to the semantic group of Islamicisms were adopted into the Polish lexical system, which was confirmed in lexicographic studies.
Keywords: Slavic and Oriental linguistic relations, interference, transference, loanwords, Slavicisation

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
The purpose of the paper is to indicate transliteration solutions, adopted for a Tatar tefsir. It was concluded that systemic transliteration solutions should be based on the Slavic linguistic layer. In order to read it, a type of a hybrid transliteration, with (semi-phonetic) transcription, was used. Simultaneously, attention was drawn to the similarity of the transliteration systems, which had already been in use, and their shared transliteration characters were accepted. Alternatively, the Oriental linguistic layer was read by means of the ISO system, as it plays a vital auxiliary function. For example, it serves to determine which graphemes of the Arabic language were used to record Polish sounds.
Keywords: kitabistics, transliteration, transcription, ISO system, tefsir
Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
W opracowaniu instrukcji wykorzystano wnioski z prowadzonych w zespole dyskusji, a także teoretyc... more W opracowaniu instrukcji wykorzystano wnioski z prowadzonych w zespole dyskusji, a także teoretyczne i praktyczne propozycje transkrypcji i transliteracji zawarte w edycjach polskich i białoruskich tekstów źródłowych.

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
Varying in time and place of origin, copies lead to conclusions about the evolution of rules and techniques of copying the manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. A comparative analysis of surah 114 in nine manuscripts of various chronology – in particular, an analysis of text gaps, copyists’ particularities, and glosses contained therein, resulted in establishing the sequence of links in the chain of mutually dependent copies. Owing to the comparison, established the relationships between the tefsirs: TCNB and TUP. They also occur between the manuscripts copied in Lithuania: TAL1, TW, and TCHJ. Although TL differs from the other tefsirs, one can point to its relations with TCNB, TW, and TAL1 as well as certain similarity to ChG.
With regard to the development of recording techniques and the modernisation of subsequent copies of Tatar monuments, modifications, i.e. newer forms, occur in relation to – among other things – the graphemes used (e.g. the differentiation of the spelling of the phonemes o-u with wāw with ḍamma [u] and wāw with fatḥa [o]; the spelling of etymological ŕ as ž and, in the so-called transitional period, as a combination of rž or rš; the gradual displacement of the letter ḍād with ẓā’ until the latter predominated; the replacement of the letter ṣagīr-i-nūn with nūn; the spelling of the soft phoneme [s] with the letters ṯā’ (ś) or sīn (s̀), combined with the abandonment of the use of the letter (ڛ) in this respect, which was typical of some of the earliest texts, and occurred only as an exception in later copies of manuscripts; the proliferation of the letter ḥā’ (which replaced ḫā’) to mark the phoneme [x], inflectional forms (cf. old case endings coexisting with newer ones) or lexical forms.
Keywords: manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, textology, comparison of different versions of surah 114
Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022

Tefsir Tatarów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: XVI-wieczny przekład Koranu na język polski, 2022
The purpose of the paper is to describe the competence of Tatar translators. Hence, it discusses the education system in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and focuses on the sources of knowledge and inspiration for the authors of the 16th-century translation of the Qur’an into Polish, including their knowledge of Oriental languages. Research has led to the conclusion that the author of the Tatar tefsir met the criteria for a good translator because he:
– knew the culture of both the source and target languages, i.e. Islam and Christianity,
– had expert knowledge of the reality described, i.e. the reality of the Muslim world,
– knew both languages – the target one, i.e. Arabic, and the source one, i.e. Polish,
– displayed a knowledge of translation theory,
– knew the type of text he translated, i.e. the Qur’an, and was capable of creating it in the target language.
Moreover, what distinguished him was the knowledge of parallel texts created in the target language, i.e. mainly translations of the Bible, as well as extra-linguistic knowledge of the recipients of the translation, i.e. the community of Lithuanian-Polish Tatars.
Papers by Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska
Abstract: Manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are distinguished by many features, typical of the literary monuments of the Old Polish period, including biblical and psalter literature. Glosses are one of the characteristics, combining both types of texts. Their presence and nature often depend on the translator’s workshop and the use of a specific translation technique. As a general rule, glosses vary with regard to length, meaning, style, and grammar, which may be proof of the fact that they were created at different times by several translators and copyists. The paper analyses, in detail, the glosses from The Alytus Tefsir. The annotations, inside and outside the text, are described, owing to which it was possible to determine the owners of the tefsir and the chronology of glosses, identify the languages in which the glosses were written, and establish the number of the copyists and commentators of the monument. This also contributed to determining the sources on which the manuscript translator and copyists relied, and to dating of the tefsir.
Keywords: the Qur’an, tefsir, translation, glosses
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the influence of biblical translation traditions on the translation of the Qur’an, rendered in the 16th century by the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Research has demonstrated that, at the level of language and translation techniques, Tatar translators followed, or referred to, the principles of translation of Christian holy books, including the Bible. In particular, they drew on Reformation literature; specifically, on Arian religious writings, with "Biblia nieświeska" enjoying most interest. Consequently, it has been established that the Tatar tefsir contains Christian terminology, derived from the above-mentioned translation, as well as from other 16th-century translations of the Bible into Polish. The terminology was adapted for the needs of Islam, professed in cultural and religious Christian environment.
Keywords: the Qur’an, tefsir, translation, biblical and Qur’anic translation tradition
Abstract: The Alytus Tefsir provides a rich documentation of the features of various language layers, typical of Belarusian and Ukrainian dialects, as well as the Russian language. Moreover, an eastern Slavic influence can be discerned therein, with regard to literary language. However, most recorded features refer to Belarusian, with a majority (25) coming from south-western Belarus. The monument also comprises linguistic elements, which were confirmed in Belarusian philological studies, functioning in the language until the 16th century, with some being used in the 17th and 18th centuries, or even later.
Keywords: historical dialectology, history of Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, Belarusian dialects, Ukrainian dialects
, historia języków białoruskiego i ukraińskiego, dialekty białoruskie, dialekt ukraiński
Abstract: Varied in terms of time and space and based, to a considerable extent, on the phonetic rule, the literature of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania documents the process of shaping the north-eastern borderland variety of Polish on the Belarusian substrate. An analysis of the language of the Tatar tefsir demonstrated both the features described in expert literature, and new facts from the history of the Polish and Belarusian languages (specifically at the level of lexis, semantics, and grammar), concerning the evolution of Belarusian, Polish, and the north-eastern borderland variety of Polish. Moreover, the analysis identified new lexical (also etymological), semantic, derivational, formal (e.g. Polish-Belarusian hybrids), phraseological, and syntactical facts essential in the history of the Polish and Belarusian languages, as well as to research into Polish-Belarusian relations.
Keywords: historical dialectology, history of the Polish and Belarusian languages, north-eastern borderland variety of Polish
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to indicate the paleographic, orthographic, and linguistic features, which will be conducive to establishing the genesis of The Alytus Tefsir, thus contributing to the specification of the time and place of origin of the first translation of the Qur’an into Polish. They include:
– external features of the manuscript,
– the typology of the monument,
– the dating of the manuscript on the basis of indirect data, e.g. watermarks, and direct data, i.e. the language of the manuscript, including older and newer features, indicating the time of the origin of the copy,
– testimony of the owner,
– the arrangement of content.
Keywords: tefsir, manuscript dating, paleography, orthography
The purpose of the paper is to establish the genesis of Oriental words in The Alytus Tefsir and describe their further history, i.e. lending to the Polish language. It has been concluded that Tatar manuscripts contain primarily vocabulary of Arabic origin (borrowed directly from, or through, Turkish, specifically, Ottoman Turkish), while words of other Turkish and Persian origins are less frequent. Some Islamicisms derive from languages other than Oriental ones, but were incorporated into the monuments of Polish-Lithuanian Muslims from other Oriental languages, e.g. ǧahannam (Heb. Gehinnōm). Islamicisms include words that can be found only in Tatar literature. Most of them lack Slavic equivalents, and are thus untranslatable (especially, Oriental names and proper nouns). They were adopted into the grammatical and lexical system of the Polish language, undergoing Slavicisation processes. The other words that belonged to the semantic group of Islamicisms were adopted into the Polish lexical system, which was confirmed in lexicographic studies.
Keywords: Slavic and Oriental linguistic relations, interference, transference, loanwords, Slavicisation
The purpose of the paper is to indicate transliteration solutions, adopted for a Tatar tefsir. It was concluded that systemic transliteration solutions should be based on the Slavic linguistic layer. In order to read it, a type of a hybrid transliteration, with (semi-phonetic) transcription, was used. Simultaneously, attention was drawn to the similarity of the transliteration systems, which had already been in use, and their shared transliteration characters were accepted. Alternatively, the Oriental linguistic layer was read by means of the ISO system, as it plays a vital auxiliary function. For example, it serves to determine which graphemes of the Arabic language were used to record Polish sounds.
Keywords: kitabistics, transliteration, transcription, ISO system, tefsir
Varying in time and place of origin, copies lead to conclusions about the evolution of rules and techniques of copying the manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. A comparative analysis of surah 114 in nine manuscripts of various chronology – in particular, an analysis of text gaps, copyists’ particularities, and glosses contained therein, resulted in establishing the sequence of links in the chain of mutually dependent copies. Owing to the comparison, established the relationships between the tefsirs: TCNB and TUP. They also occur between the manuscripts copied in Lithuania: TAL1, TW, and TCHJ. Although TL differs from the other tefsirs, one can point to its relations with TCNB, TW, and TAL1 as well as certain similarity to ChG.
With regard to the development of recording techniques and the modernisation of subsequent copies of Tatar monuments, modifications, i.e. newer forms, occur in relation to – among other things – the graphemes used (e.g. the differentiation of the spelling of the phonemes o-u with wāw with ḍamma [u] and wāw with fatḥa [o]; the spelling of etymological ŕ as ž and, in the so-called transitional period, as a combination of rž or rš; the gradual displacement of the letter ḍād with ẓā’ until the latter predominated; the replacement of the letter ṣagīr-i-nūn with nūn; the spelling of the soft phoneme [s] with the letters ṯā’ (ś) or sīn (s̀), combined with the abandonment of the use of the letter (ڛ) in this respect, which was typical of some of the earliest texts, and occurred only as an exception in later copies of manuscripts; the proliferation of the letter ḥā’ (which replaced ḫā’) to mark the phoneme [x], inflectional forms (cf. old case endings coexisting with newer ones) or lexical forms.
Keywords: manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, textology, comparison of different versions of surah 114
The purpose of the paper is to describe the competence of Tatar translators. Hence, it discusses the education system in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and focuses on the sources of knowledge and inspiration for the authors of the 16th-century translation of the Qur’an into Polish, including their knowledge of Oriental languages. Research has led to the conclusion that the author of the Tatar tefsir met the criteria for a good translator because he:
– knew the culture of both the source and target languages, i.e. Islam and Christianity,
– had expert knowledge of the reality described, i.e. the reality of the Muslim world,
– knew both languages – the target one, i.e. Arabic, and the source one, i.e. Polish,
– displayed a knowledge of translation theory,
– knew the type of text he translated, i.e. the Qur’an, and was capable of creating it in the target language.
Moreover, what distinguished him was the knowledge of parallel texts created in the target language, i.e. mainly translations of the Bible, as well as extra-linguistic knowledge of the recipients of the translation, i.e. the community of Lithuanian-Polish Tatars.
Abstract: Manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are distinguished by many features, typical of the literary monuments of the Old Polish period, including biblical and psalter literature. Glosses are one of the characteristics, combining both types of texts. Their presence and nature often depend on the translator’s workshop and the use of a specific translation technique. As a general rule, glosses vary with regard to length, meaning, style, and grammar, which may be proof of the fact that they were created at different times by several translators and copyists. The paper analyses, in detail, the glosses from The Alytus Tefsir. The annotations, inside and outside the text, are described, owing to which it was possible to determine the owners of the tefsir and the chronology of glosses, identify the languages in which the glosses were written, and establish the number of the copyists and commentators of the monument. This also contributed to determining the sources on which the manuscript translator and copyists relied, and to dating of the tefsir.
Keywords: the Qur’an, tefsir, translation, glosses
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the influence of biblical translation traditions on the translation of the Qur’an, rendered in the 16th century by the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Research has demonstrated that, at the level of language and translation techniques, Tatar translators followed, or referred to, the principles of translation of Christian holy books, including the Bible. In particular, they drew on Reformation literature; specifically, on Arian religious writings, with "Biblia nieświeska" enjoying most interest. Consequently, it has been established that the Tatar tefsir contains Christian terminology, derived from the above-mentioned translation, as well as from other 16th-century translations of the Bible into Polish. The terminology was adapted for the needs of Islam, professed in cultural and religious Christian environment.
Keywords: the Qur’an, tefsir, translation, biblical and Qur’anic translation tradition
Abstract: The Alytus Tefsir provides a rich documentation of the features of various language layers, typical of Belarusian and Ukrainian dialects, as well as the Russian language. Moreover, an eastern Slavic influence can be discerned therein, with regard to literary language. However, most recorded features refer to Belarusian, with a majority (25) coming from south-western Belarus. The monument also comprises linguistic elements, which were confirmed in Belarusian philological studies, functioning in the language until the 16th century, with some being used in the 17th and 18th centuries, or even later.
Keywords: historical dialectology, history of Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, Belarusian dialects, Ukrainian dialects
, historia języków białoruskiego i ukraińskiego, dialekty białoruskie, dialekt ukraiński
Abstract: Varied in terms of time and space and based, to a considerable extent, on the phonetic rule, the literature of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania documents the process of shaping the north-eastern borderland variety of Polish on the Belarusian substrate. An analysis of the language of the Tatar tefsir demonstrated both the features described in expert literature, and new facts from the history of the Polish and Belarusian languages (specifically at the level of lexis, semantics, and grammar), concerning the evolution of Belarusian, Polish, and the north-eastern borderland variety of Polish. Moreover, the analysis identified new lexical (also etymological), semantic, derivational, formal (e.g. Polish-Belarusian hybrids), phraseological, and syntactical facts essential in the history of the Polish and Belarusian languages, as well as to research into Polish-Belarusian relations.
Keywords: historical dialectology, history of the Polish and Belarusian languages, north-eastern borderland variety of Polish
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to indicate the paleographic, orthographic, and linguistic features, which will be conducive to establishing the genesis of The Alytus Tefsir, thus contributing to the specification of the time and place of origin of the first translation of the Qur’an into Polish. They include:
– external features of the manuscript,
– the typology of the monument,
– the dating of the manuscript on the basis of indirect data, e.g. watermarks, and direct data, i.e. the language of the manuscript, including older and newer features, indicating the time of the origin of the copy,
– testimony of the owner,
– the arrangement of content.
Keywords: tefsir, manuscript dating, paleography, orthography
The purpose of the paper is to establish the genesis of Oriental words in The Alytus Tefsir and describe their further history, i.e. lending to the Polish language. It has been concluded that Tatar manuscripts contain primarily vocabulary of Arabic origin (borrowed directly from, or through, Turkish, specifically, Ottoman Turkish), while words of other Turkish and Persian origins are less frequent. Some Islamicisms derive from languages other than Oriental ones, but were incorporated into the monuments of Polish-Lithuanian Muslims from other Oriental languages, e.g. ǧahannam (Heb. Gehinnōm). Islamicisms include words that can be found only in Tatar literature. Most of them lack Slavic equivalents, and are thus untranslatable (especially, Oriental names and proper nouns). They were adopted into the grammatical and lexical system of the Polish language, undergoing Slavicisation processes. The other words that belonged to the semantic group of Islamicisms were adopted into the Polish lexical system, which was confirmed in lexicographic studies.
Keywords: Slavic and Oriental linguistic relations, interference, transference, loanwords, Slavicisation
The purpose of the paper is to indicate transliteration solutions, adopted for a Tatar tefsir. It was concluded that systemic transliteration solutions should be based on the Slavic linguistic layer. In order to read it, a type of a hybrid transliteration, with (semi-phonetic) transcription, was used. Simultaneously, attention was drawn to the similarity of the transliteration systems, which had already been in use, and their shared transliteration characters were accepted. Alternatively, the Oriental linguistic layer was read by means of the ISO system, as it plays a vital auxiliary function. For example, it serves to determine which graphemes of the Arabic language were used to record Polish sounds.
Keywords: kitabistics, transliteration, transcription, ISO system, tefsir
Varying in time and place of origin, copies lead to conclusions about the evolution of rules and techniques of copying the manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. A comparative analysis of surah 114 in nine manuscripts of various chronology – in particular, an analysis of text gaps, copyists’ particularities, and glosses contained therein, resulted in establishing the sequence of links in the chain of mutually dependent copies. Owing to the comparison, established the relationships between the tefsirs: TCNB and TUP. They also occur between the manuscripts copied in Lithuania: TAL1, TW, and TCHJ. Although TL differs from the other tefsirs, one can point to its relations with TCNB, TW, and TAL1 as well as certain similarity to ChG.
With regard to the development of recording techniques and the modernisation of subsequent copies of Tatar monuments, modifications, i.e. newer forms, occur in relation to – among other things – the graphemes used (e.g. the differentiation of the spelling of the phonemes o-u with wāw with ḍamma [u] and wāw with fatḥa [o]; the spelling of etymological ŕ as ž and, in the so-called transitional period, as a combination of rž or rš; the gradual displacement of the letter ḍād with ẓā’ until the latter predominated; the replacement of the letter ṣagīr-i-nūn with nūn; the spelling of the soft phoneme [s] with the letters ṯā’ (ś) or sīn (s̀), combined with the abandonment of the use of the letter (ڛ) in this respect, which was typical of some of the earliest texts, and occurred only as an exception in later copies of manuscripts; the proliferation of the letter ḥā’ (which replaced ḫā’) to mark the phoneme [x], inflectional forms (cf. old case endings coexisting with newer ones) or lexical forms.
Keywords: manuscripts of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, textology, comparison of different versions of surah 114
The purpose of the paper is to describe the competence of Tatar translators. Hence, it discusses the education system in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and focuses on the sources of knowledge and inspiration for the authors of the 16th-century translation of the Qur’an into Polish, including their knowledge of Oriental languages. Research has led to the conclusion that the author of the Tatar tefsir met the criteria for a good translator because he:
– knew the culture of both the source and target languages, i.e. Islam and Christianity,
– had expert knowledge of the reality described, i.e. the reality of the Muslim world,
– knew both languages – the target one, i.e. Arabic, and the source one, i.e. Polish,
– displayed a knowledge of translation theory,
– knew the type of text he translated, i.e. the Qur’an, and was capable of creating it in the target language.
Moreover, what distinguished him was the knowledge of parallel texts created in the target language, i.e. mainly translations of the Bible, as well as extra-linguistic knowledge of the recipients of the translation, i.e. the community of Lithuanian-Polish Tatars.