J. Jones
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Papers by J. Jones
and high temperature metamorphism in the middle and lower crust at ca. 1435–1365 Ma. Deformation of gneisses in the northern
Wet Mountains is partitioned within discrete zones of subvertical foliation and northeast-trending folds, a product of northwest-southeast
contraction or constriction associated with transcurrent deformation. Gneisses in the north are generally not migmatitic, and granitic
intrusions form discrete bodies with distinct contacts. Shear zone foliation is cut by a late syntectonic dike with a U-Pb zircon age of
1430+5/–3 Ma, constraining the age of shear zone deformation in the upper crust. In the central to southern Wet Mountains, gneisses exhibit
migmatitic foliation that dips moderately northeast, with dip- to oblique-slip mineral lineation throughout. Granite forms pervasive sills and
interconnected sheets with gradational or indistinct contacts. Gneissic granite that yields a U-Pb zircon age of 1435 ± 4 Ma was emplaced
into amphibolite gneiss containing 1436 ± 2 Ma metamorphic zircon. Younger, foliated granite sills were emplaced at 1390 ± 10 Ma. Our new
results indicate contemporaneous deformation and metamorphism throughout the middle and lower crust at ca. 1.4 Ga. We interpret the
zone of migmatitic crust pervaded by granite to represent a weak, low-viscosity, fl owing lower crust that controlled the pattern of distributed
deformation in the comparatively strong, brittle crust above. Thus, the Wet Mountains may be viewed as a deeply exhumed analog for the mid-crustal, low-viscosity layers that are inferred to exist in modern intracontinental orogenic settings and continental rift provinces.
and high temperature metamorphism in the middle and lower crust at ca. 1435–1365 Ma. Deformation of gneisses in the northern
Wet Mountains is partitioned within discrete zones of subvertical foliation and northeast-trending folds, a product of northwest-southeast
contraction or constriction associated with transcurrent deformation. Gneisses in the north are generally not migmatitic, and granitic
intrusions form discrete bodies with distinct contacts. Shear zone foliation is cut by a late syntectonic dike with a U-Pb zircon age of
1430+5/–3 Ma, constraining the age of shear zone deformation in the upper crust. In the central to southern Wet Mountains, gneisses exhibit
migmatitic foliation that dips moderately northeast, with dip- to oblique-slip mineral lineation throughout. Granite forms pervasive sills and
interconnected sheets with gradational or indistinct contacts. Gneissic granite that yields a U-Pb zircon age of 1435 ± 4 Ma was emplaced
into amphibolite gneiss containing 1436 ± 2 Ma metamorphic zircon. Younger, foliated granite sills were emplaced at 1390 ± 10 Ma. Our new
results indicate contemporaneous deformation and metamorphism throughout the middle and lower crust at ca. 1.4 Ga. We interpret the
zone of migmatitic crust pervaded by granite to represent a weak, low-viscosity, fl owing lower crust that controlled the pattern of distributed
deformation in the comparatively strong, brittle crust above. Thus, the Wet Mountains may be viewed as a deeply exhumed analog for the mid-crustal, low-viscosity layers that are inferred to exist in modern intracontinental orogenic settings and continental rift provinces.