Papers by Joelle Fanghanel
The audit tool was created as an outcome of 'Defining and Supporting the Scholarship of Teach... more The audit tool was created as an outcome of 'Defining and Supporting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): A Sector-Wide Study' (2016). Research project funded by the Higher Education Academy, led by the University of West London with the following partner institutions: University of Brighton, University of Hull and Bristol University

This presentation reports on a project that involved 4 main collaborators in research on defining... more This presentation reports on a project that involved 4 main collaborators in research on defining and supporting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The research was funded by the Higher Education Academy and generated a set of data that included: • A literature review • A survey of SoTL practices in 62 UK-based Higher Education Providers (HEP) and 8 interviews with Heads of Educational Development • Three interviews with institutional Student Engagement (SE) leaders ; and 36 students in six focus groups – representing all four UK nations The main findings include: a lack of consensus on what SoTL work is, and how it can be assessed and rewarded; no explicit awareness of how it relates to quality and enhancement of teaching and learning; and very little understanding of the challenges posed by its disciplinary-interdisciplinary make-up. We found that it is possible to define SoTL through a set of characteristics (SoTL generates teaching /curriculum enhancement; change a...
Higher Education Academy, 2016
Studies in Higher Education, 2004
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2013
Teaching in Higher Education, 2009
Abstract: This paper examines the role of ideology in academics' conceptions of their discip... more Abstract: This paper examines the role of ideology in academics' conceptions of their discipline. The focus is on how individual ideologies affect the way academics conceptualise and enact the discipline in practice. It uses data collected for a study involving 18 ...
The university and its disciplines: teaching and …, 2009
Page 221. 16 Exploring Teaching and Learning Regimes in Higher Education Settings Joëlle Fanghane... more Page 221. 16 Exploring Teaching and Learning Regimes in Higher Education Settings Joëlle Fanghanel City University, London Introduction In this chapter, I discuss some of the implications for practices in higher education ...
Faculty development courses are aimed to bring together teaching and learning under the same prof... more Faculty development courses are aimed to bring together teaching and learning under the same professional framework. Based on the notion of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) developed in Anglo-Saxon contexts, the challenge is to show that certain forms of research on teaching practices contribute to the professional development of academics. This paper explores the potentialities of SoTL. It also points to the possible counter-effects of a research-based approach and how to avoid them.

This literature review focuses on the objectives of the research project which were to: - Update ... more This literature review focuses on the objectives of the research project which were to: - Update on recent developments in the international literature on SoTL to inform the project- Chart the way SoTL is defined, supported, and embedded in institutional policy in the UK - Provide resources to support institutions in relation to their rewards and promotions processes- Identify strategies to engage students in SoTL- Inform the next iteration of the Higher Education Academy UK Professional Standard Framework The review examines the way SoTL is defined in the literature; SoTL in the disciplines; SoTL as educational development; SoTL in institutions; national frameworks for promoting SoTL; and student engagement with SoTL. The methodology for the review is outlined in paragraph 1.2. The conceptual framework for examining SoTL is discussed in paragraph 2.2. The paper concludes with a set of findings and recommendations emerging from this literature review. These must be read with referen...

A key global policy initiative in the management of diabetes is empowerment through education. Ho... more A key global policy initiative in the management of diabetes is empowerment through education. However, implementation of policy in the context of healthcare delivery may be challenging at times and the delivery of multi-disciplinary education is not an exception. Objective: To explore practitioners view about factors associated with non-attendance and identify ways to break some of the barriers to advancing government policy of education for all patients with diabetes. Method: A qualitative approach was adopted using a focus group interview with practitioners in four hospital sites in South East of England. It involves Diabetes Specialist Nurses, Podiatrist and Dietician (n=7) and semi-structured individual interviews (n=3). Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Findings: Three main themes emerged (1) Practitioners associated barriers (2) Patients’ associated barriers and (3)Strategies to improve attendance. Conclusion: The findings indicated that the practitioners agreed...

The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) diabetes guidelines recommend s... more The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) diabetes guidelines recommend structured patient education with an annual update for every newly diagnosed patient. It is undeniable that patients will need to attend the education sessions in order to reap their benefits, but promoting attendance at diabetes education centres can sometimes be problematic. The aim of this study was to explore the barriers associated with non-attendance at diabetes education sessions in the UK. A qualitative approach was adopted using telephone interviews (n=24) of newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes who failed to attend their appointments following referral from their general practice surgeries. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Researchers found that various personal reasons such as work, childcare problems, bad weather, holidays and ill-health were responsible for non-attendance. The study identified barriers relating to perceived seriousness of the medical c...

To a large extent, if higher education institutions seek to inscribe themselves within a transfor... more To a large extent, if higher education institutions seek to inscribe themselves within a transformative agenda, this will be done by academics acting as ‘transforming agents’, and by instantiations of transformation both in the curriculum - i.e. in what is being taught in universities, and the knowledge, worldviews, and values that are being conveyed – and in the pedagogies – i.e. the methods, in a broad sense, including techniques, media, and interpersonal approaches - used to communicate this curriculum. In this chapter, we speak from our position as researchers on higher education in the United Kingdom (UK). From this position, we normatively examine the interplay between epistemologies and identities (knowing and being) in the academy, from this transformational perspective. We propose ways of re-thinking academic practices through a focus on professional learning that cultivates ‘authenticity’, and engagement with curricula and pedagogies that challenge current models in Wester...
In this paper, I discuss the findings of a small-scale study in which I examined (with a co-resea... more In this paper, I discuss the findings of a small-scale study in which I examined (with a co-researcher) a programme where Palestinian and Israeli students were studying together in the UK for a period of three years. In this study we uncovered the elements of a teaching approach that inflected the way students understood, discussed and related to a conflict that was deeply influencing their learning experience in the UK. I discuss the relevance of these findings to the more general theme of global citizenship.
Dimensions of Marketisation in Higher Education is a critical analysis of the various dimensions ... more Dimensions of Marketisation in Higher Education is a critical analysis of the various dimensions of marketisation in a global context, exploring governance, policy, financial, ethical and pedagogical aspects. Bringing together a selection of influential authors who draw on the work of Roger Brown, the book is a timely examination of the impact that policies regulating cost, entry and practices in higher education can have on universities, students and academics. This book explores the tensions and dilemmas marketisation brings into the educational environment for academic leaders, managers and students, arguing that they can be managed through rebalancing the relation between the market and the educational dimensions.
Papers by Joelle Fanghanel