El presente trabajo explora el posible caracter causal de las relaciones halladas en Psicologia O... more El presente trabajo explora el posible caracter causal de las relaciones halladas en Psicologia Oncologica entre las variables de evaluacion cognitiva y afrontamien-to propuestas por el profesor Greer y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. En este estudio se reanalizan los datos obtenidos con una muestra de 68 pacientes de cancer de mama no metastasicas evaluadas en tres ocasiones despues del diagnostico utili-zando multiples modelos de regresion jerarquicos y comparando la plausibilidad relativa de las hipotesis causales esbozadas. Los resultados sugieren que es mas probable que el espiritu de lucha y el fatalismo de las pacientes esten determinados por sus niveles de bienestar psicologico, mientras que la negacion parece mas pro-bable que module el nivel de calidad de vida. El desamparo-desesperanza parece interactuar reciprocamente con el grado de bienestar. Los resultados se discuten desde el punto de vista teorico. Palabras clave: Cancer, afrontamiento, calidad de vida.

Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, Aug 31, 2017
Fundamento. La cirugia bariatrica se ha convertido en el procedimiento de eleccion para afrontar,... more Fundamento. La cirugia bariatrica se ha convertido en el procedimiento de eleccion para afrontar, con las mayores posibilidades de exito, los casos de obesidad morbida y super-morbida. Los objetivos de este estudio son: a) analizar la evolucion del porcentaje del exceso de indice de masa corporal perdido (PEIMCP) y la calidad de vida a medio y largo plazo tras la cirugia bariatrica; b) evaluar las diferencias en PEIMCP y calidad de vida en funcion de la tecnica quirurgica realizada; y c) examinar la relacion entre PEIMCP y la calidad de vida. Material y metodos . Han intervenido en el estudio 191 sujetos intervenidos de cirugia bariatrica con seguimiento a los 12 y 24 meses tras la cirugia. Se administraron los cuestionarios SF-36 y OP-53 para evaluar la calidad de vida tras la cirugia de manera autoinformada. Resultados. Se observa una reduccion del porcentaje del exceso de indice de masa corporal (IMC) perdido estadisticamente significativa a los 12 y 24 meses y una mejora significativa en la calidad de vida a los 12 meses, que se mantuvo estable a los 24 meses para la mayoria de las variables. Los pacientes intervenidos mediante bypass gastrico muestran una mayor perdida de PEIMCP a los 12 y 24 meses, y mejora significativa al ano de evaluacion en la mayoria de las dimensiones que miden calidad de vida con respecto a la tecnica de gastrectomia vertical tubular. Conclusion . La cirugia bariatrica es eficaz para disminuir el porcentaje del exceso de IMC perdido y mejorar significativamente la calidad de vida de los pacientes con obesidad morbida a largo plazo.
Medicina Clínica (english Edition), Mar 1, 2016
Dpto. Psicología de la Salud, Facultad de Medicina. U n ive rsidad Miguel Hernández. Campus de S.... more Dpto. Psicología de la Salud, Facultad de Medicina. U n ive rsidad Miguel Hernández. Campus de S. Ju an . Apdo. nº 18. Alicante. España. (*) Unit of Social y Orga niz ational Psych ol ogy. Unive rs idad de Groningen. Groningen. Holland. Correspondencia: Dra. M. Carmen ...

Journal of Crohn's & colitis, 2017
S349 imab (IFX) are effective rescue agents for patients refractory to IV steroids, with similar ... more S349 imab (IFX) are effective rescue agents for patients refractory to IV steroids, with similar short-term outcomes between the two. Traditionally, there has been reluctance to use CsA due to an increased risk of long-term colectomy (50% at 5 years); however, this situation may have changed since the advent of infliximab. Our hypothesis is that nowadays salvage therapy with biologics can improve long-term colectomy rates in patients with UC who are treated with CsA, and thus, that CsA may still be considered an effective treatment option for these patients Aim: To assess the long-term outcome and colectomy rate of patients with moderate-to-severe UC who initially respond to CsA Methods: This is a multicenter retrospective cohort study including patients with moderate-to-severe corticorrefractory UC and early response to CsA. Exclusion criteria were: colectomy requirement, rescue therapy with a biologic agent within the first 3 months after CsA treatment, and contrainidication for the use of IFX. We defined two cohorts: 1) the first cohort (C1) included patients with UC who were treated before the advent of biologics, between the years 1995 and 2000; and 2) the second cohort (C2) comprised patients with UC treated between 2005 and 2010, after IFX became available. Results: A total of 192 patients were included (56 in C1 and 136 in C2). Median age was 38 years, 99 (51,6%) patients were male, 149 (77.6%) had extensive colitis, 104 (54.2%) were non-smokers, mean disease duration was 47 months and 38 (19.8%) had been treated previously with thiopurines. Mean CsA duration was 107 days and after CsA withdrawal, 173 (90.1%) patients received maintenance treatment with thiopurines. During follow-up, 89 (46.4%) patients received steroids and 61 (31.8%) required an admission. In C2, 38 (27.9%) patients were treated with IFX within the 5 years. The global colectomy rate were 16.14% at 5 years. Colectomy rates in C1 were 10.7%, 17.6%, 25% and 26.8% at 12, 24, 36 and 60 months respectively. Colectomy rate was lower in C2 (5.1%, 9.6%, 11% and 11,8% at 12, 24, 36 and 60 months respectively), (p=0.01). Predictors of colectomy in the multivariate analysis were previous treatment with thiopurines (OR 2.9 (95% CI: 1.2-6.7)) and patients of the first cohort (C1) OR 2.7 (95% CI: 1.3-6). Conclusions: The long-term outcome of UC patients treated with CsA has been improved in the biological era. CsA may be considered in UC patients who are refractory to intravenous steroids and naive to thiopurines
![Research paper thumbnail of [Job satisfaction and stress among general physicians in the public health system]](
Atencion primaria / Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria, 1994
To determine: 1) the level of job satisfaction and job stress among general practitioners of Nati... more To determine: 1) the level of job satisfaction and job stress among general practitioners of National Health Service, and 2) the most common sources of stress of their job. Descriptive study based in a meal survey with bivariate and multivariate analysis of data. Primary Care Centers of the Valencian Health Service. 216 general practitioners were questioned. Of these 127 answered on time (102 male; age 39.55 years; response rate of 58.80%). The Font Roja-AP Questionnaire (to evaluate job satisfaction and stress) and the Tabarca Inventory (to determine sources of stress) were used. Social relationship at work, intrinsic job satisfaction, job distension and variety at work were in hierarchy order the principal reasons of job satisfaction. On the other hand, interruptions of family life, emergency calls, monotony and practice administration and the doctor-patient communication aspects were in hierarchy order the principal reasons of job stress. The general practitioners work yield job ...

Revista clínica española, Apr 1, 2020
Satisfacción con la atención hospitalaria al final de la vida Satisfaction with hospital care at ... more Satisfacción con la atención hospitalaria al final de la vida Satisfaction with hospital care at the end of life RESUMEN Fundamento. Conocer la satisfacción de familiares de pacientes fallecidos con la atención recibida en una unidad de cuidados paliativos (UCP) y comparar con los casos donde no intervino el equipo con atención psicológica específica. Material y métodos. Administración de encuesta anónima (n=202) a familiares (tasa de respuesta= 42,1%). Se evaluaron 9 cuestiones relacionadas con el proceso de morir y la valoración global de la atención. Resultados. La satisfacción global fue alta (9,22). La valoración del equipo completo fue 9,40 y sin la psicóloga, 8,40 (p=0,005). Los ítems mejor valorados fueron "disponibilidad del equipo", "información recibida" y "ayuda para enfrentar la enfermedad", seguidos de "control del dolor", "muerte en paz", "ayuda para la comunicación entre paciente-familia", "apoyo en el duelo" y "calidad de vida". Conclusiones. Según la valoración de los familiares, los equipos de las UCP hospitalarias contribuyen a incrementar la calidad de la atención al final de la vida. Palabras clave. Cuidados paliativos. Final de vida. Satisfacción. Familiares. Unidad de cuidados paliativos de agudos.
Teorema Revista Internacional De Filosofia, 1974
QUE SÁNCHEZ MAZAS nos presenta 1 está incardinado en el interés que el autor siempre ha tenido po... more QUE SÁNCHEZ MAZAS nos presenta 1 está incardinado en el interés que el autor siempre ha tenido por "la formalización de la lógica según la perspectiva de la comprehensión" (que así se titula una de sus publicaciones) y por su correspondiente aritmetización. Ese añejo interés viene aquí a centrarse en la Lógica Deóntica, y se junta con la búsqueda de un cálculo fácilmente accesible a la automatización.

The Spanish journal of psychology, 2011
The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between adolescents with a high or low risk... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between adolescents with a high or low risk of developing an eating disorder (ED) in different health behaviors (eating habits, physical activity and the consumption of substances) per gender. The EAT-40 and the Inventory of Behavioral Health in Scholars were applied to 2142 middle school students from Alicante (Spain), of whom 52.8% were girls and 47.2% were boys, with an average age of 13.92 years old (Sd = 1.34). Results indicated that girls with a high risk of developing an ED consumed fewer meals, ate fewer unhealthy foods, followed more diets and paid more attention to nutritional components. Furthermore, they also performed more physical activity with the objective of losing weight, and consumed more tobacco, alcohol and medicines. Boys at high risk of developing an ED followed more diets and paid more attention to nutritional components. For boys, no more differences were found. These results suggest that any program dire...
Psicothema, 1997
Resumen: En este estudio se realiza la validación de la adaptación al castellano del cuestionario... more Resumen: En este estudio se realiza la validación de la adaptación al castellano del cuestionario Implicit Model of Illness de Turk Rudy y Salovey (1986) para la medida de la representación de la enfermedad, considerando ésta como la imagen o idea que se tiene ...
Revista Clínica Española, 2006
Journal of Health Psychology, 1998
This Final Report of the European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Associations (EFP... more This Final Report of the European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Associations (EFPPA) Task Force on Health Psychology defines the nature and scope of health psychology and its possible future development to the year 2000 and beyond. Training needs and objectives are specified for professional health psychologists working in Europe. Practical and policy implications of medical progress and societal changes are discussed. The future development of health psychology as a profession depends on putting theory and policy into practice through the implementation of high quality training. Currently there are relatively few European countries where this has yet happened. Training programmes need to be introduced in all European countries within the framework of each member- country's national laws, regulations and practices.
Burns, 1999
This is a study of the quality of life as performed on a sample of 115 Spanish patients treated f... more This is a study of the quality of life as performed on a sample of 115 Spanish patients treated for burns in the Burn Care Unit of the Alicante General Hospital. Through the application of the sole existing scale for measuring quality of life speci®c to burn patients, the following percentages of alterations were obtained: 9.7% in physical domains; 14.2% in body image; 27.4% in psychological domains; and 22.5% for the complete scale. Results similar to those published by the original authors of the scale have been encountered by us and we are now able to con®rm that the questionnaire``adapted and validated'' in Spanish is equally capable of measuring changes in quality of life of the group studied herein.
Revista De Psicologia De La Salud, 1989

Psicothema, 2019
BACKGROUND Previous literature suggests that low self-esteem is a risk factor for suicide attempt... more BACKGROUND Previous literature suggests that low self-esteem is a risk factor for suicide attempts, but no meta-analyses have been conducted to assess this association in adolescents/young adults. The present study examined the relationship between low self-esteem and suicide attempts in young people (12-26 years old). METHOD Meta-analyses were performed using random-effects models (ES) and odds ratio (OR). Heterogeneity and sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS From 26,883 initial titles, 22 studies met the inclusion criteria, of which 9 studies had data that could be included in the meta-analysis. The meta-analysis showed that youths with lower self-esteem were more likely to have future suicide attempts, with an effect size (self-esteem as continuous variable) of d = .58 (95% CI = .44 - .73) and, for low self-esteem (categorical variable) an OR = 1.99 (95% CI = 1.39-2.86; p < .001). CONCLUSION A low level of self-esteem is a risk factor for suicide attempts in adolescen...