Goals: Breast cancer is a leading cancer diagnosis among women worldwide, with more than 210,000 ... more Goals: Breast cancer is a leading cancer diagnosis among women worldwide, with more than 210,000 new cases and 40,000 deaths per year in the United States. Since surgical treatment of breast cancer may lead to reduced or uneven breast size and complete removal of one or both breasts can cause disfigurement, scarring, chronic pain decreased range of motion, and lymph edema(swelling typically in one or more extremities) hence Psychological distress can occur. The prevalence of psychological distress among breast cancer patients is high, and they are at higher risk of developing severe anxiety, depression and potential mood disorders. The goal of this study to determine the socioeconomic factors associated with anxiety and depression among breast cancer patients and to access the changes of psychological distress after the completion of treatment at 1 year of follow-up. Methods: The totals of 93 women who fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria like histopathology proven breast cancer patient who do not have previous history of depressive disorder were included in this study. The purpose procedure, risk and benefits of the study were explained, confidentiality was ensured and informed consent was taken from the eligible patients. Brief history of breast cancer was taken and then assess for depression on the basis of Hamilton rating scale for depression and score ≥7 was marked as women with positive depressive disorder. Results: Mean±SD of age was 58.64 ± 11.26 with C.I (56.32-60.95) years. Out of 93 women frequency of depressive disorder was found in 32 (34%) patients. Mean±SD of duration of breast cancer was 15.86 ± 5.26 with C.I (14.77-16.94) weeks. Mean±SD of duration of HAM-D score was 8.23 ± 7.55 with C.I (6.67-9.78). on further stratification, the education level of women, 30 out of 93 (32%) were > more then 10th class literate while in other hand 16 (17%) were illiterate. Most of the women 58 (62%) were belong to lower class and 6 (6.45%) belong to upper middle class. In marital status of the patients 8 (9%) were unmarried and 35 (38%) were married. In distribution of number of kids 48.13% had 2-6 kids while 51.61% had 7-10 kids with Mean±SD 6.32 ± 2.24. Conclusions: Study clearly shows that younger age group, low monthly income, having less financial support, low education level and being single were associated with anxiety and depression. For managing breast cancer patients, more care or support should be given to this type of patients as they are at high risk of anxiety and depression. Conflict of Interest: No significant relationships.
Ceska gynekologie / Ceska lekarska spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne
Review of actual trends in early prediction of preeclampsia. Literature review. Department of Gyn... more Review of actual trends in early prediction of preeclampsia. Literature review. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Martin, Slovak Republic. Literature review of markers used in early prediction of preeclampsia. Review of their reliability and possible advantage of combination. Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Onset of clinic symptomes of preeclampsia can appear after 20 weeks of gestation. To find a single marker, or their combination, in early prediction of preeclampsia is one of the goals of modern perinatology. We look at some of the potential markers, which can fulfil these criteria.
Ceska gynekologie / Ceska lekarska spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne
Objective: An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiograph... more Objective: An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG).Design: A review article.Setting: Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.Methods: An analysis of the literature using database search engines PubMed, and SCOPE in field of fMCG.Results: Fetal magnetocardiography is a non-invasive technique able to monitor the spontaneous electrophy-siological activity of the fetal heart. Compared to cardiotocography and fetal electrocardiography, this is a more effective method with a higher resolution. The signal obtained from the fetal heart is sufficiently precise and the quality allows an assessment of PQRST complex alterations, and to detect fetal arrhythmia. Thanks to early diagnosis of fetal arrhythmia, there is the possibility for appropriate therapeutic intervention and the reduction of unexplained fetal death in late gestation. fMCG with high ...
Ceská gynekologie / Ceská lékarská spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne, 2008
Authors present a review of epidemiology, ethiopathogenesis and current diagnostic approaches of ... more Authors present a review of epidemiology, ethiopathogenesis and current diagnostic approaches of single umbilical artery syndrome (SUA). They describe one case of SUA complicated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and possible management of risk pregnancy like that. Literature review and a case report. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Medical Faculty, Commenius University, Martin, Slovak Republic. The observation and management of one case with SUA and IUGR. SUA is the most frequent umbilical malformation. The finding of isolated SUA does not markedly increase perinatal morbidity and mortality, but its association with other pathologies leads to higher perinatal losses. An accurate management is still unclear (invasive antenatal diagnosis, especially), but SUA diagnosis should be a reason for more strict observation, timing of delivery, appropriate mode of delivery, and/or for more prompt intervention during pregnancy and labor. An early intervention and ...
The tolerance of fetal antigens by intradecidual T-cell involving the Fas-mediated apoptosis play... more The tolerance of fetal antigens by intradecidual T-cell involving the Fas-mediated apoptosis plays an important role in the physiological course of pregnancy. Objective of this study is to determine the association of diplotypes of common rs1800682G and rare rs34995925C alleles within the STAT1 transcription binding site of the FAS promoter region with preeclampsia. There were 116 preeclamptic women and 123 healthy control subjects from Hungary and Slovakia enrolled in the study. The presence of the GG or GA genotypes on rs1800682 was confirmed in 91 patients and 85 controls (OR = 1.628, 95%CI 0.907-2.92). The rare rs34995925 C allele laying 7 bp further from rs1800682 within STAT1 transcription binding site was detected in 3 preeclamptic cases and none healthy subjects. Haplotypes GT and AC were defined by common rs1800682G and rare rs34995925C alleles, respectively, and were considered as "low" FAS-producing. The combinations of GT or AC with normal FAS-producing haploty...
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2010
Objective. The aim was to describe the course of physiological changes in coeliac artery (CA) and... more Objective. The aim was to describe the course of physiological changes in coeliac artery (CA) and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) blood flow velocities (BFVs) during the perinatal period in healthy term fetuses and infants as it has not been studied in detail so far. Methods. This prospective Doppler ultrasound study included 50 infants. The examinations were performed in a fetus after the completion of 36.0 gestation weeks before the onset of labor and in infants postnatally at the ages of 2, 24, and 72 h. Results. The end-diastolic velocity (EDV) in the CA was generally higher than in the SMA (p 5 0.001). The EDV in the SMA decreased postnatally (8.4 vs. 77.2, p 5 0.001) and showed negative values in 92% of infants. By 24 h of postnatal age, EDV in the SMA had become positive in all of the infants (mean 13.8 cm/s, p 5 0.001). The EDV in CA had only positive values. The changes in EDV in both vessels were reflected by changes in the resistance index in inverse manner. Conclusions. BFV in the CA and SMA changed dramatically in the perinatal period; the most remarkable changes occurred within the first 24 h of life.
Objective: To report a case of delayed delivery of twins following pelvic abscess that required l... more Objective: To report a case of delayed delivery of twins following pelvic abscess that required laparotomy after uncomplicated IVF-ET. Design: Case report.
OBJECTIVE The Aurora Project, aimed at promotion of cervical cancer prevention, was realised with... more OBJECTIVE The Aurora Project, aimed at promotion of cervical cancer prevention, was realised with the support of the European Commission. The project included 14 partners from 11 EU countries. The objective of this contribution was to analyse the level of knowledge on cervical cancer among respondents in the project partner countries and to compare the situations in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Data were obtained within one of the project outputs: Work Package 2 (WP2) Dissemination of Aurora Project Objectives and Results. METHODS The questionnaire used included 10 questions (available at the project website www.aurora-project.eu) and has been translated into 11 languages of the project partners. In total, 2111 questionnaires were analysed (91.7% response rate), among them 246 were from Slovakia and 305 from the Czech Republic. Descriptive statistical methods and the χ2 test were used to analyse data. RESULTS The level of knowledge in Slovak and Czech respondents was comparable ...
The term thrombelastography / thrombelastometry was used to describe the trace produced from meas... more The term thrombelastography / thrombelastometry was used to describe the trace produced from measurement of the viscoelastic changes associated with fibrin polymerization. The result of measurement is a compact mapping of the various stages of haemostasis. One of the first real clinical applications of this method was the haemostatic monitoring of liver transplantation and cardiac surgery using extracorporeal circulation. In trauma patients the thrombelastography /thrombelastometry was proved to predict early transfusion requirements. Another authors suggest thrombelastography /thrombelastometry as a possible tool for early identification of pregnant women at increased risk of fetal loss. This article provides overview on the development of thrombelastography / trombelastometry and its possible use in laboratory of haemostasis.
OBJECTIVES: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent event in patients with an acute heart failure... more OBJECTIVES: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent event in patients with an acute heart failure (AHF) and is associated with a poor short and long-term outcome. The aim of this study was to describe diagnostic yield of selected novel biomarkers in prediction of AKI in patients admitted for AHF. METHODS: We performed a prospective cohort study of 72 consecutive patients (46/26 M/F) aged 69 ± 10,3 years admitted for AHF. Renal damage was defi ned according to KDIGO guidelines. Patients were divided into the two groups: AKI-(without renal injury, n = 52) and AKI+ (with renal injury, n = 20). Urine samples for AKI biomarkers measurements (NGAL, TIMP2, IGFBP7) were collected at the admission. The ROC and linear logistic regression of new biomarkers and selected clinical variables was performed for the evaluation of the AKI prediction. RESULTS: The patients with AKI+ were older (median age: 75 vs 64 years, p = 0.01), had lower BMI (median: 28 vs 29.5 kg/m 2 , p= 0.04), were with a higher proportion of patients with HF with a reduced ejection fraction (55 % vs 23.1 %, p = 0.01) and a higher level of serum NTproBNP. Urinary NGAL at admission was signifi cantly higher in the AKI+ compared to the AKI-group (152 vs 19.5 ng/mL, p < 0.0001); also median of u-TIMP-2 and u-IGFBP-7 in the AKI+ patients was signifi cantly higher: 194.1 versus 42.5 ng/mL (p < 0.0001) and 379 versus 92.4 pg/mL (p<0.0001) resp. Age, u-NGAL, u-TIMP2, u-IGFBP7, s-haemoglobin, NTproBNP and LVEF were associated with the development of AKI. Urine concentration of IGFBP-7 was measured, which is the best marker for the prediction of AKI (AUC 0.94). CONCLUSION: Urine concentrations of NGAL, TIMP2, IGFBP7 at the time of admission for AHF predicted a development of AKI. Age, NTproBNP, LVEF and s-haemoglobin were also associated with AKI in AHF patients (Tab.
fascia during breast-conserving surgery is not recommend to achieve a negative superficial and/or... more fascia during breast-conserving surgery is not recommend to achieve a negative superficial and/or deep margin. It also leads to poor cosmetic results. Disclosure of Interest: No significant relationships. Table 1 Multivariate Analysis of the Predictive Factors for Local Recurrence Variable HR (95% CI) p-Value Age at diagnosis (years) 0.001 >40 1 ≤40 2.12 (1.37-3.29) 0.001 T stage 0.068 T1 1 T2 1.77 (1.09-2.87) 0.020 T3 0 0.980 Node metastasis 0.92 (0.53-1.62) 0.780 Histologic grade 0.697 1 1 2 0.74 (0.35-1.54) 0.420 3 0.72 (0.32-1.63) 0.425 EIC present 1.29 (0.75-2.22) 0.359 Hormone receptor status <0.001 Positive 1 Negative 2.90 (1.67-5.06) <0.001 Adjuvant chemotherapy 0.67 (0.36-1.25) 0.207 Resection margin involvement 0.001 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.56 (0.16-2.69) 0.654 Group 3 4.10 (1.96-8.59) <0.001 *Cox proportional hazard model.
The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research, 2016
The aim of this case report is to describe a rare non-hypoxic cause of pathological changes in fe... more The aim of this case report is to describe a rare non-hypoxic cause of pathological changes in fetal heart rate pattern during labor, and to determine management, including a description of important prenatal aspects when pathologic cardiotocographic recording is performed during labor. A fetus with rare arteriovenous malformation of the vein of Galen, which represents less than 1% of all intracranial arteriovenous malformations, was monitored by intrapartum external cardiotocography in the 37 + 5 gestational week. The baby was born by cesarean section because of signs of imminent intrauterine hypoxia on cardiotocography. However, metabolic acidosis was not confirmed in umbilical cord blood sampling. Despite intensive neonatal care management, the newborn died 31 h after delivery because of progressive cardiac decompensation, hypotension and multi-organ failure. Precise diagnosis of the abovementioned pathology, a pre-labor plan for delivery and postnatal prognosis assessment can si...
Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, Jan 23, 2015
The aim of our study was to assess the correlation between the tobacco exposure and NAT2 gene (rs... more The aim of our study was to assess the correlation between the tobacco exposure and NAT2 gene (rs1041983 C/T, rs1801280 T/C, rs1799930 G/A) polymorphisms in association with breast cancer development. We wanted to determine the prognostic clinical importance of these polymorphisms in association with smoking and breast cancer. For the detection of possible association between smoking, NAT2 gene polymorphisms, and the risk of breast cancer, we designed a case-controlled study with 198 patients enrolled, 98 breast cancer patients and 100 healthy controls. Ten milliliters of peripheral blood from the cubital vein was withdrawn from every patient. The HRM (high resolution melting) analysis was used for the detection of three abovementioned NAT2 gene polymorphisms. When comparing a group of women smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day with the patients smoking fewer than 5 cigarettes a day, we found out that if women were the carriers of aberrant AA genotype for rs1799930, the first group ...
Basic diagnostic procedures in cervical cancer screening are able to set the diagnosis but they d... more Basic diagnostic procedures in cervical cancer screening are able to set the diagnosis but they do not provide any information about the biological nature and behavior of lesions. The causal link of HPV infection and cervical cancer and discoveries of complex interactions between host and HPV genome opened new possibilities in molecular diagnostics. HPV DNA analysis, determination of viral load, detection of E6 and E7 mRNA transcripts, identifying of methylation profiles, genomic changes, miRNAs, and telomerase activity should be the right choice for exact diagnostics and prediction of behavior of premalignant lesions of the cervix. These findings set a completely new light not only in diagnostic but also in management and treatment of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer.
Ceská gynekologie / Ceská lékarská spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne, 2015
An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG). A... more An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG). A review article. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. An analysis of the literature using database search engines PubMed, and SCOPE in field of fMCG. Fetal magnetocardiography is a non-invasive technique able to monitor the spontaneous electrophy-siological activity of the fetal heart. Compared to cardiotocography and fetal electrocardiography, this is a more effective method with a higher resolution. The signal obtained from the fetal heart is sufficiently precise and the quality allows an assessment of PQRST complex alterations, and to detect fetal arrhythmia. Thanks to early diagnosis of fetal arrhythmia, there is the possibility for appropriate therapeutic intervention and the reduction of unexplained fetal death in late gestation. fMCG with high temporal resolution also increases the lev...
Goals: Breast cancer is a leading cancer diagnosis among women worldwide, with more than 210,000 ... more Goals: Breast cancer is a leading cancer diagnosis among women worldwide, with more than 210,000 new cases and 40,000 deaths per year in the United States. Since surgical treatment of breast cancer may lead to reduced or uneven breast size and complete removal of one or both breasts can cause disfigurement, scarring, chronic pain decreased range of motion, and lymph edema(swelling typically in one or more extremities) hence Psychological distress can occur. The prevalence of psychological distress among breast cancer patients is high, and they are at higher risk of developing severe anxiety, depression and potential mood disorders. The goal of this study to determine the socioeconomic factors associated with anxiety and depression among breast cancer patients and to access the changes of psychological distress after the completion of treatment at 1 year of follow-up. Methods: The totals of 93 women who fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria like histopathology proven breast cancer patient who do not have previous history of depressive disorder were included in this study. The purpose procedure, risk and benefits of the study were explained, confidentiality was ensured and informed consent was taken from the eligible patients. Brief history of breast cancer was taken and then assess for depression on the basis of Hamilton rating scale for depression and score ≥7 was marked as women with positive depressive disorder. Results: Mean±SD of age was 58.64 ± 11.26 with C.I (56.32-60.95) years. Out of 93 women frequency of depressive disorder was found in 32 (34%) patients. Mean±SD of duration of breast cancer was 15.86 ± 5.26 with C.I (14.77-16.94) weeks. Mean±SD of duration of HAM-D score was 8.23 ± 7.55 with C.I (6.67-9.78). on further stratification, the education level of women, 30 out of 93 (32%) were > more then 10th class literate while in other hand 16 (17%) were illiterate. Most of the women 58 (62%) were belong to lower class and 6 (6.45%) belong to upper middle class. In marital status of the patients 8 (9%) were unmarried and 35 (38%) were married. In distribution of number of kids 48.13% had 2-6 kids while 51.61% had 7-10 kids with Mean±SD 6.32 ± 2.24. Conclusions: Study clearly shows that younger age group, low monthly income, having less financial support, low education level and being single were associated with anxiety and depression. For managing breast cancer patients, more care or support should be given to this type of patients as they are at high risk of anxiety and depression. Conflict of Interest: No significant relationships.
Ceska gynekologie / Ceska lekarska spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne
Review of actual trends in early prediction of preeclampsia. Literature review. Department of Gyn... more Review of actual trends in early prediction of preeclampsia. Literature review. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Martin, Slovak Republic. Literature review of markers used in early prediction of preeclampsia. Review of their reliability and possible advantage of combination. Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Onset of clinic symptomes of preeclampsia can appear after 20 weeks of gestation. To find a single marker, or their combination, in early prediction of preeclampsia is one of the goals of modern perinatology. We look at some of the potential markers, which can fulfil these criteria.
Ceska gynekologie / Ceska lekarska spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne
Objective: An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiograph... more Objective: An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG).Design: A review article.Setting: Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.Methods: An analysis of the literature using database search engines PubMed, and SCOPE in field of fMCG.Results: Fetal magnetocardiography is a non-invasive technique able to monitor the spontaneous electrophy-siological activity of the fetal heart. Compared to cardiotocography and fetal electrocardiography, this is a more effective method with a higher resolution. The signal obtained from the fetal heart is sufficiently precise and the quality allows an assessment of PQRST complex alterations, and to detect fetal arrhythmia. Thanks to early diagnosis of fetal arrhythmia, there is the possibility for appropriate therapeutic intervention and the reduction of unexplained fetal death in late gestation. fMCG with high ...
Ceská gynekologie / Ceská lékarská spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne, 2008
Authors present a review of epidemiology, ethiopathogenesis and current diagnostic approaches of ... more Authors present a review of epidemiology, ethiopathogenesis and current diagnostic approaches of single umbilical artery syndrome (SUA). They describe one case of SUA complicated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and possible management of risk pregnancy like that. Literature review and a case report. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Medical Faculty, Commenius University, Martin, Slovak Republic. The observation and management of one case with SUA and IUGR. SUA is the most frequent umbilical malformation. The finding of isolated SUA does not markedly increase perinatal morbidity and mortality, but its association with other pathologies leads to higher perinatal losses. An accurate management is still unclear (invasive antenatal diagnosis, especially), but SUA diagnosis should be a reason for more strict observation, timing of delivery, appropriate mode of delivery, and/or for more prompt intervention during pregnancy and labor. An early intervention and ...
The tolerance of fetal antigens by intradecidual T-cell involving the Fas-mediated apoptosis play... more The tolerance of fetal antigens by intradecidual T-cell involving the Fas-mediated apoptosis plays an important role in the physiological course of pregnancy. Objective of this study is to determine the association of diplotypes of common rs1800682G and rare rs34995925C alleles within the STAT1 transcription binding site of the FAS promoter region with preeclampsia. There were 116 preeclamptic women and 123 healthy control subjects from Hungary and Slovakia enrolled in the study. The presence of the GG or GA genotypes on rs1800682 was confirmed in 91 patients and 85 controls (OR = 1.628, 95%CI 0.907-2.92). The rare rs34995925 C allele laying 7 bp further from rs1800682 within STAT1 transcription binding site was detected in 3 preeclamptic cases and none healthy subjects. Haplotypes GT and AC were defined by common rs1800682G and rare rs34995925C alleles, respectively, and were considered as "low" FAS-producing. The combinations of GT or AC with normal FAS-producing haploty...
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2010
Objective. The aim was to describe the course of physiological changes in coeliac artery (CA) and... more Objective. The aim was to describe the course of physiological changes in coeliac artery (CA) and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) blood flow velocities (BFVs) during the perinatal period in healthy term fetuses and infants as it has not been studied in detail so far. Methods. This prospective Doppler ultrasound study included 50 infants. The examinations were performed in a fetus after the completion of 36.0 gestation weeks before the onset of labor and in infants postnatally at the ages of 2, 24, and 72 h. Results. The end-diastolic velocity (EDV) in the CA was generally higher than in the SMA (p 5 0.001). The EDV in the SMA decreased postnatally (8.4 vs. 77.2, p 5 0.001) and showed negative values in 92% of infants. By 24 h of postnatal age, EDV in the SMA had become positive in all of the infants (mean 13.8 cm/s, p 5 0.001). The EDV in CA had only positive values. The changes in EDV in both vessels were reflected by changes in the resistance index in inverse manner. Conclusions. BFV in the CA and SMA changed dramatically in the perinatal period; the most remarkable changes occurred within the first 24 h of life.
Objective: To report a case of delayed delivery of twins following pelvic abscess that required l... more Objective: To report a case of delayed delivery of twins following pelvic abscess that required laparotomy after uncomplicated IVF-ET. Design: Case report.
OBJECTIVE The Aurora Project, aimed at promotion of cervical cancer prevention, was realised with... more OBJECTIVE The Aurora Project, aimed at promotion of cervical cancer prevention, was realised with the support of the European Commission. The project included 14 partners from 11 EU countries. The objective of this contribution was to analyse the level of knowledge on cervical cancer among respondents in the project partner countries and to compare the situations in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Data were obtained within one of the project outputs: Work Package 2 (WP2) Dissemination of Aurora Project Objectives and Results. METHODS The questionnaire used included 10 questions (available at the project website www.aurora-project.eu) and has been translated into 11 languages of the project partners. In total, 2111 questionnaires were analysed (91.7% response rate), among them 246 were from Slovakia and 305 from the Czech Republic. Descriptive statistical methods and the χ2 test were used to analyse data. RESULTS The level of knowledge in Slovak and Czech respondents was comparable ...
The term thrombelastography / thrombelastometry was used to describe the trace produced from meas... more The term thrombelastography / thrombelastometry was used to describe the trace produced from measurement of the viscoelastic changes associated with fibrin polymerization. The result of measurement is a compact mapping of the various stages of haemostasis. One of the first real clinical applications of this method was the haemostatic monitoring of liver transplantation and cardiac surgery using extracorporeal circulation. In trauma patients the thrombelastography /thrombelastometry was proved to predict early transfusion requirements. Another authors suggest thrombelastography /thrombelastometry as a possible tool for early identification of pregnant women at increased risk of fetal loss. This article provides overview on the development of thrombelastography / trombelastometry and its possible use in laboratory of haemostasis.
OBJECTIVES: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent event in patients with an acute heart failure... more OBJECTIVES: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent event in patients with an acute heart failure (AHF) and is associated with a poor short and long-term outcome. The aim of this study was to describe diagnostic yield of selected novel biomarkers in prediction of AKI in patients admitted for AHF. METHODS: We performed a prospective cohort study of 72 consecutive patients (46/26 M/F) aged 69 ± 10,3 years admitted for AHF. Renal damage was defi ned according to KDIGO guidelines. Patients were divided into the two groups: AKI-(without renal injury, n = 52) and AKI+ (with renal injury, n = 20). Urine samples for AKI biomarkers measurements (NGAL, TIMP2, IGFBP7) were collected at the admission. The ROC and linear logistic regression of new biomarkers and selected clinical variables was performed for the evaluation of the AKI prediction. RESULTS: The patients with AKI+ were older (median age: 75 vs 64 years, p = 0.01), had lower BMI (median: 28 vs 29.5 kg/m 2 , p= 0.04), were with a higher proportion of patients with HF with a reduced ejection fraction (55 % vs 23.1 %, p = 0.01) and a higher level of serum NTproBNP. Urinary NGAL at admission was signifi cantly higher in the AKI+ compared to the AKI-group (152 vs 19.5 ng/mL, p < 0.0001); also median of u-TIMP-2 and u-IGFBP-7 in the AKI+ patients was signifi cantly higher: 194.1 versus 42.5 ng/mL (p < 0.0001) and 379 versus 92.4 pg/mL (p<0.0001) resp. Age, u-NGAL, u-TIMP2, u-IGFBP7, s-haemoglobin, NTproBNP and LVEF were associated with the development of AKI. Urine concentration of IGFBP-7 was measured, which is the best marker for the prediction of AKI (AUC 0.94). CONCLUSION: Urine concentrations of NGAL, TIMP2, IGFBP7 at the time of admission for AHF predicted a development of AKI. Age, NTproBNP, LVEF and s-haemoglobin were also associated with AKI in AHF patients (Tab.
fascia during breast-conserving surgery is not recommend to achieve a negative superficial and/or... more fascia during breast-conserving surgery is not recommend to achieve a negative superficial and/or deep margin. It also leads to poor cosmetic results. Disclosure of Interest: No significant relationships. Table 1 Multivariate Analysis of the Predictive Factors for Local Recurrence Variable HR (95% CI) p-Value Age at diagnosis (years) 0.001 >40 1 ≤40 2.12 (1.37-3.29) 0.001 T stage 0.068 T1 1 T2 1.77 (1.09-2.87) 0.020 T3 0 0.980 Node metastasis 0.92 (0.53-1.62) 0.780 Histologic grade 0.697 1 1 2 0.74 (0.35-1.54) 0.420 3 0.72 (0.32-1.63) 0.425 EIC present 1.29 (0.75-2.22) 0.359 Hormone receptor status <0.001 Positive 1 Negative 2.90 (1.67-5.06) <0.001 Adjuvant chemotherapy 0.67 (0.36-1.25) 0.207 Resection margin involvement 0.001 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.56 (0.16-2.69) 0.654 Group 3 4.10 (1.96-8.59) <0.001 *Cox proportional hazard model.
The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research, 2016
The aim of this case report is to describe a rare non-hypoxic cause of pathological changes in fe... more The aim of this case report is to describe a rare non-hypoxic cause of pathological changes in fetal heart rate pattern during labor, and to determine management, including a description of important prenatal aspects when pathologic cardiotocographic recording is performed during labor. A fetus with rare arteriovenous malformation of the vein of Galen, which represents less than 1% of all intracranial arteriovenous malformations, was monitored by intrapartum external cardiotocography in the 37 + 5 gestational week. The baby was born by cesarean section because of signs of imminent intrauterine hypoxia on cardiotocography. However, metabolic acidosis was not confirmed in umbilical cord blood sampling. Despite intensive neonatal care management, the newborn died 31 h after delivery because of progressive cardiac decompensation, hypotension and multi-organ failure. Precise diagnosis of the abovementioned pathology, a pre-labor plan for delivery and postnatal prognosis assessment can si...
Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, Jan 23, 2015
The aim of our study was to assess the correlation between the tobacco exposure and NAT2 gene (rs... more The aim of our study was to assess the correlation between the tobacco exposure and NAT2 gene (rs1041983 C/T, rs1801280 T/C, rs1799930 G/A) polymorphisms in association with breast cancer development. We wanted to determine the prognostic clinical importance of these polymorphisms in association with smoking and breast cancer. For the detection of possible association between smoking, NAT2 gene polymorphisms, and the risk of breast cancer, we designed a case-controlled study with 198 patients enrolled, 98 breast cancer patients and 100 healthy controls. Ten milliliters of peripheral blood from the cubital vein was withdrawn from every patient. The HRM (high resolution melting) analysis was used for the detection of three abovementioned NAT2 gene polymorphisms. When comparing a group of women smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day with the patients smoking fewer than 5 cigarettes a day, we found out that if women were the carriers of aberrant AA genotype for rs1799930, the first group ...
Basic diagnostic procedures in cervical cancer screening are able to set the diagnosis but they d... more Basic diagnostic procedures in cervical cancer screening are able to set the diagnosis but they do not provide any information about the biological nature and behavior of lesions. The causal link of HPV infection and cervical cancer and discoveries of complex interactions between host and HPV genome opened new possibilities in molecular diagnostics. HPV DNA analysis, determination of viral load, detection of E6 and E7 mRNA transcripts, identifying of methylation profiles, genomic changes, miRNAs, and telomerase activity should be the right choice for exact diagnostics and prediction of behavior of premalignant lesions of the cervix. These findings set a completely new light not only in diagnostic but also in management and treatment of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer.
Ceská gynekologie / Ceská lékarská spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne, 2015
An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG). A... more An overwiev of the new diagnostic method of fetal wellbeing - fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG). A review article. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. An analysis of the literature using database search engines PubMed, and SCOPE in field of fMCG. Fetal magnetocardiography is a non-invasive technique able to monitor the spontaneous electrophy-siological activity of the fetal heart. Compared to cardiotocography and fetal electrocardiography, this is a more effective method with a higher resolution. The signal obtained from the fetal heart is sufficiently precise and the quality allows an assessment of PQRST complex alterations, and to detect fetal arrhythmia. Thanks to early diagnosis of fetal arrhythmia, there is the possibility for appropriate therapeutic intervention and the reduction of unexplained fetal death in late gestation. fMCG with high temporal resolution also increases the lev...
Papers by J. Danko