Papers by Jocelyne Clench-Aas
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 1999
Campbell Systematic Reviews, 2011
Co-registration This review is co-registered within both the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations... more Co-registration This review is co-registered within both the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations. A version of this review can also be found in the Cochrane Library. Keywords Contributions Dalsbo and Smedslund wrote the protocol. All reviewers independently screened literature, reviewed potential trials, and extracted data. Smedslund analysed the data. Smedslund wrote the text of the completed systematic review. Dalsbo coordinated and wrote the 2010 updated version. Steiro, Winsvold and Clench-Aas contributed by giving comments, assessing studies and acting as mediators if necessary. Responsibility for updating the review is jointly shared between Dalsbo and Smedslund.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 1999

BMC Public Health, Nov 24, 2021
Background: The aim of the present study was to examine to what extent observed gender difference... more Background: The aim of the present study was to examine to what extent observed gender differences in mental health are associated with the protective factors social support, sense of coherence and participation in regular physical activity and more generally, engagement in organized or unorganized activity with other people. Methods: This study was based upon a cross-sectional regional health survey in Norway, conducted during the winter of 2015-2016, in three southern counties; Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder and Vestfold. The study focused on young adults, comparing three age groups; 18-24 years old (n = 624), 25-31 (n = 582), and 32-38 years old (n = 795). Results: Sense of coherence was strongly associated with low mental distress in all age groups and for both genders, while the association between low social support and mental distress was significant for young women only. Regular physical activity was not positively associated with low mental distress when sense of coherence and social support were included in the analysis. Conclusion: Social support appears to have a stronger role as a protective factor for mental distress among young women, compared to young men and older persons. This has implications for health promoting activities that target young women. Sense of coherence showed a strong association with low mental distress scores for all ages studied.

The European respiratory journal, Mar 1, 2000
The ability of particles with a 50% cutoff aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm (PM10) to cause respirat... more The ability of particles with a 50% cutoff aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm (PM10) to cause respiratory health effects possibly depends on their composition. This study evaluated whether the soluble elemental concentrations in PM10 were related to acute respiratory health effects. The Pollution Effects on Asthmatic Children in Europe (PEACE) study is a multicentre study of the acute effects of PM10 and other air pollution components on the respiratory health of children with chronic respiratory symptoms in urban and suburban panels. Children, 1208, divided among 17 panels were followed for $2 months. Exposure to air pollution was monitored on a daily basis. Health status was monitored by twice daily peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurements and a symptom diary. Median concentrations of iron ranged 105±1,110 ng. m-3 in the urban and 32±517 ng. m-3 in the suburban locations. The daily concentrations of most elements were not associated with daily variation in PEF, prevalence of respiratory symptoms or bronchodilator use. Silicon and iron concentrations tended to be negatively associated with PEF, and positively associated with the prevalence of phlegm. In two pollutant models, PM10 effect-estimates on phlegm prevalence were reduced and lost significance, whereas the effect-estimates of iron or silicon remained essentially unchanged. The effects of silicon and iron could not be separated. In conclusion, this study provides only weak support for the hypothesis that daily fluctuations in soluble elemental concentrations in ambient particulate matter are responsible for acute health effects.
European Respiratory Review, 1998

SSM-Population Health, Apr 1, 2018
The aim of this study was to examine associations between selected physical functional limitation... more The aim of this study was to examine associations between selected physical functional limitations related to performing daily activities and psychological distress. We also aimed to investigate if these associations vary across age (moderation), and to explore pain, sense of mastery and social support as potential moderators and mediators. The study was based on pooled data from two rounds (2008 and 2012) of a Norwegian nationally representative cross-sectional health survey (N = 8520) including individuals aged ≥ 16 years (Age groups = 16-44 and ≥ 45 years). Physical functional limitations comprised decreased ability to: i) climb stairs, ii) carry objects, or iii) both. Psychological distress was measured as anxiety and depressive symptoms occurring separately or in combination (CAD). Of respondents reporting physical functional limitations, 8-14% reported depressive symptoms, 5-7% anxiety symptoms, and 13-28% reported CAD. Physical functional limitations were significantly associated with all three forms of psychological distress, particularly among individuals 16-44 years, and were more strongly related to CAD than to anxiety or depression occurring separately. The association with CAD was twice as strong when both types of physical functional limitations were present. Pain, sense of mastery and social support were significant modifiers of depression, whereas all three were significant mediators of the relationship between physical functional limitations and anxiety, depression and CAD. Sense of mastery mediated the relationship between physical functional limitations and CAD, but most strongly among those 16-44 years. Social support was only a significant mediator among those ≥ 45 years. Close associations between physical functional limitations and psychological distress highlight special needs among individuals experiencing daily functional limitations. The results also suggest that pain, low social support, and low sense of mastery may contribute to aggravate psychological distress.
The Cochrane library, Jul 18, 2007
Co-registration This review is co-registered within both the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations... more Co-registration This review is co-registered within both the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations. A version of this review can also be found in the Cochrane Library. Keywords Contributions Dalsbo and Smedslund wrote the protocol. All reviewers independently screened literature, reviewed potential trials, and extracted data. Smedslund analysed the data. Smedslund wrote the text of the completed systematic review. Dalsbo coordinated and wrote the 2010 updated version. Steiro, Winsvold and Clench-Aas contributed by giving comments, assessing studies and acting as mediators if necessary. Responsibility for updating the review is jointly shared between Dalsbo and Smedslund.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 1999

Epilepsy & Behavior, Sep 1, 2006
The aims of this study were to assess the frequency and impact of psychiatric symptoms among adol... more The aims of this study were to assess the frequency and impact of psychiatric symptoms among adolescents with epilepsy in a general population, and compare the findings with those for adolescents without epilepsy. The data were collected through the Health Profiles for Children and Youth in Akershus Study. The data were cross-sectional and based on self-reports from adolescents (13-16 years of age). To assess psychiatric symptoms, we used the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-Self Report (SDQ-S). A total of 11,021 pupils were invited to participate, and 9424 responded to the questionnaire (response rate = 86%). We found that adolescents with epilepsy (124) from an unselected group obtained a significantly higher symptom score on the SDQ-S than those without epilepsy, indicating a higher incidence of psychiatric symptoms. The adolescents with epilepsy also reported a greater impact of their perceived difficulties on their daily life than did adolescents without epilepsy. The study illustrates the need for developing better strategies to detect and prevent psychiatric problems in adolescents with epilepsy.
Science of The Total Environment, Jun 1, 1993
This paper presents a model for car exhaust exposure calculations, which improves the air polluti... more This paper presents a model for car exhaust exposure calculations, which improves the air pollution exposure estimates necessary to study relationships between health and air pollution. The model enables calculation of hour-by-hour air pollution concentrations at receptor points in an area. Combined with a diary method, in which participants in the study give data on their movement in the area, the model enables personal air pollution exposure values to be calculated. The paper shows examples of comparison between measured and calculated exposure.

Epilepsia open, Dec 18, 2017
Objective: To investigate whether adolescents with epilepsy are at increased risk of having self-... more Objective: To investigate whether adolescents with epilepsy are at increased risk of having self-reported eating disorder symptoms and poor quality diet compared to young people from the general population. Methods: We used data from the Health Profile for Children and Youth in Akershus Study, a cross-sectional population-based study based on a voluntary self-reported questionnaire. There were 19,995 participants (response rate 85%) aged 13-19 years; 247 (1.2%) reported a lifetime diagnosis of epilepsy. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for eating disorders, unhealthy diet, dieting, satisfaction with looks, and participation in sports were estimated by using a logistic regression model. All estimates were adjusted for single parents and poor family economy. Results: Children and adolescents with epilepsy had more eating disorders than their peers (OR 1.8, CI 1.0-3.0, p = 0.03). They were less satisfied with their own appearance (OR 0.7, CI 0.5-0.9, p = 0.02), and they eat more unhealthily (OR 1.7, CI 1.3-2.2, p = 0.001). Males with epilepsy were more likely to have been dieting (OR 3.1, CI 1.2-7.9, p = 0.02) and less satisfied with their own appearance (OR 0.4, CI 0.3-0.7, p < 0.001). Females with epilepsy were more likely to eat unhealthily (OR 1.7, CI 1.1-2.5, p = 0.01). Significance: Adolescents with epilepsy are at increased risk of having eating disorder symptoms. They eat less healthily and are less satisfied with their looks. Health workers should be aware of this and bring diet and lifestyle into the dialogue with young people with epilepsy.

for norske sykehus – metodeutvikling og evaluering: Studien er gjennomført for å vurdere hvilken ... more for norske sykehus – metodeutvikling og evaluering: Studien er gjennomført for å vurdere hvilken verdi kvalitetsindikatoren ”dødelighet innen 30 dager etter innleggelse” kan ha ved somatiske sykehus. Alle landets sykehus har avgitt data til studien for perioden 1997-2001. Vi har målt dødeligheten for tre tilstander; hjerteinfarkt, hjerneslag og hoftebrudd. Disse tilstandene er valgt fordi de er hyppige, alvorlige og fordi behandling kan påvirke utfallet. Målet med studien har ikke vært å vise frem og vurdere resultater fra enkeltsykehus eller å sammenlikne sykehus med hverandre. Målet har vært å utvikle en modell for beregning av ”30 dagers dødelighet” som kvalitetsindikator, samt å påpeke mangler som bør rettes for at modellen skal kunne brukes som kvalitetsindikator i fremtiden. Bakgrunn: Forskjeller i målt dødelighet mellom sykehus avhenger av flere faktorer, ikke bare kvaliteten på den medisinske behandlingen. Andre viktige faktorer er organisatoriske forhold, administrative rutiner ved sykehuset, diagnostisering, kodepraksis og datakvalitet, rutiner Methodological development and evaluation of 30day mortality as quality indicator for Norwegian hospitals
Campbell Systematic Reviews, May 3, 2011
Co-registration This review is co-registered within both the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations... more Co-registration This review is co-registered within both the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations. A version of this review can also be found in the Cochrane Library. Keywords Contributions Therese K. Dalsbø (TKD) and Geir Smedslund (GS) wrote the protocol. All reviewers independently screened literature, reviewed potential trials, and extracted data. GS analysed the data. GS wrote the text of the completed systematic review. Asbørn K. Steiro, Aina Winsvold and Jocelyne Clench-Aas contributed by giving comments, assessing studies and acting as mediators if necessary. Responsibility for updating the review is jointly shared between TKD and GS.

41, 2007
Sosiodemografiske forskjeller i helse i Norge er godt beskrevet som økte helseproblemer hos de sv... more Sosiodemografiske forskjeller i helse i Norge er godt beskrevet som økte helseproblemer hos de svakeste sosialgruppene både hos barn, unge og voksne. Det er tegn som tyder på at disse forskjellene er i ferd med å bli større. Årsaken til forskjellene er mer diskutert. Det er et relativt kjent fenomen at sosiodemografiske forskjeller i livsstil og helseatferd forekommer, og det vises allerede fra barndommen. Utvilsomt har dette en betydning for helse. Men hvorvidt disse forskjellene i helse også kan tilskrives sosiodemografiske forskjeller i bruken eller adgangen til helsetjenesten, er mindre beskrevet. Om notatet: I dette notatet er kunnskap om ulikheter i adgang til og bruk av helsetjenesten i Norge oppsummert for helsetjenesten innen •somatikk, •mental helse og •tannhelse. Innenfor hver av disse gruppene er det søkt for populasjonsgrupper etter alder med spedbarn, barn/unge, voksne og eldre som grupper. Konklusjon: Det er relativt store hull i kunnskapen rundt sosiodemografiske forskjeller i bruken eller adgang til helsetjenester i Norge. De andre nordiske

Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Feb 1, 1999
Objectives-The PEACE study is a multicentre panel study of the acute eVects of particles with a 5... more Objectives-The PEACE study is a multicentre panel study of the acute eVects of particles with a 50% cut oV aerodynamic diameter of 10 µm (PM 10), black smoke (BS), sulphur dioxide (SO 2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) on respiratory health of children with chronic respiratory symptoms. In the complete panels no consistent association between air pollution and respiratory health was found. The study evaluated whether potentially more sensitive subgroups in the panels did show eVects of air pollution. Methods-To evaluate heterogeneity in response to air pollution, eVect estimates of air pollution on peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory symptoms were calculated in subgroups based on presence of chronic respiratory symptoms, use of respiratory medication, atopy, sex, and baseline lung function. Results-The association between PEF and air pollution was positive in asthmatic children who used respiratory medication whereas the associations tended to be negative in children who did not use respiratory medication selected only on cough. No consistent association was found among asthmatic children who did not use medication. The association between daily prevalence of symptoms and concentrations of air pollution was not diVerent between these subgroups. Conclusion-None of the predefined potentially more sensitive subgroups showed a consistent association between air pollution, PEF, and respiratory symptoms.
Papers by Jocelyne Clench-Aas