Papers by Julie Barkmeier-kraemer
Laryngoscope, Feb 9, 2023

Movement Disorders, Dec 28, 2007
Relatively little is known about the role of the basal ganglia in human deglutition. Deep brain s... more Relatively little is known about the role of the basal ganglia in human deglutition. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) affords us a model for examining deglutition in humans with known impairment of the basal ganglia. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of subthalamic nuclei (STN) DBS on the oral and pharyngeal stages of deglutition in individuals with Parkinson's Disease (PD). It was hypothesized that DBS would be associated with improved deglutition. Within participant, comparisons were made between DBS in the ON and OFF conditions using the dependent variables: pharyngeal transit time, maximal hyoid bone excursion, oral total composite score, and pharyngeal total composite score. Significant improvement occurred for the pharyngeal composite score and pharyngeal transit time in the DBS ON condition compared with DBS OFF. Stimulation of the STN may excite thalamocortical or brainstem targets to sufficiently overcome the bradykinesia/hypokinesia associated with PD and return some pharyngeal stage motor patterns to performance levels approximating those of "normal" deglutition. However, the degree of hyoid bone excursion and oral stage measures did not improve, suggesting that these motor acts may be under the control of different sensorimotor pathways within the basal ganglia.

Lung, Sep 30, 2021
Current literature reveals that up to 88% of individuals undergoing behavioral speech therapy (BS... more Current literature reveals that up to 88% of individuals undergoing behavioral speech therapy (BST) for chronic refractory cough (CRC) demonstrate benefit at 4–8 weeks post-treatment. However, investigations of BST are confounded by overlapping use of neuromodulators, missing follow-up data, and an absence of long-term outcomes. This study investigated treatment outcomes beyond 6 months in individuals diagnosed with CRC, and whose treatment outcomes were clinically undocumented. Participants with CRC 6 months or greater beyond treatment completion were recruited. Participants completed a post-treatment Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ) and a telephone interview. Demographic data, cough characteristics, treatment adherence, BST outcomes, and pre- and post-treatment LCQ scores were evaluated. 80 individuals met inclusion criteria and 29 consented to participate. Of these, 27 were recommended BST. The majority were female (19/27) with average age of 58 years (SD = 12). Mean cough duration was 60 months (SD = 98) and mean post-BST duration was 20 months (SD = 9). A significant increase in pre- to post-treatment LCQ scores occurred [4.4 (SD = 4.2)] (p < 0.0001). This study addressed long-term BST benefit for CRC and demonstrated a significant improvement in long-term post-treatment LCQ total scores more than a year after BST for CRC. More than half of participants indicated improvement or elimination of their cough. These findings further support the benefit of BST for CRC. Future research should consider patient perspectives about treatment outcomes given that 44% of participants reported no benefit from BST.
Perspectives on voice and voice disorders, Jul 1, 2003

Research Square (Research Square), Feb 19, 2021
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the typical symptoms and medical management... more Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the typical symptoms and medical management characteristics of adult patients with refractory chronic cough (RCC) who are referred to speech-language pathology (SLP) for behavioral cough suppression therapy (BCST) in order to estimate cost-effectiveness and e ciency of current practice patterns for this population. Methods: One hundred fty-nine (159) patients with RCC referred for BCST were surveyed. Patients completed an initial survey at BCST onset related to symptom pattern and prior treatment, including the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ). Every 4-6 weeks patients completed follow-up surveys to assess their response to BCST. Results: Mean age was 58 years (83% women). The majority of participants reported their cough began two or more years prior to BCST. Approximately half reported seeing four or more physicians (49%) and being prescribed four or more medications (55%) prior to BCST. Medications targeting post-nasal drip (71%), re ux (70%), asthma (56%), and allergies (56%) were most commonly prescribed. BCST resulted in a clinically signi cant improvement in 113 (70.1%) participants. The mean change in LCQ for those who improved with BCST was 6.61. Over half (58%) reported they were quite satis ed to completely satis ed with their treatment response. The average time from enrollment to study completion was 64 days. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest early intervention with BCST may be a more cost-effective and e cient option for patients with RCC.
Acta Biomaterialia, Nov 1, 2022

International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2021
Objective:The purpose of this study was to elucidate the pathophysiology of aspiration in previou... more Objective:The purpose of this study was to elucidate the pathophysiology of aspiration in previously studied female infant piglets after a unilateral superior laryngeal nerve (uSLN) lesion.Methods:Videofluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSS) were acquired from 15 female piglets ages 2-3 weeks (9 with uSLN lesion and 6 controls). VFSS were analyzed at 30 frames/second sampling rate. Quantitative measures were conducted and compared between groups using published methodologies for VFSS assessment in adult and infant humans. Measures included the: 1) number of lingual-palatal contacts (LPC) (i.e. pre-swallow), 2) total pharyngeal transit time (TPT), 3) offset of swallow (offP), as well as onset of: 4) pharyngeal stage (onP), 5) pharyngoesophageal segment opening (oPES), 6) maximum PES opening (maxPES), 7) airway closure onset (oAC), and 8) maximum airway closure (maxAC). Measures 5-7 were determined relative to onP. Bolus residue was rated by severity (0 (none) to 3 (severe)). A gamma regression was used to compare continuous measures between lesioned and control groups.Results:The number of LPC (p=.006), TPT (p=.023) and timing of maxAC (p=.041) were significantly greater in the uSLN lesion than the control group.Conclusions:Outcomes of this study replicated prior published findings and elucidated that piglets with right uSLN lesions exhibited delayed maxAC. Noteworthy was the use of clinically relevant quantitative videofluoroscopic measures in piglets for comparison to future studies in human pediatric populations.

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2022
Purpose: The aim of this clinical focus article is to provide recommendations for implementation ... more Purpose: The aim of this clinical focus article is to provide recommendations for implementation of telepractice services for the evaluation and treatment of voice disorders and to use case examples to highlight the advantages of this modality of service delivery. Method: In this clinical focus article, key factors for successful telepractice evaluation and treatment of voice and related disorders are discussed relative to clinical outcome measures. Case examples of telepractice voice therapy are described for a pediatric, transgender, and chronic cough client including associated acoustic, auditory–perceptual, and quality-of-life treatment outcomes. Results: Acoustic, perceptual, and quality-of-life outcome measures demonstrated functional voice improvements after treatment using the telepractice modality. The pediatric client showed decreased perceptual voice strain and increased speech intelligibility. The transgender client showed increased habitual speaking fundamental frequenc...

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups
Purpose: The purpose of this article was to describe the development and contributions of a voice... more Purpose: The purpose of this article was to describe the development and contributions of a voice and upper airway disorders (VUAD) grassroots committee of experts toward defining core features of a VUAD-focused clinical fellowship (CF). This group grew over 3 years to include more than 35 clinical experts representing multiple VUAD clinic sites across varied regions of the United States. This group proposed entry- and exit-level knowledge and skills and expectations for successful VUAD CF training outcomes at the 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. In addition, this group formulated resources and educational support networks for VUAD CF trainees and their supervisors. Future work by this group will define the criteria by which VUAD CFs will be included as part of clinical expertise experiences evaluated by the VUAD board. Conclusions: A collaborative group of grassroots experts in VUAD defined core entry- and exit-level expectations for clinical competency...

The Laryngoscope, 2013
Mona Abaza Ahmed Abd Elfattah Ahmed Abdel Fattah Mosaad Abdel-Aziz Elliot Abemayor Jean Abitbol J... more Mona Abaza Ahmed Abd Elfattah Ahmed Abdel Fattah Mosaad Abdel-Aziz Elliot Abemayor Jean Abitbol Jason Acevedo Meredith Adams Peter Adamson Nithin Adappa Robert Adelson Oliver Adunka Amit Agarwal Beamon Agarwal Tommaso Agostini Amit Agrawal Nishant Agrawal Mohamed Ahmed William Ahroon Syed Ahsan Serdar Akyildiz Alyaa Al Mutairy Ali S. Al-Qahtani Matteo Alicandri Ciufelli Jacqueline Allen Isam Alobid Cuneyt Alper Kenneth Altman Ronald Amedee Julie Ames Manali Amin Milan Amin Ofer Amir Juan Amor-Dorado Vijay Anand Vinod Anand Liz Anderson Timothy Anderson Simon Angeli Jack Anon Jastin Antisdel Patrick Antonelli Max April Sanford Archer Fazıl Ardıç Ellis Arjmand Miguel Armengot William Armstrong Susan Arndt James Arnold Christoph Arnoldner Oneida Arosarena Moises Arriaga Ilker Arslan Alexander Arts Seth Arum Alexander Asanau Samuel Atcherson Ahmed Atef Jonathan Aviv Utku Aydil Erdinc Aygenc Viswanatha B Yuh Baba Seilesh Babu Kevin Bach Claus Bachert Gregor Bachmann-Harildstad Leif B€ ack Douglas Backous Chang Hoon Bae Ruth Bahr Shan Baker Carey Balaban Deepak Balasubramanian Thomas Balkany Manohar Bance Sandeep Bansal Jayapalli Bapuraj Maurizio Barbara Giuseppe Barbesino Verter Barbieri Soly Baredes Juan Barges Coll Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer Fuad Baroody Jose Barrera Ana Paula Barros David Barrs Loren Bartels Marc Bassim Dietmar Basta Greg Basura Rami Batniji Pete Batra Carol Bauer Eric Baum Yildirim Bayazit Rodrigo Bayon Charles Beatty Mary Es Beaver Samuel Becker Fatholah Behnoud Peter Belafsky Rami Ben-Yosef Marco Benazzo Marc Bennett Michael Benninger Margo Benoit Aaron Benson Brandon Bentz Leonard Berenholz Chris Bergeron Diana Berggren Gerald Berke Joel Bernstein Joseph Bernstein Kristina Bertl Wenzeslaw Betow Achim Beule Naveen Bhandarkar Neil Bhattacharyya Nasir Bhatti Mark Bianchi Athanasios Bibas Merrill Biel Steven Bielamowicz Eric Bielefeld Carol Bier-Laning Kathleen Billings Jurij Bilyk Martin Birchall Hakan Birkent Charles Bishop Thomas Bitter Keith Blackwell Brian Blakley Benjamin Bleier Nikolas Blevins Andrew Blitzer Joel Blumin Kofi Boahene Sanne Boesveldt Maurits Boon Larry Borish Adrian Bosenberg Emily Boss Marcella Bothwell Mogens Bove Holly Boyer Jay Boyle Carol Bradford Patrick Bradley Ryan Branski Daniel Brasnu Thomas Braun Itzhak Braverman Joseph Brennan Michael Brenner Scott Brietzke Matthew Brigger Hans Rudolf Briner Anthony Brissett Hilary Brodie Martina Broglie Michael Broniatowski Itzhak Brook Kenneth Brookler Dale Brown David Brown Jimmy Brown Kevin Brown Seth Brown James Browne Jean Bruch Veralice Bruin Craig Buchman Lisa Buckmiller Robert Buckmire Sebastiano Bucolo Jens Buentzel Jeffrey Bumpous Chaweewan Bunnag Lawrence Burgess Brian Burkey Hartmut Burmeister James Burns Nicolas Busaba Matthew Bush Jose Busquets Francesco Bussu Patrick Byrne Benjamin Cable Michel Cahali Emiro Caicedo Jaime Calderon Karen Calhoun Bruce Campbell Charles Cannon Italo Cantore Xiaolin Cao Pasquale Capaccio John Carey Denise Carneiro-Pla Marco Carner Simon Carney Ricardo Carrau Thomas Carroll William Carroll Jeffrey Carron Salvatore Caruana Manuele Casale Augusto Pietro Casani Roy Casiano Peter Catalano Claudio Cernea Francisco Cervera-Paz Mohamad Chaaban Kenny Chan Swapna Chandran Sujana Chandrasekhar Hang-Seok Chang Kai-Ping Chang Kay Chang Long-Sheng Chang Clifford Chao Steven Charous Marshall Chasin Paul Chatrath Jason Chau Justin Chau Changhu Chen Douglas Chen Eunice Chen Alan Cheng Alan Cheng Sri Chennupati Bhishamjit Chera Sergii Cherenko Boris Chernobilsky Steven Cheung Dinesh Chhetri David Chi Stanley Chia Chih-Yen Chien Eugene Chio Simion Chiosea Magdalena Chirila Edward Chisholm Lechoslaw Chmielik Sukgi Choi Richard Chole Carlos Chone Daniel Choo Olivier Choussy Hui-Ching Chuang Robert Chun Cemal Cingi Giorgio Ciprandi Jackie Clark Keith Clark Matthew Clary Lanny Close Salvatore Cocuzza Daniel Coelho Shelagh Cofer David Cognetti Helen Cohen

Lung, 2021
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the typical symptoms and medical management ... more Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the typical symptoms and medical management characteristics of adult patients with refractory chronic cough (RCC) who are referred to speech-language pathology (SLP) for behavioral cough suppression therapy (BCST) in order to estimate cost-effectiveness and efficiency of current practice patterns for this population. Methods One hundred sixty-four (164) patients with RCC referred for BCST were surveyed. Patients completed an initial survey at BCST onset related to symptom pattern and prior treatment, including the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ). Every four to six weeks patients completed follow-up surveys to assess their response to BCST. Results Mean age was 58 years (83.5% women). The majority of patients reported their cough began two or more years prior to BCST. Approximately half (49%) reported seeing four or more physicians (including primary care physicians) and being prescribed four or more medications (57%) prior to ...

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2021
Although significant advances have been made in measuring the outcomes of rehabilitation interven... more Although significant advances have been made in measuring the outcomes of rehabilitation interventions, comparably less progress has been made in measuring the treatment processes that lead to improved outcomes. A recently developed framework called the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System (RTSS) has potential to identify which clinician actions (ie, ingredients) actively improve specific patient functions (ie, targets). However, the RTSS does not provide methodology for standardly identifying specific unique targets or ingredients. Without a method to evaluate the uniqueness of an individual target or ingredient, it is difficult to know whether variations in treatment descriptions are synonymous (ie, different words describing the same treatment) or meaningfully different (eg, different words describing different treatments or

Journal of Neurophysiology, 2000
Laryngeal sensori-motor closure reflexes are important for the protection of the airway and preve... more Laryngeal sensori-motor closure reflexes are important for the protection of the airway and prevent the entry of foreign substances into the trachea and lungs. The purpose of this study was to determine how such reflexes might be modulated during volitional swallowing in awake humans, when persons are at risk of entry of food or liquids into the airway. The frequency and the amplitude of laryngeal adductor responses evoked by electrical stimulation of the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (ISLN) were studied during different phases of volitional swallowing. Subjects swallowed water on command while electrical stimuli were presented to the ISLN at various intervals from 500 ms to 5 s following the command. Laryngeal adductor responses to unilateral ISLN stimulation were recorded bilaterally in the thyroarytenoid muscles using hooked wire electrodes. Early ipsilateral R1 responses occurred at 17 ms, and later bilateral R2 began around 65 ms. The muscle responses to stimu...

Journal of Voice, 2018
The primary objective of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Aging Vo... more The primary objective of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Aging Voice Index (AVI)-a tool specifically designed for aging adults with voice disorders. A total of 92 older adults were asked to complete the Voice-Related Quality of Life Scale (VRQOL) and the AVI as well as provide their self-perceived voice severity rating of their voice problem and demographic information. Intraclass correlation for test-retest reliability was 0.952. The AVI was highly correlated to the VRQOL (P < 0.0001). Additionally, the AVI score was found to distinguish between self-rated voice quality (P < 0.0001) and diagnostic voice categories (P < 0.0001). No significant differences were identified for sex or race. The AVI is a valid and reliable quality of life assessment for older adults with voice disorders. The AVI will capture the quality of life impact a voice disorder has on older adults. Future studies will further explore differences in clinical diagnoses and identify clinically significant changes in pre-to post-AVI scores.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
This paper addresses the contributions of low-frequency postural laryngeal kinematics to frequenc... more This paper addresses the contributions of low-frequency postural laryngeal kinematics to frequency and amplitude modulations of the vocal output signal. A one-dimensional Navier–Stokes solution for fluid transport and wave propagation is used along with a laryngeal source model to simulate voice production. Vocal fold adduction and vertical laryngeal posture are modulated sinusoidally at 2–10 Hz with various amplitudes to approximate kinematic phenomena observed with MRI during production of vocal vibrato and voice tremor. The acoustic modulations are quantified in terms of formant (resonance) and fundamental frequency shifts in the radiated output signal from the mouth. Postural oscillation of the larynx is a common kinematic component of vocal tremor, although less documented during production of vibrato.

<b>Purpose: </b>Clinical trials have demonstrated that standardized voice treatment p... more <b>Purpose: </b>Clinical trials have demonstrated that standardized voice treatment programs are effective for some patients, but identifying the unique individual treatment ingredients specifically responsible for observed improvements remains elusive. To address this problem, the authors used a taxonomy of voice therapy, the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System (RTSS), and a Delphi process to develop the RTSS-Voice (expert consensus categories of measurable and unique voice treatment ingredients and targets).<b>Method:</b> Initial targets and ingredients were derived from a taxonomy of voice therapy. Through six Delphi Rounds, 10 vocalrehabilitation experts rated the measurability and uniqueness of individual treatment targets and ingredients. After eachround, revisions (guided by the experts' feedback) were finalized among a primary reader (a voice therapy expert) and two external readers (rehabilitation experts outside the field of voice). Consensus was established when the label and definition of an ingredient or target reached a supramajority threshold (≥ 8 of 10 expert agreement).<b>Results:</b> Thirty-five target and 19 ingredient categories were agreed to be measurable, unique, and accurate reflections of the rules and terminology of the RTSS. Operational definitions for each category included differences in the way ingredients are delivered and the way individual targets are modified by those ingredients.<b>Conclusions: </b>The consensus labels and operationalized ingredients and targets making up the RTSS-Voice have potential to improve voice therapy research, practice, and education/training. The methods used to develop these lists may be useful for other speech, language, and hearing treatment specifications.<br><b>Supplemental Material S1. </b>Results and edits for the target label Delphi Rounds, listed in order of decreasing agreement after Round 1. <b><br></b><b>Supplemental Material S2.</b> Results and edits for the ingredient label Delphi Rounds, listed in order of decreasing agreement [...]
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 2008
Papers by Julie Barkmeier-kraemer