'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, Oct 29, 2015
Enseñanza y transmisión 9. Religión, chamanismo e inmortalidad en el Zhuāng zǐ 9.1. Misticismo y ... more Enseñanza y transmisión 9. Religión, chamanismo e inmortalidad en el Zhuāng zǐ 9.1. Misticismo y prácticas meditativas 10. Estética, arte, poesía en el Zhuāng zǐ 11. El juego, el humor y la amistad en el Zhuāng zǐ 12. Comparativas 12.1. Zhuāng zǐ con la filosofía griega antigua 12.2. Tradición Zhuang-Lao 12.3. Zhuāng zǐ con autores occidentales modernos y contemporáneos 12.4. Zhuāng zǐ con el budismo 12.5. Zhuāng zǐ con el hinduísmo 12.6. Zhuāng zǐ con autores chinos 12.7. Zhuāng zǐ con el sufismo
Argumentos de razón técnica, 2022
Este artículo plantea un análisis de los dilemas éticos creados en torno a los sistemas autónomos... more Este artículo plantea un análisis de los dilemas éticos creados en torno a los sistemas autónomos inteligentes, y más particularmente en torno a los vehículos autónomos. Se estudia el estado de la cuestión desde un punto de vista interdisciplinar. Se señalan los desafíos para la seguridad de los sistemas autónomos, así como las vulnerabilidades que afectan a la resistencia de los sistemas autónomos con respecto a ataques externos. Para tal fin se compara la habilitación para el manejo de vehículos con la certificación de sistemas autónomos. Se aplican dichos conceptos al estudio del caso del primer accidente mortal causado por un vehículo autónomo en relación con la asignación de responsabilidad ética y legal. Por último, se apunta a la tarea pendiente del análisis de la relación entre la ética de los vehículos autónomos y la teoría de juegos.

De medio aevo, Jun 15, 2023
Resumen. Wang Wei es el mejor ejemplo paradigmático del sincretismo artístico religioso que carac... more Resumen. Wang Wei es el mejor ejemplo paradigmático del sincretismo artístico religioso que caracteriza a la dinastía Tang. Durante esta dinastía se produce una síntesis de tres religiones, taoísmo, confucianismo y budismo, en la que se intercambian y mezclan elementos artísticos con expresiones doctrinales. Esta nueva síntesis, que da origen a la expresión china San jiao he yi 三 教 合 一 ("tres enseñanzas hacen una"), creó un valioso conjunto de manifestaciones artísticas que toman forma en las obras de Wang Wei. En este artículo analizamos un rollo vertical de Wang Wei que forma parte del patrimonio inventariado en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Es un paisaje titulado "la villa junto al río Wang", y retrata una escena en un jardín chino por excelencia. Es un raro ejemplo de rollo vertical, en el que aparecen 24 sellos antiguos, verificados uno a uno a partir de diferentes fuentes. Cuatro pertenecen al canciller Jia Sidao (s. XIII), incluido el famoso sello Chang, y ocho al catálogo de sellos de los emperadores Qianlong y Jiaqing (siglo XVIII y principios del XIX). Tres no han sido identificados y uno está muy borroso. El contenido de este rollo aparece citado en la lista de 126 pinturas atribuidas a Wang Wei en el catálogo Xuanhe patrocinado por el emperador Song Huizong en el año 1120. En el siglo XXI aparece como un homenaje secular, "obra impresionante

Hypnos. Revista do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade. ISSN 2177-5346, 1999
Knowing and saying in the cyber-space era: towards an ecology of knowledge. The author of this pa... more Knowing and saying in the cyber-space era: towards an ecology of knowledge. The author of this paper emphasizes the importance of introducing a new ecology of knowledge, and considers its application to new forms of knowledge and education. He argues that this ecology of knowledge must dissolve borderlines between science, technology and society, recognizing that science and tecnology are not axiologically neutra!. New forms of construction and transmission of knowledge will be consequence of a hyper-textual culture, the extended use of informatics and new inscription devices. However, it must be carefully evaluated the development of a concept of virtual ecology of knowledge that needs a whole new set of values and metaphors. As NOVAS CATEGORIAS VIRTUAIS DO SER: TELE-PRESENÇA OU TECNO-AUSÊNCIA Sem dúvida, ao final do milênio, as tecnologias da comunicação, na forma de novos dispositivos de inscrição, estão criando novas formas de dizer e de saber. Novas ecologias do conhecimento compõem a nova "casa do ser". A língua não é simplesmente uma forma de catalogar as categorias do ser, de explicar os fenômenos que acordam a curiosidade e o temor do ser humano. São formas de construção social da realidade, de criação de expectativas, de reeducação do desejo. Os dispositivos de inscrição que caracterizam esta época da informática já não são mais os próprios da Galáxia Gutemberg, as tecnologias da escrita, da mesma forma que a oralidade foi um dia deslocada como centro de gravidade do conhecimento humano. Como afirma Pierre Lévy, analisando a história de ditos dispositivos de inscrição, poderíamos descobrir a articulação entre gêneros de conhecimento e tecnologias intelectuais: as técnicas de armazenamento e de processamento das representações possibilitam ou condicionam, sem dúvida, as evoluções culturais do homem, isto é, a ]avier Bustamente Donas é professor de Filosofia na Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
La computación en nube es una etapa revolucionaria en el desarrollo de la informática y las telec... more La computación en nube es una etapa revolucionaria en el desarrollo de la informática y las telecomunicaciones. Es un nuevo paradigma sociotécnico que tiene notables ventajas para el usuario, pero presenta serios dilemas éticos y políticos que no pueden ser obviados. En este artículo defiendo que estos dilemas tienen que ver fundamentalmente con la naturaleza, y solo de forma secundaria con su contexto de uso. Se presenta una lista dilemas generados por el modelo de computación en nube, para posteriormente establecer un análisis a partir de dos ejes explicativos: su conceptualización como tecnología inherentemente política, y una metodología de ética reticular. Palabras clave: Computación en nube; ética reticular; ética y tecnología; computadoras: aspectos sociales.

SCIO: Revista de Filosofía
En este artículo se explora el fenómeno religioso en las comunidades virtuales, en las redes soci... more En este artículo se explora el fenómeno religioso en las comunidades virtuales, en las redes sociales y en la computación en nube, el impacto de los medios sociales en el diálogo interreligioso, sus logros y retos, así como la relevancia del diálogo intercultural para crear una sociedad multicultural. En estos días las tecnologías deben ser vistas como formas de vida, ya que su papel es cada vez más relevante en nuestra existencia cotidiana. Discutimos si el diálogo interreligioso puede beneficiarse de un uso positivo e inteligente de internet. ¿Hay beneficios o perjuicios potenciales del uso de internet en el diálogo interreligioso? ¿Está internet desmitificando la religión? ¿Ha pasado de moda el concepto de silencio mistérico propio de las instituciones religiosas? También estudiamos cómo las comunicaciones tecnológicas pueden promover la comprensión, especialmente en las redes sociales y las comunidades virtuales. A pesar de los tópicos de que las comunidades virtuales son frecue...
En este articulo analizamos el papel de las redes sociales en la expansion de las creencias, el c... more En este articulo analizamos el papel de las redes sociales en la expansion de las creencias, el crecimiento del fundamentalismo y la creacion de procesos de dialogo interreligioso. Frente a la concepcion liberal, el pensamiento comunitarista muestra como la identificacion con aquellos que nos rodean, constituye nuestra identidad. La clave para poder entender dicho proceso esta en las interconexiones sociales. El abordaje comunitarista y el estudio de la topologia de redes nos permiten entender la importancia de las interconexiones sociales en la expansion de las creencias en las redes. El dialogo interreligioso es cada vez mas importante para hacer frente a los conflictos internacionales y al desarrollo de movimientos de corte integrista.

Samaras or winged seeds spread themselves by wind. Ash seed, unlike other samaras, has a high asp... more Samaras or winged seeds spread themselves by wind. Ash seed, unlike other samaras, has a high aspect ratio wing which can generate enough lift force to slow down descent by rotating about the vertical axis and spinning around its wing span axis simultaneously. This unique kinematics and inherent fluid mechanism are definitely of great interest. Detailed kinematics of free falling ash seeds were measured using high-speed cameras, then corresponding aerodynamic forces and moments were calculated employing computational fluid dynamics. The results show that both rotating and spinning directions are in the same side and the spinning angular velocity is about 6 times of rotating speed. The terminal descending velocity and cone angles are similar to other samaras. Analysis of the forces and moments shows that the lift is enough to balance the weight and the vertical rotation results from a processional motion of total angular moment because the spin-cycle-averaged aerodynamic moment is perpendicular to the total angular moment and can only change its direction but maintain its magnitude, which is very similar to a spinning top in processional motion except that the total angular moment of ash seed is not along the spin axis but almost normal to it. The flow structures show that both leading and trailing edge vortices contribute to lift generation and the spanwise spinning results in an augmentation of the lift, implying that ash seeds with high aspect ratio wing may evolve in a different way in utilizing fluid mechanisms to facilitate dispersal.

In this paper we present the perceptions of those engagedin a digital research project. We explor... more In this paper we present the perceptions of those engagedin a digital research project. We explored participants’ ethical knowledge,understanding and feelings about the whole process. We also tried toimplement a plan in order to see if certain proactive actions will benefitthe understanding of ethical issues among those stakeholders.The investigation presented here explored the need for ethical awarenessamong stakeholders in technology research projects.1 The Project tried to overcome the existing accessibility barriers faced by people unfamiliarwith ICT, people with disabilities and older people when interactingwith Public Digital Terminals, such as ATMs and Ticket VendingMachines. As part of the research an investigation was conducted aboutthe ethical issues that rose on the use of digital technologies and, moreimportantly, about stakeholders ethical issues awareness.In this report the results from the field research carried out on ethicalissues are presented. At the beginning of the project a need for researchinto ethical awareness among project stakeholders was identified. As partof the project´s legal and ethical awareness and compliance, a limitedresearch was carried out on ethical issues. The research carried out encompassedtesting the validity and adequacy of the information providedon a purpose-made guide that also included more ethical awareness questionsto explore.During the testing sessions carried out in the pilot the questionnairewas presented to volunteers. Another questionnaire was presented todevelopers, and to the APSIS4 all project personnel. The expresion ofethical concerns was also encouraged from both the staff working in theproject and volunteers participating in the trials.Results showed that the information provided on the documentationwas adequate and, likewise, that both volunteers and consortium personnelwere aware of volunteers’ rights and personnel obligations

INTERthesis, 2004
This essay presents a series of parameters, which affect the educational world, essential to chan... more This essay presents a series of parameters, which affect the educational world, essential to change a society of information into a society of knowledge. The education renewal supposed to occur as a consequence of this change has a lot to do with the integration of science and technology with society. In a globalize world, science and technology are two universal languages with extreme catalytic importance for a complex whole of processes of social changes. Without them, it is not possible to understand neither the history nor the future. On the other hand, an entirely technological culture will have to be something other than a coherent application of the best technology in each sphere of the human reality. Without a deep reflection upon human dimensions of the new informational and communicational technologies, it will not be possible to understand and control the remarkable role they accomplish nowadays.
O artigo aborda a cibercultura a partir de uma nova ecologia da comunica????o e do conhecimento. ... more O artigo aborda a cibercultura a partir de uma nova ecologia da comunica????o e do conhecimento. Uma cultura hipertextual, a simula????o como metodologia, o ciberespa??o como ponto de encontro, o uso massivo da inform??tica e de novos dispositivos de inscri????o, s??o fatores essenciais para o aparecimento de novas formas de constru????o e transmiss??o do conhecimento. Os conceitos de cidadania e de direitos humanos se redefinem nesse novo ambiente.

Samaras or winged seeds spread themselves by wind. Ash seed, unlike other samaras, has a high asp... more Samaras or winged seeds spread themselves by wind. Ash seed, unlike other samaras, has a high aspect ratio wing which can generate enough lift force to slow down descent by rotating about the vertical axis and spinning around its wing span axis simultaneously. This unique kinematics and inherent fluid mechanism are definitely of great interest. Detailed kinematics of free falling ash seeds were measured using high-speed cameras, then corresponding aerodynamic forces and moments were calculated employing computational fluid dynamics. The results show that both rotating and spinning directions are in the same side and the spinning angular velocity is about 6 times of rotating speed. The terminal descending velocity and cone angles are similar to other samaras. Analysis of the forces and moments shows that the lift is enough to balance the weight and the vertical rotation results from a processional motion of total angular moment because the spin-cycle-averaged aerodynamic moment is perpendicular to the total angular moment and can only change its direction but maintain its magnitude, which is very similar to a spinning top in processional motion except that the total angular moment of ash seed is not along the spin axis but almost normal to it. The flow structures show that both leading and trailing edge vortices contribute to lift generation and the spanwise spinning results in an augmentation of the lift, implying that ash seeds with high aspect ratio wing may evolve in a different way in utilizing fluid mechanisms to facilitate dispersal.

In this paper we present the perceptions of those engagedin a digital research project. We explor... more In this paper we present the perceptions of those engagedin a digital research project. We explored participants’ ethical knowledge,understanding and feelings about the whole process. We also tried toimplement a plan in order to see if certain proactive actions will benefitthe understanding of ethical issues among those stakeholders.The investigation presented here explored the need for ethical awarenessamong stakeholders in technology research projects.1 The Project tried to overcome the existing accessibility barriers faced by people unfamiliarwith ICT, people with disabilities and older people when interactingwith Public Digital Terminals, such as ATMs and Ticket VendingMachines. As part of the research an investigation was conducted aboutthe ethical issues that rose on the use of digital technologies and, moreimportantly, about stakeholders ethical issues awareness.In this report the results from the field research carried out on ethicalissues are presented. At the beginning of the project a need for researchinto ethical awareness among project stakeholders was identified. As partof the project´s legal and ethical awareness and compliance, a limitedresearch was carried out on ethical issues. The research carried out encompassedtesting the validity and adequacy of the information providedon a purpose-made guide that also included more ethical awareness questionsto explore.During the testing sessions carried out in the pilot the questionnairewas presented to volunteers. Another questionnaire was presented todevelopers, and to the APSIS4 all project personnel. The expresion ofethical concerns was also encouraged from both the staff working in theproject and volunteers participating in the trials.Results showed that the information provided on the documentationwas adequate and, likewise, that both volunteers and consortium personnelwere aware of volunteers’ rights and personnel obligations

INTERthesis, 2004
This essay presents a series of parameters, which affect the educational world, essential to chan... more This essay presents a series of parameters, which affect the educational world, essential to change a society of information into a society of knowledge. The education renewal supposed to occur as a consequence of this change has a lot to do with the integration of science and technology with society. In a globalize world, science and technology are two universal languages with extreme catalytic importance for a complex whole of processes of social changes. Without them, it is not possible to understand neither the history nor the future. On the other hand, an entirely technological culture will have to be something other than a coherent application of the best technology in each sphere of the human reality. Without a deep reflection upon human dimensions of the new informational and communicational technologies, it will not be possible to understand and control the remarkable role they accomplish nowadays.
O artigo aborda a cibercultura a partir de uma nova ecologia da comunica????o e do conhecimento. ... more O artigo aborda a cibercultura a partir de uma nova ecologia da comunica????o e do conhecimento. Uma cultura hipertextual, a simula????o como metodologia, o ciberespa??o como ponto de encontro, o uso massivo da inform??tica e de novos dispositivos de inscri????o, s??o fatores essenciais para o aparecimento de novas formas de constru????o e transmiss??o do conhecimento. Os conceitos de cidadania e de direitos humanos se redefinem nesse novo ambiente.