Papers by Muhammad Izzudin

Community Development Journal
National food security begins with the provision of food in the smallest locations, mainly villag... more National food security begins with the provision of food in the smallest locations, mainly villages and sub-districts. Kemaro Island is part of Palembang City, which is administered by Kelurahan 1 Ilir Palembang City. Due to limited accessibility, circumstances for providing basic requirements, particularly food and clean water, are severely constrained. Foods such as vegetables and fruit are still scarce in this area, particularly milk, cereals, and other nutritional foods. Thus, it is vital to undertake measures to boost the availability and accessibility of food for independent home farmers in this region, given the territory's status as a distinct island. Efforts to enhance the food security of farmer households on Kemaro Island can be accomplished through the implementation of a participatory in Rumah Cukup (Rucup) program. Extension is conducted as a coaching and mentoring activity aimed at enhancing the food security of farmer households through the Rumah Cukup (Rucup) in...

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
COVID-19 has significantly impacted people's livelihoods, affecting not only health but also econ... more COVID-19 has significantly impacted people's livelihoods, affecting not only health but also economic and living conditions. This research aims to survey scientific literature to uncover general trends and analyse livelihood indicators during 2019. Employing a bibliometric methodology, this paper draws upon data from the Scopus database up until 2022 and visualises the data using VOSviewer. During the COVID-19 period, the study identified 101 articles penned by authors from ASEAN countries on the topic of livelihood. The findings suggest that the most influential article is "Livelihood and COVID-19 in ASEAN Countries," authored by Wang C. and Harris J. Moreover, the most influential author is Wang C., who wrote "The Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Physical and Mental Health of Asians: A Study of Seven Middle-Income Countries in Asia" in 2021, which has garnered 102 citations within the research topic. By mapping the linkages between keywords, this study discovered that a significant body of research on this topic continues to focus on environmental issues related to human interaction. Therefore, this study encourages scholars to delve deeper into livelihoods based on food security, as many individuals struggle to find food during regional restrictions imposed due to COVID-19, and to broaden research into the most recent livelihood adaptations in relation to their social environment.

Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial
Perubahan iklim memberikan pengaruh kepada penghasilan nelayan, sehingga sulit dalam memenuhi keb... more Perubahan iklim memberikan pengaruh kepada penghasilan nelayan, sehingga sulit dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan nelayan pada kondisi tersebut ialah mencari pekerjaan lain agar terpenuhinya kebutuhan hidup melalui pemanfaatan wisata mangrove di permukiman nelayan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami pemanfaatan wisata mangrove sebagai strategi adaptasi nelayan dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim di Kampung Sejahtera Kelurahan Sumber Jaya Kota Bengkulu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan strategi penelitian studi kasus. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam pada 14 informan, yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan teori adaptasi dari Jhon William Bennett. Â Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan nelayan di wisata mangrove adalah dengan memanfaatkan kapal wisata keliling, coky kapal wisata keliling, berjualan di tempat wisata (makanan, minuman dan pernak pernik), juru foto untu...

Prosiding Applicable Innovation of Engineering and Science Research, Dec 29, 2020
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk Pengembangan Tata Kelola Pariwisata di Desa Tanjung Medang (Studi pad... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk Pengembangan Tata Kelola Pariwisata di Desa Tanjung Medang (Studi pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau BUMDes). Desa Tanjung Medang yang selama ini mengalami permasalahan dalam pengembangan tata kelola ekonomi kreatif dan pemanfaatan potensi desa sebagai destinasi wisata desa. Melalui studi dokumen dan pengamatan di desa, masyarakat desa Tanjung Medang bisa meningkatkan perekonomian desa melalui BUMDes. Selain itu, permasalahn ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menambah pendapatan masyarakat desa dan menciptakan destinasi wisata desa. Penelitian ini bekerjasama dengan Badan Usaha Milik Desa yang merupakan salah satu penggerak utama di desa dalam memajukan perekenomian desa, selain juga penelitian ini melibatkan mahasiswa jurusan sosiologi. Metode penelitian campuran (mixed method) dengan strategi eksplanatoris sekuensial menggabungkan data numerik dan non numerik dari kuesioner, FGD dan observasi untuk dilakukan scanning, coding, visualisasi, analisis isi, cross case analisis dan pembahasan hasil. Luaran yang ditargetkan Seminar Internasional dengan proceeding terindeks Scopus. Adapun penelitian yang diusulkan pembuktian konsep fungsi dan karakteristik penting secara analitis dan eksperimental terkait potensi tenaga kerja ilmu sosial.

Jurnal Kawistara, Sep 4, 2023
The problem of slum settlements is still a major problem faced in Indonesia and other developing ... more The problem of slum settlements is still a major problem faced in Indonesia and other developing countries. One of the triggers for the emergence of slum settlements is due to the high rate of population growth, both through the birth process and the urbanization process. This study discusses the social capital of the people of the slum area of Palembang City in fulfilling basic needs, precisely in the 12 Ulu Village Area, Palembang City during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Sampling used a purposive sampling method with data collection using observation techniques and in-depth interviews. The study's findings indicate that (1) a high level of social capital as measured by networks, norms, and beliefs enables slum communities to survive the COVID-19 pandemic, and (2) the slum area communities' strategy for survival is to utilize yard land, home industries, social gathering, recitation, and mutual cooperation. There are several policy implications from this research: (1) Strengthen social capital, (2) Enhance community engagement, (3) Targeted support for vulnerable groups, (4) Ensure food security and (5) Strengthen social safety nets.

Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Komoditi jambu air yang di budidayakan oleh masyarakat Desa Pulau Semambu saat ini belum mampu me... more Komoditi jambu air yang di budidayakan oleh masyarakat Desa Pulau Semambu saat ini belum mampu memberikan kontribusi pendapatan bagi masyarakat, padahal peluang pasar yang ada saat ini cukup besar, oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan pendampingan pada masyarakat melalui kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM) di Desa Pulau Semambu.  Pengembangan inovasi masyarakat melalui pembentukan eco farmhouse merupakan rancangan program pengembangan talenta inovasi masyarakat Desa Pulau Semambu melalui diversifikasi nilai tambah komoditi jambu air. Diversifikasi yang dimaksud merupakan konsep inovasi nilai tambah produk olahan dari komoditi jambu air menjadi beberapa produk yang bernilai tambah seperti kerupuk jambu air, permen jely jambu air dan syrup jambu air. Dengan adanya pengembangan melalui diversifikasi produk ini diharapkan mampu menjadi produk khas Desa Pulau Semambu yang bernilai ekonomis lebih tinggi dengan output akhir mampu menggerakan perekonomian dan UMKM desa sehingga akan dapat...

JRAK (Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis)
Keterbatasan masyarakat desa dalam mengelola ekonomi kreatif menyebabkan potensi yang tersedia t... more Keterbatasan masyarakat desa dalam mengelola ekonomi kreatif menyebabkan potensi yang tersedia tidak meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa terutama pendapatan desa. Potensi yang cukup besar baik sungai, buah nanas dan hasil perkebunan karet tidak menjadikan masyarakat desa Tanjung Medang sejahtera secara ekonomi, berdasarkan data Kementrian Sosial jumlah keluarga kurang mampu atau penerima manfaat PKH di desa Tanjung Medang yaitu sebanyak 185 orang Keluarga Penerima Manfaat PKH. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk Tata Kelola Ekonomi Kreatif di Desa Tanjung Medang (Studi pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau BUMDes). Desa Tanjung Medang yang selama ini mengalami permasalahan dalam pengembangan tata kelola ekonomi kreatif dan pemanfaatan potensi desa sebagai destinasi wisata desa. Melalui studi dokumen dan pengamatan di desa, masyarakat desa Tanjung Medang bisa meningkatkan perekonomian desa melalui BUMDes. Selain itu, permasalahn ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menambah pendapatan masyarakat d...
Community Empowerment, Mar 28, 2023
Media Komunikasi Geografi, Dec 31, 2022

AIMS Environmental Science
The COVID-19 outbreak affected the world badly in this 21st century leading to the closure of all... more The COVID-19 outbreak affected the world badly in this 21st century leading to the closure of all types of anthropogenic activities. It is declared that there was an environmental betterment in names of water quality and air quality during the COVID-19 period. In this study, we analyzed the improvement in water quality by evaluating the suspended particulate matter (SPM) using the remote sensing technique in a tropical South Sumatra wetland i.e., Musi River in Southern Sumatra, Indonesia. The SPM values were estimated from Landsat 8 images Level-2 product. A quantitative and spatial analyses of before (20th May 2019), during (22nd May 2020), and after COVID-19 (28th May 2022) periods were also calculated. Results revealed that the mean SPM values during COVID-19 period (4.56 mg/L) were lower than that before COVID-19 period (8.33 mg/L). Surprisingly, SPM showed an increase of 54% in SPM values after COVID-19 period, compared with during COVID-19 period. The role of human activities ...
International Journal of Tourism Anthropology

Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability
A study area was at the Musi River, located in the southern part of Sumatera Island, Indonesia. T... more A study area was at the Musi River, located in the southern part of Sumatera Island, Indonesia. This river flows in the southern area with a majorly tropical rainforest climate. For decades, it has become a substantial port used mainly for the transport of rubber, petroleum, and oil palm, which has the potential to threaten the area. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the impacts of these activities by evaluating the water quality status and pollution index in the Musi River. Physicochemical parameters such as pH, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total suspended solids (TSS) were measured along the river. Results of the study revealed the impact of agriculture and fish farming activities in the upstream area has affected the pH values of the water became slightly acidic. In addition, COD values at all stations were found to be high and made they could not be used for drinking water....

Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Coffee is one of the leading commodities in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province. The coffe... more Coffee is one of the leading commodities in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province. The coffee commodity is the backbone of the village community's economy, especially in the highlands of South Sumatra. One of them is Palak Tanah Village, Muara Enim Regency. The coffee commodity has been processed by farmers from generation to generation with an economic chain that still relies on tokeh (local collectors). Selling coffee beans that are still raw and unprocessed has no added value to the community's economic well-being. This condition because the rural community does not undertake product innovation for coffee commodities. Regarding this circumstance, our team tries to serve and empower through Coffee Processed Product Innovation Assistance in Tanah Palak Village, Muara Enim, South Sumatra. The aim of the assistance from the university is to encourage the successful realization of one product innovation per village for the village community. The method used was PLA (Parti...

Community Empowerment
The existence of the Indonesian government's One Map Policy (OMP) demands synergy to the regi... more The existence of the Indonesian government's One Map Policy (OMP) demands synergy to the regions. Sumatra is one of the areas that captures this opportunity. One of the follow-up actions to this policy is regional readiness in preparing qualified human resources in the geospatial field. Sriwijaya University as one of the universities in Indonesia that focuses on developing human resources in South Sumatra, facilitates local governments in developing employee capacity. This program was carried out for 5 days to learn about the basic level Geographic Information System (GIS) for Bappeda Lahat employees. This program is carried out in 3 stages, namely identification of partner problems, training, and evaluation. This training program has a positive impact on employees in Bappeda Lahat, namely being able to make location points for regional planning with SmartGPS, making spatial shapefile data and making thematic spatial maps according to the main tasks of the job fields of employee...

Media Komunikasi Geografi
Aceh Singkil Regency's primary objective is to grow the local economy, concentrating on super... more Aceh Singkil Regency's primary objective is to grow the local economy, concentrating on superior goods or industries. Singkil Aceh Administratively, it is located far from the capital city of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Province, which contributes to the region's isolation and underdevelopment. The study examined the economic prospects for accelerated development in Aceh Singkil. Firstly, this study used location quotation (LQ) analysis to establish the leading sector. Secondly, the SWOT analysis used a focus group discussion (FGD). Thirdly, the analysis of stakeholder categories used Grimble and Wellard's theory. The findings showed that agriculture, forestry, and fishery continued to be the primary emphasis of local economic growth of the Aceh Singkil community, and the stakeholders belonging to the dominant category of local economic determinants include the local governments, legislatures, and banks. The dominance of the agriculture, forestry, and fishery sectors i...

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
Indonesia is one of the world's largest archipelagic countries. Diversification is the proces... more Indonesia is one of the world's largest archipelagic countries. Diversification is the process of increasing household economic income in various sectors to improve welfare and survival opportunities. This study demonstrates that the people of Obi Island's livelihoods are diversifying due to mining and pressure from the immigrant population. This study is necessary to determine how mining depletes natural resources affects the livelihood strategies of the Indonesian archipelagic community, particularly in Maluku. On the other hand, they must contend with dwindling natural resources. This study employed a semi-structured questionnaire to conduct a home survey with 153 respondents in Soligi Village. In-depth interviews were also conducted to delve deeper into the research findings. This study demonstrates that physical capital and natural capital are the essential livelihood assets for the inhabitants of Soligi Village, and mining has resulted in the diversification of people&...

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui korelasi dan faktor sosial ekonomi yang paling berpengaru... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui korelasi dan faktor sosial ekonomi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap permukiman kumuh serta mengetahui persepsi penghuni terhadap perbaikan permukiman kumuh. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel di tiga kelurahan di Kecamatan Wonokromo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan metode Likert. Hasil analisis korelasi mengemukakan adanya hubungan positif antara pendapatan keluarga dan tahun sukses pendidikan dengan tingkat permukiman kumuh dan analisis regresi mengemukakan bahwa pendapatan total keluarga adalah faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi tingkat permukiman kumuh . Sedangkan penghuni mempunyai persepsi bahwa perbaikan permukiman kumuh dimulai dari penataan permukiman, program bersih kampung, kebersihan sungai, ketersediaan tempat sampah umum, petugas kebersihan, program perbaikan dan kebersihan drainase, ketersediaan dan kebersihan toilet komunal.

Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona
Kotagede is one of the tourism destinations that has been associated with several sites such as e... more Kotagede is one of the tourism destinations that has been associated with several sites such as education, history, and culture. On the macro and local levels, policies must guarantee that tourism development does not compromise cultural heritage assets that can provide economic, social, and environmental advantages. The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the stakeholders who contributed to the administration and development of the Kotagede tourist conservation and preservation program, focusing on the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) standard as a performance indicator. The technique and methods used in this study are observation, filed survey and in-depth interview. The findings indicated that Kotagede had a competitive advantage as a potential tourism destination due to its cultural, historical, gastronomic, architectural, and transportation advantages. The institutional community has been engaged in preserving old structures, promoting tourism, and ...

As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
This article aims to describe the process and results of community service activities that seek t... more This article aims to describe the process and results of community service activities that seek to improve the knowledge and skills of IAIQ (Institute of Islamic Religion and Quran) al-Ittifaqiah Indralaya students in processing statistical data with R software. The service activity was carried out for two days. The first day adopted the tutorial lecture method, which included discussion, questions, and answers. While the second day focused on a data processing practicum with R, The results of the pre-test showed that the average knowledge of the target group on statistical data processing with R was only 10.41 points. After the training, the average score of the participants increased to 21.85 points. This service activity was statistically proven to increase the knowledge and skills of the participants; t (40) = 15.2719, p 0.001. The existence of this community is expected to become an arena for learning and sharing information about R. In addition, Sriwijaya University needs to c...
Papers by Muhammad Izzudin