Papers by Andjelija Ivkov Dzigurski

Individual values shaped in the early years of each individual might be reflected in the percepti... more Individual values shaped in the early years of each individual might be reflected in the perception of the business environment. Therefore, this research explored whether there are significant differences in employees’ perceptions of the established dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR), namely philanthropic, legal, economic and ethical, based on differences in the importance of individual values (IV). The research results show that each of the CSR dimensions differs according to the respondents’ IVs. More precisely, there are significant differences in the respondents’ perceptions of the philanthropic dimension of CSR based on differences in the evaluation of sense of belonging, warm relationships, being well respected, fun and enjoyment of life, security, self-respect and sense of accomplishment. Differences in perceptions of the legal dimension of CSR exist only in the case of differences in the evaluation of self-respect. The research results also show that there a...

Family Forum
Until recently, marriage was the only socially acceptable community of two partners of different ... more Until recently, marriage was the only socially acceptable community of two partners of different gender, with the goal of creating a family and prolonging the human race. The aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes of University students towards marriage and family. The research was based on the survey regarding the attitudes of students from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia towards institution of marriage. Collected data were analysed by using the SPSS statistical software. The main results indicate that 93.8% of respondents want to get married one day; an ideal number of children for a family to have been two (48.4%); 54.6% of respondents strongly agreed that if being in a marriage does not work properly, they should divorce. The results of these analyses and their limitations suggest guiding a future research according to different attitudes of respondents. This research provides the most ambitious and systematic analysis to date the attitudinal evidence on the attitudes ...

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE)
In Serbia, primary education is compulsory, and it lasts eight years with two educational cycles,... more In Serbia, primary education is compulsory, and it lasts eight years with two educational cycles, while in the Czech Republic, primary education lasts nine years with three cycles. Analysis of the teachers` attitudes toward primary education in Serbia and the Czech Republic has a goal to determine the current educational state in the two countries. Also, in this research it has been shown if there are similarities, as well as differences between the two educational systems. Views of the teachers on this topic are significant for this paper, so the survey was used as an instrument. The survey should have revealed whether the primary education was in line with the need of modernization and enhancement of young peple’s intellectual potential. It was necessary to reveal if the education in the two countries is in accordance with the modern world and whether the teachers agree with this. One of the aims of the research was to determine whether there are statistically significant differen...

Научно-стручни скуп „Дигитални медији у функцији одрживог развоја културног наслеђа”
Rezime: Humanitarizam je pogled na svet, pristup u studiji, filozofija, ili praksa koja smatra da... more Rezime: Humanitarizam je pogled na svet, pristup u studiji, filozofija, ili praksa koja smatra da su ljudi od primarnog značaja i koja je fokusirana na ljudske vrednosti i brige. U današnje vreme, sve je veća ekspanzija humanitarnih događaja u svetu, pa je tako ovaj oblik događaja počeo da se ostvaruje i kroz animaciju u turizmu. Turistička animacija u velikoj meri može doprineti privlačenju većeg broja posetilaca da prisustvuju ovim događajima, i može upotpuniti sadržaj ovih događaja te doprineti njihovoj uspešnoj realizaciji. Takođe, turistička animacija može doprineti promociji kulturnog nasleđa i ujedno učiniti da ta promocija omogući prikupljanje humanitarnih sredstava na različite načine. Ključne reči: turistička animacija, humanitarni događaji, kulturno nasleđe, turizam Uvod Animacija u turizmu zauzima posebno mesto u turističkoj ponudi, a njen značaj se ogleda u kreiranju sveobuhvatnog sistema turističke ponude i tražnje. Turistička animacija kao deo turističke ponude ima važan udeo i bitan je element zadovoljenja potreba savremenog gosta.

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE)
Environmental protection contents are characterized by a wide range of interdisciplinarity. They ... more Environmental protection contents are characterized by a wide range of interdisciplinarity. They are realized separately within the teaching of biology and geography (5th–8th grade) in elementary school in Serbia. Numerous concepts and facts are similar, especially within the content Nature Protection. The application of an integrative teaching approach in the realization of environmental protection contents in elementary schools was investigated. Pedagogical experiment with parallel groups of elementary school students was conducted by applying integrative teaching approach in the experimental (E) and traditional approach in control (C) groups of students. The data were obtained through the pre-test and post-test. Integrative teaching approach has proven to be effective in the realization of the above-mentioned program contents.

Tour guide performance has been a hotly debated academic topic, owing to the critical role they p... more Tour guide performance has been a hotly debated academic topic, owing to the critical role they play in facilitating a variety of tourist experiences. Similarly, museum tour guides are the initial point of contact for tourists and have a substantial impact on the total visitor experience, but their performance is far less investigated. Visitors’ satisfaction and behavior intentions are inextricably linked to museum guide performances in this case. The purpose of this research was to implement and test a well-established scale for assessing tour guide performance in the museum context. Moreover, the aim was also to single out and discuss museum guide types based on their performances. The research was conducted during May and June 2021 on a sample of 255 visitors from five museums in Serbia. The data were processed by SPSS, R and RStudio. The results indicate the existence of five museum guide types: Classic Professional, Agile Empath, Operational Erudite, Trustworthy Caretaker, and ...

Педагошка стварност, 2021
Upotreba drame je aktivan pristup u procesu učenja gde se učesnici identifikuju s ulogom koju igr... more Upotreba drame je aktivan pristup u procesu učenja gde se učesnici identifikuju s ulogom koju igraju, kao i situacijama u kojima se nalaze. Ovakav segment nastave zapravo zalazi i u vanjezičku kategoriju, jer socijalna interakcija uključuje komunikaciju na mnogim nivoima. U užem, konkretnijem smislu, tehnika drame uključuje pantomimu, igranje uloga, improvizaciju, simulaciju, interaktivne aktivnosti kao što su različiti oblici dijaloga i dramatizacija narativnog teksta. Dakle, upotreba tehnike drame u nastavi nije novi koncept. Tehnika drame pruža odličnu osnovu za istraživanje teoretskih i praktičnih aspekata nastave. U ovom radu obrađena je tehnika drame u nastavi geografije, način njenog izvođenja i primena u samoj nastavi. Takođe, prikazana je i kao inovacija u nastavi geografije, tehnika koja na poseban način stavlja učenika u prvi plan u nastavi, odstupa od tradicionalnih nastavnih metoda i uključuje učenika u sam nastavni proces. Eksperimentalno istraživanje sprovedeno je međ...

Virtual reality represents simulated three-dimensional environment created by hardware and softwa... more Virtual reality represents simulated three-dimensional environment created by hardware and software, which providing realistic experience and possibility of interaction to the end-user. Benefits provided by immersive virtual reality in educational setting were recognised in the past decades, however mass application was left out due to the lack of development and high price. Intensive development of new platforms and virtual reality devices in the last few years started up with Oculus Rift, and subsequently accelerated in the year 2014 by occurrence of Google Cardboard. Nowadays, for the first time in history, immersive virtual reality is available to millions of people. In the mid 2015 Google commenced developing Expeditions Pioneer Program aiming to massively utilise the Google Cardboard platform in education. Expeditions and other VR apps can enhance geography teaching and learning. Realistic experience acquired by utilisation of virtual reality in teaching process significantly ...
Leisure time is supposed to be the time of happiness, pleasure and the time when people fulfill t... more Leisure time is supposed to be the time of happiness, pleasure and the time when people fulfill their needs. Traveling is an especially significant aspect of leisure time. The aim of this research is to identify the basic ways Serbian residents spend leisure time, focusing on their travel habits, as well as to identify the possible development direction of Serbian tourism. The results have been acquired through an online questionnaire on a sample of 257 respondents.

The creation of Attractive Quality product is one of the modern approaches in the improvement of ... more The creation of Attractive Quality product is one of the modern approaches in the improvement of organization business. It is important to distinguish the levels of a hotel product. The highest level of the Attractive Quality in hospitality is reflected in specialized types of a hotel product, created in order to satisfy and thrill the guest. The Muslibegovic House hospitality object provides Attractive Quality of the highest level by creating a whole new hotel product – a museum-hotel. The reason for choosing this very object in our analysis is its eighth place in the top ten world's best hotels, which was distributed by the online booking Internet page, with about million respondents. The National Monument Muslibegovic House maintains a higher level of Attractive Quality on its rich cultural background, constantly paying attention to guests's wishes, satisfying their needs and exceeding the expectation of its guests.
Tourism is multidisciplinary science whose issues are connected to a range of other disciplines. ... more Tourism is multidisciplinary science whose issues are connected to a range of other disciplines. Tourism has a great influence on various aspects of social life and that is the reason why it keeps an important position in an education system. Tourism issues are integrated in many different subjects at various universities. This paper outlines the importance of tourism issues and their necessary existence in order to improve the quality of education. The research conducted over students and lecturers from four different universities has shown that the students' opinion of tourism issues is very positive and they are very interested in those studies.

Journal of Transport Geography, 2014
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the river cruise labour structure. It ... more The aim of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the river cruise labour structure. It presents the crew demographics and structure on-board the cruisers along Danube throughout Central and South Eastern Europe. Its goal is to answer the following questions: What are the gender and ages of the ships' crews? Are they structured according to the country of origin? Is there interdependence between the employment rank of the crew members and the degree of the economic development of the country they come from? The data has been collected from the manifests of the cruise vessels which docked in Serbia over the 9 month research period during the 2007 cruise season. Firstly, data from the 2218 employees on-board the 54 cruisers was collected. Secondly, in-depth interviews with a small sample of cruisers officers, staff and crews (2007-2010) were conducted. The findings of the study have several theoretical and practical implications. Namely, previous related studies have been mainly focused on the ocean cruisers and neglect the rising importance of the river cruisers, especially for the European region. The study also discusses the possibilities for improvement of the human resources management and strategic development management of the European countries, which already have and those which have not yet positioned themselves on the river cruising market. Finally, key demographic employment data and characteristics (e.g. gender, average age, occupational groups, etc.) are important factors to consider when conducting a comprehensive labour force analysis, for they provide the organization a chance to build on its strengths and to minimize challenges and risks.
Geographica Pannonica, 2009
Majorities and Minorities in Former Yugoslav Countries at Turn of the 21 st Century 3 Using data ... more Majorities and Minorities in Former Yugoslav Countries at Turn of the 21 st Century 3 Using data of vital and educational statistics, as well as life expectancy we estimated the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the age between 0-21. By using the concept of stable population and estimating corrective factor based upon the number of deceased up to a certain age, a level of 24 models ''West'' (Coale, Demeny 1983) was chosen and at the same time by applying the process of interpolation the proportion of male and female population up to 20 years of age in the total population number was estimated. That was used as a base for estimating the total number of male and female population. Age structure

Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment
Festivals are taking an increasingly more significant place among contemporary Serbian tourism pr... more Festivals are taking an increasingly more significant place among contemporary Serbian tourism products. They represent a unique visitor experience enabling the fulfillment of the wish to meet the Serbian culture, socialize, directly participate and entertain oneself. Also, festivals are an ever more significant factor in the selection of tourist destinations whose lure attracts millions of visitors in the course of the year. The objective of this study was to present the preferences and habits of food and drink festival visitors, identify the major factors that motivated visitors to attend the festivals as well as determine the factors which had a discouraging effect on non-regular visitors. A survey of 153 respondents was conducted from December 2011 to January 2012. This study used a survey instrument specially designed to answer which organization mode is the most acceptable for visitors and what is it that motivates or prevents them from attending such festivals. Results indica...

Management of a complex events such as hybrid ones, relies on understanding a modern market trend... more Management of a complex events such as hybrid ones, relies on understanding a modern market trends. The purpose of this study is to determine visitors ’ motives for attending a hybrid event, to identify clusters based on those motives, and to help organizers and exhibitors to meet visitors ’ expectations. Therefore, authors performed ANOVA analysis, factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. The findings clearly indicate elements of trade fairs and consumer exhibitions integrated in hybrid event and therefore, some of the main motives for visiting those two types of events are also present among hybrid event visitors. However, hybrid event tends to be more than just place for business meetings. It is also a venue for education and leisure time activities. Moreover, event organizers and exhibitors need to pay more attention on their strategic approach to managing their event activities. The paper suggests that hybrid event organizers should focus on establishing dialogue with...
Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo
Original scientific article UDC 338.48 (282.243.742)(439)(497.11) Researches Reviews of the Depar... more Original scientific article UDC 338.48 (282.243.742)(439)(497.11) Researches Reviews of the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management 48-2/2019

The article analyses the curriculum of the primary school subjects Geography, History and Civic a... more The article analyses the curriculum of the primary school subjects Geography, History and Civic and Homeland Education and Ethics, along with some textbooks for these subjects. The purpose of the paper is to determine whether these subjects include material on Slovenian national minorities and emigrants and objectives closely related to such material, which content and objectives are included and to what extent. Pupils in Slovenian primary school address real issues concerning Slovenian national minorities and emigrants, while the message and quantitative representation differ, depending on the basic definition and purpose of the subject. In addition to curricula and textbooks, the behaviour and attitude of pupils to Slovenians abroad is influenced primarily by teachers and their knowledge of their own subject and other subjects, their understanding of the processes of knowledge construction and knowledge of the school vertical and the horizontal.

Didactics of Smart Pedagogy
Innovations in the field of educational technology are very prominent. The application of immersi... more Innovations in the field of educational technology are very prominent. The application of immersive virtual reality (VR) in teaching and learning is currently in the focus of interest of researchers dealing with education. Numerous studies indicated that there are significant potential benefits of using this technology to improve learning outcomes and students’ motivation, overcome school-based and test anxiety, influence empathy, and ensure students focus on teaching content. However, there is still an issue of economic justification of investment in head-mounted displays (HMDs) and VR software for school use. Additionally, the key questions that arise from using VR in the classroom are on what theoretical basis to build immersive teaching and how to choose relevant content. The purpose of this chapter is to present a literature review of VR applications in education (with emphasis on both technological and pedagogical aspects, integration, and evaluation criteria), as well as to show the results of a small qualitative study conducted with teachers and an educational media specialist (all familiar with using VR as a teaching tool) in the Republic of Serbia.

Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment
This paper reports on the basic characteristics of agricultural activity in the Republic of Serbi... more This paper reports on the basic characteristics of agricultural activity in the Republic of Serbia, which to a great extent determines the diet of the population of the country. Fertile soil and suitable climate provide conditions for the development of rural areas, both by farming and by animal breeding. The amount of cultivable soil in Serbia is higher than the European average (0.56 hectares per capita). The northern province of the Republic of Serbia–Vojvodina, which stands for the great granary of Serbia, has the potential to produce so much as to also export to other European countries, while animal breeding is more developed in the southern part of Serbia. This paper also identifies the key-properties of the main agricultural products of this country which are more relevant for the nutrition of the population. The empirical part of the paper deals with the analysis of the results of a survey carried out in the 10 largest towns of Serbia (5 in the Autonomous Province of Vojvod...
Papers by Andjelija Ivkov Dzigurski