Nase More Znanstveno Strucni Casopis Za More I Pomorstvo, Dec 30, 2013
The rapid development of new technologies has led to significant changes in the work environment ... more The rapid development of new technologies has led to significant changes in the work environment in general, as well as in seafaring, namely on board. Moreover, the daily life of the modern man is inextricably intertwined with technology. Its impact on personal and professional life leads to a series of changes that are reflected not only in the mode of business performance but also in the influence of private events during professional work. The significant and rapid progress of technology presents a challenge to our consciousness and conscience that has to be discussed over and over again, as both categories are exposed to the influence of personal experiences and environment. Originating from the interaction of one's personality and his environment, our consciousness and conscience potentiate us to act in accordance with socially established rules and values. In addition, the lack of training after the official education, except by inertia with respect to the requirements of the work position, certainly increases the percentage of errors, ultimately leading to difficulties in performing vocation and even to disaster. The tragedy aboard Costa Concordia and other maritime accidents, involving passenger and cargo vessels with increasing harm to humans and the environment, point to the growing importance of the categories of human consciousness and conscience in performing the profession of seafarer's profile.
Aim. Mothers use linking object to externalize the complex aspects of their relationship to the l... more Aim. Mothers use linking object to externalize the complex aspects of their relationship to the loss of their child. We analyzed the linking objects that mothers kept in memory of their sons who disappeared in the 1991-1995 war in Croatia or whose remains were uncovered and identified long time after they had gone missing. Method. The case study of disturbed mourning included 26 mothers of Croatian soldiers from Croatian Osijek-Baranja County who went missing in war or whose remains were recovered and identified long after they had gone missing. The mothers were selected independently by the president of the Association of Families of Missing and Detained Croatian Soldiers and agreed to participate in the study in 2001. They were interviewed in their homes, their testimonies were recorded, and photographs of the linking objects taken. Linking objects were classified according to the Volkan’s four-group classification. Results. Out of four Volkan’s groups of linking objects, we ident...
Modern societies are growing ever more sensitive to the various sources and many kinds of psychic... more Modern societies are growing ever more sensitive to the various sources and many kinds of psychic traumas, resulting even in psychotic reactions or states of functioning. Especially the war captivity situation represents the prolonged basis for chronic severe psychic stress and traumatisation, that may become deleterious even for the core self of the person. Severely psychotraumatized war veterans, or ex-POWs in the aftermath of the war captivity situation, survivors of extreme forms of violence and humiliation, are very reluctant to recall traumas. This avoidant behaviour is many times one of the most prominent symptoms that should be recognised and confronted in order to start the retraumatising process of healing the previously unthinkable traumas. The authors believe that shameful feelings are at the very basis of the psychotraumatised persons' withdrawal, depression, suicidal attempts, and even psychotic answers. The main feature of the first phase of any therapeutic work w...
Cultural diversity, groups and psychotherapy around the world
Ivan Urlić, neuropsihijatar, edukator iz analitičke psihoterapije i grupne analize, član Institut... more Ivan Urlić, neuropsihijatar, edukator iz analitičke psihoterapije i grupne analize, član Instituta za grupnu analizu / neuropsychiatrist, educator in analytical psychotherapy and group analysis, member of the Institute for Group Analysis
Autor iznosi neke aspekte suočavanja s novom stvarnošću zbog prijetnji povezano s pandemijom s ko... more Autor iznosi neke aspekte suočavanja s novom stvarnošću zbog prijetnji povezano s pandemijom s koronavirusima i prodora novih tehnologija u brojne aspekte našeg svakodnevnog života, privatnog, socijalnog i profesionalnog. Iznosi vlastita opažanja i rezultate nekih istraživanja u području profesionalne djelatnosti. Zbog globalnog zahvata virusne pandemije, te značajnog pomaka svakodnevnih aktivnosti od realnog prema virtualnom svijetu, iznosi razmišljanje o potrebi preispitivanja određenih tradicionalnih vrijednosti i mogućnosti iskorištavanja aktualne krizne situacije za osmišljavanje nove paradigme za međuljudske odnose, od kompeticije prema kooperaciji. U radu se iznose rezultati pojedinih istraživanja, primjeri iz kulturne domene, te neophodnost proučavanja promjena profesionalnog identiteta i novih elemenata u međuljudskim odnosima, te utjecaja na terapijski pristup u individualnom i grupnom setingu. / In this paper, the author presents some aspects of dealing with the new reality due to the threats related to the coronavirus pandemic and the penetration of new technologies into many aspects of our daily private, social, and professional lives. The author presents his own observations and some research results in the field of professional activity. Based on the global impact of the viral pandemic and the significant shift of daily activities from the real to the virtual world, the author expresses his thoughts on the need to reconsider certain traditional values and the possibility of using the current crisis situation to conceive a new paradigm for interpersonal relationships, from competitivity towards cooperation. The paper presents the results of certain studies, examples from the cultural domain, and the need to study changes in professional identity and new elements in interpersonal relationships, as well as the impact on the therapeutic approach in individual and group settings.
Rad u grupi sastavni je dio bolnickih i izvanbolnickih programa lijecenja i rehabilitacije. Terap... more Rad u grupi sastavni je dio bolnickih i izvanbolnickih programa lijecenja i rehabilitacije. Terapijski faktori grupe mogu se koristiti bez obzira provodi li se ili ne provodi formalna grupna psihoterapija. Grupni psihoterapijski ambijent, ukljucujuci i terapijsku zajednicu pruža priliku za opserviranje ponasanja koje otežava život u zajednici i za vježbanje uspjesnijeg ponasanja. Na taj nacin pomaže dostizanje ciljeva rehabilitacije. Grupna psihoterapija je ucinkovita metoda lijecenja za dobro selekcionirane pacijente bez obzira na dijagnozu bolesti. Edukacija iz grupne psihoterapije bila bi korisna za osoblje koje radi u rehabilitaciji.
BACKGROUND The International Labour Organization (ILO, 2000) has defined stress and exhaustion fr... more BACKGROUND The International Labour Organization (ILO, 2000) has defined stress and exhaustion from working shifts and night work, and psychological and organizational stressors conditions that create health risks for surgical nurses. Among the OR nurses/ technicians 41.9% reported that causes of their stress included inadequate teamwork, ineffective communication, and especially surgeons' negative attitudes. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The stuudie has been held in Clinical Hospital Centre Split, the sample consists of a total of 62 out of 109 possible respondents participated in the study. A total of 23 (37%) anesthesiology technicians and 39 (63%) ICU nurses / technicians participated in the survey. In the empirical part of this research, the importance of selected stressors was tested using quantitative methods in biomedicine. The existence of stress was tested by the Wilcoxon test. Stress level in the ICU was tested by T-test The analysis was elaborated in the statistical software ...
Depression is one of the most frequent mood disorders. The spectrum of its meanings is very compl... more Depression is one of the most frequent mood disorders. The spectrum of its meanings is very complex. Symptoms of depression can be felt at every stage of life. Depressed mood states can, as for intensity, show the clinical picture that varies from mood changes to psychotic states. In this presentation, it is described a case of the patient who since early childhood showed the symptoms of ADHD that was showing as a comorbidity feelings of depression, which have significantly hindered the emotional maturation of the person. This etiological clarification has led to effective treatment, including the psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic approach.
Springtime in Galilee, two years ago. The IIGA workshop was taking place in Kibbutz Gonen in Uppe... more Springtime in Galilee, two years ago. The IIGA workshop was taking place in Kibbutz Gonen in Upper Galilee, at the foothills of the Golan Heights. Coming from the impressive historical city of Akko, with grandiose ramparts and palaces from the Crusaders and Ottomans, at the crossroads of the road coming from Haifa, I waited for the author of the concept of soldier’s matrix connected to societies in war. The sun was already strong, but the region was green and there were flowers growing abundantly. People were going home after work. It was a peaceful, ordinary scene for countries at peace. But, being part of Christian culture, the name of Galilee was known to me from my early childhood. Very soon I could see the lake called the Sea of Galilee, and we had to cross the River Jordan, which reminded me of Biblical stories. In front of us were the Lebanon mounts: Mount Hermon, and frontiers of three countries, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan: the mythical land which was the source of western cultural and religious roots. The whole region has mythic characteristics: Ebla with its library, Phoenicians, Jews, Greeks, monasteries where Aramaic is spoken, Romans, Crusaders, Arabs, Turks, Armenians, British and French political and cultural influences, and now the state of Israel. The multiple realities in historical view, and the new realities emerging after the Second World War. Waiting for Friedman and some other friends to pick me up, the wealth of recollections resonated in my mind so that I felt a significant part of my foundation matrix as I joined the company in the car. 597502 GAQ0010.1177/0533316415597502Group AnalysisUrlić: Response to Soldier’s Matrix other2015
Forensics (forensis - before the Forum) means the application of knowledge from different scienti... more Forensics (forensis - before the Forum) means the application of knowledge from different scientific fields in order to define facts in judicial and/or administrative procedures. Nowadays forensics, besides this, finds its application even in different economic processes. For example, forensics enters the commercial areas of business intelligence and of different security areas. The European Commission recognized the importance of forensics, and underscored the importance of development of its scientific infrastructure in member States. We are witnessing the rise of various tragedies in economic and other kinds of processes. Undoubtedly, the world is increasingly exposed to various forms of threats whose occurrences regularly involve people. In this paper we are proposing the development of a new approach in the forensic assessment of the state of human resources. We are suggesting that in the focus should be the forensic approach in the psychological assessment of awareness of the ...
In writing about the group setting in treatment of patients with psychosis the author is drawing ... more In writing about the group setting in treatment of patients with psychosis the author is drawing from his long clinical practice and his writings on the subject. He underlines the value of group-analytic concepts, formulated by S.H.Foulkes, as well as needed modifications when patients with psychosis are in question. Through clinical examples he will explain his experiences and discuss some specific features concerning inpatients and outpatients group psychodynamic psychotherapy for patients with psychosis. A special attention will be directed towards the dynamics of the therapist's/therapeutic team's roles, and to the need of continuous supervision.
The aim of this study was to explore the influence of certain aspects of family dynamics, as well... more The aim of this study was to explore the influence of certain aspects of family dynamics, as well as some behavior and psychological development disorders on the occurrence of homicides and attempted homicides among juveniles in the Split Dalmatian County over a period of 10 years (1989-1998). A retrospective case-control study was performed to compare juvenile murderers and attempted murderers with minors who committed other offences, i.e. property crimes. The subjects were paired according to demographic and socio-economic background. The data obtained from County Court's files included social anamnesis, specialists' observation and psychiatric expertise results. There was a significant difference between the study group and their controls in the frequency of physical violence and parental rejection during childhood. Neuropsychological and neurophysiological abnormalities were more frequent in the experimental than in the control group. Stealing occurred more often in the ...
In this pilot study the authors present the group members' assessment of their conductor in g... more In this pilot study the authors present the group members' assessment of their conductor in group analysis--the treatment conducted in accordance with concept >group-as-a-whole< of S. H. Foulkes. There will be presented the results obtained by scale for evaluation of characteristics of the group therapist. In the scale, developed by the authors of the study, there were 30 items and by factorial analysis it gave three interpretable factors: authenticity, empathy and distrust. By self-evaluation the members of three small groups, i.e. 20 patients, ranked characteristics of their conductor. The patients, assessing the degree of their accordance with 30 items of the evaluation scale, expressed whether and how much they experienced their conductor as an authentic, empathic and trustworthy person. While in the beginning of the group analytic process the conductor's role was important, his importance decreased as the group-as-a-whole developed. Group experience became more im...
Nase More Znanstveno Strucni Casopis Za More I Pomorstvo, Dec 30, 2013
The rapid development of new technologies has led to significant changes in the work environment ... more The rapid development of new technologies has led to significant changes in the work environment in general, as well as in seafaring, namely on board. Moreover, the daily life of the modern man is inextricably intertwined with technology. Its impact on personal and professional life leads to a series of changes that are reflected not only in the mode of business performance but also in the influence of private events during professional work. The significant and rapid progress of technology presents a challenge to our consciousness and conscience that has to be discussed over and over again, as both categories are exposed to the influence of personal experiences and environment. Originating from the interaction of one's personality and his environment, our consciousness and conscience potentiate us to act in accordance with socially established rules and values. In addition, the lack of training after the official education, except by inertia with respect to the requirements of the work position, certainly increases the percentage of errors, ultimately leading to difficulties in performing vocation and even to disaster. The tragedy aboard Costa Concordia and other maritime accidents, involving passenger and cargo vessels with increasing harm to humans and the environment, point to the growing importance of the categories of human consciousness and conscience in performing the profession of seafarer's profile.
Aim. Mothers use linking object to externalize the complex aspects of their relationship to the l... more Aim. Mothers use linking object to externalize the complex aspects of their relationship to the loss of their child. We analyzed the linking objects that mothers kept in memory of their sons who disappeared in the 1991-1995 war in Croatia or whose remains were uncovered and identified long time after they had gone missing. Method. The case study of disturbed mourning included 26 mothers of Croatian soldiers from Croatian Osijek-Baranja County who went missing in war or whose remains were recovered and identified long after they had gone missing. The mothers were selected independently by the president of the Association of Families of Missing and Detained Croatian Soldiers and agreed to participate in the study in 2001. They were interviewed in their homes, their testimonies were recorded, and photographs of the linking objects taken. Linking objects were classified according to the Volkan’s four-group classification. Results. Out of four Volkan’s groups of linking objects, we ident...
Modern societies are growing ever more sensitive to the various sources and many kinds of psychic... more Modern societies are growing ever more sensitive to the various sources and many kinds of psychic traumas, resulting even in psychotic reactions or states of functioning. Especially the war captivity situation represents the prolonged basis for chronic severe psychic stress and traumatisation, that may become deleterious even for the core self of the person. Severely psychotraumatized war veterans, or ex-POWs in the aftermath of the war captivity situation, survivors of extreme forms of violence and humiliation, are very reluctant to recall traumas. This avoidant behaviour is many times one of the most prominent symptoms that should be recognised and confronted in order to start the retraumatising process of healing the previously unthinkable traumas. The authors believe that shameful feelings are at the very basis of the psychotraumatised persons' withdrawal, depression, suicidal attempts, and even psychotic answers. The main feature of the first phase of any therapeutic work w...
Cultural diversity, groups and psychotherapy around the world
Ivan Urlić, neuropsihijatar, edukator iz analitičke psihoterapije i grupne analize, član Institut... more Ivan Urlić, neuropsihijatar, edukator iz analitičke psihoterapije i grupne analize, član Instituta za grupnu analizu / neuropsychiatrist, educator in analytical psychotherapy and group analysis, member of the Institute for Group Analysis
Autor iznosi neke aspekte suočavanja s novom stvarnošću zbog prijetnji povezano s pandemijom s ko... more Autor iznosi neke aspekte suočavanja s novom stvarnošću zbog prijetnji povezano s pandemijom s koronavirusima i prodora novih tehnologija u brojne aspekte našeg svakodnevnog života, privatnog, socijalnog i profesionalnog. Iznosi vlastita opažanja i rezultate nekih istraživanja u području profesionalne djelatnosti. Zbog globalnog zahvata virusne pandemije, te značajnog pomaka svakodnevnih aktivnosti od realnog prema virtualnom svijetu, iznosi razmišljanje o potrebi preispitivanja određenih tradicionalnih vrijednosti i mogućnosti iskorištavanja aktualne krizne situacije za osmišljavanje nove paradigme za međuljudske odnose, od kompeticije prema kooperaciji. U radu se iznose rezultati pojedinih istraživanja, primjeri iz kulturne domene, te neophodnost proučavanja promjena profesionalnog identiteta i novih elemenata u međuljudskim odnosima, te utjecaja na terapijski pristup u individualnom i grupnom setingu. / In this paper, the author presents some aspects of dealing with the new reality due to the threats related to the coronavirus pandemic and the penetration of new technologies into many aspects of our daily private, social, and professional lives. The author presents his own observations and some research results in the field of professional activity. Based on the global impact of the viral pandemic and the significant shift of daily activities from the real to the virtual world, the author expresses his thoughts on the need to reconsider certain traditional values and the possibility of using the current crisis situation to conceive a new paradigm for interpersonal relationships, from competitivity towards cooperation. The paper presents the results of certain studies, examples from the cultural domain, and the need to study changes in professional identity and new elements in interpersonal relationships, as well as the impact on the therapeutic approach in individual and group settings.
Rad u grupi sastavni je dio bolnickih i izvanbolnickih programa lijecenja i rehabilitacije. Terap... more Rad u grupi sastavni je dio bolnickih i izvanbolnickih programa lijecenja i rehabilitacije. Terapijski faktori grupe mogu se koristiti bez obzira provodi li se ili ne provodi formalna grupna psihoterapija. Grupni psihoterapijski ambijent, ukljucujuci i terapijsku zajednicu pruža priliku za opserviranje ponasanja koje otežava život u zajednici i za vježbanje uspjesnijeg ponasanja. Na taj nacin pomaže dostizanje ciljeva rehabilitacije. Grupna psihoterapija je ucinkovita metoda lijecenja za dobro selekcionirane pacijente bez obzira na dijagnozu bolesti. Edukacija iz grupne psihoterapije bila bi korisna za osoblje koje radi u rehabilitaciji.
BACKGROUND The International Labour Organization (ILO, 2000) has defined stress and exhaustion fr... more BACKGROUND The International Labour Organization (ILO, 2000) has defined stress and exhaustion from working shifts and night work, and psychological and organizational stressors conditions that create health risks for surgical nurses. Among the OR nurses/ technicians 41.9% reported that causes of their stress included inadequate teamwork, ineffective communication, and especially surgeons' negative attitudes. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The stuudie has been held in Clinical Hospital Centre Split, the sample consists of a total of 62 out of 109 possible respondents participated in the study. A total of 23 (37%) anesthesiology technicians and 39 (63%) ICU nurses / technicians participated in the survey. In the empirical part of this research, the importance of selected stressors was tested using quantitative methods in biomedicine. The existence of stress was tested by the Wilcoxon test. Stress level in the ICU was tested by T-test The analysis was elaborated in the statistical software ...
Depression is one of the most frequent mood disorders. The spectrum of its meanings is very compl... more Depression is one of the most frequent mood disorders. The spectrum of its meanings is very complex. Symptoms of depression can be felt at every stage of life. Depressed mood states can, as for intensity, show the clinical picture that varies from mood changes to psychotic states. In this presentation, it is described a case of the patient who since early childhood showed the symptoms of ADHD that was showing as a comorbidity feelings of depression, which have significantly hindered the emotional maturation of the person. This etiological clarification has led to effective treatment, including the psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic approach.
Springtime in Galilee, two years ago. The IIGA workshop was taking place in Kibbutz Gonen in Uppe... more Springtime in Galilee, two years ago. The IIGA workshop was taking place in Kibbutz Gonen in Upper Galilee, at the foothills of the Golan Heights. Coming from the impressive historical city of Akko, with grandiose ramparts and palaces from the Crusaders and Ottomans, at the crossroads of the road coming from Haifa, I waited for the author of the concept of soldier’s matrix connected to societies in war. The sun was already strong, but the region was green and there were flowers growing abundantly. People were going home after work. It was a peaceful, ordinary scene for countries at peace. But, being part of Christian culture, the name of Galilee was known to me from my early childhood. Very soon I could see the lake called the Sea of Galilee, and we had to cross the River Jordan, which reminded me of Biblical stories. In front of us were the Lebanon mounts: Mount Hermon, and frontiers of three countries, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan: the mythical land which was the source of western cultural and religious roots. The whole region has mythic characteristics: Ebla with its library, Phoenicians, Jews, Greeks, monasteries where Aramaic is spoken, Romans, Crusaders, Arabs, Turks, Armenians, British and French political and cultural influences, and now the state of Israel. The multiple realities in historical view, and the new realities emerging after the Second World War. Waiting for Friedman and some other friends to pick me up, the wealth of recollections resonated in my mind so that I felt a significant part of my foundation matrix as I joined the company in the car. 597502 GAQ0010.1177/0533316415597502Group AnalysisUrlić: Response to Soldier’s Matrix other2015
Forensics (forensis - before the Forum) means the application of knowledge from different scienti... more Forensics (forensis - before the Forum) means the application of knowledge from different scientific fields in order to define facts in judicial and/or administrative procedures. Nowadays forensics, besides this, finds its application even in different economic processes. For example, forensics enters the commercial areas of business intelligence and of different security areas. The European Commission recognized the importance of forensics, and underscored the importance of development of its scientific infrastructure in member States. We are witnessing the rise of various tragedies in economic and other kinds of processes. Undoubtedly, the world is increasingly exposed to various forms of threats whose occurrences regularly involve people. In this paper we are proposing the development of a new approach in the forensic assessment of the state of human resources. We are suggesting that in the focus should be the forensic approach in the psychological assessment of awareness of the ...
In writing about the group setting in treatment of patients with psychosis the author is drawing ... more In writing about the group setting in treatment of patients with psychosis the author is drawing from his long clinical practice and his writings on the subject. He underlines the value of group-analytic concepts, formulated by S.H.Foulkes, as well as needed modifications when patients with psychosis are in question. Through clinical examples he will explain his experiences and discuss some specific features concerning inpatients and outpatients group psychodynamic psychotherapy for patients with psychosis. A special attention will be directed towards the dynamics of the therapist's/therapeutic team's roles, and to the need of continuous supervision.
The aim of this study was to explore the influence of certain aspects of family dynamics, as well... more The aim of this study was to explore the influence of certain aspects of family dynamics, as well as some behavior and psychological development disorders on the occurrence of homicides and attempted homicides among juveniles in the Split Dalmatian County over a period of 10 years (1989-1998). A retrospective case-control study was performed to compare juvenile murderers and attempted murderers with minors who committed other offences, i.e. property crimes. The subjects were paired according to demographic and socio-economic background. The data obtained from County Court's files included social anamnesis, specialists' observation and psychiatric expertise results. There was a significant difference between the study group and their controls in the frequency of physical violence and parental rejection during childhood. Neuropsychological and neurophysiological abnormalities were more frequent in the experimental than in the control group. Stealing occurred more often in the ...
In this pilot study the authors present the group members' assessment of their conductor in g... more In this pilot study the authors present the group members' assessment of their conductor in group analysis--the treatment conducted in accordance with concept >group-as-a-whole< of S. H. Foulkes. There will be presented the results obtained by scale for evaluation of characteristics of the group therapist. In the scale, developed by the authors of the study, there were 30 items and by factorial analysis it gave three interpretable factors: authenticity, empathy and distrust. By self-evaluation the members of three small groups, i.e. 20 patients, ranked characteristics of their conductor. The patients, assessing the degree of their accordance with 30 items of the evaluation scale, expressed whether and how much they experienced their conductor as an authentic, empathic and trustworthy person. While in the beginning of the group analytic process the conductor's role was important, his importance decreased as the group-as-a-whole developed. Group experience became more im...
Papers by Ivan Urlić