Ivan Sokolov
Sokolov Ivan Alexeevich (Ivan Sokolov) – historian, kandidat istoricheskih nauk (PhD analog), the author of the complex of the studies on histories of tea and tea trade in Russia, Russian empire, USSR.
Соколов Иван Алексеевич – историк, кандидат исторических наук, автор комплекса научных исследований о чае и чайной торговле в России, Российской империи, Советском Союзе.
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[email protected]
Соколов Иван Алексеевич – историк, кандидат исторических наук, автор комплекса научных исследований о чае и чайной торговле в России, Российской империи, Советском Союзе.
Address: В Контакте: http://vk.com/SokolovIvanAlexeevich или http://vk.com/id105938152
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003071452398
LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/uRqnhV
[email protected]
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Books by Ivan Sokolov
Первое российское научное издание, в которой рассказывается о чайной культуре китайской провинции Цзянсу. Книга будет полезна историкам, экономистам, культурологам, этнографам, торговцам чаем, чайным коммерсантам и всем увлечённым чайной культурой.
A separate block contains the jargon of the Russian tea world (the professional tea community and Russian tea subcultures).
This scientific, highly specialized reference publication is intended for cultural scientists, philologists and linguists, sociologists, historians, psychologists, experts in the field of computer security and a number of other specialized specialists.
In modern conditions, traditional bagged tea made from tea production waste no longer meets the highest quality standards. Synthetic flavorings and flavor enhancers are often added to modern bagged teas. They can cause allergic reactions, which creates additional risks when transporting passengers.
This manual will allow airline employees to obtain all the necessary basic information about the history, culture of tea, types of elite and exclusive tea, rules for its storage, brewing and serving.
Familiarization with the book will improve the culture of customer service, increase sales on board the aircraft, and add flexibility when servicing first class passengers, business aviation clients and dignitaries (including top government officials and members of official delegations) on special boards.
This Reference book is the ninth volume in the series of books. It is dedicated to modern Russian tea slang.
The first book in this sub-series was published in 2019 and attracted the attention of many specialists. A series of volumes have been published over the years. Almost all Russian tea slang since the times of the USSR, as well as the entire tea slang of New Russia – from the 1990s to the early 2020s – has been studied. These volumes include the tea slang of the pre-revolution period.
The new 9th volume of the reference book contains a lot of modern Russian tea slang, as well as tea and related folklore. Most of the materials are the up-to-date information of 2021 – 2023. The reference book also includes material collected from the 2010s that was not included in earlier volumes.
A significant part of the phrases and expressions has come from Russian tea trade specialists: tea business owners, tea buyers, tea sellers of specialized tea shops.
Most of the collected data relates to the tea trade segment, providing services for the Russian elite and those who are called “new nobles” in modern Russia.
A large array of new slang was also collected among the so-called “tea drinkers”. This is a growing Russian tea subculture, especially popular among young people. Some of the typical representatives of this subculture are the so-called “golden youth” – the children of representatives of the upper class of the Russian society.
The “tea drinkers” is still extremely heterogeneous Russian youth subculture. It includes both low-income tea consumers and representatives of the Russian elite. These people are united by a persistent love for tea, being consumed in enormous quantities by this social group. In addition, this informal community has already developed its own slang, which is not generally understood even by other tea consumers.
Among other materials, the book includes new terms and names of tea items used in the modern Russian tea industry.
The book is useful to historians, philologists, culturologists, tea sellers (especially in the premium segment of the Russian tea market) and other specialists and people who are passionate about the tea culture of Russia and China. It may also be useful to the researchers who study the formation and evolution of elites.
"Мир элитного чая" - краткое пособие с базовой информацией по теме китайского чая и китайской чайной культуры. Брошюра будет полезна для тех, кто собирается познакомиться с набирающей популярность темой китайского чаепития и потребления элитных сортов китайского чая, включая чай пуэр. В частности, приводится информация о наиболее знаменитых чайных терруарах КНР: ИУ (Мэнла), Уишань, деревнях: Лао Бан Чжан, Бин Дао, Лун Цзин.
Most Russian publications and reference books generally contain outdated slang, that was used in the 1990s and early 2000s. These words and phrases are no longer in use and do not reflect the existing changes in the Russian language. They are valuable for researchers studying the changes in the Russian language over the years. However, nowadays they have no practical value.
This book contains the most recent information on the evolving and living Russian language up to the end of 2022.
The book is full of new Russian slang words that appeared in the language during the so-called “Special Military Operation” (SMO) of Russia against Ukraine in 2022. Due to this fact, the reference book has analogues neither in the Russia nor in the world.
This book includes not only common everyday slang, but also highly specialized technical jargon and slang of a number of Russian social strata and subcultures. In particular, it’s focused on the jargon of Russian computer specialists, geeks, technicians, hackers, hipsters and other groups.
A significant part of the materials comes from the groups of young people: from schoolchildren and teenagers to people with an average age of 35-40 years.
Moreover, the book also represents the living Russian language used in everyday communication on major social platforms.
All this together significantly increases the value of the book, as it allows philologists to assess the evolving trends of the Russian language and predict its future evolution.
The publication will be useful for people studying Russian at the professional and expert level, youth slang experts, and some professional translators.
It’s also useful for Big Data analysts.
The book provides valuable material for developers of the human-computer interfaces. It is also valuable for cybersecurity specialists.
Furthermore, it can be useful for engineers of AI-based complex computer systems (in the part it interacts with a human).
Jargon and obscene words almost invariably have a particular emotional tinge (sentiment). Tracking such data and entering it into the system allow AI to perform the sentiment analysis. The latter, in turn, enables the System to interact with a human correctly, including adjusting a person's behavior in various situations.
If no such data in analytical systems it will lead to the opposite effects: the accuracy of behavior predicting will significantly decrease, the interaction between man and machine will fail.
The above usage examples are not complete. These are just a few examples of the data use. The scope of the possible practical application of published data has yet to be assessed in the future.
The publication contains a basic knowledge about tea, necessary for training business aviation staff.
Storing, brewing and serving high-quality organic tea to the high-profile clients requires special knowledge and skills. Mass market teabags no longer meet the service level requirements of the state leaders and most demanding customers.
The highest service standards on board business jets bring us to the decision of moving away from mass market tea that is grown with excess amounts of fertilizers and processed with toxic agricultural chemicals.
Teas with synthetic flavors and flavor intensifier may cause a customer to have an allergic reaction. This poses additional risks onboard and affects the flight comfort.
This reference guide provides airline employees with all necessary basic information on tea history and tea tasting culture, the varieties of elite and exclusive tea, its storage conditions, brewing and serving process. Serving wealthy customers becomes more flexible and safer, and increase onboard sales.
The Wuyi tea terroir is famous for its Xiao Zhong (小种; xiǎo zhǒng; literally translated as “Small Tea Variety”) red tea. This tea is the ancestor of all red tea in the world. Chinese red tea is well-known in Russia and the Western world as “black tea”.
Also, the Wuyi Shan mountainous area is the place where the famous Chinese partially fermented tea, oolong, is produced. This group of tea is fermented more than green tea, but less than red tea. Oolong from this region have a separate designation, “Cliff Tea” (武夷岩茶; Wǔyí yán chá; Wu Yi Cliff Tea).
In the Wuyi Shan mountainous area more than 2,000 varieties of oolong with registered agricultural trademarks grows. This does not include new varieties of recent years, and varieties used for red tea manufacture. Only a few varieties of tea from the oolong group are widely known in the Western world, tea with the trade name Da Hong Pao (大红袍; dà hóng páo; literally translated as “Big Red Robe”) is one of them.
In Russia tea from the Wuyi Shan mountainous area was known under the “Bohea tea” trade name after the European name for the mountains - “Bohea Hills” - until 1917. This tea has been known to the Russian customers since the 19th century and it is highly valued on the Russian tea market.
Tea from the Chinese Empire were delivered to the Russian Empire and European countries along the so-called “The Great Tea Road” (万里茶道; Wànlǐ Chá Dào; Overland Tea Caravan Route; The Siberian Route), an ancient transport corridor from Asia to Europe. The Great Tea Road includes more than 14 overland and maritime trade routes for the delivery of Chinese goods (tea, porcelain, silk and others) to Russia and Western Europe.
The tea route began in the Chinese city of Hankou, in the 21st century it is the Wuhan urban agglomeration in the Chinese province of Hubei. This ancient transport corridor passed through the modern territory of Mongolia; at that time, it was the land of the Chinese Empire. One part of the caravan routes passed through Central Asia, and another part ran through Russian Siberia, the Ural Mountains, and further to European territory of Russia. Russian merchants re-exported part of Chinese tea to the European countries.
In the 21st century, the Tea Road has become the relevant issue due to the “Belt – Road” (“One Belt and One Road”) policy of the Chinese government leader (Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party).
The study of modern China world market expansion is not possible without studying the logistical routes of the past. Moreover, it is impossible to study the continental trade routes of the past without studying the goods transported over them from Asia (mainly China) to Europe.
The book contains valuable material on the history and culture of Chinese tea in one of the most important tea regions - the northern part of Fujian Province. A large part of material in the book consists of the quality analysis of Chinese red (black) and oolong tea. As before, these Chinese goods can be the driving force of the Chinese globalization and expand China's influence on the rest of the world.
Along with the spread of the Chinese language and Chinese culture in the Western world, tea becomes the “key” of Chinese influence, so to speak, that opens new markets for its agricultural products and pottery. Chinese tea is especially popular among young people. Here it should be noted that Chinese tea is a higher value-added product even with a minimum sales volume. This is extremely profitable business for merchants, but complicates traceability in a cross-border supply chain.
This book provides the scientific background for the Russian studies of Chinese tea from the province of Fujian in general, and specifically its northern Wuyi Shan mountainous area.
The publication is intended for the expert on the Chinese trade and culture, agricultural specialists, global corporation employees involved in the import of Chinese tea and other goods. The book lays the groundwork for the Chinese tea and tea culture researches.
Jargon, slang, terminology and memes of gaming subcultures, massively multiplayer online games, geeks, hackers, gamers, e-sportsmen and geeks.
This reference work introduces into the scientific circulation new materials on the history of tea and culture of tea in the Russian Empire, USSR and Modern Russia.
A big set of newly discovered data – Russian industry-specific tea jargon as well as vernacular of Russian tea subcultures. The issue also includes new information about items of Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese teas both being already popular with buyers and just gaining traction.
The publishing materials cover the period from the end of XVIII century till the end of 2021.
Considerable attention is given to the new materials on the history of the Great Tea Road (万里茶道) which provided mutual trade between Asia and Europe through the Russian Empire. Tea and other Chinese goods were moving through the territory of the present Mongolia and Russian Siberia to the trade fairs of the European part of Russia. Part of the tea from China was resold to Eastern and Southern Europe by Russian merchants.
In the appendices to the book there is a big unit of the most valuable materials on the history and culture of tea, which have never been published before. A significant part of materials was taken from the private collections and weren’t available to researches.
Part of the published images applies to the teas which came to the market of the Russian Empire from the city called Hankou (汉口, Хангъ-Као). Nowadays it is an urban agglomeration Wuhan (武汉, Wǔhàn, Ухань) in the Chinese province Hubei (湖北, Húběi, Хубей).
Appendices also contain materials on the modern tea culture of Russia and China.
This reference work will be useful for historians, culturologists, philologists and tea traders. The book gives the necessary information in consolidated form and allows to reduce time for searching it.
Первое российское научное издание, в которой рассказывается о чайной культуре китайской провинции Цзянсу. Книга будет полезна историкам, экономистам, культурологам, этнографам, торговцам чаем, чайным коммерсантам и всем увлечённым чайной культурой.
A separate block contains the jargon of the Russian tea world (the professional tea community and Russian tea subcultures).
This scientific, highly specialized reference publication is intended for cultural scientists, philologists and linguists, sociologists, historians, psychologists, experts in the field of computer security and a number of other specialized specialists.
In modern conditions, traditional bagged tea made from tea production waste no longer meets the highest quality standards. Synthetic flavorings and flavor enhancers are often added to modern bagged teas. They can cause allergic reactions, which creates additional risks when transporting passengers.
This manual will allow airline employees to obtain all the necessary basic information about the history, culture of tea, types of elite and exclusive tea, rules for its storage, brewing and serving.
Familiarization with the book will improve the culture of customer service, increase sales on board the aircraft, and add flexibility when servicing first class passengers, business aviation clients and dignitaries (including top government officials and members of official delegations) on special boards.
This Reference book is the ninth volume in the series of books. It is dedicated to modern Russian tea slang.
The first book in this sub-series was published in 2019 and attracted the attention of many specialists. A series of volumes have been published over the years. Almost all Russian tea slang since the times of the USSR, as well as the entire tea slang of New Russia – from the 1990s to the early 2020s – has been studied. These volumes include the tea slang of the pre-revolution period.
The new 9th volume of the reference book contains a lot of modern Russian tea slang, as well as tea and related folklore. Most of the materials are the up-to-date information of 2021 – 2023. The reference book also includes material collected from the 2010s that was not included in earlier volumes.
A significant part of the phrases and expressions has come from Russian tea trade specialists: tea business owners, tea buyers, tea sellers of specialized tea shops.
Most of the collected data relates to the tea trade segment, providing services for the Russian elite and those who are called “new nobles” in modern Russia.
A large array of new slang was also collected among the so-called “tea drinkers”. This is a growing Russian tea subculture, especially popular among young people. Some of the typical representatives of this subculture are the so-called “golden youth” – the children of representatives of the upper class of the Russian society.
The “tea drinkers” is still extremely heterogeneous Russian youth subculture. It includes both low-income tea consumers and representatives of the Russian elite. These people are united by a persistent love for tea, being consumed in enormous quantities by this social group. In addition, this informal community has already developed its own slang, which is not generally understood even by other tea consumers.
Among other materials, the book includes new terms and names of tea items used in the modern Russian tea industry.
The book is useful to historians, philologists, culturologists, tea sellers (especially in the premium segment of the Russian tea market) and other specialists and people who are passionate about the tea culture of Russia and China. It may also be useful to the researchers who study the formation and evolution of elites.
"Мир элитного чая" - краткое пособие с базовой информацией по теме китайского чая и китайской чайной культуры. Брошюра будет полезна для тех, кто собирается познакомиться с набирающей популярность темой китайского чаепития и потребления элитных сортов китайского чая, включая чай пуэр. В частности, приводится информация о наиболее знаменитых чайных терруарах КНР: ИУ (Мэнла), Уишань, деревнях: Лао Бан Чжан, Бин Дао, Лун Цзин.
Most Russian publications and reference books generally contain outdated slang, that was used in the 1990s and early 2000s. These words and phrases are no longer in use and do not reflect the existing changes in the Russian language. They are valuable for researchers studying the changes in the Russian language over the years. However, nowadays they have no practical value.
This book contains the most recent information on the evolving and living Russian language up to the end of 2022.
The book is full of new Russian slang words that appeared in the language during the so-called “Special Military Operation” (SMO) of Russia against Ukraine in 2022. Due to this fact, the reference book has analogues neither in the Russia nor in the world.
This book includes not only common everyday slang, but also highly specialized technical jargon and slang of a number of Russian social strata and subcultures. In particular, it’s focused on the jargon of Russian computer specialists, geeks, technicians, hackers, hipsters and other groups.
A significant part of the materials comes from the groups of young people: from schoolchildren and teenagers to people with an average age of 35-40 years.
Moreover, the book also represents the living Russian language used in everyday communication on major social platforms.
All this together significantly increases the value of the book, as it allows philologists to assess the evolving trends of the Russian language and predict its future evolution.
The publication will be useful for people studying Russian at the professional and expert level, youth slang experts, and some professional translators.
It’s also useful for Big Data analysts.
The book provides valuable material for developers of the human-computer interfaces. It is also valuable for cybersecurity specialists.
Furthermore, it can be useful for engineers of AI-based complex computer systems (in the part it interacts with a human).
Jargon and obscene words almost invariably have a particular emotional tinge (sentiment). Tracking such data and entering it into the system allow AI to perform the sentiment analysis. The latter, in turn, enables the System to interact with a human correctly, including adjusting a person's behavior in various situations.
If no such data in analytical systems it will lead to the opposite effects: the accuracy of behavior predicting will significantly decrease, the interaction between man and machine will fail.
The above usage examples are not complete. These are just a few examples of the data use. The scope of the possible practical application of published data has yet to be assessed in the future.
The publication contains a basic knowledge about tea, necessary for training business aviation staff.
Storing, brewing and serving high-quality organic tea to the high-profile clients requires special knowledge and skills. Mass market teabags no longer meet the service level requirements of the state leaders and most demanding customers.
The highest service standards on board business jets bring us to the decision of moving away from mass market tea that is grown with excess amounts of fertilizers and processed with toxic agricultural chemicals.
Teas with synthetic flavors and flavor intensifier may cause a customer to have an allergic reaction. This poses additional risks onboard and affects the flight comfort.
This reference guide provides airline employees with all necessary basic information on tea history and tea tasting culture, the varieties of elite and exclusive tea, its storage conditions, brewing and serving process. Serving wealthy customers becomes more flexible and safer, and increase onboard sales.
The Wuyi tea terroir is famous for its Xiao Zhong (小种; xiǎo zhǒng; literally translated as “Small Tea Variety”) red tea. This tea is the ancestor of all red tea in the world. Chinese red tea is well-known in Russia and the Western world as “black tea”.
Also, the Wuyi Shan mountainous area is the place where the famous Chinese partially fermented tea, oolong, is produced. This group of tea is fermented more than green tea, but less than red tea. Oolong from this region have a separate designation, “Cliff Tea” (武夷岩茶; Wǔyí yán chá; Wu Yi Cliff Tea).
In the Wuyi Shan mountainous area more than 2,000 varieties of oolong with registered agricultural trademarks grows. This does not include new varieties of recent years, and varieties used for red tea manufacture. Only a few varieties of tea from the oolong group are widely known in the Western world, tea with the trade name Da Hong Pao (大红袍; dà hóng páo; literally translated as “Big Red Robe”) is one of them.
In Russia tea from the Wuyi Shan mountainous area was known under the “Bohea tea” trade name after the European name for the mountains - “Bohea Hills” - until 1917. This tea has been known to the Russian customers since the 19th century and it is highly valued on the Russian tea market.
Tea from the Chinese Empire were delivered to the Russian Empire and European countries along the so-called “The Great Tea Road” (万里茶道; Wànlǐ Chá Dào; Overland Tea Caravan Route; The Siberian Route), an ancient transport corridor from Asia to Europe. The Great Tea Road includes more than 14 overland and maritime trade routes for the delivery of Chinese goods (tea, porcelain, silk and others) to Russia and Western Europe.
The tea route began in the Chinese city of Hankou, in the 21st century it is the Wuhan urban agglomeration in the Chinese province of Hubei. This ancient transport corridor passed through the modern territory of Mongolia; at that time, it was the land of the Chinese Empire. One part of the caravan routes passed through Central Asia, and another part ran through Russian Siberia, the Ural Mountains, and further to European territory of Russia. Russian merchants re-exported part of Chinese tea to the European countries.
In the 21st century, the Tea Road has become the relevant issue due to the “Belt – Road” (“One Belt and One Road”) policy of the Chinese government leader (Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party).
The study of modern China world market expansion is not possible without studying the logistical routes of the past. Moreover, it is impossible to study the continental trade routes of the past without studying the goods transported over them from Asia (mainly China) to Europe.
The book contains valuable material on the history and culture of Chinese tea in one of the most important tea regions - the northern part of Fujian Province. A large part of material in the book consists of the quality analysis of Chinese red (black) and oolong tea. As before, these Chinese goods can be the driving force of the Chinese globalization and expand China's influence on the rest of the world.
Along with the spread of the Chinese language and Chinese culture in the Western world, tea becomes the “key” of Chinese influence, so to speak, that opens new markets for its agricultural products and pottery. Chinese tea is especially popular among young people. Here it should be noted that Chinese tea is a higher value-added product even with a minimum sales volume. This is extremely profitable business for merchants, but complicates traceability in a cross-border supply chain.
This book provides the scientific background for the Russian studies of Chinese tea from the province of Fujian in general, and specifically its northern Wuyi Shan mountainous area.
The publication is intended for the expert on the Chinese trade and culture, agricultural specialists, global corporation employees involved in the import of Chinese tea and other goods. The book lays the groundwork for the Chinese tea and tea culture researches.
Jargon, slang, terminology and memes of gaming subcultures, massively multiplayer online games, geeks, hackers, gamers, e-sportsmen and geeks.
This reference work introduces into the scientific circulation new materials on the history of tea and culture of tea in the Russian Empire, USSR and Modern Russia.
A big set of newly discovered data – Russian industry-specific tea jargon as well as vernacular of Russian tea subcultures. The issue also includes new information about items of Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese teas both being already popular with buyers and just gaining traction.
The publishing materials cover the period from the end of XVIII century till the end of 2021.
Considerable attention is given to the new materials on the history of the Great Tea Road (万里茶道) which provided mutual trade between Asia and Europe through the Russian Empire. Tea and other Chinese goods were moving through the territory of the present Mongolia and Russian Siberia to the trade fairs of the European part of Russia. Part of the tea from China was resold to Eastern and Southern Europe by Russian merchants.
In the appendices to the book there is a big unit of the most valuable materials on the history and culture of tea, which have never been published before. A significant part of materials was taken from the private collections and weren’t available to researches.
Part of the published images applies to the teas which came to the market of the Russian Empire from the city called Hankou (汉口, Хангъ-Као). Nowadays it is an urban agglomeration Wuhan (武汉, Wǔhàn, Ухань) in the Chinese province Hubei (湖北, Húběi, Хубей).
Appendices also contain materials on the modern tea culture of Russia and China.
This reference work will be useful for historians, culturologists, philologists and tea traders. The book gives the necessary information in consolidated form and allows to reduce time for searching it.
The first Russian scientific publication that tells about the tea culture of the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia, which has become a crossroads of a wide variety of tea traditions and cultures. The book will be useful to historians, economists, cultural experts, ethnographers, tea traders, tea merchants and everyone interested in tea culture.
Kinesernes og russernes mentalitet i te- og nær-te-historier om "typer"
המנטליות של הסינים והרוסים בסיפורי תה וכמעט תה על "טיפוסים"
די פּסיכאָלאָגיע פון די כינעזיש און רוסישע אין טיי און לעבן-טיי מעשיות וועגן "טייפּס"
La mentalidad de chinos y rusos en el té y las historias cercanas al té sobre "tipos"
La mentalità dei cinesi e dei russi nel tè e nelle storie vicine al tè sui "tipi"
"유형"에 관한 차와 차에 가까운 이야기에서 중국인과 러시아인의 사고 방식
ຈິດໃຈຂອງຊາວຈີນແລະລັດເຊຍໃນເລື່ອງຊາແລະເກືອບຊາກ່ຽວກັບ "ປະເພດ"
D'Mentalitéit vun de Chinesen an de Russen an Téi a bal Téi Geschichten iwwer "Typen"
Il-mentalità taċ-Ċiniżi u r-Russi fit-te u stejjer qrib it-te dwar "tipi"
Die Mentalität der Chinesen und Russen in Tee- und Near-Tee-Geschichten über „Typen“
De mentaliteit van de Chinezen en Russen in thee- en bijna-theeverhalen over 'types'
Mentaliteten til kineserne og russerne i te- og nesten-te-historier om "typer"
ذهنیت چینی ها و روس ها در داستان های چای و نزدیک به چای در مورد "انواع"
Mentalność Chińczyków i Rosjan w opowieściach o herbacie i przy herbacie o „typach”
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Менталітет китайців і росіян у чайних і білячайних історіях про «типів»
La mentalité des Chinois et des Russes dans les histoires de thé et de thé proche sur les « types »
La rica historia de este sorprendente producto, así como las tradiciones de su consumo, se adentran en las profundidades de la historia. En aquellos tiempos lejanos, cuando el té era medicina. Más tarde, el té se convirtió en un producto gastronómico.
Con certeza, podemos decir que las personas han recolectado y consumido té durante más de 3000 años.
El libro que tienes en tus manos está diseñado para abrirte la puerta al mundo del mejor té de todo el mundo.
Con este libro aprenderá sobre la breve historia del té, su lugar en la cultura y las tradiciones de China y Rusia.
Los antiguos árboles de té y las famosas regiones de té serán el centro de nuestra atención.
La edad estimada de los principales árboles de té, los principales lugares para cultivar té, también escribimos sobre esto en este libro.
Cuenta en detalle sobre tés especiales – pu-erh. En particular, aprenderá sobre el pu-erh de los antiguos árboles de té silvestre.
El libro también presta atención al pu-erh de los árboles de los antiguos jardines de té, donde las personas plantaron árboles.
En el libro hablamos de tipos de té: té blanco, té verde, té amarillo, té oolong, té rojo y el vasto mundo de los tés oscuros.
Prestaremos especial atención a la cultura del té de la juventud rusa y los tés populares allí.
Se ha asignado un lugar para una historia sobre utensilios para beber té. También hablamos sobre cómo preparar té de élite correctamente. Si bien los tés del mercado masivo son bastante fáciles de preparar, los tés de alta calidad requieren habilidades especiales para prepararlos.
De forma muy concisa y accesible, el libro explica cómo preparar té para que sea sabroso y brinde los máximos beneficios al cuerpo humano.
Revelaremos los secretos del comercio del té ruso.
Mostremos cómo los comerciantes astutos engañan a los compradores.
El libro le presentará las formas típicas de engaño, trucos comerciales, fraude comercial. Te enseñamos cómo evitar las trampas y manipulaciones por parte de los comerciantes de té.
Hablamos de los mitos y conceptos erróneos del té que están presentes en la comunidad rusa del té.
Este libro es el primer paso en su Camino del Té personal.
¡Esta es su llave personal que abre el tesoro del té de élite!
Sokolov I.A. Moscow - the tea capital of the Russian Empire on the Great Tea Road [Text, Images] // "Moscow local historian": historical and local history journal of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "association of cultural centers of the South-Western Administrative District", No. 1 (14) dated 04.02 .2022. - S. 92 - 101.
Соколов И.А. Российский рынок ждёт качественный китайский чай // «Россия и Китай», №1(26) за 2020 год - С. 32 - 35. - ISSN 2411-6475. – (text on Russian & Chinese). – (дублированный текст на русском и китайском языках).
索科洛夫 i. a. 茶之旅在莫斯科-"伟大的茶之路", 1号2019年。-pp. 23-24。-issn 265-6118。
Sadowsky A.S., Sokolov I.A. Ivan-Tea [Fireweed]: from myths to reality [Part II] [text, images] / Sadowsky Anatoly, PhD (chemical); Sokolov Ivan PhD (history) // "Coffee and tea in Russia: Business Magazine", No. 6 (141), December 2017. - PP. 20 - 23.
Садовский А.С., Соколов И.А. Иван-чай: от мифов к реалиям: Часть I [Текст, Изображения] / Садовский А.С., кандидат химических наук; Соколов Иван Алексеевич, кандидат исторических наук // «Кофе и Чай в России: деловой журнал», №5 (140) за ноябрь 2017 года. - С. 30 - 34.
Lifliand L.I., Sokolov I.A. Japanese Tea: Distinguishing Features, Heritage of Ancestors, Prospects in the Present-Day Russian Market // Economic policies: academic business journal, №1 (143) for 201. PP. 184 - 197. – ISSN 1680-094Х (Journal of the Institute for economic strategies Department of social sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Sokolov I. Russian tea ice cream 1870-s: over 140 years of oblivion [Text, Images] / Sokolov Ivan Alexeevich // Coffee & Tea business magazine International, №5 (132) for 2016. – PP. 34 – 36.
Sokolov I. Tea and Revolution 1917 year: reality and mythology// Coffee & Tea in Russia: business magazine, No. 3 (129) for 2016. – PP. 28 – 33.
Sokolov I., The Russian Orthodox Church, laymen and old believers: a look at the tea and coffee // Coffee & Tea in Russia: business magazine, No. 2 (128) for 2016. – PP. 36 – 39.
Sokolov I.A. History of unusual tea brick: from strange finds to the history tea-trade business of Shvecov // Coffee & Tea in Russia: business magazine, no. 1 (127) for March 2016. – PP. 28 – 31.
Соколов И.А. Ужасы чайной тары и упаковки: факты в ретроспективном взгляде вглубь истории // Кофе & Чай в России: деловой журнал, №6 (125) за 2015 г. – С. 26 – 27.
Jargon, slang, terminology and memes of gaming subcultures, massively multiplayer online games, geeks, hackers, gamers, e-sportsmen and geeks
Анонс книги: «Мир Танков»: терминология, слэнги мемы многопользовательской
онлайн-игры «World of Tanks».
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Соколов И.А. Чай и Революция 1917 года: реальность и мифология [Текст, изображения] Соколов Иван Алексеевич // Кофе & Чай в России: деловой журнал, №3 (129) за 2016 г. – С. 28 – 33.
Соколов И.А. Русская православная церковь, миряне и старообрядчество: взгляд на чай и кофе [Текст, изображения] / Соколов Иван Алексеевич // Кофе & Чай в России: деловой журнал, №2 (128) за 2016 г. – С. 36 – 39.
Full version with images - https://www.academia.edu/24223183/
Опубликованная версия тут: https://www.academia.edu/22668646
Соколов И.А. Ужасы чайной тары и упаковки: факты в ретроспективном взгляде вглубь истории // Кофе & Чай в России: деловой журнал, №6 (125) за 2015 г. – С. 26 – 27.
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The best tea shops in Russia.
Чайный путеводитель по России - октябрь 2022.
At any use of the material, the reference to authorship (Ivan Sokolov) is obligatory.
At any use of the material, the reference to authorship (Ivan Sokolov) is obligatory.
Путеводитель по чайным местам Москвы и России - сентябрь 2021 года
Путеводитель по чайным местам Москвы и России - сентябрь 2020 года
Путеводитель по чайным местам Москвы и России - ноябрь 2019 года
In modern conditions, traditional bagged tea made from tea production waste no longer meets the highest quality standards. Synthetic flavorings and flavor enhancers are often added to modern bagged teas. They can cause allergic reactions, which creates additional risks when transporting passengers.
This manual will allow airline employees to obtain all the necessary basic information about the history, culture of tea, types of elite and exclusive tea, rules for its storage, brewing and serving.
Familiarization with the book will improve the culture of customer service, increase sales on board the aircraft, and add flexibility when servicing first class passengers, business aviation clients and dignitaries (including top government officials and members of official delegations) on special boards.