Papers by Ivan Mimica-Gale

Perception & Psychophysics, 1987
the intensities or differences. In contrast, in comparative judgment procedures, including magnit... more the intensities or differences. In contrast, in comparative judgment procedures, including magnitude estimation, which are more typical and widely used in contemporary psychophysics, subjects are asked to compare the intensities (or other properties, e.g., pitch) of stimuli. Thus, they are asked to perform a kind of subjective measurement of physical stimuli or the sensations provoked by them . This difference motivates our interest in the informational characteristics of comparative judgments, since they need not be the same as, or even similar to, those of absolute judgments. Procedures for examining the informational properties of comparative judgments have been developed by and applied to judgments of visual area by A. Fulgosi, Lugomer, and Lj. Fulgosi (1980, 1986). When subjects judged visual areas with input information of 4 bits, transmitted information was 2.3 bits for ratio estimation, 2.9 bits for category judgment, and 2.9 bits for magnitude estimation. In one study (A. Fulgosi et al., 1980) it was found that the amount of transmitted information in different sensory systems was about 3 bits, considerably less than the input information, suggesting a restriction in the form of channel capacity. On the basis of the informational aspects of quantitative judgments, developed a new objective psychophysics in which sensory systems are characterized by their efficiency in extracting intensity information from physical processes. The basic measurement units in this psychophysics are objectively defmedintensity bits and a corresponding number of intensity Reprint requests should be directed to: Ante Fulgosi, Odsjek za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet, 41000 Zagreb, Yugoslavia.

Odsjek za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Zadru Orig inalni znanstveni i lanak UDK: 159,922.63... more Odsjek za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Zadru Orig inalni znanstveni i lanak UDK: 159,922.63 Primljeno: 05. 09. 1984. SA2ETAK U ovom ispitivanju pokusalo se utvrditi kako ispitanici koji imaju razlieito iskustvo sa stariiim osobama percipiraju starije osobe razliditog zdravstvenog stanja. Tri su skupine ispitanika: medicinske sestre zaposlene u domovima umirovlienika (N=10), medicinske sestre koie rade s bolesnicima mlade i srednle dobi (N=29) i udenici srednje Skole (N=39), procjenjivale na nizu skala semantidkog diferencijala stariju osobu op6enito, zdravu stariju osobu i bolesnu stariju osobu. Rezuhati pokazuju da wi ispitanici povoljnije percipiraju stariiu osobu ako joi se pridoda atribut ,,zdravai', a nepovoljnije ako je ta osoba slabog zdravstvenog stanja. Pri tome se starijoj osobi pripisuju znadajke koje nisu izravno povezane sa zdravljem, Sto upuduje na postojanje stereotipa zdrave, odnosno bolesne starije osobe. Ti stereotipi najmanje su izra2eni kod osoblja koje radi u domovima umirovIenika, lspitanici wa tri uzorka podjednako percipiralu stariju osobu opdenito, ali se razlikuju u intenzitetu stava prema zdravoj i bolesnol starijoj osobi. Medicinske sestre zaposlene u bolnici izrazito povoljnije procienjuju zdravu stariju osobu u odnosu prema ostalim skuplnama ispitanika, dok je za udenike karakteristidno da nainegativnije vrednuju bolesnu stariju osobu. Te se razlike mogu pripisati specif idnom iskustvu razliditih skupina ispitanika.
Twelve tones of different durations were presented to subjects several times each. Subjects gave ... more Twelve tones of different durations were presented to subjects several times each. Subjects gave their estimations of tone duration. Their judgments were analized by the informational analysis with the purpuse to determine how manny different time durations they can distinguish.
Papers by Ivan Mimica-Gale