Papers by István Dániel Sanda

Athens Journal of Τechnology & Engineering
One of the challenges of higher education today is to prepare students for the demands of the lab... more One of the challenges of higher education today is to prepare students for the demands of the labour market. A goal becoming ever more important is that, in addition to the so-called hard skills (knowledge obtained from textbooks), the development of soft skills (inter- and intrapersonal skills) also be emphasised. It is a particularly important question in the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), and especially in engineering education, which abilities and skills are essential for new graduates on the labour market. The aim of our questionnaire survey, conducted in 2022, was to map the specifics of soft skills among engineering students. A total of 208 engineering students filled in our online questionnaire. We examined the characteristics of soft skills based on a list of 39 items. The 5 soft skills considered most important were problem-solving, reliability, resilience, communication and independent work. Students regarded themselves as most characterize...
2022 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES)

Képzés és Gyakorlat, 2015
SANDA ISTVÁN DÁNIEL A szakképzés és a szakoktatás az ókorban Ez a tanulmány az ókorba kalauzolja ... more SANDA ISTVÁN DÁNIEL A szakképzés és a szakoktatás az ókorban Ez a tanulmány az ókorba kalauzolja el az olvasót; a szakképzés kezdeteit a 8-10 ezer évvel ezelőtti tárgyi emlékek alapján tárgyaljuk. Betekintünk az ókori kultúrák szakemberképzésének sajátosságaiba és a korabeli gyakorlatba. Az antik nevelés sumer, akkád, egyiptomi és zsidó vonásait vizsgáljuk, majd áttérünk a hellén és római kultúra szakemberképzésre gyakorolt hatásaira. Elemezzük és értelmezzük a kisiparosok jogállását, a mesterségek kialakulásának körülményeit és feltételeit. Çatal Hüyük, a világ ma ismert legrégebbi városa A törökországi Dél-Anatóliában található Çatal Hüyük története Kr. e 7500-ig nyúlik vissza. Ezen az ókori településen többezer ember élt együtt generációkon át (Soldi 2006, 19). Az 1. ábrán a feltárt település egyik részletét láthatjuk. 1. ábra: Çatal Hüyük, a feltárt legősibb város Forrás: og& A lakosság földműveléssel, gabonatermesztéssel, állattartással és a szükséges használati tárgyak, szerszámok készítésével foglalkozott. "Juhászkutyákat neveltek és vadásztak is

Képzés és gyakorlat, 2015
SANDA ISTVÁN DÁNIEL A szakképzés és a szakoktatás az ókorban Ez a tanulmány az ókorba kalauzolja ... more SANDA ISTVÁN DÁNIEL A szakképzés és a szakoktatás az ókorban Ez a tanulmány az ókorba kalauzolja el az olvasót; a szakképzés kezdeteit a 8-10 ezer évvel ezelőtti tárgyi emlékek alapján tárgyaljuk. Betekintünk az ókori kultúrák szakemberképzésének sajátosságaiba és a korabeli gyakorlatba. Az antik nevelés sumer, akkád, egyiptomi és zsidó vonásait vizsgáljuk, majd áttérünk a hellén és római kultúra szakemberképzésre gyakorolt hatásaira. Elemezzük és értelmezzük a kisiparosok jogállását, a mesterségek kialakulásának körülményeit és feltételeit. Çatal Hüyük, a világ ma ismert legrégebbi városa A törökországi Dél-Anatóliában található Çatal Hüyük története Kr. e 7500-ig nyúlik vissza. Ezen az ókori településen többezer ember élt együtt generációkon át (Soldi 2006, 19). Az 1. ábrán a feltárt település egyik részletét láthatjuk. 1. ábra: Çatal Hüyük, a feltárt legősibb város Forrás: og& A lakosság földműveléssel, gabonatermesztéssel, állattartással és a szükséges használati tárgyak, szerszámok készítésével foglalkozott. "Juhászkutyákat neveltek és vadásztak is

Athens journal of technology & engineering, Feb 24, 2023
The development of information and technology in recent decades has entailed a change of attitude... more The development of information and technology in recent decades has entailed a change of attitudes in higher education. In addition to academic knowledge, it is becoming increasingly important for students to acquire up-to-date, practical knowledge that will help them find their place in the world of work and in everyday life. Based on international analyses, the following characteristics, socalled soft skills, are essential on the labour market: higher-level thinking, communication skills, cooperation, self-control and a positive self-image. In our paper, we examine the possibilities of skills development in the field of STEM, especially in engineering education. In our university's engineering teacher training, we strive to develop our students' STEM skills using a variety of methods, and prepare them for the teacherly task of being able to effectively develop their own students' skills and motivate them in STEM areas. This requires students to view their own learning process not as passive onlookers but as active participants. In our paper, we present some methods that can be effectively applied in STEM areas (e.g. discussion, collaborative learning, cooperative methods, project method, problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning, gamification, the use of robots in education).
Opus et educatio, Sep 30, 2021
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), Oct 15, 2020
This paper provides methodological recommendations on preparing young people for the expectations... more This paper provides methodological recommendations on preparing young people for the expectations of the labour market. The results of our empirical study draw attention to the importance and possibilities of developing communication skills in higher education.
Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that european alliances of tech universities open up

International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP)
In education, learning and teaching supported by information and communication technology tools a... more In education, learning and teaching supported by information and communication technology tools are increasingly coming to the fore. In order to implement digital education, it is essential to develop teachers' digital skills, especially in terms of tool use and content development. During the period of school closures during the pandemic and the transition to online education, the digital preparedness of education participants became increasingly emphasized. Online education has created many difficulties for teachers, students and parents. After overcoming the initial technical problems, the methodological renewal of education became a key issue. Our research examined online education during the COVID-19 period, its positives, negatives, methodological aspects, and the impact of online education on classroom education. The research results can be used, among other things, in teacher training and further teacher training, as they draw attention to the specifics of digital/online...

Athens Journal of Τechnology & Engineering
The development of information and technology in recent decades has entailed a change of attitude... more The development of information and technology in recent decades has entailed a change of attitudes in higher education. In addition to academic knowledge, it is becoming increasingly important for students to acquire up-to-date, practical knowledge that will help them find their place in the world of work and in everyday life. Based on international analyses, the following characteristics, so-called soft skills, are essential on the labour market: higher-level thinking, communication skills, cooperation, self-control and a positive self-image. In our paper, we examine the possibilities of skills development in the field of STEM, especially in engineering education. In our university’s engineering teacher training, we strive to develop our students’ STEM skills using a variety of methods, and prepare them for the teacherly task of being able to effectively develop their own students’ skills and motivate them in STEM areas. This requires students to view their own learning process not...

The process of becoming an educator starts well before getting into university. Although students... more The process of becoming an educator starts well before getting into university. Although students entering the teacher training system have a great many experiences from their own school years their views, knowledge, attitudes and commitment all need to be developed in order for the future teachers to efficiently perform their task. (Falus, 2014) However, becoming a teacher is not limited to the university years but will evolve after obtaining one's degree. With the time spent in the profession and the experience gained, the teacher's thinking and activity both change. (Berliner, 2005) The backbone of teacher training is provided by educational-psychological and subject-specific methodology subjects, along with teaching practice. Trainee teachers are faced with the school reality during their teaching practice, when they have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge. The time of starting one's career is sometimes called a "reality shock", as beginning teachers are likely to encounter several difficulties in the school life. Ours paper will survey the practical questions and problems arising during engineer teacher training. It will present the opportunities and difficulties of the Community Pedagogical Practice, the Subject-specific methodology school practice and the Convergent school practice for students and will also describe the process of creating a portfolio.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 2020
Trainee and beginner teachers are introduced to the internal world of the school by mentor teache... more Trainee and beginner teachers are introduced to the internal world of the school by mentor teachers, who also support their young colleagues during their process of socialisation as teachers. Mentor teachers provide beginners with advice and suggestions as well as professional and personal support and models. Mentors are faced with a variety of expectations. In our study, we used the Values-In-Action (VIA) questionnaire to find out what strengths and virtues mentor teachers have. It is important to make mentors aware of their own strengths for several reasons. If they can apply these in their teaching work, it can become a calling and they can be fulfilled by it as well as be protected against burnout.
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 2020
New graduates have to meet several expectations on the labour market. Besides their professional ... more New graduates have to meet several expectations on the labour market. Besides their professional knowledge, important skills include good communication, problem-solving, creativity, independence, organisation, leadership, decisive action, dynamism, stress tolerance, analysis, precision, openness, flexibility, co-operation, motivation, digital competence, etc. How can higher education prepare young people for the expectations of the labour market? How can students’ social competences and communication skills be improved? Our paper provides methodological recommendations on improving engineering students’ communication skills, based on an empirical study.
A hatvanas évek második felében lefolytatott első – és máig egyetlen – hazai komplex iskolaépítés... more A hatvanas évek második felében lefolytatott első – és máig egyetlen – hazai komplex iskolaépítési kutatás összefoglaló megállapításai és állásfoglalásai nem találkoztak az oktatáspolitika akkori irányítóinak egyetértésével. A kutatás építészeti és pedagógiai munkarészeinek összefoglalóját áttekintve azt kell megállapítanunk, hogy jóllehet a kutatócsoport ajánlásainak nagy része ma is aktuális, számos javaslatuk máig sem valósult meg
Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education
11th International Conference of J. Selye University. Theological Section. Conference Proceedings, 2019

The process of becoming an educator starts well before getting into university. Although students... more The process of becoming an educator starts well before getting into university. Although students entering the teacher training system have a great many experiences from their own school years their views, knowledge, attitudes and commitment all need to be developed in order for the future teachers to efficiently perform their task. (Falus, 2014) However, becoming a teacher is not limited to the university years but will evolve after obtaining one’s degree. With the time spent in the profession and the experience gained, the teacher’s thinking and activity both change. (Berliner, 2005) The backbone of teacher training is provided by educational-psychological and subject-specific methodology subjects, along with teaching practice. Trainee teachers are faced with the school reality during their teaching practice, when they have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge. The time of starting one’s career is sometimes called a “reality shock”, as beginning teachers are likely...
Dolgozatomban az iskolaepuletek elhelyezeset es kornyezetet, epiteszeti megoldasainak valtozasait... more Dolgozatomban az iskolaepuletek elhelyezeset es kornyezetet, epiteszeti megoldasainak valtozasait, az iskolaepuletek, valamint az iskola berendezese, tovabba az ott hasznalatos eszkozok torteneti fejlődeset igyekszem nyomon kovetni az egyes reformpedagogiai iranyzatok megjelenesenek kronologikus sorrendjeben.Ennek aktualitasat az utobbi időszak reformpedagogia iranti felfokozott erdeklődese indokolja.
Papers by István Dániel Sanda