For supporting antibiotic stewardship interventions, the World Health Organization (WHO) classifi... more For supporting antibiotic stewardship interventions, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified antibiotics through the AWaRe (Access, Watch, and Reserve) classification. Inappropriate use of antimicrobials among hospital-admitted patients exposes them to the vulnerability of developing resistant organisms which are difficult to treat. We aimed to describe the proportion of antibiotic use based on the WHO AWaRe classification in tertiary and secondary level hospitals in Bangladesh. A point prevalence survey (PPS) was conducted adapting the WHO PPS design in inpatients departments in 2021. Among the 1417 enrolled patients, 52% were female and 63% were from the 15–64 years age group. Nearly 78% of patients received at least one antibiotic during the survey period. Third-generation cephalosporins (44.6%), penicillins (12.3%), imidazoles (11.8%), aminoglycosides (7.2%), and macrolides (5.8%) were documented as highly used antibiotics. Overall, 64.0% of Watch, 35.6% of Access, and 0....
The WHO Essential Medicines List Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe) classification could facilita... more The WHO Essential Medicines List Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe) classification could facilitate antibiotic stewardship and optimal use. In Bangladesh, data on antibiotic dispensing in pharmacies according to the AWaRe classification are scarce. We aimed to explore antibiotic dispensing pattern in pharmacies according to the WHO AWaRe classification to aid pharmacy-targeted national antibiotic stewardship program (ASP). From January to July 2021, we interviewed drug-sellers from randomly selected pharmacies and randomly selected customers attending the pharmacies. We collected data on demographics and medicines purchased. We classified the purchased antibiotics into the Access, Watch, and Reserve groups among 128 pharmacies surveyed, 98 (76.6%) were licensed; 61 (47.7%) drug-sellers had pharmacy training. Of 2686 customers interviewed; 580 (21.6%) purchased antibiotics. Among the 580 customers, 523 purchased one, 52 purchased two, and 5 purchased three courses of antibiotics (tot...
The general population has been excessively using antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic. There... more The general population has been excessively using antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the use of antibiotics for any reported illnesses in the preceding four weeks and knowledge of antibiotics among the general population in the community were assessed for possible interventions. A mobile phone survey among a general population across eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh was conducted during January–March 2021. Reported illness episodes irrespective of COVID-19 in the preceding four weeks of the interview, use of antibiotics for the illnesses, and knowledge on antibiotics among the general population were recorded. Descriptive analyses were performed. We randomly interviewed 1854 participants, with a mean age of 28.5 years (range: 18–75 years); 60.6% were male. Among all participants, 86.3% (95% CI: 84.7–87.8) heard names of antibiotics, but only 12.1% reported unspecified harmful effects, and 3.5% reported antimicrobial resistance when antibiotics were take...
BACKGROUND Bangladesh is having 572,600 (67%) estimated deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases... more BACKGROUND Bangladesh is having 572,600 (67%) estimated deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases annually with 22% probable premature deaths. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to have a closer look into the overall readiness of Bangladesh to address NCDs, explore the barriers and suggest the best possible ways of reaching the target. METHODS The study reviewed relevant policy documents, NCDs related reports, publications, observed NCD service delivery at Upazila Health Complexes (UzHC) and validated the findings of desk review through discussion with key policy and program personnel. RESULTS NCDs are highlighted and prioritized in key policy documents, however, implementation of the policies remains weak with several gaps in service delivery systems. The operation plan (OP) indicators, which are the guiding factors of OP implementation, focus mostly on process not outcome or impact. Health system at primary health care facilities is not yet fully ready to deliver the NCD care, and mental ...
Background: A survey was conducted among Rohingya refugees to assess their overall health literac... more Background: A survey was conducted among Rohingya refugees to assess their overall health literacy and health status. Methods: A questionnaire was developed to conduct face to face interviews among Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh in November–December 2017. Families were selected using convenience sampling from four large refugee camps. Results: Primary respondents aged 10–90 (median 32) years, 56% male, representing 1634 families were interviewed and provided data of themselves and 6268 additional family members, 4163 (66.4%) of whom were children aged <18 years. Of all, only 736 (45%) primary respondents knew how to appropriately treat diarrhoea, 882 (54%) relied on unqualified village “doctors” for treatment, 547 (33.5%) reported a family member suffering injuries in the previous six months, with 8% (42/547) of injuries fatal. One hundred and ninety two (11.8%) primary respondents also reported deaths within their family in the preceding 12 months, with the majorit...
BACKGROUND Bangladesh, in combat with the global pandemic, has taken multiple initiatives to mini... more BACKGROUND Bangladesh, in combat with the global pandemic, has taken multiple initiatives to minimize the spread of the new Coronavirus. Actions such as lockdown, social distancing, and restricted lifestyles are known to affect mental health among mass people. OBJECTIVE We carried out the study to understand the mental health condition of the adults during the pandemic of COVID 19, with a particular focus on depression and anxiety. METHODS An online survey was conducted in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 epidemic from 10-30 April 2020 to assess the distribution and magnitude of depression and anxiety among the adult population. RESULTS Among 509 participants, 32.2% had depressive disorders, 47.3% had generalized anxiety disorders (GAD), and 28.1% of them were found to have both disorders. Depression and anxiety are preponderant in females compared to males. The likelihood of having depressive disorder was found higher in females (P=.014, OR=1.6), 18 to 24 years old (P
After the large influx of Rohingya nationals (termed Forcibly Displaced Myanmar National; FDMN) f... more After the large influx of Rohingya nationals (termed Forcibly Displaced Myanmar National; FDMN) from Rakhine State of Myanmar to Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh, it was apparent that outbreaks of cholera was very likely in this setting where people were living under adverse water and sanitation conditions. Large campaigns of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) were carried out as a preemptive measure to control cholera epidemics. The aim of the study was to evaluate the immune responses of healthy adults and children after administration of two doses of OCV at 14 days interval in FDMN population and compare with the response observed in Bangladeshi's vaccinated earlier. A cross-sectional immunogenicity study was conducted among FDMNs of three age cohort; in adults (18+years; n = 83), in older children (6-17 years; n = 63) and in younger children (1-5 years; n = 80). Capillary blood was collected at three time points to measure vibriocidal antibodies using either plasma or dried blood spot (DBS) specimens. There was a significant increase of responder frequency of vibriocidal antibody titer at day 14 in all groups for Vibrio cholerae O1 (Ogawa/Inaba: adults-64%/64%, older children-70%/89% and younger children-51%/75%). There was no overall difference of vibriocidal antibody titer between FDMN and Bangladeshi population at baseline (p = 0.07-0.08) and at day 14, day 28 in all age groups for both serotypes. The seroconversion rate and geometric mean titer (GMT) of either serotype were comparable using both plasma and DBS specimens. These results showed that OCV is capable of inducing robust immune responses in adults and children among the FDMN population which is comparable to that seen in Bangladeshi participants in different age groups or that reported from other cholera endemic countries. Our results also suggest that the displaced population were exposed to V. cholerae prior to seeking shelter in Bangladesh.
Early detection of pediatric eye problems can prevent future vision loss. This study was to estim... more Early detection of pediatric eye problems can prevent future vision loss. This study was to estimate the prevalence of common eye problems among infants born in a resource-constrained emergency setting with a broader aim to prevent future vision loss or blindness among them through early detection and referral. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 670 infants (0–59 days old) born in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh between March and June of 2019. The most common eye problem found was watering from the eye and accumulation of discharge by which 14.8% of the children were suffering (95% CI: 12.2–17.7). More than 5% of the infants had visual inattention (95% CI: 3.5–7.0), and 4% had redness in their eyes (95% CI: 2.7–5.8). Only 1.9% of infants (95% CI: 1–3.3) had whitish or brown eyeballs, and 1.8% of children might have whitish pupillary reflex (95% CI: 0.9–3.1). None of the eye problems was associated with the gender of the infants. The prevalent eye problems demand eye ca...
Background ß-thalassemia is one of the most common inherited blood disorders in the world and a m... more Background ß-thalassemia is one of the most common inherited blood disorders in the world and a major deterrent to the public health of Bangladesh. The management of thalassemia patients requires lifelong frequent blood transfusion and the available treatment options are unsatisfactory. A national policy on thalassemia prevention is mandatory in Bangladesh. However, precise and up-to-date information on the frequency of ß-thalassemia carriers are missing due to lack of accurate diagnostic approaches, limited access to information and absence of national screening program. This study aims to determine the nationwide carrier frequency of hemoglobin E (HbE) and β- thalassemia and mutation spectrum among the carriers using molecular, hematological and biochemical methods. Methods The study enrolled a total of 1877 individuals (60.1% male and 39.9% female) aged between 18 and 35 years. Total sample size and its division-wise breakdown were calculated in proportion to national and divisio...
IntroductionGovernance is one of the most important aspects for strong primary healthcare (PHC) s... more IntroductionGovernance is one of the most important aspects for strong primary healthcare (PHC) service delivery. To achieve the targets for the Sustainable Development Goals, good governance may play a prime role in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). This evidence gap map (EGM) explored the available evidence in LMICs to identify the knowledge gap concerning PHC policy and governance in these settings.MethodsWe followed the standard 3ie EGM protocol, finalising the scope of the EGM through a stakeholder workshop. We searched a total of 32 bibliographic databases, systematic review databases, impact evaluation databases, and donor and bilateral agency databases using a comprehensive search strategy. Two reviewers screened retrieved studies, extracted data and performed quality assessment. We plotted the interventions and outcomes derived from the included studies in a dynamic platform to build the interactive EGM and conducted a stakeholder consultation with nominal gro...
has thus far collected NCD risk factor data from more than 13,000 citizens of three LMICs (Bangla... more has thus far collected NCD risk factor data from more than 13,000 citizens of three LMICs (Bangladesh, Tanzania and Uganda), and has actively worked to improve capacity with partners worldwide. Objective: This paper focuses on how a research project, can also act as a capacity building activity through its research into collecting non-communicable disease risk factor data using different mobile phone modalities. Methods: This paper evaluates the activities undertaken by the project using the ESSENCE Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Research Capacity Strengthening. Results: The project was able to successfully integrate meaningful capacity development activities across all partners. Training, networking, sharing resources, joint data collection, and analysis across individual, organizational and project levels were some of the strategies used. The ESSENCE framework allowed a good assessment strategy for this type of work. Conclusions: This paper highlights the value of making capacity development a high priority for digital health research activities, while also considering the need to monitor and evaluate those activities in order for them to be meaningful and sustainable. It also considers how to utilize the ESSENCE Framework to evaluate capacity development activities through research, and how best to adapt the Framework to different programs.
Rotavirus vaccines have significantly decreased the burden of diarrheal diseases in countries tha... more Rotavirus vaccines have significantly decreased the burden of diarrheal diseases in countries that have introduced them into their immunization programs. In some studies, there has been a small association between rotavirus vaccines and intussusception in post-marketing surveillance, highlighting the importance of tracking incidence before and after vaccine introduction. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiology of intussusception among Bangladeshi children pre-vaccine introduction. We conducted active, hospital-based surveillance for intussusception at 7 tertiary care hospitals with pediatric surgical facilities during July 2012 to September 2016. Hospitalized children under 2years of age were identified according to Brighton Collaboration level 1 criteria for intussusception. The frequency and proportion of intussusception among overall surgical admissions, as well as the demographic and clinical information of the cases is described. Overall 153 cases of intussusception among children &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;2years-old were identified at participating sites over the enrolment period, confirmed by Level 1 Brighton criteria. These cases represented 2% of all surgical admissions under 2years of age. One hundred twelve cases (73%) were male; the median age was 7months; and the median duration of hospitalization was 7days. One hundred forty-six (95%) children with intussusception required surgery, and 11 (7%) died. Confirmed cases of intussusception represented nearly 2% of pediatric surgical admissions at tertiary referral centers in Bangladesh during the study period and 7% of children with intussusception died. Given the high burden of rotavirus disease in Bangladesh, vaccine introduction is warranted, however, further studies after introduction of rotavirus vaccine are necessary to determine any association between vaccine and intussusception in this setting.
Mobile phone ownership and access have increased rapidly across low- and middle-income countries ... more Mobile phone ownership and access have increased rapidly across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) within the last decade. Concomitantly, LMICs are experiencing demographic and epidemiologic transitions, where non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are increasingly becoming leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Mobile phone surveys could aid data collection for prevention and control of these NCDs but limited evidence of their feasibility exists. The objective of this paper is to describe a series of sub-studies aimed at optimizing the delivery of interactive voice response (IVR) and computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) for NCD risk factor data collection in LMICs. These sub-studies are designed to assess the effect of factors such as airtime incentive timing, amount, and structure, survey introduction characteristics, different sampling frames, and survey modality on key survey metrics, such as survey response, completion, and attrition rates. In a series of sub-studi...
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, Feb 25, 2016
In anticipation of introduction of a rotavirus vaccine into the national immunization program of ... more In anticipation of introduction of a rotavirus vaccine into the national immunization program of Bangladesh, active hospital-based surveillance was initiated to provide pre-vaccine baseline data on rotavirus disease. Children 5 years of age and younger admitted with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) (≥3 watery or looser-than-normal stools or ≥1 episode of forceful vomiting) at 7 hospitals throughout Bangladesh were identified. Clinical information and stool specimens were collected from every 4th patient. Specimens were tested for rotavirus antigen by enzyme immunoassays; 25% of detected rotaviruses were genotyped. From July 2012-June 2015, rotavirus was detected in 2,432 (64%) of 3,783 children hospitalized for AGE. Eight enrolled children died, including 4 (50%) who were rotavirus positive. Rotavirus was detected year-round in Bangladesh with peak detection rates of >80% during November-February. Most (86%) rotavirus AGE cases were 6-23 months of age. Sixty-nine percent of children w...
For supporting antibiotic stewardship interventions, the World Health Organization (WHO) classifi... more For supporting antibiotic stewardship interventions, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified antibiotics through the AWaRe (Access, Watch, and Reserve) classification. Inappropriate use of antimicrobials among hospital-admitted patients exposes them to the vulnerability of developing resistant organisms which are difficult to treat. We aimed to describe the proportion of antibiotic use based on the WHO AWaRe classification in tertiary and secondary level hospitals in Bangladesh. A point prevalence survey (PPS) was conducted adapting the WHO PPS design in inpatients departments in 2021. Among the 1417 enrolled patients, 52% were female and 63% were from the 15–64 years age group. Nearly 78% of patients received at least one antibiotic during the survey period. Third-generation cephalosporins (44.6%), penicillins (12.3%), imidazoles (11.8%), aminoglycosides (7.2%), and macrolides (5.8%) were documented as highly used antibiotics. Overall, 64.0% of Watch, 35.6% of Access, and 0....
The WHO Essential Medicines List Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe) classification could facilita... more The WHO Essential Medicines List Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe) classification could facilitate antibiotic stewardship and optimal use. In Bangladesh, data on antibiotic dispensing in pharmacies according to the AWaRe classification are scarce. We aimed to explore antibiotic dispensing pattern in pharmacies according to the WHO AWaRe classification to aid pharmacy-targeted national antibiotic stewardship program (ASP). From January to July 2021, we interviewed drug-sellers from randomly selected pharmacies and randomly selected customers attending the pharmacies. We collected data on demographics and medicines purchased. We classified the purchased antibiotics into the Access, Watch, and Reserve groups among 128 pharmacies surveyed, 98 (76.6%) were licensed; 61 (47.7%) drug-sellers had pharmacy training. Of 2686 customers interviewed; 580 (21.6%) purchased antibiotics. Among the 580 customers, 523 purchased one, 52 purchased two, and 5 purchased three courses of antibiotics (tot...
The general population has been excessively using antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic. There... more The general population has been excessively using antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the use of antibiotics for any reported illnesses in the preceding four weeks and knowledge of antibiotics among the general population in the community were assessed for possible interventions. A mobile phone survey among a general population across eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh was conducted during January–March 2021. Reported illness episodes irrespective of COVID-19 in the preceding four weeks of the interview, use of antibiotics for the illnesses, and knowledge on antibiotics among the general population were recorded. Descriptive analyses were performed. We randomly interviewed 1854 participants, with a mean age of 28.5 years (range: 18–75 years); 60.6% were male. Among all participants, 86.3% (95% CI: 84.7–87.8) heard names of antibiotics, but only 12.1% reported unspecified harmful effects, and 3.5% reported antimicrobial resistance when antibiotics were take...
BACKGROUND Bangladesh is having 572,600 (67%) estimated deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases... more BACKGROUND Bangladesh is having 572,600 (67%) estimated deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases annually with 22% probable premature deaths. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to have a closer look into the overall readiness of Bangladesh to address NCDs, explore the barriers and suggest the best possible ways of reaching the target. METHODS The study reviewed relevant policy documents, NCDs related reports, publications, observed NCD service delivery at Upazila Health Complexes (UzHC) and validated the findings of desk review through discussion with key policy and program personnel. RESULTS NCDs are highlighted and prioritized in key policy documents, however, implementation of the policies remains weak with several gaps in service delivery systems. The operation plan (OP) indicators, which are the guiding factors of OP implementation, focus mostly on process not outcome or impact. Health system at primary health care facilities is not yet fully ready to deliver the NCD care, and mental ...
Background: A survey was conducted among Rohingya refugees to assess their overall health literac... more Background: A survey was conducted among Rohingya refugees to assess their overall health literacy and health status. Methods: A questionnaire was developed to conduct face to face interviews among Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh in November–December 2017. Families were selected using convenience sampling from four large refugee camps. Results: Primary respondents aged 10–90 (median 32) years, 56% male, representing 1634 families were interviewed and provided data of themselves and 6268 additional family members, 4163 (66.4%) of whom were children aged <18 years. Of all, only 736 (45%) primary respondents knew how to appropriately treat diarrhoea, 882 (54%) relied on unqualified village “doctors” for treatment, 547 (33.5%) reported a family member suffering injuries in the previous six months, with 8% (42/547) of injuries fatal. One hundred and ninety two (11.8%) primary respondents also reported deaths within their family in the preceding 12 months, with the majorit...
BACKGROUND Bangladesh, in combat with the global pandemic, has taken multiple initiatives to mini... more BACKGROUND Bangladesh, in combat with the global pandemic, has taken multiple initiatives to minimize the spread of the new Coronavirus. Actions such as lockdown, social distancing, and restricted lifestyles are known to affect mental health among mass people. OBJECTIVE We carried out the study to understand the mental health condition of the adults during the pandemic of COVID 19, with a particular focus on depression and anxiety. METHODS An online survey was conducted in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 epidemic from 10-30 April 2020 to assess the distribution and magnitude of depression and anxiety among the adult population. RESULTS Among 509 participants, 32.2% had depressive disorders, 47.3% had generalized anxiety disorders (GAD), and 28.1% of them were found to have both disorders. Depression and anxiety are preponderant in females compared to males. The likelihood of having depressive disorder was found higher in females (P=.014, OR=1.6), 18 to 24 years old (P
After the large influx of Rohingya nationals (termed Forcibly Displaced Myanmar National; FDMN) f... more After the large influx of Rohingya nationals (termed Forcibly Displaced Myanmar National; FDMN) from Rakhine State of Myanmar to Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh, it was apparent that outbreaks of cholera was very likely in this setting where people were living under adverse water and sanitation conditions. Large campaigns of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) were carried out as a preemptive measure to control cholera epidemics. The aim of the study was to evaluate the immune responses of healthy adults and children after administration of two doses of OCV at 14 days interval in FDMN population and compare with the response observed in Bangladeshi's vaccinated earlier. A cross-sectional immunogenicity study was conducted among FDMNs of three age cohort; in adults (18+years; n = 83), in older children (6-17 years; n = 63) and in younger children (1-5 years; n = 80). Capillary blood was collected at three time points to measure vibriocidal antibodies using either plasma or dried blood spot (DBS) specimens. There was a significant increase of responder frequency of vibriocidal antibody titer at day 14 in all groups for Vibrio cholerae O1 (Ogawa/Inaba: adults-64%/64%, older children-70%/89% and younger children-51%/75%). There was no overall difference of vibriocidal antibody titer between FDMN and Bangladeshi population at baseline (p = 0.07-0.08) and at day 14, day 28 in all age groups for both serotypes. The seroconversion rate and geometric mean titer (GMT) of either serotype were comparable using both plasma and DBS specimens. These results showed that OCV is capable of inducing robust immune responses in adults and children among the FDMN population which is comparable to that seen in Bangladeshi participants in different age groups or that reported from other cholera endemic countries. Our results also suggest that the displaced population were exposed to V. cholerae prior to seeking shelter in Bangladesh.
Early detection of pediatric eye problems can prevent future vision loss. This study was to estim... more Early detection of pediatric eye problems can prevent future vision loss. This study was to estimate the prevalence of common eye problems among infants born in a resource-constrained emergency setting with a broader aim to prevent future vision loss or blindness among them through early detection and referral. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 670 infants (0–59 days old) born in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh between March and June of 2019. The most common eye problem found was watering from the eye and accumulation of discharge by which 14.8% of the children were suffering (95% CI: 12.2–17.7). More than 5% of the infants had visual inattention (95% CI: 3.5–7.0), and 4% had redness in their eyes (95% CI: 2.7–5.8). Only 1.9% of infants (95% CI: 1–3.3) had whitish or brown eyeballs, and 1.8% of children might have whitish pupillary reflex (95% CI: 0.9–3.1). None of the eye problems was associated with the gender of the infants. The prevalent eye problems demand eye ca...
Background ß-thalassemia is one of the most common inherited blood disorders in the world and a m... more Background ß-thalassemia is one of the most common inherited blood disorders in the world and a major deterrent to the public health of Bangladesh. The management of thalassemia patients requires lifelong frequent blood transfusion and the available treatment options are unsatisfactory. A national policy on thalassemia prevention is mandatory in Bangladesh. However, precise and up-to-date information on the frequency of ß-thalassemia carriers are missing due to lack of accurate diagnostic approaches, limited access to information and absence of national screening program. This study aims to determine the nationwide carrier frequency of hemoglobin E (HbE) and β- thalassemia and mutation spectrum among the carriers using molecular, hematological and biochemical methods. Methods The study enrolled a total of 1877 individuals (60.1% male and 39.9% female) aged between 18 and 35 years. Total sample size and its division-wise breakdown were calculated in proportion to national and divisio...
IntroductionGovernance is one of the most important aspects for strong primary healthcare (PHC) s... more IntroductionGovernance is one of the most important aspects for strong primary healthcare (PHC) service delivery. To achieve the targets for the Sustainable Development Goals, good governance may play a prime role in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). This evidence gap map (EGM) explored the available evidence in LMICs to identify the knowledge gap concerning PHC policy and governance in these settings.MethodsWe followed the standard 3ie EGM protocol, finalising the scope of the EGM through a stakeholder workshop. We searched a total of 32 bibliographic databases, systematic review databases, impact evaluation databases, and donor and bilateral agency databases using a comprehensive search strategy. Two reviewers screened retrieved studies, extracted data and performed quality assessment. We plotted the interventions and outcomes derived from the included studies in a dynamic platform to build the interactive EGM and conducted a stakeholder consultation with nominal gro...
has thus far collected NCD risk factor data from more than 13,000 citizens of three LMICs (Bangla... more has thus far collected NCD risk factor data from more than 13,000 citizens of three LMICs (Bangladesh, Tanzania and Uganda), and has actively worked to improve capacity with partners worldwide. Objective: This paper focuses on how a research project, can also act as a capacity building activity through its research into collecting non-communicable disease risk factor data using different mobile phone modalities. Methods: This paper evaluates the activities undertaken by the project using the ESSENCE Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Research Capacity Strengthening. Results: The project was able to successfully integrate meaningful capacity development activities across all partners. Training, networking, sharing resources, joint data collection, and analysis across individual, organizational and project levels were some of the strategies used. The ESSENCE framework allowed a good assessment strategy for this type of work. Conclusions: This paper highlights the value of making capacity development a high priority for digital health research activities, while also considering the need to monitor and evaluate those activities in order for them to be meaningful and sustainable. It also considers how to utilize the ESSENCE Framework to evaluate capacity development activities through research, and how best to adapt the Framework to different programs.
Rotavirus vaccines have significantly decreased the burden of diarrheal diseases in countries tha... more Rotavirus vaccines have significantly decreased the burden of diarrheal diseases in countries that have introduced them into their immunization programs. In some studies, there has been a small association between rotavirus vaccines and intussusception in post-marketing surveillance, highlighting the importance of tracking incidence before and after vaccine introduction. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiology of intussusception among Bangladeshi children pre-vaccine introduction. We conducted active, hospital-based surveillance for intussusception at 7 tertiary care hospitals with pediatric surgical facilities during July 2012 to September 2016. Hospitalized children under 2years of age were identified according to Brighton Collaboration level 1 criteria for intussusception. The frequency and proportion of intussusception among overall surgical admissions, as well as the demographic and clinical information of the cases is described. Overall 153 cases of intussusception among children &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;2years-old were identified at participating sites over the enrolment period, confirmed by Level 1 Brighton criteria. These cases represented 2% of all surgical admissions under 2years of age. One hundred twelve cases (73%) were male; the median age was 7months; and the median duration of hospitalization was 7days. One hundred forty-six (95%) children with intussusception required surgery, and 11 (7%) died. Confirmed cases of intussusception represented nearly 2% of pediatric surgical admissions at tertiary referral centers in Bangladesh during the study period and 7% of children with intussusception died. Given the high burden of rotavirus disease in Bangladesh, vaccine introduction is warranted, however, further studies after introduction of rotavirus vaccine are necessary to determine any association between vaccine and intussusception in this setting.
Mobile phone ownership and access have increased rapidly across low- and middle-income countries ... more Mobile phone ownership and access have increased rapidly across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) within the last decade. Concomitantly, LMICs are experiencing demographic and epidemiologic transitions, where non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are increasingly becoming leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Mobile phone surveys could aid data collection for prevention and control of these NCDs but limited evidence of their feasibility exists. The objective of this paper is to describe a series of sub-studies aimed at optimizing the delivery of interactive voice response (IVR) and computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) for NCD risk factor data collection in LMICs. These sub-studies are designed to assess the effect of factors such as airtime incentive timing, amount, and structure, survey introduction characteristics, different sampling frames, and survey modality on key survey metrics, such as survey response, completion, and attrition rates. In a series of sub-studi...
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, Feb 25, 2016
In anticipation of introduction of a rotavirus vaccine into the national immunization program of ... more In anticipation of introduction of a rotavirus vaccine into the national immunization program of Bangladesh, active hospital-based surveillance was initiated to provide pre-vaccine baseline data on rotavirus disease. Children 5 years of age and younger admitted with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) (≥3 watery or looser-than-normal stools or ≥1 episode of forceful vomiting) at 7 hospitals throughout Bangladesh were identified. Clinical information and stool specimens were collected from every 4th patient. Specimens were tested for rotavirus antigen by enzyme immunoassays; 25% of detected rotaviruses were genotyped. From July 2012-June 2015, rotavirus was detected in 2,432 (64%) of 3,783 children hospitalized for AGE. Eight enrolled children died, including 4 (50%) who were rotavirus positive. Rotavirus was detected year-round in Bangladesh with peak detection rates of >80% during November-February. Most (86%) rotavirus AGE cases were 6-23 months of age. Sixty-nine percent of children w...
Papers by Khaleda Islam