Central to the developmental psychopathology perspective is the claim that studying normal and at... more Central to the developmental psychopathology perspective is the claim that studying normal and atypical development are related. In this article, we argue that studying a naturally occurring genetic condition—Williams syndrome—provides insight into social behavior in typically developing children. Toward this end, we describe the social phenotype of Williams syndrome, then offer three insights regarding biological and environmental factors that account for variability in social behavior in individuals who are developing typically and individuals with the syndrome. In so doing, we illuminate genetic, neural, and environmental processes that likely influence typical social development as informed by Williams syndrome. KEYWORDS—social behavior; development; Williams syn-
The links between Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and temperament received relatively little r... more The links between Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and temperament received relatively little research attention, in spite of their clinical and social relevance. Children with RAD sustain disproportionate burdens of early adversity related to their caregiving environment. However, there seem to be important individual differences in susceptibility to adversity, since only a small number of children show signs of RAD. Based on the work of Zeanah and Fox, this review aims to bring new insights to this relevant clinical issue in light of recent research. A differential susceptibility hypothesis will be considered as a promising and innovative approach toward a further understanding of the links between temperament and RAD.
This study aimed to examine the differences between mothers of preterm multiples and mothers of p... more This study aimed to examine the differences between mothers of preterm multiples and mothers of preterm singletons regarding perceived stress and maternal psychological symptoms, and to explore the putative adverse amplified effect of socioeconomic disadvantage. Ninety-five mothers of 1-year-olds born preterm participated in this cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out in two public hospitals from Northern Portugal. To assess maternal perceived daily stress and psychological symptoms, mothers completed two questionnaires. Mothers reported on socioeconomic factors, including family poverty, parent unemployment, and low education, and two groups of family socioeconomic disadvantage were created. A child medical risk index was calculated. Results indicated that mothers of preterm multiples reported higher levels of stress than mothers of preterm singletons. Moreover, and specifically regarding psychological functioning, mothers of preterm multiples reported more symptoms...
Faced with adverse contexts and their risk factors, both children of the community as children in... more Faced with adverse contexts and their risk factors, both children of the community as children in institutional care, may have psychological or psychiatric problems along its development. In this study we analyze the difference between the children of the community in psychosocial risk and children in institutional care, in the level of internalizing and externalizing problems, as well as its predictors. The results show that children in institutional care have lower values of internalizing and externalizing problems, compared to children in the community in psychosocial risk. Prenatal risk children in institutional care is higher than in children of the community. Institutional caregivers had more sensitive and cooperative behaviors in interaction with the child than mothers. In the community group, higher negative affectivity predicts more internalizing problems and externalizing. In the group of children in institutional care, it was observed that higher negative affectivity predicts child internalizing problems. Still, the higher the age of admission, fewer externalizing problems these children have. Some of these results are not as expected, because the community sample is exclusively at risk, which was not evident in the literature.
Neste artigo, as autoras apresentam uma investigação empírica com mães adolescentes e seus bebés,... more Neste artigo, as autoras apresentam uma investigação empírica com mães adolescentes e seus bebés, conduzida sob a perspectiva da Teoria da Vinculação de Bowlby. Quarenta adolescentes e seus bebés foram avaliados na gravides e 12º mês do pós-parto, com base, respectivamente, na Adult Attachment Interview e na Situação Estranha. Os resultados revelam que a maioria dos bebés apresenta uma organização de vinculação segura à mãe, aos 12 meses de idade. Não foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre a classificação das mães na AAI e a classificação dos seus bebés na Situação Estranha, quer ao nível dos três padrões, quer em função da dimensão segurança versus insegurança da vinculação. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v20i1.375
Em comparação com os pares da comunidade, as crianças que foram adotadas enfrentam, com maior fre... more Em comparação com os pares da comunidade, as crianças que foram adotadas enfrentam, com maior frequência, adversidade e risco nos primeiros tempos de vida, os quais se podem situar ao nível de complicações ao nascimento e de experiências de perda da família biológica, bem como ao nível do acolhimento em instituições caracterizadas por cuidados pouco responsivos. Nos últimos anos, clínicos e investigadores têm vindo a alertar para os efeitos negativos daquelas experiências no desenvolvimento da criança. Simultaneamente, a literatura tem vindo a reforçar a ocorrência de mudanças positivas em áreas diversas do desenvolvimento, após a integração numa família por adoção. Este artigo de revisão apresenta uma sistematização de resultados de estudos que analisaram o impacto da adoção, sobretudo internacional, no desenvolvimento físico, cognitivo, sócio‑emocional e nos problemas de comportamento da criança que foi adotada.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v27i2.422
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2014
Institutional rearing adversely affects children’s development, but the extent to which specific ... more Institutional rearing adversely affects children’s development, but the extent to which specific characteristics of the institutional context and the quality of care provided contribute to problematic development remains unclear. In this study, 72 preschoolers institutionalised for at least 6 months were evaluated by their caregiver using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Disturbances of Attachment Interview. Distal and proximate indices of institutional caregiving quality were assessed using both staff reports and direct observation. Results revealed that greater caregiver sensitivity predicted reduced indiscriminate behaviour and secure-base distortions. A closer relationship with the caregiver predicted reduced inhibited attachment behaviour. Emotional and behavioural problems proved unrelated to caregiving quality. Results are discussed in terms of (non)-shared caregiving factors that influence institutionalised children’s development.
The current study extends research on the effects of institutionalization, most notably by evalua... more The current study extends research on the effects of institutionalization, most notably by evaluating the influence of proximal relationship processes over and above prenatal and pre-institutional family experiences. By focusing on current quality of institutional care and the child's early family background, it examines the influence of variations in the institutionalization experience on displays of indiscriminate social behavior, after taking into account potentially confounding pre-admission experiences. Seventy-four Portuguese children (11-30 months) placed in 17 residential institutions and their primary caregivers participated in the study. Children's displays of indiscriminate social behavior were assessed based on an observational measure and a semi-structured interview administered to the child's caregiver. Data on…
Les pédiatres sont fréquemment les premiers professionnels à observer les relations de soins préc... more Les pédiatres sont fréquemment les premiers professionnels à observer les relations de soins précoces et leurs impacts dans le développement de l´enfant. Les relations précoces de caregiving, leur a formation, leur qualité et les questions de développement associées se trouvent amplement inclues dans le cadre de l´évaluation pédiatrique. Cet article présente une vision générale de la théorie et la recherche de l'attachement qui pourra être utile comme grille de lecture de la qualité des soins et de l´organisation de la relation du bébé avec ses figures parentales. Nous décrirons les phases de développement des relations d´attachement, et la manière d'évaluer lesfacteurs influençant les variations d'e l'organisation de l'attachement. Dans une perspective développementale, la relation entre attachement et psychopathologie sera aussi explorée. Nous finirons par une brève revue des implications cliniques de la théorie de l´attachement pour l´exercice de la pédiatrie.
mother-infant interaction. Contrary to expectations, temperament did not distinguish between emot... more mother-infant interaction. Contrary to expectations, temperament did not distinguish between emotion regulation styles. The link between over-regulation and lower quality of mother-infant emotional interaction and avoidant attachment was demonstrated. There is empirical support to the claim that it is possible to identify emotion overregulation in infancy and that it is a maladaptive style of emotion regulation.
European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2013
Joint attention capabilities were assessed in 52 10-month-olds observed independently with their ... more Joint attention capabilities were assessed in 52 10-month-olds observed independently with their mothers and fathers in a semi-structured toy-play condition. Mothers and fathers were indistinguishable in terms of total number of behaviors aimed at engaging their infant in joint attention. However, infants responded more to mothers' bids for attention than to fathers' bids. Contrastingly, infants tended to display more initiating joint attention behaviors while interacting with their fathers. Although parents did not differ in terms of sensitivity, fathers were less intrusive than mothers. Results are discussed in terms of the specificities of mother-infant and father-infant interaction and how the paternal role should be highlighted in the case of infant's joint attention development.
Background: Insecure attachment in infancy is associated with a range of later socioemotional pro... more Background: Insecure attachment in infancy is associated with a range of later socioemotional problems; therefore, it is important to identify at-risk children so that support can be provided. However, there are currently no well-validated brief measures of infant attachment. The aim of this study is to create a brief version of the Attachment Q-Sort (AQS), one of the gold-standard measures of attachment. Method: Data was used from the National Institute of Child Health and Development Study of Child Care and Youth Development (N = 1,364). The factor structure of the AQS was explored, and Item Response Theory was used to select a reduced number of items. Convergent validity of the shortened measure was assessed through associations with the Strange Situation Procedure. Correlations with sensitivity, externalising, and social competence were also examined. Results: The Brief Attachment Scale (BAS-16) was created consisting of two scales of eight items, relating to (a) harmonious interaction with the caregiver and (b) proximity-seeking behaviours. The BAS-16 showed comparable convergent, discriminant, and concurrent validity to the full AQS. Conclusion: This brief version of the AQS shows potential as a screening measure for insecure attachment in infancy. Further development and validation is required in separate samples.
Apresentação do número. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v20i1.374
O presente estudo procura analisar as relações entre os estilos de vinculação e a qualidade das r... more O presente estudo procura analisar as relações entre os estilos de vinculação e a qualidade das relações profissionais e com o trabalho. A maioria dos participantes do estudo – quinhentos e noventa e oito indivíduos – identifica-se com um estilo de vinculação segura e com uma orientação para o trabalho segura, tendo sido encontrada uma associação significativa entre estas duas variáveis. Verificou-se, ainda, que os indivíduos com um estilo seguro, quer ao nível da vinculação, quer ao nível da orientação para o trabalho , manifestam maior satisfação profissional e melhor adaptação ao trabalho.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v20i1.382
Tendo a Teoria da Vinculação de Bowlby como referencial para o estudo das relações íntimas na ida... more Tendo a Teoria da Vinculação de Bowlby como referencial para o estudo das relações íntimas na idade adulta, a investigação tem dedicado uma crescente atenção à especificidade da vinculação na idade adulta, no contexto das relações íntimas, podendo ser distinguidas, genericamente, duas linhas de investigação: uma linha focada no nível representacional e uma outra linha de natureza comportamental, focada em aspectos específicos da interacção conjugal. O presente artigo centra-se na relação entre a qualidade da representação da(s) relação(ões) íntima(s) e o comportamento nesse contexto relacional, pelo recurso à Intimate Relationship Interview (Lima, Vieira, Soares & Collins, 2005) e à Couple Interaction Task (Collins, Hennighausen, Madsen & Roisman, 1998). Resultados preliminares apontam para a associação entre a qualidade da organização de representação e comportamentos específicos de vinculação, salientando a pertinência da avaliação da vinculação na idade adulta, no contexto das re...
O scaffolding tem sido estudado no âmbito de tarefas de resolução de problemas, sendo escassas as... more O scaffolding tem sido estudado no âmbito de tarefas de resolução de problemas, sendo escassas asinvestigações em contexto de elicitação narrativa. Este trabalho analisa o scaffolding verbal maternona promoção da construção narrativa de crianças em idade pré-escolar, através da utilização de umlivro de imagens. As narrativas de 41 crianças (58.5% rapazes) de 4 anos foram vídeo-gravadas,transcritas e analisadas segundo a Grelha de Cotação de Comportamentos Verbais Promotores daNarrativa nas Crianças em Idade Pré-escolar. Verificou-se que as mães dirigem a atenção e o interesse da criança para o livro, utilizam questões específicas para direcionar o discurso da criança, recorrem a exemplos e solicitam a comprovação da criança e utilizam questões com incentivos de forma apromover o seu discurso. Relativamente ao modo como orientam a narrativa dos seus filhos,registaram-se valores semelhantes ao nível da intrusividade, sensibilidade e mudança. Os resultadossugerem que a mãe tende a dese...
O scaffolding assume um papel importante no desenvolvimento das capacidades narrativas das crianç... more O scaffolding assume um papel importante no desenvolvimento das capacidades narrativas das crianças. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar qual a relação entre o scaffolding verbal materno e a coerência estrutural narrativa da criança. Quarenta e uma crianças (58.5% rapazes) com 4 anos e suas mães realizaram uma tarefa de elicitação narrativa, utilizando um livro de imagens. Os resultados mostram que os comportamentos maternos que dirigem a atenção e o interesse da criança para o livro correlacionavam-se negativamente com a sequência estrutural e comprometimento avaliativo e, marginalmente, com a orientação e integração narrativa da criança. O uso de questões específicas que direcionam o discurso da criança estava também correlacionado negativamente com a sequência estrutural e, marginalmente, com a integração. Em contraste, níveis reduzidos de intrusividade materna a par com níveis elevados de sensibilidade e mudança dos comportamentos face à narrativa da criança mostraram-se associ...
Central to the developmental psychopathology perspective is the claim that studying normal and at... more Central to the developmental psychopathology perspective is the claim that studying normal and atypical development are related. In this article, we argue that studying a naturally occurring genetic condition—Williams syndrome—provides insight into social behavior in typically developing children. Toward this end, we describe the social phenotype of Williams syndrome, then offer three insights regarding biological and environmental factors that account for variability in social behavior in individuals who are developing typically and individuals with the syndrome. In so doing, we illuminate genetic, neural, and environmental processes that likely influence typical social development as informed by Williams syndrome. KEYWORDS—social behavior; development; Williams syn-
The links between Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and temperament received relatively little r... more The links between Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and temperament received relatively little research attention, in spite of their clinical and social relevance. Children with RAD sustain disproportionate burdens of early adversity related to their caregiving environment. However, there seem to be important individual differences in susceptibility to adversity, since only a small number of children show signs of RAD. Based on the work of Zeanah and Fox, this review aims to bring new insights to this relevant clinical issue in light of recent research. A differential susceptibility hypothesis will be considered as a promising and innovative approach toward a further understanding of the links between temperament and RAD.
This study aimed to examine the differences between mothers of preterm multiples and mothers of p... more This study aimed to examine the differences between mothers of preterm multiples and mothers of preterm singletons regarding perceived stress and maternal psychological symptoms, and to explore the putative adverse amplified effect of socioeconomic disadvantage. Ninety-five mothers of 1-year-olds born preterm participated in this cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out in two public hospitals from Northern Portugal. To assess maternal perceived daily stress and psychological symptoms, mothers completed two questionnaires. Mothers reported on socioeconomic factors, including family poverty, parent unemployment, and low education, and two groups of family socioeconomic disadvantage were created. A child medical risk index was calculated. Results indicated that mothers of preterm multiples reported higher levels of stress than mothers of preterm singletons. Moreover, and specifically regarding psychological functioning, mothers of preterm multiples reported more symptoms...
Faced with adverse contexts and their risk factors, both children of the community as children in... more Faced with adverse contexts and their risk factors, both children of the community as children in institutional care, may have psychological or psychiatric problems along its development. In this study we analyze the difference between the children of the community in psychosocial risk and children in institutional care, in the level of internalizing and externalizing problems, as well as its predictors. The results show that children in institutional care have lower values of internalizing and externalizing problems, compared to children in the community in psychosocial risk. Prenatal risk children in institutional care is higher than in children of the community. Institutional caregivers had more sensitive and cooperative behaviors in interaction with the child than mothers. In the community group, higher negative affectivity predicts more internalizing problems and externalizing. In the group of children in institutional care, it was observed that higher negative affectivity predicts child internalizing problems. Still, the higher the age of admission, fewer externalizing problems these children have. Some of these results are not as expected, because the community sample is exclusively at risk, which was not evident in the literature.
Neste artigo, as autoras apresentam uma investigação empírica com mães adolescentes e seus bebés,... more Neste artigo, as autoras apresentam uma investigação empírica com mães adolescentes e seus bebés, conduzida sob a perspectiva da Teoria da Vinculação de Bowlby. Quarenta adolescentes e seus bebés foram avaliados na gravides e 12º mês do pós-parto, com base, respectivamente, na Adult Attachment Interview e na Situação Estranha. Os resultados revelam que a maioria dos bebés apresenta uma organização de vinculação segura à mãe, aos 12 meses de idade. Não foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre a classificação das mães na AAI e a classificação dos seus bebés na Situação Estranha, quer ao nível dos três padrões, quer em função da dimensão segurança versus insegurança da vinculação. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v20i1.375
Em comparação com os pares da comunidade, as crianças que foram adotadas enfrentam, com maior fre... more Em comparação com os pares da comunidade, as crianças que foram adotadas enfrentam, com maior frequência, adversidade e risco nos primeiros tempos de vida, os quais se podem situar ao nível de complicações ao nascimento e de experiências de perda da família biológica, bem como ao nível do acolhimento em instituições caracterizadas por cuidados pouco responsivos. Nos últimos anos, clínicos e investigadores têm vindo a alertar para os efeitos negativos daquelas experiências no desenvolvimento da criança. Simultaneamente, a literatura tem vindo a reforçar a ocorrência de mudanças positivas em áreas diversas do desenvolvimento, após a integração numa família por adoção. Este artigo de revisão apresenta uma sistematização de resultados de estudos que analisaram o impacto da adoção, sobretudo internacional, no desenvolvimento físico, cognitivo, sócio‑emocional e nos problemas de comportamento da criança que foi adotada.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v27i2.422
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2014
Institutional rearing adversely affects children’s development, but the extent to which specific ... more Institutional rearing adversely affects children’s development, but the extent to which specific characteristics of the institutional context and the quality of care provided contribute to problematic development remains unclear. In this study, 72 preschoolers institutionalised for at least 6 months were evaluated by their caregiver using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Disturbances of Attachment Interview. Distal and proximate indices of institutional caregiving quality were assessed using both staff reports and direct observation. Results revealed that greater caregiver sensitivity predicted reduced indiscriminate behaviour and secure-base distortions. A closer relationship with the caregiver predicted reduced inhibited attachment behaviour. Emotional and behavioural problems proved unrelated to caregiving quality. Results are discussed in terms of (non)-shared caregiving factors that influence institutionalised children’s development.
The current study extends research on the effects of institutionalization, most notably by evalua... more The current study extends research on the effects of institutionalization, most notably by evaluating the influence of proximal relationship processes over and above prenatal and pre-institutional family experiences. By focusing on current quality of institutional care and the child's early family background, it examines the influence of variations in the institutionalization experience on displays of indiscriminate social behavior, after taking into account potentially confounding pre-admission experiences. Seventy-four Portuguese children (11-30 months) placed in 17 residential institutions and their primary caregivers participated in the study. Children's displays of indiscriminate social behavior were assessed based on an observational measure and a semi-structured interview administered to the child's caregiver. Data on…
Les pédiatres sont fréquemment les premiers professionnels à observer les relations de soins préc... more Les pédiatres sont fréquemment les premiers professionnels à observer les relations de soins précoces et leurs impacts dans le développement de l´enfant. Les relations précoces de caregiving, leur a formation, leur qualité et les questions de développement associées se trouvent amplement inclues dans le cadre de l´évaluation pédiatrique. Cet article présente une vision générale de la théorie et la recherche de l'attachement qui pourra être utile comme grille de lecture de la qualité des soins et de l´organisation de la relation du bébé avec ses figures parentales. Nous décrirons les phases de développement des relations d´attachement, et la manière d'évaluer lesfacteurs influençant les variations d'e l'organisation de l'attachement. Dans une perspective développementale, la relation entre attachement et psychopathologie sera aussi explorée. Nous finirons par une brève revue des implications cliniques de la théorie de l´attachement pour l´exercice de la pédiatrie.
mother-infant interaction. Contrary to expectations, temperament did not distinguish between emot... more mother-infant interaction. Contrary to expectations, temperament did not distinguish between emotion regulation styles. The link between over-regulation and lower quality of mother-infant emotional interaction and avoidant attachment was demonstrated. There is empirical support to the claim that it is possible to identify emotion overregulation in infancy and that it is a maladaptive style of emotion regulation.
European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2013
Joint attention capabilities were assessed in 52 10-month-olds observed independently with their ... more Joint attention capabilities were assessed in 52 10-month-olds observed independently with their mothers and fathers in a semi-structured toy-play condition. Mothers and fathers were indistinguishable in terms of total number of behaviors aimed at engaging their infant in joint attention. However, infants responded more to mothers' bids for attention than to fathers' bids. Contrastingly, infants tended to display more initiating joint attention behaviors while interacting with their fathers. Although parents did not differ in terms of sensitivity, fathers were less intrusive than mothers. Results are discussed in terms of the specificities of mother-infant and father-infant interaction and how the paternal role should be highlighted in the case of infant's joint attention development.
Background: Insecure attachment in infancy is associated with a range of later socioemotional pro... more Background: Insecure attachment in infancy is associated with a range of later socioemotional problems; therefore, it is important to identify at-risk children so that support can be provided. However, there are currently no well-validated brief measures of infant attachment. The aim of this study is to create a brief version of the Attachment Q-Sort (AQS), one of the gold-standard measures of attachment. Method: Data was used from the National Institute of Child Health and Development Study of Child Care and Youth Development (N = 1,364). The factor structure of the AQS was explored, and Item Response Theory was used to select a reduced number of items. Convergent validity of the shortened measure was assessed through associations with the Strange Situation Procedure. Correlations with sensitivity, externalising, and social competence were also examined. Results: The Brief Attachment Scale (BAS-16) was created consisting of two scales of eight items, relating to (a) harmonious interaction with the caregiver and (b) proximity-seeking behaviours. The BAS-16 showed comparable convergent, discriminant, and concurrent validity to the full AQS. Conclusion: This brief version of the AQS shows potential as a screening measure for insecure attachment in infancy. Further development and validation is required in separate samples.
Apresentação do número. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v20i1.374
O presente estudo procura analisar as relações entre os estilos de vinculação e a qualidade das r... more O presente estudo procura analisar as relações entre os estilos de vinculação e a qualidade das relações profissionais e com o trabalho. A maioria dos participantes do estudo – quinhentos e noventa e oito indivíduos – identifica-se com um estilo de vinculação segura e com uma orientação para o trabalho segura, tendo sido encontrada uma associação significativa entre estas duas variáveis. Verificou-se, ainda, que os indivíduos com um estilo seguro, quer ao nível da vinculação, quer ao nível da orientação para o trabalho , manifestam maior satisfação profissional e melhor adaptação ao trabalho.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17575/rpsicol.v20i1.382
Tendo a Teoria da Vinculação de Bowlby como referencial para o estudo das relações íntimas na ida... more Tendo a Teoria da Vinculação de Bowlby como referencial para o estudo das relações íntimas na idade adulta, a investigação tem dedicado uma crescente atenção à especificidade da vinculação na idade adulta, no contexto das relações íntimas, podendo ser distinguidas, genericamente, duas linhas de investigação: uma linha focada no nível representacional e uma outra linha de natureza comportamental, focada em aspectos específicos da interacção conjugal. O presente artigo centra-se na relação entre a qualidade da representação da(s) relação(ões) íntima(s) e o comportamento nesse contexto relacional, pelo recurso à Intimate Relationship Interview (Lima, Vieira, Soares & Collins, 2005) e à Couple Interaction Task (Collins, Hennighausen, Madsen & Roisman, 1998). Resultados preliminares apontam para a associação entre a qualidade da organização de representação e comportamentos específicos de vinculação, salientando a pertinência da avaliação da vinculação na idade adulta, no contexto das re...
O scaffolding tem sido estudado no âmbito de tarefas de resolução de problemas, sendo escassas as... more O scaffolding tem sido estudado no âmbito de tarefas de resolução de problemas, sendo escassas asinvestigações em contexto de elicitação narrativa. Este trabalho analisa o scaffolding verbal maternona promoção da construção narrativa de crianças em idade pré-escolar, através da utilização de umlivro de imagens. As narrativas de 41 crianças (58.5% rapazes) de 4 anos foram vídeo-gravadas,transcritas e analisadas segundo a Grelha de Cotação de Comportamentos Verbais Promotores daNarrativa nas Crianças em Idade Pré-escolar. Verificou-se que as mães dirigem a atenção e o interesse da criança para o livro, utilizam questões específicas para direcionar o discurso da criança, recorrem a exemplos e solicitam a comprovação da criança e utilizam questões com incentivos de forma apromover o seu discurso. Relativamente ao modo como orientam a narrativa dos seus filhos,registaram-se valores semelhantes ao nível da intrusividade, sensibilidade e mudança. Os resultadossugerem que a mãe tende a dese...
O scaffolding assume um papel importante no desenvolvimento das capacidades narrativas das crianç... more O scaffolding assume um papel importante no desenvolvimento das capacidades narrativas das crianças. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar qual a relação entre o scaffolding verbal materno e a coerência estrutural narrativa da criança. Quarenta e uma crianças (58.5% rapazes) com 4 anos e suas mães realizaram uma tarefa de elicitação narrativa, utilizando um livro de imagens. Os resultados mostram que os comportamentos maternos que dirigem a atenção e o interesse da criança para o livro correlacionavam-se negativamente com a sequência estrutural e comprometimento avaliativo e, marginalmente, com a orientação e integração narrativa da criança. O uso de questões específicas que direcionam o discurso da criança estava também correlacionado negativamente com a sequência estrutural e, marginalmente, com a integração. Em contraste, níveis reduzidos de intrusividade materna a par com níveis elevados de sensibilidade e mudança dos comportamentos face à narrativa da criança mostraram-se associ...
Papers by Isabel Soares