Papers by Isaac P de Lima
Mastozoología Neotropical, 2021
Traditionally, the performance of multi-agent deep reinforcement learning algorithms are demonstr... more Traditionally, the performance of multi-agent deep reinforcement learning algorithms are demonstrated and validated in gaming environments where we often have a fixed number of agents. In many industrial applications, the number of available agents can change at any given day and even when the number of agents is known ahead of time, it is common for an agent to break during the operation and become unavailable for a period of time. In this paper, we propose a new deep reinforcement learning algorithm for multi-agent collaborative tasks with a variable number of agents. We demonstrate the application of our algorithm using a fleet management simulator developed by Hitachi to generate realistic scenarios in a production site. Index Terms-Multi-agent deep reinforcement, fleet traffic control, variable number of agents.

Biological Conservation, 2021
The Atlantic Forest (AF) is one of the most important and threatened biodiversity hotspots worldw... more The Atlantic Forest (AF) is one of the most important and threatened biodiversity hotspots worldwide, and despite its wide geographical extension, only 9.1% of its area is under legal protection. Due to the low investment of resources, it is important to identify conservation priority areas for the AF and one effective strategy is the detection of smaller biodiversity hotspots within the AF. In the current study, we used a Geographic Interpolation of Endemism analysis with different scales to determine the main endemic areas of 55 Phyllostomidae bat species for the AF. We identified eight endemic areas that were highly dissimilar due to species turnover (βsim = 0.44) and that have already been indicated as areas of endemism for other taxa. Only 18.5% of the endemic areas are legally protected, while nearly 43% of the land cover consists of farming. Information available at ICMBio (Instituto Chico Medes de Conservação da Biodiversidade) and indicate that Conservation Units (CUs) within the endemic areas are mainly categorized as of "Sustainable Use" and presented several management shortcoming (e.g. lack of information in environmental management plans; moderate to low management effectiveness; reduced investments; threat of area reduction). We recommend strengthening the policies for the CUs, strengthening and maintaining the management of current CUs, as a way of moving towards a more "biodiversity friendly" landscape with justice and social equity. Moreover, the strategy presented here can increase the cost-benefit relationship for the establishment and planning of CUs in other biodiversity hotspots and ecoregions.

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2012
Most natural forests have been converted for human use, restricting biological life to small fore... more Most natural forests have been converted for human use, restricting biological life to small forest fragments. Many animals, including some species of bats are disappearing and the list of these species grows every day. It seems that the destruction of the habitat is one of its major causes. This study aimed to analyze how this community of bats was made up in environments with different sizes and quality of habitat. Data from studies conducted in the region of Londrina, Parana, Brazil, from 1982 to 2000 were used. Originally, this area was covered by a semi deciduous forest, especially Aspidosperma polyneuron (Apocynaceae), Ficus insipida (Moraceae), Euterpe edulis (Arecaceae), Croton floribundus (Euforbiaceae), and currently, only small remnants of the original vegetation still exist. The results showed a decline in the number of species caught in smaller areas compared to the largest remnant. In about 18 years of sampling, 42 species of bats were found in the region, representing...

Zoologia (Curitiba), 2011
Migration is defined as a seasonal and cyclic population movement observed in all animal classes ... more Migration is defined as a seasonal and cyclic population movement observed in all animal classes and studied mainly in vertebrates. A considerable part of the knowledge on migration comes from birds, for which migration is an important aspect of their biology . In some bat species, females usually migrate larger distances than males . Migratory movements may not occur in all populations of a species (MCCRAKEN et al. 1994. Migration occurs mainly in species that live in temperate climates, and is more common in winter . It is, therefore, less frequently observed in the Neotropics . Migration may occur over large distances, between localities in different continents or hemispheres. There is also migration that involves only altitudinal, latitudinal or longitudinal movements; these movements, which may be regional or local, are related to resource availability . Even for birds, local and vertical migrations are the least known and the most difficult to record , MAIA-GOUVEIA et al. 2005). Some authors do not consider smaller spatial movements in bats as migration, because they do not require physiological adaptations ).
Chiroptera …, 2011
... Adriano Lúcio Peracchi1, Marcelo Rodrigues Nogueira1* & Isaac Passos de Lima1 ... destaca... more ... Adriano Lúcio Peracchi1, Marcelo Rodrigues Nogueira1* & Isaac Passos de Lima1 ... destacada importância biológica atribuída ao bloco florestal representado pela RNV e pela Reserva Biológica de Sooretama (Ministério do Meio Ambiente 2000; Srbek-Araújo e Chiarello 2006 ...

Bats of the Tibagi River Basin - Bats play an important role in Nature usually as pollinators and... more Bats of the Tibagi River Basin - Bats play an important role in Nature usually as pollinators and seed dispersal agents. The Tibagi River Basin contains about 39 of the 148 species of bats in Brazil. Almost 25% of the mammals in the world are bats, and they represent approximately 50% of the mammals identified in this region. This diversity can be maintained due to the remains of forests which offer a large variety of environments. However, the Tibagi River Basin has been suffering sudden and drastic alterations due to its cattle breeding potential, which has increased the destruction of such remaining forests. The studies were concentrated in three large conservation units (Mata dos Godoy State Park, 680 ha; Klabin Ecological Park, 11,116 ha; Irati National Forest, 3,571 ha) and two small forest fragments (Regina farm, approximately 5 ha; Arthur Thomas Municipal Park, 85,47 ha), besides an open area (Londrina State University Campus, 150 ha). At such sites, some rare bat species are slowly disappearing. The Myotis ruber and Chiroderma doriae are already threatened with extinction. The Pygoderma bilabiatum, Myotis levis and Rogheessa tumida are included as endangered species. The preservation of natural resources, both flora and fauna, is necessary in order to maintain such bat species as source of genetic data, for education and preservation purposes. Improvement of the interaction between community and Nature is also necessary in order to diminish the risk of extinction of such species.
Este livro é dedicado aos pesquisadores que investiram sua vida ou parte dela trabalhando em prol... more Este livro é dedicado aos pesquisadores que investiram sua vida ou parte dela trabalhando em prol dos animais silvestres, representados aqui, na pessoa do doutor Warwick Estevam Kerr, que muito lutou no sentido de preservar a Amazônia, o maior berço de animais silvestres do mundo. Criou no INPA, em 1976, um curso de ecologia que muito contribuiu na proteção da natureza. "À medida que o conhecimento biológico cresça, a ética mudará fundamentalmente para que em todos os lugares, a fauna e a flora de um país sejam consideradas uma parte da herança nacional tão importante quanto sua arte, seu idioma e aquela estonteante mistura de conquistas e farsas que sempre definiram nossa espécie". E. O. Wilson (1984).
... Adriano Lúcio Peracchi1, Marcelo Rodrigues Nogueira1* & Isaac Passos de Lima1 ... destaca... more ... Adriano Lúcio Peracchi1, Marcelo Rodrigues Nogueira1* & Isaac Passos de Lima1 ... destacada importância biológica atribuída ao bloco florestal representado pela RNV e pela Reserva Biológica de Sooretama (Ministério do Meio Ambiente 2000; Srbek-Araújo e Chiarello 2006 ...
Biota Neotropica, 2010
First occurrences of the greater bonneted Eumops perotis (Molossidae) in the State of Paraná and ... more First occurrences of the greater bonneted Eumops perotis (Molossidae) in the State of Paraná and synthesis of the known records for Brazil. Biota Neotrop.

Revista Brasileira de …, 2003
This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating if the size of forest fragments affec... more This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating if the size of forest fragments affects the diversity of bat species. In order to do that, seven fragments were studied in Londrina, Paraná: five small fragments, whose areas varied between 1 and 10 ha; a fragment which is considered medium-sized (Parque Municipal Arthur Thomas - 85,47 ha.); and a large fragment (Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy - 680 ha.). Thirty three species were collected. Ten species were common to all three types of fragments: Chrotopterus auritus (Peters, 1856), Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758), Artibeus fimbriatus Gray, 1838, Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818), Platyrrhinus lineatus (E. Geoffroy, 1810), Pygoderma bilabiatum (Wagner, 1843), Sturnira lilium (E. Geoffroy, 1810), Vampyressa pusilla (Wagner, 1843), Eptesicus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819), and Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821). Eight species were only found in the large fragment: Noctilio albiventris Desmarest, 1818, Glossophaga soricina (Pallas, 1766), Uroderma bilobatum Peters, 1866, Diaemus youngi (Jentink,1893), Diphylla ecaudata Spix, 1823, Eptesicus furinalis (d'Orbigny, 1847), Histiotus velatus (I. Geoffroy, 1824) and Myotis levis (I. Geoffroy, 1824). Five were only found in the small fragments: Noctilio leporinus (Linnaeus, 1758), Phyllostomus discolor Wagner, 1843, Chiroderma villosum Peters, 1860, Eptesicus sp. e Rogheessa tumida H. Allen, 1866. Chiroderma doriae, which is threatened by extinction, was captured in the large fragment and in one of the small fragments; M. ruber, also threatened by extinction, was captured in the medium-sized and large fragments. We believe that the major cause for the loss of organic diversity is not rational exploitation, but the destruction of habitats, a result of the expansion of irrational human activities.

Most natural forests have been converted for human use, restricting biological life to small fore... more Most natural forests have been converted for human use, restricting biological life to small forest fragments. Many animals, including some species of bats are disappearing and the list of these species grows every day. It seems that the destruction of the habitat is one of its major causes. This study aimed to analyze how this community of bats was made up in environments with different sizes and quality of habitat. Data from studies conducted in the region of Londrina, Parana, Brazil, from 1982 to 2000 were used. Originally, this area was covered by a semi deciduous forest, especially Aspidosperma polyneuron (Apocynaceae), Ficus insipida (Moraceae), Euterpe edulis (Arecaceae), Croton floribundus (Euforbiaceae), and currently, only small remnants of the original vegetation still exist. The results showed a decline in the number of species caught in smaller areas compared to the largest remnant. In about 18 years of sampling, 42 species of bats were found in the region, representing 67% of the species that occur in Paraná and 24.4% in Brazil. There were two species of Noctilionidae; 21 of Phyllostoma; 11 Vespertilionidae and eight Molossidae. Eight of these were captured only in the largest fragment, Mata dos Godoy State Park (680 ha). Ten species had a low capture rate in the smaller areas with less than three individuals. Of the total sampled, 14 species were found in human buildings, and were able to tolerate modified environments, foraging and even using them as shelter. As the size of the forest area increases, there is a greater variety of ecological opportunities and their physical conditions become more stable, i.e., conditions favorable for growth and survival of a greater number of species. Forest fragmentation limits and creates subpopulations, preserving only long-lived K-strategist animals for some time, where the supporting capacity of the environment is a limiting factor. The reduction of habitats, species and genetic diversity resulting from human activities are endangering the future adaptability in natural ecosystems, which promotes the disappearance of low adaptive potential species.
Banco de dados, inventários de morcegos, lacunas de amostragem, lista de espécies, sul do Brasil.

The Atlantic Forest (AF) is one of the most important and threatened biodiversity hotspots worldw... more The Atlantic Forest (AF) is one of the most important and threatened biodiversity hotspots worldwide, and despite its wide geographical extension, only 9.1% of its area is under legal protection. Due to the low investment of resources, it is important to identify conservation priority areas for the AF and one effective strategy is the detection of smaller biodiversity hotspots within the AF. In the current study, we used a Geographic Interpolation of Endemism analysis with different scales to determine the main endemic areas of 55 Phyllostomidae bat species for the AF. We identified eight endemic areas that were highly dissimilar due to species turnover (βsim = 0.44) and that have already been indicated as areas of endemism for other taxa. Only 18.5% of the endemic areas are legally protected, while nearly 43% of the land cover consists of farming. Information available at ICMBio (Instituto Chico Medes de Conservação da Biodiversidade) and indicate that Conservation Units (CUs) within the endemic areas are mainly categorized as of "Sustainable Use" and presented several management shortcoming (e.g. lack of information in environmental management plans; moderate to low management effectiveness; reduced investments; threat of area reduction). We recommend strengthening the policies for the CUs, strengthening and maintaining the management of current CUs, as a way of moving towards a more "biodiversity friendly" landscape with justice and social equity. Moreover, the strategy presented here can increase the cost-benefit relationship for the establishment and planning of CUs in other biodiversity hotspots and ecoregions.

A Bacia do Rio Tibagi, 2002
Bats of the Tibagi River Basin - Bats play an important role in Nature usually as pollinators and... more Bats of the Tibagi River Basin - Bats play an important role in Nature usually as pollinators and seed dispersal agents. The Tibagi River Basin contains about 39 of the 148 species of bats in Brazil. Almost 25% of the mammals in the world are bats, and they represent approximately 50% of the mammals identified in this region. This diversity can be maintained due to the remains of forests which offer a large variety of environments. However, the Tibagi River Basin has been suffering sudden and drastic alterations due to its cattle breeding potential, which has increased the destruction of such remaining forests. The studies were concentrated in three large conservation units (Mata dos Godoy State Park, 680 ha; Klabin Ecological Park, 11,116 ha; Irati National Forest, 3,571 ha) and two small forest fragments (Regina farm, approximately 5 ha; Arthur Thomas Municipal Park, 85,47 ha), besides an open area (Londrina State University Campus, 150 ha). At such sites, some rare bat species are slowly disappearing. The Myotis ruber and Chiroderma doriae are already threatened with extinction. The Pygoderma bilabiatum, Myotis levis and Rogheessa tumida are included as endangered species. The preservation of natural resources, both flora and fauna, is necessary in order to maintain such bat species as source of genetic data, for education and preservation purposes. Improvement of the interaction between
community and Nature is also necessary in order to diminish the risk of extinction of such species.

Mastozoología Neotropical
Modifications in habitats cause several alterations in the functional structure of communities. I... more Modifications in habitats cause several alterations in the functional structure of communities. It seems that, to date, there are no studies on the functional diversity of bats concerning habitat changes in the phytophysionomy of the Brazilian Semideciduous Seasonal Forest (SSF). Current analysis compares richness, abundance and functional diversity of bats captured within the matrix and within rural and urban fragments. Samples were retrieved from five forest fragments of the SSF in the northern region of the state of Paraná, Brazil, between 2015 and 2016. Richness rates within the forest fragments were higher than in the matrix, with significant differences between sites. The abundance of captured specimens did not differ between matrix and the interior of the forest. Parameters of functional diversity were greater within the forest than in the matrix. Results show that habitat type affects species abundance and richness in the SSF. Heterogeneous matrices provide several resources, including complementary ones, for certain bat species, in food or in havens, mirroring the community´s functional diversity RESUMO. Mudanças na diversidade de morcegos em agroecossistemas da mata atlântica, Brasil. Modificações no habitat podem causar alterações na estrutura funcional das comunidades. Até o presente momento não se tem estudos que abordem a variação na diversidade funcional de morcegos em relação às alterações do habitat na fitofisionomia Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES) do Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a riqueza, abundância e diversidade funcional de morcegos capturados na matriz e interior de fragmentos rurais e urbanos. As coletas ocorreram em cinco fragmentos florestais de FES, localizados na região norte do estado do Paraná, região do Brasil, entre 2015 a 2016. Em todos os fragmentos a riqueza no interior da floresta foi maior que na matriz ocorrendo diferenças significativas entre os ambientes. A abundância de indivíduos capturados não diferiu entre a matriz e interior das matas. Os parâmetros de diversidade funcional foram maiores no interior da floresta ao comparado com a matriz. Nossos resultados indicam que o tipo de habitat influencia na abundância e na riqueza de espécies na Floresta estacional Semidecidual sendo que as matrizes heterogêneas ofertam uma variedade de recursos até complementares para algumas espécies de morcegos, seja na forma de alimento ou seja na forma de refúgios refletindo na diversidade funcional da comunidade.
Few invertebrates are currently known to feed upon bats, particularly on adult individuals, fully... more Few invertebrates are currently known to feed upon bats, particularly on adult individuals, fully capable of flying. Herein we present new records of bat predation by centipedes, an interaction only previously known from observations on a Venezuelan cave. Two predation events were recorded, both relating Scolopendra viridicornis (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae) to bats roosted in the roof of houses in the Reserva Natural Vale, an Atlantic Forest remain located in northern Espírito Santo state, southeastern Brazil. Information available from the second event includes the identification of the predated bat (adult female Eptesicus furinalis-Vespertilionidae) and the body parts (viscera and muscles of the skull, neck, shoulder, upper arm, and chest) ingested by the Scolopendra.

Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 2004
A study about the species of Piperaceae that are consumed by a colony of Carollia perspicillata (... more A study about the species of Piperaceae that are consumed by a colony of Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) in Parque Municipal Arthur Thomas (82,72 ha) was carried out. Five available species of Piperaceae were found in the park: Piper aduncum Linnaeus, Piper amalago (Jacq.) Yuncker, Piper crassinervium H.B.K., Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth and Piper sp. C. perspicillata fed on all of these species. During the spring, the most abundant item was P. amalago, but the consumption of P. aduncum was the highest. At the beginning of the summer, P. crassinervium was the most abundant and most consumed item. At the end of the summer and during the fall, P. gaudichaudianum was the most abundant and consumed item, even in May, when P. amalago was the most abundant item. During the winter, the most highly available items were P. aduncum, Piper sp. and P. amalago, and the ones that were consumed the most were Piper sp., P. gaudichaudianum and P. aduncum. The results have shown that the prefe...

Check List, 2014
first edition of Lista anotada dos mamíferos do Brasil) and Taddei (1996) updated the list, recor... more first edition of Lista anotada dos mamíferos do Brasil) and Taddei (1996) updated the list, recording 141 and 144 species, respectively, but Marinho-Filho and Sazima (1998) reported a number (137) close to that reported by Aguiar and Taddei (1995). Tavares et al. (2008) reported 165 species in a manuscript accepted as part of a book expected to be published in 2003, and therefore containing listings updated to that year. The list of Tavares et al. (2008) contrasted from the previously cited because they provided references for each species recorded for Brazil, along with distributional notes and taxonomic and nomenclatural comments. Peracchi et al. (2006; Mamíferos do Brasil) later prepared another update, with 164 species recorded, and Reis et al. (2007; Morcegos do Brasil) reported 167 species of bats. Afterwards, two lists by Peracchi and colleagues (Peracchi et al. 2010 [Mamíferos do Brasil: Guia de Identificação], 2011a [second edition of Mamíferos do Brasil]) reported 168 and 172 Brazilian bat species, respectively. The last updated list before the present was Paglia et al. (2012), which reported 174 bat species in the second edition of Lista Anotada dos Mamíferos do Brasil. In April 2011, a general assembly of the Brazilian Bat Research Society (Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo de Quirópteros-Sbeq; created the Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats (Comitê da Lista de Morcegos do Brasil-CLMB). This standing Committee is in charge for the regular publication of a list of bats with occurrence in Brazil, and for a continual revision of its scope and methodology. The first committee's workgroup was composed by the lead author M.R. Nogueira [Chair], I.P.
Papers by Isaac P de Lima
community and Nature is also necessary in order to diminish the risk of extinction of such species.
community and Nature is also necessary in order to diminish the risk of extinction of such species.
norte e nordeste do país, que são carentes de inventários da fauna e da flora. À medida em que os pesquisadores ampliam seus esforços de coleta, em áreas tidas como inexploradas, novas espécies são descritas, e muitas já conhecidas tem sua distribuição geográfica consideravelmente ampliada. Entretanto, devemos chamar a atenção até mesmo para áreas com grande densidade de pesquisadores, visto que alguns registros novos vieram do Sul e Sudeste brasileiros.
Em um intervalo de quatro anos entre a primeira edição e a atual tivemos um acréscimo de 42 novas espécies de mamíferos, distribuídos em cinco Ordens. São elas: Primates (15), Chiroptera (16), Artiodactyla (1), Ceatacea (2) e Rodentia (8).