La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la pobl... more La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la población: la planificación y operación del transporte necesita información precisa, fiable y actualizada sobre la demanda de viajes; la definición de estrategias efectivas que mitiguen la exposición a la contaminación requiere conocer la distribución espacio-temporal de la población a lo largo del día; el diseño de una oferta turística sostenible necesita conocer los patrones de actividad de los turistas. Las fuentes de datos tradicionales, basadas fundamentalmente en encuestas, proporcionan información muy valiosa, pero no están exentas de inconvenientes. En general, las encuestas resultan caras y lentas de realizar, lo que limita el tamaño de la muestra y su frecuencia de actualización. Además, están sujetas a respuestas incorrectas e imprecisas y dependen de la disposición a responder de los entrevistados.
ABSTRACT This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which sup... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and enables the integration of the most representative control technologies such as KNX, LonWorks and X-10. The application includes a real-time monitoring service. Finally, advanced control functionalities based on gestures recognition and predefined scenes have been implemented. This application has been developed and tested in the Energy Efficiency Research Facility located at CeDInt-UPM, where electrical loads, blinds and HVAC and lighting systems can be controlled.
WPS, review international on sustainable housing and urban renewal, Dec 28, 2018
La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la pobl... more La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la población: la planificación y operación del transporte necesita información precisa, fiable y actualizada sobre la demanda de viajes; la definición de estrategias efectivas que mitiguen la exposición a la contaminación requiere conocer la distribución espacio-temporal de la población a lo largo del día; el diseño de una oferta turística sostenible necesita conocer los patrones de actividad de los turistas. Las fuentes de datos tradicionales, basadas fundamentalmente en encuestas, proporcionan información muy valiosa, pero no están exentas de inconvenientes. En general, las encuestas resultan caras y lentas de realizar, lo que limita el tamaño de la muestra y su frecuencia de actualización. Además, están sujetas a respuestas incorrectas e imprecisas y dependen de la disposición a responder de los entrevistados.
Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approache... more Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approaches rely very often on the most theoretical and quantitative features of the studies, excluding de-facto a direct association between those findings and the tangible subject of the analysis. To fill the gap, the Big Data era and information visualization methodologies could help analysts, stakeholders and general audience to gain a new insight on the field. In this paper, we want to provide some food for thought about new opportunities arising in visual urban economies as well as present some visual results on possible scenarios.
Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their ev... more Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their evolutions, are topics of interest of new scientific disciplines such as smart city and city science. The development of better urban theories and simulation models could be fostered by both the availability of suitable datasets illustrating several urban perspectives and approaches being able to actively explore them in order to reveal patterns, relationships and meaningful data facets hidden there. In this context, data visualization – namely information visualization and visual analytics – is more than a promising research field to get new insights into data evidence. Its holistic approach couples pictorial representations, human factors and data analysis in order to enforce viewers' cognitive process of learning. In this paper we aim at providing an overview of the data visualization problems by reviewing current efforts into urban visualization, especially when considering two critical city issues: urban planning and energy efficiency. In particular, our objective is two-fold: presenting the most common approaches to data visualization disciplines and contextualizing them into the most advanced European initiatives and projects. In parallel, we introduce some hints about the most promising research areas and challenges that the domain experts could tackle in the very next future.
Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experi... more Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experience by stimulating senses other than sight and hearing. Sensory effects as odor, wind, vibration and light effects, as well as an enhanced audio quality, have been found to favour media enjoyment and to have a positive influence on the sense of Presence and on the perceived quality, relevance and reality of a multimedia experience. In particular, sports is among the genres that could benefit the most from these solutions. Several works have demonstrated also the technical feasibility of implementing and deploying end-to-end solutions integrating sensory effects into a legacy system. Thus, multi-sensorial media emerges as a mean to deliver a new form of immersive experiences to the mass market in a non-disruptive manner. However, many questions remain concerning issues as the sensory effects that can better complement a given audiovisual content or the best way in which to integrate and combine them to enhance the user experience of a target audience segment. The work presented in this paper aims to gain insight into the impact of binaural audio and sensory (light and olfactory) effects on the sports media experience, both at the overall level (average effect) and as a function of users' characteristics (heterogeneous effects). To this aim, we conducted an experimental study exploring the influence of these immersive elements on the quality and Presence dimensions of the media experience. Along the quality dimension, we look for possible variations on the quality scores assigned to the overall media experience and to the media components content, image, audio and sensory effects. The potential impact on Presence is analyzed in terms of Spatial Presence and Engagement. The users' characteristics considered encompass specific personal affective, cognitive and behavioral attributes. At the overall level we found that participants preferred binaural audio over standard stereo audio and that the presence of sensory effects increased significantly the level of Spatial Presence. Several heterogeneous effects were also revealed as a result of our experimental manipulations. Whereas binaural audio was found to have a generalized impact on the majority of the quality and Presence measures considered, the effects of sensory effects concentrate mainly on the Presence dimension. Personal characteristics explained most of the variation in the dependent variables, being individuals' preferences in relation to the content, knowledge of involved technologies, tendency to emotional involvement and conscientiousness among the user variables with the most generalized influence. In particular, the former two features seem to present a conflict in the allocation of attentional resources towards the media content versus the technical features of the system, respectively. Additionally, football fans' experience seems to be modulated by emotional processes whereas for not fans cognitive processes-and in particular those related to quality judgment-prevail.
ABSTRACT This Chapter presents a review of current evidence on the influence of immersion (define... more ABSTRACT This Chapter presents a review of current evidence on the influence of immersion (defined in terms of the technical features of the system) on the user experience in multimedia applications. Section 1 introduces the concepts of media enjoyment, presence and Quality of Experience (QoE) that frame our analysis from the user perspective. Section 2 discusses the bounding effects of multimodal perception on the previously defined metrics. Section 4 analyses the influence of relevant technical factors on presence, enjoyment and QoE, with emphasis on those characterizing the level of immersion delivered by system across four di-mensions: inclusiveness, extensiveness, surrounding and vividness. Section 5 pre-sents recent works integrating some of these factors into multi-sensorial media ex-periences and highlights open issues and research challenges to be tackled in order to deliver cost-effective multi-sensorial media solutions to the mass market.
2010 2nd International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, 2010
Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified w... more Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified way of communication for various devices and appliances present in homes and buildings (sensors, control systems, electronic devices, etc.). The massive introduction of residential gateways in the market is often hindered by the lack of intuitive configuration and visualization interfaces. Moreover, users frequently obtain very limited feedback about the status of the building after the actions carried out by the residential gateway, what reduces the confidence in such systems. This paper presents a Virtual Domotic System (VDS), an innovative solution to provide a Virtual Reality interface to manage residential gateways. VDS comprises three main blocks. The first of them is the residential gateway and the associated control devices of the building. The second element is an advanced 3D Virtual Environment that reliably represents the building, the state of control devices and the environmental characteristics (such as lighting or temperature). Finally, the system includes the software that enables the communication and synchronization between the virtual environment and the control technologies and appliances of the building. The VDS introduces a new 3D interaction technique, where the inputs that modify and configure the 3D virtual environment come directly from the sensors and actuators installed in the building.
Paper Abstract: Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that pro... more Paper Abstract: Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified way of communication for various devices and appliances present in homes and buildings. These devices include sensors (for the detection of people, temperature, lighting, security, flooding), actuators (switchers for heating systems, dimmers, control mechanisms) and electrical and electronic devices (appliances, audio and video devices, multimedia devices, personal computers, etc.). Residential gateways are used to ...
Immersion and interaction have been identified as key factors influencing the quality of experien... more Immersion and interaction have been identified as key factors influencing the quality of experience in stereoscopic video systems. The work presented here aims to create a new paradigm for 3D Multimedia consumption exploiting these factors in order to increase user involvement. We use a 5-sided CAVETM environment to support 3D panoramic video reproduction, real-time insertion of synthetic objects into the three-dimensional scene and real-time user interaction with the inserted elements. In this paper we describe our system requirements, functionalities, conceptual design and preliminary implementation results emphasizing the most relevant challenges accomplished. The focus is on three main issues: the generation of stereoscopic video panoramas; the synchronous reproduction of immersive 3D video across multiple screens; and, the real-time insertion algorithm implemented for the integration of synthetic objects into the stereoscopic video. These results have been successfully integrated into the graphic engine managing the operation of the CAVETM infrastructure.
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2014
This article proposes the integration of multisensorial stimuli and multimodal interaction compon... more This article proposes the integration of multisensorial stimuli and multimodal interaction components into a sports multimedia asset under two dimensions: immersion and interaction . The first dimension comprises a binaural audio system and a set of sensory effects synchronized with the audiovisual content, whereas the second explores interaction through the insertion of interactive 3D objects into the main screen and on-demand presentation of additional information in a second touchscreen. We present an end-to-end solution integrating these components into a hybrid (internet-broadcast) television system using current 3DTV standards. Results from an experimental study analyzing the perceived quality of these stimuli and their influence on the Quality of Experience are presented.
This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and... more This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and enables the integration of the most representative control technologies such as KNX, LonWorks and X-10. The application includes a real-time monitoring service. Finally, advanced control functionalities based on gestures recognition and predefined scenes have been implemented. This application has been developed and tested in the Energy Efficiency Research Facility located at CeDInt-UPM, where electrical loads, blinds and HVAC and lighting systems can be controlled.
Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experi... more Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experience by stimulating senses other than sight and hearing. Sensory effects as odor, wind, vibration and light effects, as well as an enhanced audio quality, have been found to favour media enjoyment and to have a positive influence on the sense of Presence and on the perceived quality, relevance and reality of a multimedia experience. In particular, sports is among the genres that could benefit the most from these solutions. Several works have demonstrated also the technical feasibility of implementing and deploying end-to-end solutions integrating sensory effects into a legacy system. Thus, multi-sensorial media emerges as a mean to deliver a new form of immersive experiences to the mass market in a non-disruptive manner. However, many questions remain concerning issues as the sensory effects that can better complement a given audiovisual content or the best way in which to integrate and ...
ERN: Urban Economics & Public Policy (Topic), 2014
Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their ev... more Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their evolutions, are topics of interest of new scientific disciplines such as smart city and city science. The development of better urban theories and simulation models could be fostered by both the availability of suitable datasets illustrating several urban perspectives and approaches being able to actively explore them in order to reveal patterns, relationships and meaningful data facets hidden there. In this context, data visualization – namely information visualization and visual analytics – is more than a promising research field to get new insights into data evidence. Its holistic approach couples pictorial representations, human factors and data analysis in order to enforce viewers' cognitive process of learning. In this paper we aim at providing an overview of the data visualization problems by reviewing current efforts into urban visualization, especially when considering two cri...
espanolLa planificacion y gestion de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de ... more espanolLa planificacion y gestion de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la poblacion: la planificacion y operacion del transporte necesita informacion precisa, fiable y actualizada sobre la demanda de viajes; la definicion de estrategias efectivas que mitiguen la exposicion a la contaminacion requiere conocer la distribucion espaciotemporal de la poblacion a lo largo del dia; el diseno de una oferta turistica sostenible necesita conocer los patrones de actividad de los turistas. Las fuentes de datos tradicionales, basadas fundamentalmente en encuestas, proporcionan informacion muy valiosa, pero no estan exentas de inconvenientes. En general, las encuestas resultan caras y lentas de realizar, lo que limita el tamano de la muestra y su frecuencia de actualizacion. Ademas, estan sujetas a respuestas incorrectas e imprecisas y dependen de la disposicion a responder de los entrevistados. La posibilidad de recoger datos geolocalizados procedentes de dispositivos m...
Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approache... more Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approaches rely very often on the most theoretical and quantitative features of the studies, excluding de-facto a direct association between those findings and the tangible subject of the analysis. To fill the gap, the Big Data era and information visualization methodologies could help analysts, stakeholders and general audience to gain a new insight on the field. In this paper, we want to provide some food for thought about new opportunities arising in visual urban economies as well as present some visual results on possible scenarios.
Identification and tracking of objects in specific environments such as harbors or security areas... more Identification and tracking of objects in specific environments such as harbors or security areas is a matter of great importance nowadays. With this purpose, numerous systems based on different technologies have been developed, resulting in a great amount of gathered data ...
La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la pobl... more La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la población: la planificación y operación del transporte necesita información precisa, fiable y actualizada sobre la demanda de viajes; la definición de estrategias efectivas que mitiguen la exposición a la contaminación requiere conocer la distribución espacio-temporal de la población a lo largo del día; el diseño de una oferta turística sostenible necesita conocer los patrones de actividad de los turistas. Las fuentes de datos tradicionales, basadas fundamentalmente en encuestas, proporcionan información muy valiosa, pero no están exentas de inconvenientes. En general, las encuestas resultan caras y lentas de realizar, lo que limita el tamaño de la muestra y su frecuencia de actualización. Además, están sujetas a respuestas incorrectas e imprecisas y dependen de la disposición a responder de los entrevistados.
ABSTRACT This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which sup... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and enables the integration of the most representative control technologies such as KNX, LonWorks and X-10. The application includes a real-time monitoring service. Finally, advanced control functionalities based on gestures recognition and predefined scenes have been implemented. This application has been developed and tested in the Energy Efficiency Research Facility located at CeDInt-UPM, where electrical loads, blinds and HVAC and lighting systems can be controlled.
WPS, review international on sustainable housing and urban renewal, Dec 28, 2018
La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la pobl... more La planificación y gestión de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la población: la planificación y operación del transporte necesita información precisa, fiable y actualizada sobre la demanda de viajes; la definición de estrategias efectivas que mitiguen la exposición a la contaminación requiere conocer la distribución espacio-temporal de la población a lo largo del día; el diseño de una oferta turística sostenible necesita conocer los patrones de actividad de los turistas. Las fuentes de datos tradicionales, basadas fundamentalmente en encuestas, proporcionan información muy valiosa, pero no están exentas de inconvenientes. En general, las encuestas resultan caras y lentas de realizar, lo que limita el tamaño de la muestra y su frecuencia de actualización. Además, están sujetas a respuestas incorrectas e imprecisas y dependen de la disposición a responder de los entrevistados.
Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approache... more Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approaches rely very often on the most theoretical and quantitative features of the studies, excluding de-facto a direct association between those findings and the tangible subject of the analysis. To fill the gap, the Big Data era and information visualization methodologies could help analysts, stakeholders and general audience to gain a new insight on the field. In this paper, we want to provide some food for thought about new opportunities arising in visual urban economies as well as present some visual results on possible scenarios.
Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their ev... more Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their evolutions, are topics of interest of new scientific disciplines such as smart city and city science. The development of better urban theories and simulation models could be fostered by both the availability of suitable datasets illustrating several urban perspectives and approaches being able to actively explore them in order to reveal patterns, relationships and meaningful data facets hidden there. In this context, data visualization – namely information visualization and visual analytics – is more than a promising research field to get new insights into data evidence. Its holistic approach couples pictorial representations, human factors and data analysis in order to enforce viewers' cognitive process of learning. In this paper we aim at providing an overview of the data visualization problems by reviewing current efforts into urban visualization, especially when considering two critical city issues: urban planning and energy efficiency. In particular, our objective is two-fold: presenting the most common approaches to data visualization disciplines and contextualizing them into the most advanced European initiatives and projects. In parallel, we introduce some hints about the most promising research areas and challenges that the domain experts could tackle in the very next future.
Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experi... more Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experience by stimulating senses other than sight and hearing. Sensory effects as odor, wind, vibration and light effects, as well as an enhanced audio quality, have been found to favour media enjoyment and to have a positive influence on the sense of Presence and on the perceived quality, relevance and reality of a multimedia experience. In particular, sports is among the genres that could benefit the most from these solutions. Several works have demonstrated also the technical feasibility of implementing and deploying end-to-end solutions integrating sensory effects into a legacy system. Thus, multi-sensorial media emerges as a mean to deliver a new form of immersive experiences to the mass market in a non-disruptive manner. However, many questions remain concerning issues as the sensory effects that can better complement a given audiovisual content or the best way in which to integrate and combine them to enhance the user experience of a target audience segment. The work presented in this paper aims to gain insight into the impact of binaural audio and sensory (light and olfactory) effects on the sports media experience, both at the overall level (average effect) and as a function of users' characteristics (heterogeneous effects). To this aim, we conducted an experimental study exploring the influence of these immersive elements on the quality and Presence dimensions of the media experience. Along the quality dimension, we look for possible variations on the quality scores assigned to the overall media experience and to the media components content, image, audio and sensory effects. The potential impact on Presence is analyzed in terms of Spatial Presence and Engagement. The users' characteristics considered encompass specific personal affective, cognitive and behavioral attributes. At the overall level we found that participants preferred binaural audio over standard stereo audio and that the presence of sensory effects increased significantly the level of Spatial Presence. Several heterogeneous effects were also revealed as a result of our experimental manipulations. Whereas binaural audio was found to have a generalized impact on the majority of the quality and Presence measures considered, the effects of sensory effects concentrate mainly on the Presence dimension. Personal characteristics explained most of the variation in the dependent variables, being individuals' preferences in relation to the content, knowledge of involved technologies, tendency to emotional involvement and conscientiousness among the user variables with the most generalized influence. In particular, the former two features seem to present a conflict in the allocation of attentional resources towards the media content versus the technical features of the system, respectively. Additionally, football fans' experience seems to be modulated by emotional processes whereas for not fans cognitive processes-and in particular those related to quality judgment-prevail.
ABSTRACT This Chapter presents a review of current evidence on the influence of immersion (define... more ABSTRACT This Chapter presents a review of current evidence on the influence of immersion (defined in terms of the technical features of the system) on the user experience in multimedia applications. Section 1 introduces the concepts of media enjoyment, presence and Quality of Experience (QoE) that frame our analysis from the user perspective. Section 2 discusses the bounding effects of multimodal perception on the previously defined metrics. Section 4 analyses the influence of relevant technical factors on presence, enjoyment and QoE, with emphasis on those characterizing the level of immersion delivered by system across four di-mensions: inclusiveness, extensiveness, surrounding and vividness. Section 5 pre-sents recent works integrating some of these factors into multi-sensorial media ex-periences and highlights open issues and research challenges to be tackled in order to deliver cost-effective multi-sensorial media solutions to the mass market.
2010 2nd International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, 2010
Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified w... more Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified way of communication for various devices and appliances present in homes and buildings (sensors, control systems, electronic devices, etc.). The massive introduction of residential gateways in the market is often hindered by the lack of intuitive configuration and visualization interfaces. Moreover, users frequently obtain very limited feedback about the status of the building after the actions carried out by the residential gateway, what reduces the confidence in such systems. This paper presents a Virtual Domotic System (VDS), an innovative solution to provide a Virtual Reality interface to manage residential gateways. VDS comprises three main blocks. The first of them is the residential gateway and the associated control devices of the building. The second element is an advanced 3D Virtual Environment that reliably represents the building, the state of control devices and the environmental characteristics (such as lighting or temperature). Finally, the system includes the software that enables the communication and synchronization between the virtual environment and the control technologies and appliances of the building. The VDS introduces a new 3D interaction technique, where the inputs that modify and configure the 3D virtual environment come directly from the sensors and actuators installed in the building.
Paper Abstract: Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that pro... more Paper Abstract: Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified way of communication for various devices and appliances present in homes and buildings. These devices include sensors (for the detection of people, temperature, lighting, security, flooding), actuators (switchers for heating systems, dimmers, control mechanisms) and electrical and electronic devices (appliances, audio and video devices, multimedia devices, personal computers, etc.). Residential gateways are used to ...
Immersion and interaction have been identified as key factors influencing the quality of experien... more Immersion and interaction have been identified as key factors influencing the quality of experience in stereoscopic video systems. The work presented here aims to create a new paradigm for 3D Multimedia consumption exploiting these factors in order to increase user involvement. We use a 5-sided CAVETM environment to support 3D panoramic video reproduction, real-time insertion of synthetic objects into the three-dimensional scene and real-time user interaction with the inserted elements. In this paper we describe our system requirements, functionalities, conceptual design and preliminary implementation results emphasizing the most relevant challenges accomplished. The focus is on three main issues: the generation of stereoscopic video panoramas; the synchronous reproduction of immersive 3D video across multiple screens; and, the real-time insertion algorithm implemented for the integration of synthetic objects into the stereoscopic video. These results have been successfully integrated into the graphic engine managing the operation of the CAVETM infrastructure.
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2014
This article proposes the integration of multisensorial stimuli and multimodal interaction compon... more This article proposes the integration of multisensorial stimuli and multimodal interaction components into a sports multimedia asset under two dimensions: immersion and interaction . The first dimension comprises a binaural audio system and a set of sensory effects synchronized with the audiovisual content, whereas the second explores interaction through the insertion of interactive 3D objects into the main screen and on-demand presentation of additional information in a second touchscreen. We present an end-to-end solution integrating these components into a hybrid (internet-broadcast) television system using current 3DTV standards. Results from an experimental study analyzing the perceived quality of these stimuli and their influence on the Quality of Experience are presented.
This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and... more This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and enables the integration of the most representative control technologies such as KNX, LonWorks and X-10. The application includes a real-time monitoring service. Finally, advanced control functionalities based on gestures recognition and predefined scenes have been implemented. This application has been developed and tested in the Energy Efficiency Research Facility located at CeDInt-UPM, where electrical loads, blinds and HVAC and lighting systems can be controlled.
Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experi... more Recent studies encourage the development of sensorially-enriched media to enhance the user experience by stimulating senses other than sight and hearing. Sensory effects as odor, wind, vibration and light effects, as well as an enhanced audio quality, have been found to favour media enjoyment and to have a positive influence on the sense of Presence and on the perceived quality, relevance and reality of a multimedia experience. In particular, sports is among the genres that could benefit the most from these solutions. Several works have demonstrated also the technical feasibility of implementing and deploying end-to-end solutions integrating sensory effects into a legacy system. Thus, multi-sensorial media emerges as a mean to deliver a new form of immersive experiences to the mass market in a non-disruptive manner. However, many questions remain concerning issues as the sensory effects that can better complement a given audiovisual content or the best way in which to integrate and ...
ERN: Urban Economics & Public Policy (Topic), 2014
Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their ev... more Understanding the complexity and dynamicity of cities, as well as predicting and leading their evolutions, are topics of interest of new scientific disciplines such as smart city and city science. The development of better urban theories and simulation models could be fostered by both the availability of suitable datasets illustrating several urban perspectives and approaches being able to actively explore them in order to reveal patterns, relationships and meaningful data facets hidden there. In this context, data visualization – namely information visualization and visual analytics – is more than a promising research field to get new insights into data evidence. Its holistic approach couples pictorial representations, human factors and data analysis in order to enforce viewers' cognitive process of learning. In this paper we aim at providing an overview of the data visualization problems by reviewing current efforts into urban visualization, especially when considering two cri...
espanolLa planificacion y gestion de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de ... more espanolLa planificacion y gestion de ciudades sostenibles requiere entender el comportamiento de la poblacion: la planificacion y operacion del transporte necesita informacion precisa, fiable y actualizada sobre la demanda de viajes; la definicion de estrategias efectivas que mitiguen la exposicion a la contaminacion requiere conocer la distribucion espaciotemporal de la poblacion a lo largo del dia; el diseno de una oferta turistica sostenible necesita conocer los patrones de actividad de los turistas. Las fuentes de datos tradicionales, basadas fundamentalmente en encuestas, proporcionan informacion muy valiosa, pero no estan exentas de inconvenientes. En general, las encuestas resultan caras y lentas de realizar, lo que limita el tamano de la muestra y su frecuencia de actualizacion. Ademas, estan sujetas a respuestas incorrectas e imprecisas y dependen de la disposicion a responder de los entrevistados. La posibilidad de recoger datos geolocalizados procedentes de dispositivos m...
Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approache... more Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approaches rely very often on the most theoretical and quantitative features of the studies, excluding de-facto a direct association between those findings and the tangible subject of the analysis. To fill the gap, the Big Data era and information visualization methodologies could help analysts, stakeholders and general audience to gain a new insight on the field. In this paper, we want to provide some food for thought about new opportunities arising in visual urban economies as well as present some visual results on possible scenarios.
Identification and tracking of objects in specific environments such as harbors or security areas... more Identification and tracking of objects in specific environments such as harbors or security areas is a matter of great importance nowadays. With this purpose, numerous systems based on different technologies have been developed, resulting in a great amount of gathered data ...
Papers by Iris Galloso