Papers by Irena Patasiene

Frontiers in Psychology
State-of-the-art research shows that the impact of language technologies on public awareness and ... more State-of-the-art research shows that the impact of language technologies on public awareness and attitudes toward using machine translation has been changing. As machine translation acceptability is considered to be a multilayered concept, this paper employs criteria of usability, satisfaction and quality as components of acceptability measurement. The study seeks to determine whether there are any differences in the machine-translation acceptability between professional users, i.e., translators and language editors, and non-professional users, i.e., ordinary users of machine translation who use it for non-professional everyday purposes. The main research questions whether non-professional users process raw machine translation output in the same way as professional users and whether there is a difference in the processing of raw machine-translated output between users with different levels of machine-translated text acceptability are analyzed. The results of an eye tracking experime...

Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia, 2020
Despite fast development of machine translation, the output quality is less than acceptable in ce... more Despite fast development of machine translation, the output quality is less than acceptable in certain language pairs. The aim of this paper is to determine the types of errors in machine translation output that cause comprehension problems to potential readers. The study is based on a reading task experiment using eye tracking and a retrospective survey as a complementary method to add more value to the research as eye tracking as a method is considered to be problematic and challenging (O’BRIEN, 2009; ALVES et al., 2009). The cognitive evaluation approach is used in an eye tracking experiment to determine the complexity of the errors in the English–Lithuanian language pair from easiest to hardest as seen by the readers of a machine-translated text. The tested parameters – gaze time and fixation count – demonstrate that a different amount of cognitive effort is required to process different types of errors in machine-translated texts. The current work aims at contributing to other ...

Sustainability, 2021
Artificial intelligence-grounded machine translation has fundamentally changed public awareness a... more Artificial intelligence-grounded machine translation has fundamentally changed public awareness and attitudes towards multilingual communication. In some language pairs, the accuracy, quality and efficiency of machine-translated texts of certain types can be quite high. Hence, the end-user acceptability and reliance on machine-translated content could be justified. However, machine translation in small and/or low-resource languages might yield significantly lower quality, which in turn may lead to potentially negative consequences and risks if machine translation is used in high-risk contexts without awareness of the drawbacks, critical assessment and modifications to the raw output. The current study, which is part of a more extensive project focusing on the societal impact of machine translation, is aimed at revealing the attitudes towards usability and quality as perceived from the end-user perspective. The research questions addressed revolve around the machine translation types...

Anotacija Isanalizavus Lietuvos Respublikos socialinės statistikos duomenis aiskėja, kad didėja s... more Anotacija Isanalizavus Lietuvos Respublikos socialinės statistikos duomenis aiskėja, kad didėja socialiai pažeidžiamų žmonių atskirtis, ypac kaimo vietovėse. Viena is pagrindinių priežascių yra kaimo bendruomenės narių nepakankami verslumo įgūdžiai ir ribotas gebėjimas naudotis žinioms imlių paslaugų teikiamomis galimybėmis. Informacinių technologijų sparti skverbtis į visas visuomenės gyvenimo sritis is darbuotojų reikalauja atitinkamos kompetencijos ir pasirengimo. Akivaizdu, kad sių problemos sprendimo uždelsimas ves tik į dar didesne miesto ir kaimo socialiai pažeidžiamų žmonių atskirtį. Problemų sprendimui darbe pasiūlytas kaimo bendruomenių verslumo ugdymo per informacines komunikacines technologijas modelio struktūra. Tai padėtų įsisavinti ne tik siuolaikines informacines technologijas, bet ir paskatintų kaimo žmones imtis alternatyvių žemės ūkio verslų kartu su socialiniais partneriais. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Kompiuterinis ir informacinis rastingumas, informacinės komunikacin...
The analysis of differences of social development between urban and rural populations must take i... more The analysis of differences of social development between urban and rural populations must take into account that in Lithuania the rural population is large, although not as large as urban population. Similar situation is observed in many other EU countries (for example, 66,8 per cent of Swedish population is rural, as is 50.6 per cent Finnish population), but the difference is that majority of Lithuaniani's rural population works in country, while majority of rural population in other EU countries works in towns and cities.[...
Public Policy And Administration, 2014
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

Informacijos mokslai, 2009
Verslo žaidimas „Kietas riešutas” daugiau kaip dešimt metų sėkmingai naudojamas įvairaus lygio fo... more Verslo žaidimas „Kietas riešutas” daugiau kaip dešimt metų sėkmingai naudojamas įvairaus lygio formaliuose mokymuose rengiant verslo specialistus, taip pat neformaliose studijose supažindinant klausytojus su verslo pagrindais. Žaidimo tikslas – įvertinus informaciją apie įmonės konkurencinę padėtį rinkoje ir jos fi nansinę padėtį, gebėti priimti reikiamus racionalius produkcijos gamybos ir prekybos fi ansinius sprendimus. Žaidimas imituoja įmonių veiklą 5–10 periodų. Atliktas longitudinis tyrimas rodo, kad didžioji dalis žaidėjų pageidauja didesnio sudėtingumo žaidimo, o modeliuojamos įmonės išorinę ir vidinę aplinkas galimai priartinti prie realybės. Parinkta žaidimo architektūra leidžia mokymo priemonę komplektuoti iš sudedamųjų dalių. Darbe pateiktas banko paskolų valdymo modelio aprašymas, skirtas vyresniųjų kursų studentams mokyti. Atsižvelgiant į žaidėjų pasirengimo lygmenį ir auditorijos interesus galima adaptuoti įvairias verslo žaidimo taikymo modifi kavimo schemas: pradeda...

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
The analysis of results of the exam session of students studying Business Administration in Kauna... more The analysis of results of the exam session of students studying Business Administration in Kaunas University of Technology did show relatively low marks in accounting related modules. Thus, more attention should be given to use of accounting information systems. The analyses results of exams show difficulties integrated systemically understanding accounting, accounting information systems and relation with business basics. The main purpose of the paper is to create the tool for teaching integrated business information systems also improving teaching and learning of accounting information systems. A survey of the students has been performed, asking what improvements of business game (including further integration with other tools) they would consider useful. Integrated use of a system of tools (including business game, database management system, accounting information system and Geographical Information Systems) was proposed and tried out in the study process.

The ability to handle uncertainty effectively is important in decision making. Whether we are unc... more The ability to handle uncertainty effectively is important in decision making. Whether we are uncertain about external information, the accuracy of our own knowledge, or possible outcomes, we often avoid or oversimplify uncertainties when taking decisions, especially when there are time or resource restrains. Complex models, simulations and decision aids are not always applicable. In cases where objective probability distributions are not available, the Bayesian approach allows one to operate with the decision maker’s subjective probabilities. Using strictly proper scoring rules, we are developing a game that encourages players to improve their probabilistic forecasts. The game aims to change players’ perception of uncertainty and to improve their skills in estimating, quantifying and communicating subjective probabilities and degrees of confidence. We consider psychological aspects of decision making in uncertainty and their implications for the structure, design and evaluation of ...
The university graduates who are creative find it easier to adapt to the job market and are more ... more The university graduates who are creative find it easier to adapt to the job market and are more useful to the society. Thus, universities should encourage of development of students’ creativity. We noticed that students using business game in each year become more creative compared with students who used business game only one or two times per study program. Longitudinal use of business game has allowed students to understand IT more deeply and has encouraged our students to design a new business game by themselves.

Purpose. The main purpose of the paper to create the tool for teaching literacy of accounting inf... more Purpose. The main purpose of the paper to create the tool for teaching literacy of accounting information systems. Methodology. Researchers of Marquette University indicate law knowledge level of accounting among US population but undergraduate students lack financial literacy too. The economic development of the country depends on the citizens’ literacy in various fields – not only accounting literacy, but ICT literacy as well. Taking that into account an integrated tool was proposed and tried out in the study process. Results. The proposed method has been tried out in the “Business administration” study program.The theoretical contribution. The proposed method can be generalised for other fields of study. Practical implications(if applicable). The proposed method can be used to improve accounting literacy.Keywords: accounting literacy, accounting information system, simulation, business game. Papertype: Research paper.

Economics and Management, Jan 25, 2015
Business game “Hard nut” has already been used for about ten years in various formal studies for ... more Business game “Hard nut” has already been used for about ten years in various formal studies for preparation of business specialists and informal studies for introducing business basics to the participants. The goal of the game is to make production and sales decisions while taking account of market and financial situation. The game simulates the activities of the enterprises in about 5 periods. The longitudal survey has shown that most of the players would prefer the game of higher complexity that would simulate the inner and outer environment of the firm in a more realistic fashion. The architecture of the game allows constructing the teaching tool from distinct parts. The spectrum of applications requires universality and flexibility of the product. That can be achieved using the modifications of the business game. The paper describes a linear model of the production management that can be used to tech the senior students. Depending upon the preparation level and interests of the students different schemas of modification of business game.
Papers by Irena Patasiene