Papers by IJTRET-International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET) , 2018
The point of this test work was to investigate the impacts of SCR system on nox decrease in overw... more The point of this test work was to investigate the impacts of SCR system on nox decrease in overwhelming obligation diesel motor fuelled with diesel and liquor mixes. The test was performed in a 6-barrel, turbocharged substantial obligation diesel motor at full load. Tn the exploratory tests diesel, ethanol, methanol, and butanol were utilized as fuel. the liquor fuel mixes were set up by blending low sulfur diesel at volumetric rates of between5 to 10%. The test outcomes demonstrated that SCR framework decreases. The nox outflows 41.6% for diesel fuel. The greatest nox decrease (42.43%) was accomplished with10% Methanol-90% Diesel fuel (D85M15) mix.

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET) , 2018
In this study, a non-consumable vegetable oil was delivered from Crude organic products as a subs... more In this study, a non-consumable vegetable oil was delivered from Crude organic products as a substitute fuel for diesel motors and its ease of use was examined as immaculate oil and as a mix with diesel fuel. An immediate infusion (DI) diesel motor was tried utilizing diesel, Crude oil, and mixes of this oil and diesel in various extents. An extensive variety of motor burdens and Crude oil/diesel proportions of 5/95% (J5), 10/90% (J10), 20/80% (J20), 50/half (J50), and 80/20% (J80) by volume were considered. The accompanying execution parameters were measured; brake warm effectiveness, brake particular fuel utilization and CO and CO2 emanations. No critical change in brake warm effectiveness and brake particular fuel utilization was experienced up to J20 proportions. Be that as it may, higher mixes experienced disintegration in productivity and fuel utilization around 10 to 25%. At less load operations, CO2 outflow with mixes was lower than diesel, though, at high loads, CO2 emanation got to be higher with a greater rate of this oil in the mixes. In any case, CO emanation with mixes was much greater than that of diesel; the higher the rate of Crude oil in the mix, the higher the CO discharge.

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET) , 2018
A stretched out trial ponder is led to assess and think about the utilization of different Diesel... more A stretched out trial ponder is led to assess and think about the utilization of different Diesel fuel supplements at mix proportions of 20/80, in a standard, completely instrumented, four stroke, coordinate infusion (DI) motor. All the more particularly, a high assortment of fish oil in different causes are tried as supplements, i.e. angle oil and their comparing methyl esters. The arrangement of tests are directed utilizing each of the above fuel mixes, with the motor working at a speed of 1200 rpm and at a medium and high load. In each test, volumetric fuel utilization, fumes smokiness and fumes managed gas outflows, for example, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and aggregate unburned hydrocarbons (HC) are measured. From the main estimation, particular fuel utilization and brake warm effectiveness are registered. The distinctions in the deliberate execution and fumes emanation parameters from the pattern operation of the motor, i.e. when working with perfect Diesel fuel, are resolved and thought about. This examination is stretched out between the utilization of the fish oil mixes. Hypothetical parts of Diesel motor burning, joined with the generally varying physical and concoction properties of these Diesel fuel supplements against the typical Diesel fuel, are utilized to help the right understanding of the watched motor conduct.
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET) , 2018
The major objective of the present study was to analyze the energy characteristics of 10% to 40% ... more The major objective of the present study was to analyze the energy characteristics of 10% to 40% (by volume) blending of punnai oil methyl ester (PME) with diesel as fuels in the diesel engine at various loads. From steady state experimental results, an energy analysis was carried to determine the Energy loss in engine cooling, Energy loss with exhaust gas and unaccounted Losses. Engine IP was more for the blends up to B30 compared to diesel fuel operation, but it significantly reduced in case of the blend B40 indicating more energy losses with this fuel blend. The energy analysis also indicates higher energy loss for the blend B40.
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET) , 2018
In this paper, study over water-aluminium-copper nano fluid is presented. The specific thermal ca... more In this paper, study over water-aluminium-copper nano fluid is presented. The specific thermal capacity of aluminium and copper is 900 J/kg °C and 385 J/kg °C. For Different volume fractions of aluminium and copper nano particles in water (base fluid) were experimentally studied for their heat transfer performance. An experimental setup was prepared for testing which resembles a heat exchanger. Hot water and nano fluid were used as tube side and shell side fluids respectively. Volume fractions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% were studied. Relationship between specific heat capacity and volume fraction of nano particle in nano fluid has been explored. When volume fraction increases specific heat capacity of nano fluid also increases.

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET) , 2018
Due to the depleting fossil fuel resources biodiesel is gaining more and more importance as an at... more Due to the depleting fossil fuel resources biodiesel is gaining more and more importance as an attractive fuel. However the high cost of biodiesel is the main hurdle to commercialization of the product. Biodiesel is monoalkyl esters of long chain fatty acids which are derived from renewable feed stock like vegetable oils and animal fats. It is produced by transesterification in which oil or fat is reacted with a monohydric alcohol in presence of an alkaline catalyst. In this work, biodiesel is extracted from sunflower oil and its performance and emission characteristics are studied in diesel engine. Experiments were performed using neat diesel, neat biodiesel and its blend i.e B20. Fuel properties like calorific value, flash point and cetane value of biodiesel and biodiesel-diesel blends were found comparable to diesel. Performance results reveal that for biodiesel and blend have brake thermal efficiency, brake-specific fuel consumption are comparable with diesel. Emission results showed that in most cases HC and CO are considerably reduced for diesel and its blend except NOx. From the results obtained it is clear that the biodiesel extracted can be used as fuel in direct injection diesel engine without much modifications.
In the present study, experiments have been conducted on four stroke, single cylinder, watercoole... more In the present study, experiments have been conducted on four stroke, single cylinder, watercooled, diesel engine whose piston crown is coated with thermal barrier coating material formed from yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ). Biodiesel has been obtained from peanut oil through tranesterification. Sequences of experiments are performed on the engine with thermal barrier coating by supplying diesel, biodiesel and B50 (biodiesel blend) as feedstock. Performance and emission characteristics obtained from the experiment is used to line the network with the load and fuel type being the input parameter and the brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, CO, HC, NOx, CO2 emissions being the output parameter .Results showed that the low heat rejection (LHR) engine fuelled with 100% biodiesel land biodiesel blend (B50) resulted in reduced emissions compared with diesel.
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET), 2018
This paper seeks to reduce and prevent the damage of landslides, landslide monitoring is very imp... more This paper seeks to reduce and prevent the damage of landslides, landslide monitoring is very important to the prediction and estimation of the landslide hazard and prevention. This system is composed of seismic and PIR vibration sensors and the alert is transmitted to the remote people via GSM infrastructure. Landslides are geological phenomena causing significant loss of life and loss of properties in damages each year in many countries. Therefore technology has to be developed to capture relevant signals with minimum monitoring delay. This project design to detect landslides, which includes the development and implementation for real time monitoring

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET), 2018
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology utilizes the electromagnetic fields for data transfer i... more Near Field Communication (NFC) technology utilizes the electromagnetic fields for data transfer in order to perform automatic detection and tracking of tags or tags of objects. It can provide ways to design and implement relatively inexpensive systems particularly for security aspects. In this paper, we have proposed a digital access control system that can be employed to a protected area where none but people with authenticated credentials can enter. In fact, we have implemented the system in the room of an educational Institute to test its efficiency as well as expenditure. The implemented system comprises of digital door lock which is unlock able in real time to ensure secured access specifying activation, authentication and validation of users prior to bringing the RFID card close to the reader. The entire system is associated with a central client-server subsystem to ensure and maintain the overall system integrity. Associated subsystem also generates a log report to maintain check-in and check-out status of visitors in accordance with the primary credentials of each. This system will certainly provide an idea about the design and installation of a relatively inexpensive security system which is suitable in the perspective of a developing country like India.

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET), 2018
In the modern days of communication, the total number of users is increasing. There is a need to ... more In the modern days of communication, the total number of users is increasing. There is a need to meet the data rate, resulting in the increase of spectral efficiency. Radio-over-Fiber (R o F) helps to achieve the spectral efficiency with a marginal reduction in the bit error rate. The proposed work focuses on the Bit Error Rate (BER) analysis in a Radio over Fiber system application. Light signal from the source is modulated by Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) modulation. This optically promoted signal of 5Gbps/15GHz is transmitted through a Single Mode Fiber (SMF) of about 40 km length, then converted into 5Gbps/30GHz and 5Gbps/5GHz with the help of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG). The bit error rate is tested for these different signals. The BER analysis in the reception of different signals by transmitting through the fiber result in the marginal reduction of BER to achieve the required spectral efficiency.

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET), 2018
Internet of things (IoT) is everywhere now from homes to industries and factories. Use of IoT in ... more Internet of things (IoT) is everywhere now from homes to industries and factories. Use of IoT in homes and industries are increasing in day to day life. Using IoT, it is possible to control any electrical and electronic equipment through internet. Moreover, it can able to monitor the information from any sensors and it can analyze graphically or in any user defined format from anywhere in the world. In this paper a unique solution is given for common septic tank problems which are occurring in India by monitoring the toxic gases in septic tank and process it in FRED (Cloud based Node Red to build and deploy IoT applications). In septic tank system, density of toxic gases such as hydrogen sulphide and etc are continuously monitored by the gas sensors and analyzed in graphical format in FRED. If the toxic gases are going beyond permissible exposure limit (PEL) then, the controller will send notification to the user/concerned officials of public work department to clean the septic tank system. Moreover, our system will automatically add salt and bleaching powder to the septic tank system once the values of toxic gases are nearer to the permissible exposure limit and thereby it will try to decrease the density of toxic gases. So by IoT based Septic tank system, it is possible to avoid abnormality in septic tank and more importantly the death of manual scavengers due to toxic gas exposure (asphyxiation).

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET), 2018
Testing is an essential domain in vlsi circuits design.Test power has been turned as a bottleneck... more Testing is an essential domain in vlsi circuits design.Test power has been turned as a bottleneck for testing. serious negative effects of excessive power dissipation,speed and area are considered during testing. The scan-based testing not only elevates power consumption but also introduces speed in the combinational logic. Low power testing is used to overcome drawbacks of scan based testing. In this project, scan based BIST(Built In Self-Test) is used but previous scan testing has a power droop problem. power droop is a speed control mode.This problem is reduced during a speed test of sequential circuits with scan-based BIST. The LFSR is used to implement the test pattern for detecting faults. This project introduces a ISCAS "85 benchmark circuits for speed testing.The proper modification of test vectors is used to reduce a power droop problem and also reduces a area .As a result, low power and high fault coverage is achieved. The design has been coded in verilog. The simulation results has been viewed by Modelsim software and Quartus II software. The obtained simulation results is used for industrial applications.

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET), 2018
DC motor control, stepper motor control and servo motor control are necessary to understand for e... more DC motor control, stepper motor control and servo motor control are necessary to understand for engineering and polytechnic students (irrespective of departments) to do robotics and its related projects. The problem comes when the non-programmers want to write the programs to control the motors as per their need. Here, we have given a unique solution to the above problem by developing a server for the above motors using Arduino microcontroller (which is more common controller to engineering and polytechnic students). The user interface developed will ask some of the predetermined questions to users based on their selection of motors. The user is in need to answer those questions in the user interface. Finally by clicking "GIVE THE PROGRAM" button in the user interface, the program based on the need will be given to the user. User can get different Arduino programs for controlling the "speed and direction" in DC motor, "step angle, speed and direction" in stepper motor and, "degree of rotation" in servo motor. Moreover, website will also have tutorials which will explain all the functions used in the programs. So, it can also be used as an educational tool to learn programs easily by comparing the programs and the tutorials all in one website.

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology (IJTRET), 2018
This research work presented the efficacy of a nano technology based chemical named Terrasil as a... more This research work presented the efficacy of a nano technology based chemical named Terrasil as a modifier in improving the engineering properties of Black Cotton soil. Expansive soils are a worldwide problem that possess several challenges for civil Engineers. Various methods are adopted to improve the engineering characteristics of expansive soils. The problematic soils are either removed and replaced by good and better quality material or treated using additive. The effectiveness of Terrasil is tested by conducting various test like CBR , proctor test etc. on Black Cotton soil samples treated with different percentages of Terrasil 0.8%, 1% and 1.2%. The high strength of the above three ratio adding with 1% of cement. In this paper deals with the complete analysis of the improvement soil properties and its stabilization using Terrasil with

International Journal Of Trendy Research In Engineering And Technology, 2018
Large grocery shops at present days are used by billions of peoples to get their daily neccesity.... more Large grocery shops at present days are used by billions of peoples to get their daily neccesity. Purchase is becoming a part of daily activity in modern cities. We can see huge rush at malls on holidays and weekends. The rush is even more when there are special offers and discount. People purchase different items and put them in trolley. After finished their purchase needs to pay the bill in billing counter.The bills are prepared by bar code reader which is a time consuming process and results in long queue at billing counters.The main aim is to develop a system which is used in shopping malls to solve the above mentioned challenge. The system will be placed in all the trolleys. It will consist of a RFID reader. All the products in the mall will be equipped with RFID tags. When the customer puts a products in the trolley, its code will be detected and the price of those products will stored in the memory. As we put the products, the costs will get added to total bill. Thus the billing will be done in the trolley itself. Item name,cost will be display on touch screen. Also the product's name and its cost can be announced using headset. At the billing Counter the total bill data will be transferred to PC by ZigBee Modules. In this project that the proposal of an architecture and solution of a innovative system for the acquisition of products in grocery shops (Intelligent Cart). The Intelligent Cart study an emerging mobile technologies and automatic identification technologies (such as RFID) as a way to improve the quality of services provided by retailers and to augment the consumer value thus allowing to save time and money.

During recent years due to technological advancement many sophisticated techniques has been evolv... more During recent years due to technological advancement many sophisticated techniques has been evolved for assuring fast recovery of the patients in the hospitals. For good care patient in the hospitals assessment and management of patient's fluid electrolyte need is the most fundamental thing required. All most in all hospital an assist/nurse is responsible for monitoring the fluid level continuously. But unfortunately during most of the time, the observer may forget to change the saline bottle at correct time due to their busy schedule this may leads to several problems to the patients such as backflow of blood, blood loss etc. To avoid this critical situation a low cost embedded based automatic alerting and indicating device is proposed where IR sensor is used to measure the flow of fluid and level of the fluid is measured using level sensor. The keyboard and smart phone used to increase and decrease the flow of fluid. This information can viewed in the mobile or LCD display.

International Journal of Trendy research in Engineering and Technology(IJTRET), 2018
Fall detection is a major challenge in the world. Fall leads to many serious medical problems, ph... more Fall detection is a major challenge in the world. Fall leads to many serious medical problems, physical disabilities. Most of the elderly people were suffered from the falls. This make researches to find automatic monitoring system for detecting the falls when it occurs. Lots of the efforts had successfully achieved a hardware system to provide a fall pattern before or after fall. Many of the fall death occurs because the victim remains stable on the ground for long hour. It can affects ones mental health and isolation. The existing detection systems are still deficient in power optimization. This paper develops a fall novel detection and stable movement detection system based on a wearable device .The sensor used to detect the position of the person and given as input to the system. If person position beyond the critical value in the xyz direction, the system detects that fall occurs. The message send to the care taker via cellular network. The stable movement detection also provide information about abnormal position to normal position of the body by voice alert messages. This paper is based on the Euclidean distance algorithm. This paper is normally is in sleep mode, whenever the fall occurs the system becomes active and the buzzer alarm triggered. And this system also indicates the location of the patients, which are in need of help.

International Journal of Trendy research in Engineering and Technology(IJTRET), 2018
Nowadays, digital documents can be distributed through the World Wide Web to a large number of pe... more Nowadays, digital documents can be distributed through the World Wide Web to a large number of people in a cost-efficient way. The increasing importance of digital media, however, brings also new challenges as multimedia content is effortlessly duplicated and even manipulated. There is a strong need for security services. Applications of copyright information or watermarking techniques in the digital data transmission are must for ownership protection. Additional information (watermark) such as a symbol or a text can be added to the original image and this process is called watermarking, data embedding or information hiding. The image watermarking using SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) and DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) is the quite well-developed technique to maintain the scheme robustness to attacks. The features of digital image watermarking are the capacity, robustness, and imperceptibility. This paper presents an algorithm for improving the features by SVD. This achieves the improved watermark imperceptibility of higher embedding capacity in high-noise regions, but also more robust to a wide range of attacks. Simulation and experimental numerical values such as performance, robustness and image quality and detector response are obtained by using the image processing tool in MATLAB 7.6.
International Journal of Trendy research in Engineering and Technology(IJTRET), 2018
IoT is acronym for Internet of Things. This refers to the ever-augmenting network of objects. Thi... more IoT is acronym for Internet of Things. This refers to the ever-augmenting network of objects. This feature has an IP address for communication between objects and other internet-based devices based on internet connectivity. It extends the internet connectivity beyond traditional devices to diverse range of devices that utilized embedded technology.

International Journal of Trendy research in Engineering and Technology(IJTRET), 2018
It is very difficult to communicate underwater so divers use white boards to communicate. But tod... more It is very difficult to communicate underwater so divers use white boards to communicate. But today an amazing technology that uses light to make underwater communication possible, proposed by the German physicist Harald Haas is Li-Fi technology. Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a bidirectional, high speed and fully networked wireless optical communication. By widening the angle even when the light is obstructed by floating objects it will be either reflected or refracted, this raises its ability to reach the receiver and even as the light sways the current it is still adequate. The specific uses for Li-Fi are infinite. The Navy uses the li-fi to enhance submarine communication systems. The future applications of Li-Fi could serve a much more purpose than just for underwater, airplane, and chemical plant usage.
Papers by IJTRET-International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology