Papers by International Journal of Organizational Leadership (IJOL)

This study examined industrial conflict and its management strategies in selected manufacturing c... more This study examined industrial conflict and its management strategies in selected manufacturing companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study utilized co-relational survey method which involves the use of structured questionnaire and personal observation to elicit information from the respondents. Participants comprised of staffs of three manufacturing
companies in Lagos, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was employed in selecting the respondents from the three manufacturing companies under the study. The data collected
were analyzed using descriptive statistic including tables, frequency counts, and percentages as well as mean scores. The findings revealed that the causes of conflict in manufacturing
companies in Lagos State, Nigeria include poor means of communicating grievances to top managers, unfavorable economic and industrial policies, poor employee compensation and welfare among others. Therefore, this study concluded that managers should combine strategies such as bargaining, collaboration and avoidance when dealing with industrial conflict to maintain cordial and productive labour-management relationship.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The aim of the present article is to analyze the training needs as a difference between the curre... more The aim of the present article is to analyze the training needs as a difference between the current and desired state of knowledge, skills and qualifications of business advisors to provide the necessary consulting services to social intermediaries and social enterprises. Professional profiles of social business consultants are presented on the basis of published job requirements in organizations providing business consulting to social enterprises and by some organizations outside the country due to the poor development of these activities at national level. The research includes the results of 30 interviews with three categories of “Business advisors”, “Business advisors’ entities” and “Social entrepreneurs”. Business advisors usually provide financial and strategic advice to small and mid-sized companies, cooperatives, social enterprises and other formats of company formations. The business advisors must also have an excellent business sense and keen communication skills in order to be able to adequately support social entrepreneurs.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The main objective of the study is to find out whether there are any statistically significant di... more The main objective of the study is to find out whether there are any statistically significant differences in the assessment of the selected leadership attributes between managers from the perspective of gender. A differential analysis was conducted on the sample of 129 respondents (55 male managers – 42.6% and 74 female managers – 57.4%) on the basis of the data collected by means of two methodologies for detecting the leadership behavior attributes: Managerial Grid (Blake and Mouton, 1964) and the new original methodology PALEQ (Paternalistic Leadership Questionnaire). The results of the analyses confirmed the existence of statistically significant differences between male and female managers in assessing the individual leadership attributes. Based on these results, it can be concluded that in terms of the assessment of leadership behavior, male managers use the authoritarian forms of leadership more extensively, whereas female managers are more oriented at the lenient, clement leadership behavior, as compared to the male managers.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The world that we live in where the social and organizational life rapid social and cultural ... more The world that we live in where the social and organizational life rapid social and cultural transformations are experienced, and the intensities of change and competition are intensely perceived has a dynamism. In this dynamism, every human being is a part of an organization. In these organizations, there is a culture which is defined in various ways by various thinkers and it is a rather complex concept. However, all definitions have reached the conclusion that the culture is a common entity shared with a community. In the 1980s, the concept of organizational culture has emerged. While many formal definitions exist, organizational culture is basically a term used to describe the environment where people work and the influence it has on how they think, act, and experience work. Therefore, organizational culture is stated as a system of values, behaviors, habits, norms, beliefs and that direct the behaviors of individuals in an organization. As each individual has a unique personality, every organization has its own personality that distinguishes it from other organizations. Hence, organizational culture consists of several abstract and complementary factors. Literature has shown that there are many factors affecting the success of organizational culture. The prioritization of these factors for the organizations and the effective use of the available resources are gaining importance at this stage. At this stage, different approaches are taken in the literature to prioritize and sort the criteria. MCDM approach which is one of the most prominent approaches was used in this study. The proposed approach was tested based on the opinions of the decision makers and the results were shared.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
Industry 4.0 stands for ‘fourth industrial revolution' and is a term referring to rapid transform... more Industry 4.0 stands for ‘fourth industrial revolution' and is a term referring to rapid transformations in the design, production, implementation, operation, and service of manufacturing systems, products, and components. To get the most out of Industry 4.0 technologies, organizations will have to heavily invest in building capabilities in the following dimensions: data and connectivity, analytics and intelligence, conversion to the physical world, and human-machine interaction. In this study, the human dimension of industry 4.0 has priority, by analyzing behavioral leadership theories that focus on the study of the specific behaviors of a leader (the leader behavior is the predictor of his leadership influences and is the best determinant of his leadership success). A two dimensional 4.0 leadership style matrix was developed (x-axis: innovation/technology concern; y-axis: people concern). The results of this study revealed that the developed industry 4.0 leadership style might have the dimensions of first-year students, social, technological or digital, where the 4.0 digital leader forms the highest reachable level in the 4.0 leadership matrix.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between whistleblowing and organizational... more The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between whistleblowing and organizational citizenship behaviors in textile sector operating in Denizli province. The textile production and sales have always been placed on the top for the economic structure in Denizli. One of the important concepts of whistleblowing can be defined as revealing illegal and immoral practices in an organization. The concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is defined as the assumption by employees of positive roles toward the organization about issues that do not fall within their own area of duty, on a voluntary basis and without having any expectation. The study used an empirical approach which includes qualitative and quantitative methods of analyzing data. The data were gathered through surveys from 12 SME firms in textile sector. İn total, 192 useable surveys were obtained. The results revealed that there are statistically significant relationships between whistleblowing and organizational citizenship behavior in textile sector.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
This research examines the impact of transformational leadership (TL) and social interaction (SI)... more This research examines the impact of transformational leadership (TL) and social interaction (SI) on organizational performance (OP) in the perspective of knowledge management (KM) within Pakistan’s banking sector. In developing countries, knowledge management (KM) is highly practiced but in Pakistan it is a new concept and at the initial stages of its implementation. The situation of Pakistan’s banking sector is better than other services sectors. Therefore, Pakistan’s banking sector is opted as population of the study. Using the simple random sampling technique, 350 questionnaires were distributed in different bank’s branches. The questionnaires were filled by two officer’s rank of employee, i.e., top level managers and middle level managers. Totally, 270 questionnaires were fully completed and used for final analysis. The overall response rate was 77%. Different statistical techniques were applied on the collected data, i.e., Reliability analysis, Pearson’s correlation, Regression analysis and Sobel test. The results indicated that there is a positive relationship among transformational leadership, social interaction, knowledge management, and organizational performance. Furthermore, knowledge management acted as partially mediator between transformational leadership, social interaction and organizational performance. Additionally, current research provides guidelines to the management of banking sector of developing countries specially Pakistan that how transformational leadership, social interaction and knowledge management can improve the organizational performance.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The antecedents of perceived fairness of employees about their executives and organizations need ... more The antecedents of perceived fairness of employees about their executives and organizations need to become evident because organizational justice results in both positive and negative changes in behaviours and attitudes of employees. Although, organizational justice refers to the employees’ perceptions about organizational structure and practices, the studies systematically examining organizational factors as antecedents of organizational justice are very rare. In this context, this survey aiming to search the effects of structural factors in terms of centralization and formalization on organizational justice perception of employees is expected to contribute to literature. The survey is conducted on 356 employees of 15 SMEs operating in manufacturing and service industry in Marmara Region-Turkey. Data obtained from those 356 questionnaires were analysed through the AMOS statistical program. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS 22.00 statistical programme is conducted to test construct validity and reliability. To test hypotheses, researchers employed structural equation modelling (SEM) with maximum likelihood estimation. Survey findings revealed a positive relationship between formalization level as a component of organizational structure and perceived organizational justice of employees, which is consistent with the previous studies in literature. The finding of this survey revealing a non-significant effect of centralization on procedural and distributive justice is inconsistent with the most of previous studies. However, two surveys conducted in Turkey about that issue had produced similar results strikingly. Thus, findings of a non-significant effect of centralization on procedural and distributive justice but a positive effect on interactional justice may have some Turkish culture-specific implications.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
This study examines the relationship between human resource practices and innovation in the banki... more This study examines the relationship between human resource practices and innovation in the banking sector of Vehari and the moderation effects of organizational culture on this relationship. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents. Overall, 276 questionnaires were distributed and received back 151 (response rate 54%). The independent variable has six human resource practices: Reward strategy, recruitment strategy, performance appraisal, career oriented trainings, performance oriented trainings and career management. The dependent variable is innovation in banks and the moderator variable is organization culture. This study found a partial support for the relationship between human resource practices and innovation with reward strategy, recruitment strategy. The performance appraisal was significant predictor of innovation and career management. The performance oriented trainings and career oriented trainings were insignificant predictors of innovation. The organization culture moderated this relationship negatively.
Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
There are many skeptics about the contributions of Total Quality Management (TQM) to education be... more There are many skeptics about the contributions of Total Quality Management (TQM) to education because of its roots in the world of business. TQM says nothing about actual production but stresses the process of management and collaboration within the system to reach quality output. Any quality-conscious organization, despite the nature, should understand this. This paper will not present any innovative ideas but will define TQM and focus on its influence on the various facets of an institution of higher education. TQM helps to provide better services to its primary customers-students and the community. Moreover, TQM focuses on continuous improvement and growth that can offer an enhanced and challenging learning environment for all involved. Thus, a more effective and efficient corporate culture emerges.
Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
This paper provides empirical evidence on university social responsibility efforts and how it imp... more This paper provides empirical evidence on university social responsibility efforts and how it impacted community. The objectives are to investigate the role UTM plays within and outside UTM boundary in providing facilities and services to the community; and to explain how the facilities and services provided by UTM impacted the community. The study employed secondary data, surveys and focus group discussion to collect data on social impacts. The findings explain on how a university impacted on producing good citizenship through providing facilities and services to their community.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of human resource practices (HR) on employee jo... more The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of human resource practices (HR) on employee job performance under the mediating effect of job satisfaction. A total of 300 faculty members from six public sector universities responded to the self-administered questionnaire. The findings come from both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using cross-sectional data which was performed at the expediency of the scholar. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed using structural equational modelling (SEM) to obtain the results of the study. This study has found that HR practices: recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation have direct and significant effect on employee job performance through job satisfaction among the university faculty members. The impact of these HR practices has widely been studied and their importance has acknowledged. However, the number of studies addressing this issue in public-sector universities is extremely scarce. This study has addressed that gap. The findings of the study, if given serious note by the policy makers in the respective field, are expected to improve employee job performance. The study is expected to have enriched the body of knowledge on the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship of HR practices and employee job performance in the target population and has validated past findings.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) positively affects growth and profitability of organizations by p... more Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) positively affects growth and profitability of organizations by providing competitive advantage over innovation driven technological transformations and intense global competition. CE activities have an elevator role on company performance via adoption of a change-oriented structure and development of new products, processes and services. High performance human resource practices (HPHRPs) help to boost both intra-firm level entrepreneurial behavior, and also organizational outcomes. When combined with the influential effect of corporate entrepreneurship activities, HPHRPs support achievement of better organizational performance. In this study, a selected group of HPHRPs was assessed for their possible direct and indirect effects on firm performance. Moreover, the possible mediation effect of CE activities in this relationship was examined. To test the hypotheses of the study, the data were gathered from a total of 199 manufacturing and service sector companies operating in Turkish business environment. As a result of the structural equation modeling analysis conducted by AMOS, the mediation effect of CE activities between HPHRPs and firm performance was validated within the context of the current study. In addition, the results indicated a varying relationship between different HPHRPs and CE activities. Explicitly, training, clear job description, participation opportunities, employer's employment commitment, reward and performance evaluation practices were found to have distinctive effects on innovation, new business venturing and self renewal activities, which act as mediating variables between the selected HPHRPs and firm performance.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The world is now facing such a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous situation known as VUC... more The world is now facing such a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous situation known as VUCA that it has generated such new challenges. Therefore, it is imperative that a leader to have competences that always grow. Transformational leadership is a type of leadership deemed superior to anticipate those challenges, where a leader is supposed to always be agile in achieving the organizational goals. This study aimed at analyzing a correlation among leadership aspects (through Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire/MLQ assessment), cognitive functions (through Wechsler Bellevue assessment), and brain activity pattern/brain mapping (through Electroencephalography/EEG). Then, we gave a stimulus through neurofeedback to train the participants’ control over their brain waves. The results revealed that all participants that became the research samples had a transformational leadership type with idealized influence (behavior) and inspirational motivation subtypes. Moreover, the presence of stimulation to the brain (neurofeedback) enabled the participants to control their brain waves when they were conscious. The leaders will be able to perform optimally when they can control their brain waves and when they are conscious.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The importance of innovative behavior for organizational effectiveness has been wildly accepted. ... more The importance of innovative behavior for organizational effectiveness has been wildly accepted. Spite of the importance of organizational structure to promote the innovative behavior, little is known regarding the decentralized system in service industry. In addition, the role of supervisor support in such circumstances is highly significant; however, the link between decentralization, supervisory support and innovation is not particularly clear. Therefore, the current study aims to examine the impact of decentralization on employees’ innovative behavior and also to investigate the moderating role of supervisor support in this process. Data was collected from 323 employees from five star hotels in North Cyprus. Structural equation modelling was applied to evaluate the measurements and model’s fit. The study hypotheses were tested using LISREL 8.54. The results revealed that decentralized system has a positive impact on employees’ innovative behavior. Moreover, moderating role of supervisory support in helping employees to achieve organizational innovative goals was significant. The existence of decentralization opens new opportunities for organizations and increases the innovative behavior among employees. Employees who have degree of freedom for decision-making and risk-taking within an organization are more creative, and will take the initiative to seek new and efficient ways and approaches of doing their jobs.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
In the highly competitive environment of the business world, organizations implement human resour... more In the highly competitive environment of the business world, organizations implement human resource policies and practices to increase the motivation and performance of employees. Efforts to keep employee turnover at minimum levels are directly proportional to employee satisfaction and their willingness to stay in the organization. Employees’ dissatisfaction, leaders’ attitudes and behaviours, human resources policies determine the life of the organizations. The increase in the employment turnover rate can decrease the performance of the organization, bring additional costs and cause employee trainings to be ineffective. In particular, the qualified employees can easily leave the organization if they do not like the management approach leads to the formation of different management understandings and perspectives. The leadership style of the managers and the human resources policies can shape the future of the organizations. Therefore, it is important to conduct studies in this field to help the senior managers to make decisions and demonstrate their leadership roles. The sample of this study consists of 498 white-collar employees working in the private and public sector. The findings were subjected to factor and reliability analyses by using IBM SPSS 23 program. The hypotheses were tested by regression analysis and the results were evaluated and presented accordingly.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
Good governance is considered one of the significant requirements for development and competency ... more Good governance is considered one of the significant requirements for development and competency in the public-sector organisations. However, according to the Worldwide Governance Report, the state of Palestine has been experiencing a poor quality of governance. The motivation behind this study is to seek a more in-depth understanding of determining the role of transformational leadership in promoting the principles of good governance in the Palestinian public sector. This study employed total population sampling with data collected from 342 general managers in the government sector in Gaza strip. Partial least square of structural equation modelling was used for data analyses. Findings of the study revealed a positive and significant relationship between all transformational leadership behaviours and good governance except for inspirational motivation. Also, the findings confirmed that governments, by practising transformational leadership, that, in turn, results in promoting good governance. The current study has contributed to literature by introducing new empirical evidence in organisational studies of the role of transformational leadership behaviours in improving good governance especially in developing countries such as Palestine. Therefore, this study suggests that it is advisable for public organisations to invest in transformational leadership training and encourage all behaviors to improve the level of good governance.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The world has changed as we entered the new situation full of volatility, uncertainty, comple... more The world has changed as we entered the new situation full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. To be able to cope with this situation, an organization has to translate the challenges into a clear vision and action. A leadership style that is agile to adapt with the magnitude and the characteristic of the occurring problem is needed. Transformational leadership is a participative leadership style that is not only able to motivate and drive the organization vertically and horizontally but also always be agile in every circumstance. Thus, the organizational capacity to achieve the shared vision and mission will be encouraged. Applied neuroscience gives an understanding about the activities and mechanism of the brain which improves the required competences of a leader. Therefore, applied neuroscience will help a leader transform the organization. This study shows that applied neuroscience can help a transformational leadership achieve a “physically, emotionally, and mentally safe” state and encourage an organization to transform itself effectively.This study does not only explore a new perspective of transformational leadership issues, but it also provides an important contribution related to applied neuroscience, in particular, mapping transmission mechanism of the brain activities affecting body’s reaction, internally (emotions and hormone) and externally (body reaction), which further affect the transformational leadership behaviors.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
Human resources number of important factor and based organizational. Preparation this resource fo... more Human resources number of important factor and based organizational. Preparation this resource for faced with changes is of particular importance and of organization must in each mission allocated most capital, time and program. The solution to this problem, many organizations have recognized empowerment programs and tried to provide ground for nurturing staff. The relationship between individual and organizational factors in the institute of communications and information technology, the relationship between psychological empowerment responsibilities and not licensed, but the relationship between self-esteem, creativity and internal locus of control and psychological empowerment is confirmed. Relations between all factors include: clarity to goals, access to information, and access to resources, training and the provision of treatment with psychological empowerment is confirmed. Moreover, the relationship between psychological empowerment of human resources productivity showed the effects of lateral relations between all dimension of (including: significance, suitability, effectiveness, autonomy and trust) the effects of productivity is confirmed.

Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
Hotel industry, as a service industry, is greatly dependent upon its employees. Recruitment and S... more Hotel industry, as a service industry, is greatly dependent upon its employees. Recruitment and Selection practices constitute an important starting stage for hotels towards generating an efficient and productive workforce. The present study, by focusing on 5* and 4* hotels, examines the current trends in the implementation and effectiveness of recruitment and selection practices in the Greek hotel industry, controlling for class category, size and ownership. An inferential quantitative research design was used, and an online survey was conducted, using a seven–point questionnaire. The study concludes that hotel industry, at least in Greece, is still using old – fashioned and cost effective recruitment and selection methods. Findings also outline that 5* and 4* hotels do not differentiate their mix of methods used in recruiting and selecting future employees. Internal recruitment methods are mostly considered to be effective in contrast to external recruitment methods. While interviews and reference checks are listed at the top of the effectiveness list of selection methods. The findings of this research enhance industry understanding of the use and effectiveness of recruitment and selection methods and indicate the need for hotels of superior class to re–examine their recruitment and selection methods and adopt more contemporary ones in their mix.
Papers by International Journal of Organizational Leadership (IJOL)
companies in Lagos, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was employed in selecting the respondents from the three manufacturing companies under the study. The data collected
were analyzed using descriptive statistic including tables, frequency counts, and percentages as well as mean scores. The findings revealed that the causes of conflict in manufacturing
companies in Lagos State, Nigeria include poor means of communicating grievances to top managers, unfavorable economic and industrial policies, poor employee compensation and welfare among others. Therefore, this study concluded that managers should combine strategies such as bargaining, collaboration and avoidance when dealing with industrial conflict to maintain cordial and productive labour-management relationship.
companies in Lagos, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was employed in selecting the respondents from the three manufacturing companies under the study. The data collected
were analyzed using descriptive statistic including tables, frequency counts, and percentages as well as mean scores. The findings revealed that the causes of conflict in manufacturing
companies in Lagos State, Nigeria include poor means of communicating grievances to top managers, unfavorable economic and industrial policies, poor employee compensation and welfare among others. Therefore, this study concluded that managers should combine strategies such as bargaining, collaboration and avoidance when dealing with industrial conflict to maintain cordial and productive labour-management relationship.