Papers by International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences IJHMS
Mental illness is a global public health issue. Evidence indicates that an onset for DSM-IV class... more Mental illness is a global public health issue. Evidence indicates that an onset for DSM-IV classified
disorders will occur in about half of Americans at some point in their lives An electronic research of all literature
articles published from 2006 to 2011 was conducted via ERIC, Academic Search Premier, CINAHL Plus with
Full Text, Business Source Premier, and Master FILE Premier to identify the prevalence and the overall
contributing factors to stress, anxiety, and depression among university students. In conclusion, the combined
results from various studies strongly suggest that university students experience stress, anxiety, and depression
due to multiple contributing factors. These factors must be considered when constructing a school- or
community-based program that will provide services for the mental health and wellness of this vulnerable

The health service funding by the Social Security Organizing Board (SSOB) is generally carried ou... more The health service funding by the Social Security Organizing Board (SSOB) is generally carried out
by the prepaid method for PHC and post paid method for the hospital. Meanwhile, the Health Service
Providers (HSP) undergo the difficulty in the budgeting of the National Health Insurance (NHI), primarily
the claim disbursement in the form of the claim disbursement felt too difficult and complicated, claim file
problem, subsequent claim magnitude, tariff incongruity proposed by the hospital with the INA CBGs tariff or
being paid by the Health SSOB, disease diagnosis coding peculiarity, or the delay of the claim payment by
Health SSOB. Therefore, the good management claim must and is important to be conducted by the Health
SSOB. The research aimed at investigating the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI)
financing at Jeneponto Regency. The research used the qualitative approach. The research was conducted in the
hospital, PHC, SSOB, private clinic, and patients at Jeneponto Regency in 2014. The research informants
included the hospital head, PHC head, SSOB head, clinic doctors, and patients. The research result indicates that
the NHI financing still has problems in terms of the vagueness of the health service real value and the hospital’s
inability in assessing the adequacy level of the NHI fund in line with the necessity, lack of comprehension of
the hospital management concerning the NHI fund utilization. The hospital still complains of the delay of the
claim verification result conveyance, the claim payment is carried out repeatedly, the claim disbursement
procedure difficulty, the level of SSOB budget disbursement easiness to the PHC is not evenly distributed, there
are still PHC'S which get the NHI fund payment once in four months, and SSOB side does not pay the NHI fund
because of the incongruity between the participant's card and family card, so that PHC undergoes the loss
because of this. The research concludes that generally the NHI fund has been carried out properly, however,
there are still problems in terms of fund adequacy, fund management comprehension, fund disbursement
delay, the delay of the claim verification result, the PHC claim procedure difficulty of one payment in four
months, and some other problems. Suggestion: it is necessary to provide the sufficient fund addition, punctual
claim verification, fund management training, and claim simplification.
The article suggests an approach to settlement of the issue of rendering emergency medical care
(... more The article suggests an approach to settlement of the issue of rendering emergency medical care
(EMC) on the basis of medical unmanned aircrafts (quadcopters) (MQ) and medical informational-analytical
system (MIAS), gives grounds to the principles for rendering EMC, the functions algorithm of MIAS and
requirements to MQ. The proposed concept ensures the provision EMC during «the golden hour». This
is achieved by inclusion of medical unmanned aircrafts (quadcopters) and medical informationanalytical system into MTMC. The implementation of this approach considerably reduces time for
the processing of information and increases the likelihood of medical care within the "golden hour".

By the enactment of the National Health Insurance (NHI) on January 1st, 2014, the fraud incident... more By the enactment of the National Health Insurance (NHI) on January 1st, 2014, the fraud incident
potential will be found. If the premium of NHI is approximately 38.5 trillion with the estimation of the fraud
figure of 5 %, the amount of loss will reach 1.8 trillion. The finding of the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW)
between 2006-2008, there were 54 cases with the state loss reached Rp.128 billion. The fraud mode is in the
forms of the fund mark up, drug manipulation, data embezzlement, fund corruption, fictive drugs and health
instruments, authority abuse, and bribery. In 2008, PT. Askes marked up the claim as much as Rp.1.2 trillion. In
the Regional General Hospital of Bau-bau City, South East Sulawesi Province, it is obtained that the drug claim
reached Rp.66 million for patients who were hospitalized in the long stay ward for one day. The research used
the qualitative approach. The research was conducted in the hospital, PHC, BPJS, private clinic, and patients
in Kendari City in 2014. The research informants included the Hospital Director, PHC Head, BPJS head,
clinic doctors, and patients. The research result indicates that the fraud potential and perpetrators are discovered
in the Health Service Providers (HSP) and patients, while in BPJS, they do not exist. For the hospital fraud
indications, 12 cases are discovered in Kendari City. they are not discovered in PHC. The discovery and
prevention of the fraud indications can be carried out through the administrative and medical verifications. For
example, the repeated readmission, dual card charges between hospitals. The driving factor in the fraud incident
is in the form of the HSP's ignorance because the medical officials have not been accustomed to the diagnosis
system in accordance with BPJS guidelines, whereas the intentional factor is not found. The research concludes
that generally, the fraud potential is discovered in HSP and patients, it is not found in BPJS. The discovery and
prevention of the fraud indications can be carried out through the administrative and medical verifications. The
driving factor of the fraud incident is in the form of the HSP's ignorance because the medical officials have not
been accustomed to the diagnosis system, while the intentional factor is not found. Suggestion: It is necessary to
control the expenditure systematically to prevent the fraud, either in the HSP or patients, the fraud socialization
to the HSP and community.

Prediction genetically predisposed people to heart and kidney failure is an actual problem.
Derma... more Prediction genetically predisposed people to heart and kidney failure is an actual problem.
Dermatoglyphics can be one of the basic research in this area. The purpose of the study was to determine the
features of dermatoglyphics in the patients with coronary heart disease and chronic kidney disease with chronic
renal failure for making differential diagnosis. The object of the study were 25 patients (45-77 y.o.) with chronic
coronary heart disease and 20 patients (42.65 ± 0.71 y.o.) with chronic kidney disease. Investigation and treatment
of the patients was carried out in accordance with the standards. Dermatoglyphic study was conducted by the
method of fingerprinting surfaces phalanges, using paint. Statistical methods of evaluation findings included
parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Results. The prevalence of ulnar loops on fingers of right hand
was typical feature for patients with chronic kidney disease and radial loops on fingers of right hand for patients
with coronary heart disease. The predominance of racemates from ulnar loops scallops on the left and right hands
was a distinctive sign for the patients with chronic kidney disease in compare to the patients with coronary heart
disease. Dissymmetry of scallops in the patients with coronary heart disease was characterized by predominance
of radial loops on fingers of right hand in compare with left; predominance of ulnar loops on fingers of left hand
in compare with right. Thus, quantity of different types of scallops, their dissymmetry or racemates on fingers of
the left and right hands are basis for differential diagnosis between patients with coronary heart disease and chronic
kidney disease.

Generally, managed care embedded their roles in most of general practitioners setting where most
... more Generally, managed care embedded their roles in most of general practitioners setting where most
portion of the population seek their primary medical treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the
perception of Private General Practitioners (GPs) towards managed care and factors influencing those
perceptions. This study participated by 157 GPs work within the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. The
result of the study shows the age factor has an influence to perception score. This difference was significant
proven when the young GPs have higher perception score than their counterparts. This study found no
differences in any of GP’ criteria factors and perception scores. Quality of care was spotted having a positive,
fair correlation with perception score and this relationship is statistically significant. Extended analysis of
multivariate indicated race, GPs’ years of practice, GPs clinic duration and quality of care as predictors succumb
to 20% variance in perception score. Overall, the majority of 102 GPs reported a negative, low perception
towards managed care arrangement which is the consistent with findings of previous studies. Managed care is
yet to be seen, its major effect in the local healthcare industry, though, the trend has been already transparent and
this might due to the exposure from the external influence. Therefore, potential agencies, policy maker, as well
as GPs need to hop in actively to start a measurement and collaboration for better healthcare delivery and
promote healthy communication.

The National Health Insurance Program is generally created to facilitate the community in accessi... more The National Health Insurance Program is generally created to facilitate the community in accessing
the health services and obtaining the quality health services. Transformation became the important vocabulary
since the last seven years in Indonesia, precisely since the enactment of the Social Security Acts on October
19th, 2004. The transformation will present the new identity in the social security program implementation in
Indonesia. The Acts of Social Security Organizing Board (SSOB) establishes two Social Security Organizing
Boards, namely the Health SSOB and Employment SSOB. The research aimed to identify the implementation of
the National Security Insurance program viewed from the program transformation aspect. This was a qualitative
research. Informants in the research were the Hospital Head, SSOB Head, Health Office, PHC at Mamuju
Regency. Samples were taken by the Purposive Sampling Rational technique namely by selecting the
informants who comprehended the problem clearly, were reliable, were able to be the data resources, were
prepared and were able to express their opinion well and correctly. The research result indicates that the
officials have no idea concerning the regulation of the national health insurance program implementation in
the level of health service providers (HSP), participation administration in the online system in the level of HSP,
they are not ready, the claim payment model has not been comprehended by the officials of HSP. Observing
the transformation setting scope of the social security organizing board regulated in the social security acts and
SSOB acts, the research concludes that the transformation success is dependent on the availability of the
harmonious and consistent implementation regulation, and it is carried out effectively. The research suggests
that the government increases the strong willingness and commitment to perform the transformation at least it is
reflected in the seriousness to accomplish the agendas of the regulation, participation administration, budgeting

There are many barriers that prevent young people from accessing health services that are pertine... more There are many barriers that prevent young people from accessing health services that are pertinent
and friendly to them. The objective was to determine if the selected clinics provided youth friendly services and
if any barriers existed at these clinics for young people to access health care. A descriptive cross-sectional study
using anonymous questionnaires was conducted amongst young people visiting two primary health care clinics
and one community healthcare centers in the eThekwini Metro of KwaZulu Natal. Of the 152 participants, two
thirds were females, the majority being between 18-24 years. Over 42% (n=64) stated that the waiting periods
were too long (p < 0.05), whilst fifty three respondents (35%) complained of the short consultation times. Forty
two percent felt that the staff was judgmental towards them when they sought reproductive health services,
whilst (15%) felt discriminated against. Twenty one percent felt their privacy was not honored. A third of the
participants stated that no awareness programs / group discussions existed within the clinic to inform them about
HIV/AIDS, STI, though (73%) responded that educational materials on HIV are available. Only (8%) were
treated by a doctor, but (87%) preferred treatment by a doctor, and to be seen by the same person every time they
came to the clinic. A Small percentage of (16%) rated the clinic services as excellent. The study has highlighted
characteristics that contribute to clinics not offering services that are youth friendly.

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one major problem in Thailand. Diabetic patients with limited health li... more Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one major problem in Thailand. Diabetic patients with limited health literacy tend
to have worse outcome. The study aimed to determine relationships between age, income, education, diabetes knowledge,
social support, communication with a doctor, reading health information documents, as well as health literacy and self-care
behavior in patients with diabetes. A sample of 512 diabetes patients aged 18 80 years old were purposively selected
from 13 community hospitals in Samut Songkram province, Thailand. Data were collected by using questionnaires. The
3-level Health Literacy Scale developed by Ishikawa was used to assess health literacy level. Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics and Pearsons correlation. It was revealed that the samples had moderate overall health literacy (X¯ =
2.62, S.D. = 0.50), good diabetes knowledge (X¯ = 7.26, S.D. = 1.76), moderate social support (X¯ = 2.98, S.D. = 0.63)
and moderate self-care behavior ( X¯ = 2.68, S.D. =0.33). It was found that education (r = 0.113, p = 0.010), income (r =
0.183, p = 0.000), diabetes knowledge (r = 0.106, p = 0.023), social support (r = 0.170, p = 0.000), communication with a
doctor (r = 0.094, p = 0.034), reading health information document (r = 0.231, p = 0.000), and health literacy (r = 0.101, p
= 0.023) had significant relationship with self-care behavior, while age did not have significant relationship. The results
encourage health care providers to make more efforts to monitor factors affecting self-care behavior in the Thai diabetic
patient population. They are also useful in guiding the development of appropriate methods to enhance self-care behavior.

This qualitative research aimed to determine the undergraduate nursing students perception toward... more This qualitative research aimed to determine the undergraduate nursing students perception towards the first
clinical experience in fundamental nursing skills practicum in clinical learning on medical ward of the government tertiary
care setting, namely “Phranangkrao hospital” in Nonthaburi Province. After completing the 8 weeks of fundamental
nursing skills practicum (January 4 - February 23, 2016), one group of 14 representatives, the second year nursing
students were carried out. The interview guidelines consisted of 1) patient-nursing student relationship; 2) staff-nursing
student relationship; 3) nursing student-academic clinical teacher commitment; 4) nursing students’ expectations for
basic nursing skills experiences and 5) nursing students’ learning satisfaction. Data were obtained from a student focus
group, respectively. The result found that the nursing students perceived positively in their academic clinical teacher
commitment, clinical practice experience in terms of basic nursing skills and their own learning satisfaction. However,
patient-student relationship and staff-student relationship depended on individuality.

Elite athletes are aware of the potential benefits of mental training techniques to deal with the... more Elite athletes are aware of the potential benefits of mental training techniques to deal with the stressors
of training and competition. However, this particular cohort struggles with allocating meaningful time towards mental
training programs within the overall training program. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that Smartphone
applications will improve athlete engagement with mental training programs. Forty-six male adults (mean age 24 years)
who play for one professional Australian Rules football team were recruited to participate in this study. Using a between
groups repeated measures design, players were randomized into three groups, participating in one of three applications
over a four-week period: one group completed a mindfulness application (Headspace), second group completed a brain
training application (Cognifit), and the third were controlled and used a neutral application (Soothing Sounds). Players
were assessed pre and post the four-week program on engagement; and measures including sleep (duration and quality),
resilience, flow state, determination, and overall wellbeing were checked. Results showed no differences in groups, or
change in the dependent variables. However, player engagement was markedly reduced in all groups with compliance
falling, compared to initial participation levels, by 43%, 38% and 42% for the mindfulness, brain training and neutral
applications respectively. This study demonstrates that Smartphone applications do not improve compliance with mental
training programs, or significantly improve outcomes, in this professional athlete environment. Practical applications
would include prompting and encouraging athletes to engage in undertaking psychological mental training, as technology
alone is not sufficient to increase uptake.

Activities that may lead to addiction cause an increase in dopamine in reward systems of the brai... more Activities that may lead to addiction cause an increase in dopamine in reward systems of the brain. Dopamine
is also released in response to light in the retina. Chronic use of drugs such as cocaine may cause a depletion of dopamine.
9 patients and 11 controls were included in a study to assess dopamine levels in the retinas and, indirectly, levels in
the reward systems of cocaine users during withdrawal. Electrooculogram readings were done to measure the potential
differences during light and dark adaptation in subjects. The normal 5 mv increase in potential from the cornea to Bruchs
membrane, the innermost layer of the choroid, reaches a trough during the dark and a peak during light. Results obtained
from troughs partialled from peaks in linear regression analyses revealed a trend of decreased light responses in the patient
group compared to controls which did not reach statistical significance.

the objective of Quantitative research is to examine factors that are linked with perception of s... more the objective of Quantitative research is to examine factors that are linked with perception of self-efficacy
in increasing health and social support. Sample size of 100 based on random sampling technique was selected from
communities in Dusit, Bangkok, 2014. Data were collected through questionnaire that was developed by the research
team and then approved by three experts. questionaire was developed based on 5-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly
agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. Reliablity coefficient (alpha) was 0.784 that shows that tool is
reliable to gather result. Barthel ADL index for evaluation of ability to engage in a daily routine. out of total sample 68%
were female, 33% ranges in the age group between 60-65%, 55% womens were married and were living with theor spouse,
while 38% womens do not work. Avergae annual income helped by childern found to be less than 10,000 baht. Most of
samples caring them-self, followed by their spouse 26%. Wellbeing of the public had sustained, living for the aging cover
100%, followed by Join and health volunteers in communities 23%. Perception of health, 53% of the samples feel health
was fair. The most common health condition among samples was hypertension 68%, followed by diabetes 55%. Most of
samples 84% are in type 1. Bedside the background of home, bathroom in the home 90.0% and floor of bathroom was
slippery 91.0%. Samples have skills for caring themselves while being sick 48%, and how to keep up healthy lifestyle.
Factors like gender, age and educational background were associated with perception of selfefficacy. Factors like age,
education, health status and marriage status were linked with perceived of socialsupport, in addition, found associated
between to perception of selfefficacy and perceived of socialsupport. The statistical significance was <0.05.

This research aimed to investigate 1) To study the symptom experience, symptom management and the... more This research aimed to investigate 1) To study the symptom experience, symptom management and the
outcomes of the common respiratory problems in pre-school children via their caregivers 2) To study the relation between
the symptom experience, symptoms management, the outcomes with personal and health data.Caregivers caring for three
to six year old pre-school children were recruited by simple random sampling from Tumbol Satengnok. 192 of them were
selected to complete a set of questionnaire and another eight to be informants for semi-structure interviews. Descriptive
statistics were applied for quantitative data analysisfrequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson product
moment was also used to determine the hypotheses. Qualitative data were classified to be categories using content analysis.
The findings showed that the caregivers are general mothers who have experiences in taking care of the children having
common respiratory symptoms. They knew the symptoms by assessing the changes of playing behaviors and physical happiness. The caregivers reported that most problems are caused by some of the childrens over playing activities. Therefore,
they tried to manage the symptoms showed by reducing some of the activities, using traditional herbs, and making more
caressing touch their children. For the outcomes of symptom management, 50 percent could be recovered without seeking
another treatments. Symptom experience, symptom management and the outcomes of pre-school children caregivers
were statistically significant differences, p <0.01. Age was statistically significant difference in Symptom experience
and symptom management, p <0.01, whereas it was no significant difference in age and the outcomes correlation, p <0.05.

Few studies have examined Muslim women’s perceptions of barriers and the possibilities they face ... more Few studies have examined Muslim women’s perceptions of barriers and the possibilities they face in
cervical cancer care. The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes from the perspective of Thai women of
their experience of reproductive health in cervical cancer care. A qualitative methodology was chosen, and open-ended
interviews were carried out with ten Muslim women. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim;
thereafter, a manifest content analysis was carried out. Three main themes connected to the aim of the study were found:
“Personal construction of health care providers,” “Understanding reproductive health” and “Culturally congruent context
of reproductive health”. The most prominent findings in this study are health care providers adapted to be developing
holistic care intervention consisting of improved nursing care for reproductive health, meaningful relationship care and
social relative of reproductive health. Furthermore, this finding might be possible to be transferred and considered in
Muslim women similar settings. Health care providers should also concern cultural care that is available with her husband
in support of reproductive health care among Thai Muslim women

Healthy behavior in the workplace is an attempt to empower workers to know, be willing and able t... more Healthy behavior in the workplace is an attempt to empower workers to know, be willing and able to practice
healthy behavior. Environmental Landfill has a condition that is incompatible with the workplace that meets the highest
standards of comfort for workers. This study uses a descriptive study with qualitative approach descriptive research
methods. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the research subjects who were working on the final
disposal. Data were processed through the collection, reduction, and presentation of data collected and grouped into
several sections according to the type of problem. Results showed that workers waste management has not been based on
a lot of health information; attitudes of extension workers were considered essential to improve the understanding of the
workings of the correct and healthy Department of Sanitation, Parks and Fire Sintang. Practice is not to shower before
work, but with wet hair, always brush your teeth, sometimes using boiled water betel, and change clothes. In conclusion,
most workers do not have enough knowledge, generally accept any policy or activity carried out by the Department of
Sanitation, Parks and Fire. Most are already practicing healthy behavior and have been maintaining health.

Health services provide many services which entail technology and interpersonal processes. Manufa... more Health services provide many services which entail technology and interpersonal processes. Manufacturing
is not so involved in interpersonal processes. The health care labour force has characteristics which influence the
organizational culture. One major characteristic is the domination of physicians who are decision makers in terms
of medical care. The workforce in health care organisation, hospital, for example are multidisciplinary, such as
general practitioners, nurses, therapists, pharmacists ,specialists, administrators, finance officers and managers, while in
manufacturing workforce is likely to be homogenous. The goal of health services is not necessarily to gain profit; the
most important is to increase peoples health status, so that quality is more focused on accessibility, affordability, and
appropriateness. However, industry is likely to have homogenous processes and the goal is to gain profit. Therefore,
health services may require special consideration in implementing quality management tools. It may adjust the principle
of TQM/CQI/QA in order to conform to health services characteristics.
Toxoplasmosis is infection largely distibuted around the word caused by Toxoplasma gondii. The re... more Toxoplasmosis is infection largely distibuted around the word caused by Toxoplasma gondii. The reactivation
of the latent parasite related to a profound immunosupression constitutes a health problem particulary in HIV patients
and other immunocompromised patients. Various clinical features are observed but the most frequent is represented by
neurotoxoplasmosis then pulmonary toxoplasmosis and ocular toxoplasmosis. The laboratory diagnosis is not based on
serology tests because of the limited results in this kind of patients. Serology can help only to predict the reactivation of
infection. The confirmation of diagnosis consists of the demonstration of the parasite in different samples or the detection
of toxoplasma-DNA by polymerase chain reaction PCR.

The main objective of this research was to study and develop a model program to promote Nutrition... more The main objective of this research was to study and develop a model program to promote Nutrition
among kids at school age by participation of parents and caregivers. The samples in this research were 20 parents in
the community of Dusit, Bangkok by purposive sampling. Questionnaire and group discussion were used for collecting
the data. Descriptive statistics used in this research include frequency and percentage. This research found; Most of the
samples were from 21-30-year-old and from 31-35-year-old (30%), 75% were married, 45% were high school graduates,
40% were in trade, 45% had family income from 10,00020,000 bath, 80% of children were at normal growth level. The
program to promote Nutrition among kids at school age developed by sample group was similar in terms of process but
should increase channels to spread awareness; such as database of knowledge and share to learn together within group.

KKG Publications makes every effort to ascertain the precision of all the information (the "Conte... more KKG Publications makes every effort to ascertain the precision of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, KKG Publications, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the content. All opinions and views stated in this publication are not endorsed by KKG Publications. These are purely the opinions and views of authors. The accuracy of the content should not be relied upon and primary sources of information should be considered for any verification. KKG Publications shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, proceedings, loss, actions, demands, damages, expenses and other liabilities directly or indirectly caused in connection with given content. This article may be utilized for research, edifying, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly verboten.
Papers by International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences IJHMS
disorders will occur in about half of Americans at some point in their lives An electronic research of all literature
articles published from 2006 to 2011 was conducted via ERIC, Academic Search Premier, CINAHL Plus with
Full Text, Business Source Premier, and Master FILE Premier to identify the prevalence and the overall
contributing factors to stress, anxiety, and depression among university students. In conclusion, the combined
results from various studies strongly suggest that university students experience stress, anxiety, and depression
due to multiple contributing factors. These factors must be considered when constructing a school- or
community-based program that will provide services for the mental health and wellness of this vulnerable
by the prepaid method for PHC and post paid method for the hospital. Meanwhile, the Health Service
Providers (HSP) undergo the difficulty in the budgeting of the National Health Insurance (NHI), primarily
the claim disbursement in the form of the claim disbursement felt too difficult and complicated, claim file
problem, subsequent claim magnitude, tariff incongruity proposed by the hospital with the INA CBGs tariff or
being paid by the Health SSOB, disease diagnosis coding peculiarity, or the delay of the claim payment by
Health SSOB. Therefore, the good management claim must and is important to be conducted by the Health
SSOB. The research aimed at investigating the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI)
financing at Jeneponto Regency. The research used the qualitative approach. The research was conducted in the
hospital, PHC, SSOB, private clinic, and patients at Jeneponto Regency in 2014. The research informants
included the hospital head, PHC head, SSOB head, clinic doctors, and patients. The research result indicates that
the NHI financing still has problems in terms of the vagueness of the health service real value and the hospital’s
inability in assessing the adequacy level of the NHI fund in line with the necessity, lack of comprehension of
the hospital management concerning the NHI fund utilization. The hospital still complains of the delay of the
claim verification result conveyance, the claim payment is carried out repeatedly, the claim disbursement
procedure difficulty, the level of SSOB budget disbursement easiness to the PHC is not evenly distributed, there
are still PHC'S which get the NHI fund payment once in four months, and SSOB side does not pay the NHI fund
because of the incongruity between the participant's card and family card, so that PHC undergoes the loss
because of this. The research concludes that generally the NHI fund has been carried out properly, however,
there are still problems in terms of fund adequacy, fund management comprehension, fund disbursement
delay, the delay of the claim verification result, the PHC claim procedure difficulty of one payment in four
months, and some other problems. Suggestion: it is necessary to provide the sufficient fund addition, punctual
claim verification, fund management training, and claim simplification.
(EMC) on the basis of medical unmanned aircrafts (quadcopters) (MQ) and medical informational-analytical
system (MIAS), gives grounds to the principles for rendering EMC, the functions algorithm of MIAS and
requirements to MQ. The proposed concept ensures the provision EMC during «the golden hour». This
is achieved by inclusion of medical unmanned aircrafts (quadcopters) and medical informationanalytical system into MTMC. The implementation of this approach considerably reduces time for
the processing of information and increases the likelihood of medical care within the "golden hour".
potential will be found. If the premium of NHI is approximately 38.5 trillion with the estimation of the fraud
figure of 5 %, the amount of loss will reach 1.8 trillion. The finding of the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW)
between 2006-2008, there were 54 cases with the state loss reached Rp.128 billion. The fraud mode is in the
forms of the fund mark up, drug manipulation, data embezzlement, fund corruption, fictive drugs and health
instruments, authority abuse, and bribery. In 2008, PT. Askes marked up the claim as much as Rp.1.2 trillion. In
the Regional General Hospital of Bau-bau City, South East Sulawesi Province, it is obtained that the drug claim
reached Rp.66 million for patients who were hospitalized in the long stay ward for one day. The research used
the qualitative approach. The research was conducted in the hospital, PHC, BPJS, private clinic, and patients
in Kendari City in 2014. The research informants included the Hospital Director, PHC Head, BPJS head,
clinic doctors, and patients. The research result indicates that the fraud potential and perpetrators are discovered
in the Health Service Providers (HSP) and patients, while in BPJS, they do not exist. For the hospital fraud
indications, 12 cases are discovered in Kendari City. they are not discovered in PHC. The discovery and
prevention of the fraud indications can be carried out through the administrative and medical verifications. For
example, the repeated readmission, dual card charges between hospitals. The driving factor in the fraud incident
is in the form of the HSP's ignorance because the medical officials have not been accustomed to the diagnosis
system in accordance with BPJS guidelines, whereas the intentional factor is not found. The research concludes
that generally, the fraud potential is discovered in HSP and patients, it is not found in BPJS. The discovery and
prevention of the fraud indications can be carried out through the administrative and medical verifications. The
driving factor of the fraud incident is in the form of the HSP's ignorance because the medical officials have not
been accustomed to the diagnosis system, while the intentional factor is not found. Suggestion: It is necessary to
control the expenditure systematically to prevent the fraud, either in the HSP or patients, the fraud socialization
to the HSP and community.
Dermatoglyphics can be one of the basic research in this area. The purpose of the study was to determine the
features of dermatoglyphics in the patients with coronary heart disease and chronic kidney disease with chronic
renal failure for making differential diagnosis. The object of the study were 25 patients (45-77 y.o.) with chronic
coronary heart disease and 20 patients (42.65 ± 0.71 y.o.) with chronic kidney disease. Investigation and treatment
of the patients was carried out in accordance with the standards. Dermatoglyphic study was conducted by the
method of fingerprinting surfaces phalanges, using paint. Statistical methods of evaluation findings included
parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Results. The prevalence of ulnar loops on fingers of right hand
was typical feature for patients with chronic kidney disease and radial loops on fingers of right hand for patients
with coronary heart disease. The predominance of racemates from ulnar loops scallops on the left and right hands
was a distinctive sign for the patients with chronic kidney disease in compare to the patients with coronary heart
disease. Dissymmetry of scallops in the patients with coronary heart disease was characterized by predominance
of radial loops on fingers of right hand in compare with left; predominance of ulnar loops on fingers of left hand
in compare with right. Thus, quantity of different types of scallops, their dissymmetry or racemates on fingers of
the left and right hands are basis for differential diagnosis between patients with coronary heart disease and chronic
kidney disease.
portion of the population seek their primary medical treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the
perception of Private General Practitioners (GPs) towards managed care and factors influencing those
perceptions. This study participated by 157 GPs work within the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. The
result of the study shows the age factor has an influence to perception score. This difference was significant
proven when the young GPs have higher perception score than their counterparts. This study found no
differences in any of GP’ criteria factors and perception scores. Quality of care was spotted having a positive,
fair correlation with perception score and this relationship is statistically significant. Extended analysis of
multivariate indicated race, GPs’ years of practice, GPs clinic duration and quality of care as predictors succumb
to 20% variance in perception score. Overall, the majority of 102 GPs reported a negative, low perception
towards managed care arrangement which is the consistent with findings of previous studies. Managed care is
yet to be seen, its major effect in the local healthcare industry, though, the trend has been already transparent and
this might due to the exposure from the external influence. Therefore, potential agencies, policy maker, as well
as GPs need to hop in actively to start a measurement and collaboration for better healthcare delivery and
promote healthy communication.
the health services and obtaining the quality health services. Transformation became the important vocabulary
since the last seven years in Indonesia, precisely since the enactment of the Social Security Acts on October
19th, 2004. The transformation will present the new identity in the social security program implementation in
Indonesia. The Acts of Social Security Organizing Board (SSOB) establishes two Social Security Organizing
Boards, namely the Health SSOB and Employment SSOB. The research aimed to identify the implementation of
the National Security Insurance program viewed from the program transformation aspect. This was a qualitative
research. Informants in the research were the Hospital Head, SSOB Head, Health Office, PHC at Mamuju
Regency. Samples were taken by the Purposive Sampling Rational technique namely by selecting the
informants who comprehended the problem clearly, were reliable, were able to be the data resources, were
prepared and were able to express their opinion well and correctly. The research result indicates that the
officials have no idea concerning the regulation of the national health insurance program implementation in
the level of health service providers (HSP), participation administration in the online system in the level of HSP,
they are not ready, the claim payment model has not been comprehended by the officials of HSP. Observing
the transformation setting scope of the social security organizing board regulated in the social security acts and
SSOB acts, the research concludes that the transformation success is dependent on the availability of the
harmonious and consistent implementation regulation, and it is carried out effectively. The research suggests
that the government increases the strong willingness and commitment to perform the transformation at least it is
reflected in the seriousness to accomplish the agendas of the regulation, participation administration, budgeting
and friendly to them. The objective was to determine if the selected clinics provided youth friendly services and
if any barriers existed at these clinics for young people to access health care. A descriptive cross-sectional study
using anonymous questionnaires was conducted amongst young people visiting two primary health care clinics
and one community healthcare centers in the eThekwini Metro of KwaZulu Natal. Of the 152 participants, two
thirds were females, the majority being between 18-24 years. Over 42% (n=64) stated that the waiting periods
were too long (p < 0.05), whilst fifty three respondents (35%) complained of the short consultation times. Forty
two percent felt that the staff was judgmental towards them when they sought reproductive health services,
whilst (15%) felt discriminated against. Twenty one percent felt their privacy was not honored. A third of the
participants stated that no awareness programs / group discussions existed within the clinic to inform them about
HIV/AIDS, STI, though (73%) responded that educational materials on HIV are available. Only (8%) were
treated by a doctor, but (87%) preferred treatment by a doctor, and to be seen by the same person every time they
came to the clinic. A Small percentage of (16%) rated the clinic services as excellent. The study has highlighted
characteristics that contribute to clinics not offering services that are youth friendly.
to have worse outcome. The study aimed to determine relationships between age, income, education, diabetes knowledge,
social support, communication with a doctor, reading health information documents, as well as health literacy and self-care
behavior in patients with diabetes. A sample of 512 diabetes patients aged 18 80 years old were purposively selected
from 13 community hospitals in Samut Songkram province, Thailand. Data were collected by using questionnaires. The
3-level Health Literacy Scale developed by Ishikawa was used to assess health literacy level. Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics and Pearsons correlation. It was revealed that the samples had moderate overall health literacy (X¯ =
2.62, S.D. = 0.50), good diabetes knowledge (X¯ = 7.26, S.D. = 1.76), moderate social support (X¯ = 2.98, S.D. = 0.63)
and moderate self-care behavior ( X¯ = 2.68, S.D. =0.33). It was found that education (r = 0.113, p = 0.010), income (r =
0.183, p = 0.000), diabetes knowledge (r = 0.106, p = 0.023), social support (r = 0.170, p = 0.000), communication with a
doctor (r = 0.094, p = 0.034), reading health information document (r = 0.231, p = 0.000), and health literacy (r = 0.101, p
= 0.023) had significant relationship with self-care behavior, while age did not have significant relationship. The results
encourage health care providers to make more efforts to monitor factors affecting self-care behavior in the Thai diabetic
patient population. They are also useful in guiding the development of appropriate methods to enhance self-care behavior.
clinical experience in fundamental nursing skills practicum in clinical learning on medical ward of the government tertiary
care setting, namely “Phranangkrao hospital” in Nonthaburi Province. After completing the 8 weeks of fundamental
nursing skills practicum (January 4 - February 23, 2016), one group of 14 representatives, the second year nursing
students were carried out. The interview guidelines consisted of 1) patient-nursing student relationship; 2) staff-nursing
student relationship; 3) nursing student-academic clinical teacher commitment; 4) nursing students’ expectations for
basic nursing skills experiences and 5) nursing students’ learning satisfaction. Data were obtained from a student focus
group, respectively. The result found that the nursing students perceived positively in their academic clinical teacher
commitment, clinical practice experience in terms of basic nursing skills and their own learning satisfaction. However,
patient-student relationship and staff-student relationship depended on individuality.
of training and competition. However, this particular cohort struggles with allocating meaningful time towards mental
training programs within the overall training program. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that Smartphone
applications will improve athlete engagement with mental training programs. Forty-six male adults (mean age 24 years)
who play for one professional Australian Rules football team were recruited to participate in this study. Using a between
groups repeated measures design, players were randomized into three groups, participating in one of three applications
over a four-week period: one group completed a mindfulness application (Headspace), second group completed a brain
training application (Cognifit), and the third were controlled and used a neutral application (Soothing Sounds). Players
were assessed pre and post the four-week program on engagement; and measures including sleep (duration and quality),
resilience, flow state, determination, and overall wellbeing were checked. Results showed no differences in groups, or
change in the dependent variables. However, player engagement was markedly reduced in all groups with compliance
falling, compared to initial participation levels, by 43%, 38% and 42% for the mindfulness, brain training and neutral
applications respectively. This study demonstrates that Smartphone applications do not improve compliance with mental
training programs, or significantly improve outcomes, in this professional athlete environment. Practical applications
would include prompting and encouraging athletes to engage in undertaking psychological mental training, as technology
alone is not sufficient to increase uptake.
is also released in response to light in the retina. Chronic use of drugs such as cocaine may cause a depletion of dopamine.
9 patients and 11 controls were included in a study to assess dopamine levels in the retinas and, indirectly, levels in
the reward systems of cocaine users during withdrawal. Electrooculogram readings were done to measure the potential
differences during light and dark adaptation in subjects. The normal 5 mv increase in potential from the cornea to Bruchs
membrane, the innermost layer of the choroid, reaches a trough during the dark and a peak during light. Results obtained
from troughs partialled from peaks in linear regression analyses revealed a trend of decreased light responses in the patient
group compared to controls which did not reach statistical significance.
in increasing health and social support. Sample size of 100 based on random sampling technique was selected from
communities in Dusit, Bangkok, 2014. Data were collected through questionnaire that was developed by the research
team and then approved by three experts. questionaire was developed based on 5-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly
agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. Reliablity coefficient (alpha) was 0.784 that shows that tool is
reliable to gather result. Barthel ADL index for evaluation of ability to engage in a daily routine. out of total sample 68%
were female, 33% ranges in the age group between 60-65%, 55% womens were married and were living with theor spouse,
while 38% womens do not work. Avergae annual income helped by childern found to be less than 10,000 baht. Most of
samples caring them-self, followed by their spouse 26%. Wellbeing of the public had sustained, living for the aging cover
100%, followed by Join and health volunteers in communities 23%. Perception of health, 53% of the samples feel health
was fair. The most common health condition among samples was hypertension 68%, followed by diabetes 55%. Most of
samples 84% are in type 1. Bedside the background of home, bathroom in the home 90.0% and floor of bathroom was
slippery 91.0%. Samples have skills for caring themselves while being sick 48%, and how to keep up healthy lifestyle.
Factors like gender, age and educational background were associated with perception of selfefficacy. Factors like age,
education, health status and marriage status were linked with perceived of socialsupport, in addition, found associated
between to perception of selfefficacy and perceived of socialsupport. The statistical significance was <0.05.
outcomes of the common respiratory problems in pre-school children via their caregivers 2) To study the relation between
the symptom experience, symptoms management, the outcomes with personal and health data.Caregivers caring for three
to six year old pre-school children were recruited by simple random sampling from Tumbol Satengnok. 192 of them were
selected to complete a set of questionnaire and another eight to be informants for semi-structure interviews. Descriptive
statistics were applied for quantitative data analysisfrequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson product
moment was also used to determine the hypotheses. Qualitative data were classified to be categories using content analysis.
The findings showed that the caregivers are general mothers who have experiences in taking care of the children having
common respiratory symptoms. They knew the symptoms by assessing the changes of playing behaviors and physical happiness. The caregivers reported that most problems are caused by some of the childrens over playing activities. Therefore,
they tried to manage the symptoms showed by reducing some of the activities, using traditional herbs, and making more
caressing touch their children. For the outcomes of symptom management, 50 percent could be recovered without seeking
another treatments. Symptom experience, symptom management and the outcomes of pre-school children caregivers
were statistically significant differences, p <0.01. Age was statistically significant difference in Symptom experience
and symptom management, p <0.01, whereas it was no significant difference in age and the outcomes correlation, p <0.05.
cervical cancer care. The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes from the perspective of Thai women of
their experience of reproductive health in cervical cancer care. A qualitative methodology was chosen, and open-ended
interviews were carried out with ten Muslim women. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim;
thereafter, a manifest content analysis was carried out. Three main themes connected to the aim of the study were found:
“Personal construction of health care providers,” “Understanding reproductive health” and “Culturally congruent context
of reproductive health”. The most prominent findings in this study are health care providers adapted to be developing
holistic care intervention consisting of improved nursing care for reproductive health, meaningful relationship care and
social relative of reproductive health. Furthermore, this finding might be possible to be transferred and considered in
Muslim women similar settings. Health care providers should also concern cultural care that is available with her husband
in support of reproductive health care among Thai Muslim women
healthy behavior. Environmental Landfill has a condition that is incompatible with the workplace that meets the highest
standards of comfort for workers. This study uses a descriptive study with qualitative approach descriptive research
methods. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the research subjects who were working on the final
disposal. Data were processed through the collection, reduction, and presentation of data collected and grouped into
several sections according to the type of problem. Results showed that workers waste management has not been based on
a lot of health information; attitudes of extension workers were considered essential to improve the understanding of the
workings of the correct and healthy Department of Sanitation, Parks and Fire Sintang. Practice is not to shower before
work, but with wet hair, always brush your teeth, sometimes using boiled water betel, and change clothes. In conclusion,
most workers do not have enough knowledge, generally accept any policy or activity carried out by the Department of
Sanitation, Parks and Fire. Most are already practicing healthy behavior and have been maintaining health.
is not so involved in interpersonal processes. The health care labour force has characteristics which influence the
organizational culture. One major characteristic is the domination of physicians who are decision makers in terms
of medical care. The workforce in health care organisation, hospital, for example are multidisciplinary, such as
general practitioners, nurses, therapists, pharmacists ,specialists, administrators, finance officers and managers, while in
manufacturing workforce is likely to be homogenous. The goal of health services is not necessarily to gain profit; the
most important is to increase peoples health status, so that quality is more focused on accessibility, affordability, and
appropriateness. However, industry is likely to have homogenous processes and the goal is to gain profit. Therefore,
health services may require special consideration in implementing quality management tools. It may adjust the principle
of TQM/CQI/QA in order to conform to health services characteristics.
of the latent parasite related to a profound immunosupression constitutes a health problem particulary in HIV patients
and other immunocompromised patients. Various clinical features are observed but the most frequent is represented by
neurotoxoplasmosis then pulmonary toxoplasmosis and ocular toxoplasmosis. The laboratory diagnosis is not based on
serology tests because of the limited results in this kind of patients. Serology can help only to predict the reactivation of
infection. The confirmation of diagnosis consists of the demonstration of the parasite in different samples or the detection
of toxoplasma-DNA by polymerase chain reaction PCR.
among kids at school age by participation of parents and caregivers. The samples in this research were 20 parents in
the community of Dusit, Bangkok by purposive sampling. Questionnaire and group discussion were used for collecting
the data. Descriptive statistics used in this research include frequency and percentage. This research found; Most of the
samples were from 21-30-year-old and from 31-35-year-old (30%), 75% were married, 45% were high school graduates,
40% were in trade, 45% had family income from 10,00020,000 bath, 80% of children were at normal growth level. The
program to promote Nutrition among kids at school age developed by sample group was similar in terms of process but
should increase channels to spread awareness; such as database of knowledge and share to learn together within group.
disorders will occur in about half of Americans at some point in their lives An electronic research of all literature
articles published from 2006 to 2011 was conducted via ERIC, Academic Search Premier, CINAHL Plus with
Full Text, Business Source Premier, and Master FILE Premier to identify the prevalence and the overall
contributing factors to stress, anxiety, and depression among university students. In conclusion, the combined
results from various studies strongly suggest that university students experience stress, anxiety, and depression
due to multiple contributing factors. These factors must be considered when constructing a school- or
community-based program that will provide services for the mental health and wellness of this vulnerable
by the prepaid method for PHC and post paid method for the hospital. Meanwhile, the Health Service
Providers (HSP) undergo the difficulty in the budgeting of the National Health Insurance (NHI), primarily
the claim disbursement in the form of the claim disbursement felt too difficult and complicated, claim file
problem, subsequent claim magnitude, tariff incongruity proposed by the hospital with the INA CBGs tariff or
being paid by the Health SSOB, disease diagnosis coding peculiarity, or the delay of the claim payment by
Health SSOB. Therefore, the good management claim must and is important to be conducted by the Health
SSOB. The research aimed at investigating the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI)
financing at Jeneponto Regency. The research used the qualitative approach. The research was conducted in the
hospital, PHC, SSOB, private clinic, and patients at Jeneponto Regency in 2014. The research informants
included the hospital head, PHC head, SSOB head, clinic doctors, and patients. The research result indicates that
the NHI financing still has problems in terms of the vagueness of the health service real value and the hospital’s
inability in assessing the adequacy level of the NHI fund in line with the necessity, lack of comprehension of
the hospital management concerning the NHI fund utilization. The hospital still complains of the delay of the
claim verification result conveyance, the claim payment is carried out repeatedly, the claim disbursement
procedure difficulty, the level of SSOB budget disbursement easiness to the PHC is not evenly distributed, there
are still PHC'S which get the NHI fund payment once in four months, and SSOB side does not pay the NHI fund
because of the incongruity between the participant's card and family card, so that PHC undergoes the loss
because of this. The research concludes that generally the NHI fund has been carried out properly, however,
there are still problems in terms of fund adequacy, fund management comprehension, fund disbursement
delay, the delay of the claim verification result, the PHC claim procedure difficulty of one payment in four
months, and some other problems. Suggestion: it is necessary to provide the sufficient fund addition, punctual
claim verification, fund management training, and claim simplification.
(EMC) on the basis of medical unmanned aircrafts (quadcopters) (MQ) and medical informational-analytical
system (MIAS), gives grounds to the principles for rendering EMC, the functions algorithm of MIAS and
requirements to MQ. The proposed concept ensures the provision EMC during «the golden hour». This
is achieved by inclusion of medical unmanned aircrafts (quadcopters) and medical informationanalytical system into MTMC. The implementation of this approach considerably reduces time for
the processing of information and increases the likelihood of medical care within the "golden hour".
potential will be found. If the premium of NHI is approximately 38.5 trillion with the estimation of the fraud
figure of 5 %, the amount of loss will reach 1.8 trillion. The finding of the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW)
between 2006-2008, there were 54 cases with the state loss reached Rp.128 billion. The fraud mode is in the
forms of the fund mark up, drug manipulation, data embezzlement, fund corruption, fictive drugs and health
instruments, authority abuse, and bribery. In 2008, PT. Askes marked up the claim as much as Rp.1.2 trillion. In
the Regional General Hospital of Bau-bau City, South East Sulawesi Province, it is obtained that the drug claim
reached Rp.66 million for patients who were hospitalized in the long stay ward for one day. The research used
the qualitative approach. The research was conducted in the hospital, PHC, BPJS, private clinic, and patients
in Kendari City in 2014. The research informants included the Hospital Director, PHC Head, BPJS head,
clinic doctors, and patients. The research result indicates that the fraud potential and perpetrators are discovered
in the Health Service Providers (HSP) and patients, while in BPJS, they do not exist. For the hospital fraud
indications, 12 cases are discovered in Kendari City. they are not discovered in PHC. The discovery and
prevention of the fraud indications can be carried out through the administrative and medical verifications. For
example, the repeated readmission, dual card charges between hospitals. The driving factor in the fraud incident
is in the form of the HSP's ignorance because the medical officials have not been accustomed to the diagnosis
system in accordance with BPJS guidelines, whereas the intentional factor is not found. The research concludes
that generally, the fraud potential is discovered in HSP and patients, it is not found in BPJS. The discovery and
prevention of the fraud indications can be carried out through the administrative and medical verifications. The
driving factor of the fraud incident is in the form of the HSP's ignorance because the medical officials have not
been accustomed to the diagnosis system, while the intentional factor is not found. Suggestion: It is necessary to
control the expenditure systematically to prevent the fraud, either in the HSP or patients, the fraud socialization
to the HSP and community.
Dermatoglyphics can be one of the basic research in this area. The purpose of the study was to determine the
features of dermatoglyphics in the patients with coronary heart disease and chronic kidney disease with chronic
renal failure for making differential diagnosis. The object of the study were 25 patients (45-77 y.o.) with chronic
coronary heart disease and 20 patients (42.65 ± 0.71 y.o.) with chronic kidney disease. Investigation and treatment
of the patients was carried out in accordance with the standards. Dermatoglyphic study was conducted by the
method of fingerprinting surfaces phalanges, using paint. Statistical methods of evaluation findings included
parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Results. The prevalence of ulnar loops on fingers of right hand
was typical feature for patients with chronic kidney disease and radial loops on fingers of right hand for patients
with coronary heart disease. The predominance of racemates from ulnar loops scallops on the left and right hands
was a distinctive sign for the patients with chronic kidney disease in compare to the patients with coronary heart
disease. Dissymmetry of scallops in the patients with coronary heart disease was characterized by predominance
of radial loops on fingers of right hand in compare with left; predominance of ulnar loops on fingers of left hand
in compare with right. Thus, quantity of different types of scallops, their dissymmetry or racemates on fingers of
the left and right hands are basis for differential diagnosis between patients with coronary heart disease and chronic
kidney disease.
portion of the population seek their primary medical treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the
perception of Private General Practitioners (GPs) towards managed care and factors influencing those
perceptions. This study participated by 157 GPs work within the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. The
result of the study shows the age factor has an influence to perception score. This difference was significant
proven when the young GPs have higher perception score than their counterparts. This study found no
differences in any of GP’ criteria factors and perception scores. Quality of care was spotted having a positive,
fair correlation with perception score and this relationship is statistically significant. Extended analysis of
multivariate indicated race, GPs’ years of practice, GPs clinic duration and quality of care as predictors succumb
to 20% variance in perception score. Overall, the majority of 102 GPs reported a negative, low perception
towards managed care arrangement which is the consistent with findings of previous studies. Managed care is
yet to be seen, its major effect in the local healthcare industry, though, the trend has been already transparent and
this might due to the exposure from the external influence. Therefore, potential agencies, policy maker, as well
as GPs need to hop in actively to start a measurement and collaboration for better healthcare delivery and
promote healthy communication.
the health services and obtaining the quality health services. Transformation became the important vocabulary
since the last seven years in Indonesia, precisely since the enactment of the Social Security Acts on October
19th, 2004. The transformation will present the new identity in the social security program implementation in
Indonesia. The Acts of Social Security Organizing Board (SSOB) establishes two Social Security Organizing
Boards, namely the Health SSOB and Employment SSOB. The research aimed to identify the implementation of
the National Security Insurance program viewed from the program transformation aspect. This was a qualitative
research. Informants in the research were the Hospital Head, SSOB Head, Health Office, PHC at Mamuju
Regency. Samples were taken by the Purposive Sampling Rational technique namely by selecting the
informants who comprehended the problem clearly, were reliable, were able to be the data resources, were
prepared and were able to express their opinion well and correctly. The research result indicates that the
officials have no idea concerning the regulation of the national health insurance program implementation in
the level of health service providers (HSP), participation administration in the online system in the level of HSP,
they are not ready, the claim payment model has not been comprehended by the officials of HSP. Observing
the transformation setting scope of the social security organizing board regulated in the social security acts and
SSOB acts, the research concludes that the transformation success is dependent on the availability of the
harmonious and consistent implementation regulation, and it is carried out effectively. The research suggests
that the government increases the strong willingness and commitment to perform the transformation at least it is
reflected in the seriousness to accomplish the agendas of the regulation, participation administration, budgeting
and friendly to them. The objective was to determine if the selected clinics provided youth friendly services and
if any barriers existed at these clinics for young people to access health care. A descriptive cross-sectional study
using anonymous questionnaires was conducted amongst young people visiting two primary health care clinics
and one community healthcare centers in the eThekwini Metro of KwaZulu Natal. Of the 152 participants, two
thirds were females, the majority being between 18-24 years. Over 42% (n=64) stated that the waiting periods
were too long (p < 0.05), whilst fifty three respondents (35%) complained of the short consultation times. Forty
two percent felt that the staff was judgmental towards them when they sought reproductive health services,
whilst (15%) felt discriminated against. Twenty one percent felt their privacy was not honored. A third of the
participants stated that no awareness programs / group discussions existed within the clinic to inform them about
HIV/AIDS, STI, though (73%) responded that educational materials on HIV are available. Only (8%) were
treated by a doctor, but (87%) preferred treatment by a doctor, and to be seen by the same person every time they
came to the clinic. A Small percentage of (16%) rated the clinic services as excellent. The study has highlighted
characteristics that contribute to clinics not offering services that are youth friendly.
to have worse outcome. The study aimed to determine relationships between age, income, education, diabetes knowledge,
social support, communication with a doctor, reading health information documents, as well as health literacy and self-care
behavior in patients with diabetes. A sample of 512 diabetes patients aged 18 80 years old were purposively selected
from 13 community hospitals in Samut Songkram province, Thailand. Data were collected by using questionnaires. The
3-level Health Literacy Scale developed by Ishikawa was used to assess health literacy level. Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics and Pearsons correlation. It was revealed that the samples had moderate overall health literacy (X¯ =
2.62, S.D. = 0.50), good diabetes knowledge (X¯ = 7.26, S.D. = 1.76), moderate social support (X¯ = 2.98, S.D. = 0.63)
and moderate self-care behavior ( X¯ = 2.68, S.D. =0.33). It was found that education (r = 0.113, p = 0.010), income (r =
0.183, p = 0.000), diabetes knowledge (r = 0.106, p = 0.023), social support (r = 0.170, p = 0.000), communication with a
doctor (r = 0.094, p = 0.034), reading health information document (r = 0.231, p = 0.000), and health literacy (r = 0.101, p
= 0.023) had significant relationship with self-care behavior, while age did not have significant relationship. The results
encourage health care providers to make more efforts to monitor factors affecting self-care behavior in the Thai diabetic
patient population. They are also useful in guiding the development of appropriate methods to enhance self-care behavior.
clinical experience in fundamental nursing skills practicum in clinical learning on medical ward of the government tertiary
care setting, namely “Phranangkrao hospital” in Nonthaburi Province. After completing the 8 weeks of fundamental
nursing skills practicum (January 4 - February 23, 2016), one group of 14 representatives, the second year nursing
students were carried out. The interview guidelines consisted of 1) patient-nursing student relationship; 2) staff-nursing
student relationship; 3) nursing student-academic clinical teacher commitment; 4) nursing students’ expectations for
basic nursing skills experiences and 5) nursing students’ learning satisfaction. Data were obtained from a student focus
group, respectively. The result found that the nursing students perceived positively in their academic clinical teacher
commitment, clinical practice experience in terms of basic nursing skills and their own learning satisfaction. However,
patient-student relationship and staff-student relationship depended on individuality.
of training and competition. However, this particular cohort struggles with allocating meaningful time towards mental
training programs within the overall training program. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that Smartphone
applications will improve athlete engagement with mental training programs. Forty-six male adults (mean age 24 years)
who play for one professional Australian Rules football team were recruited to participate in this study. Using a between
groups repeated measures design, players were randomized into three groups, participating in one of three applications
over a four-week period: one group completed a mindfulness application (Headspace), second group completed a brain
training application (Cognifit), and the third were controlled and used a neutral application (Soothing Sounds). Players
were assessed pre and post the four-week program on engagement; and measures including sleep (duration and quality),
resilience, flow state, determination, and overall wellbeing were checked. Results showed no differences in groups, or
change in the dependent variables. However, player engagement was markedly reduced in all groups with compliance
falling, compared to initial participation levels, by 43%, 38% and 42% for the mindfulness, brain training and neutral
applications respectively. This study demonstrates that Smartphone applications do not improve compliance with mental
training programs, or significantly improve outcomes, in this professional athlete environment. Practical applications
would include prompting and encouraging athletes to engage in undertaking psychological mental training, as technology
alone is not sufficient to increase uptake.
is also released in response to light in the retina. Chronic use of drugs such as cocaine may cause a depletion of dopamine.
9 patients and 11 controls were included in a study to assess dopamine levels in the retinas and, indirectly, levels in
the reward systems of cocaine users during withdrawal. Electrooculogram readings were done to measure the potential
differences during light and dark adaptation in subjects. The normal 5 mv increase in potential from the cornea to Bruchs
membrane, the innermost layer of the choroid, reaches a trough during the dark and a peak during light. Results obtained
from troughs partialled from peaks in linear regression analyses revealed a trend of decreased light responses in the patient
group compared to controls which did not reach statistical significance.
in increasing health and social support. Sample size of 100 based on random sampling technique was selected from
communities in Dusit, Bangkok, 2014. Data were collected through questionnaire that was developed by the research
team and then approved by three experts. questionaire was developed based on 5-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly
agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. Reliablity coefficient (alpha) was 0.784 that shows that tool is
reliable to gather result. Barthel ADL index for evaluation of ability to engage in a daily routine. out of total sample 68%
were female, 33% ranges in the age group between 60-65%, 55% womens were married and were living with theor spouse,
while 38% womens do not work. Avergae annual income helped by childern found to be less than 10,000 baht. Most of
samples caring them-self, followed by their spouse 26%. Wellbeing of the public had sustained, living for the aging cover
100%, followed by Join and health volunteers in communities 23%. Perception of health, 53% of the samples feel health
was fair. The most common health condition among samples was hypertension 68%, followed by diabetes 55%. Most of
samples 84% are in type 1. Bedside the background of home, bathroom in the home 90.0% and floor of bathroom was
slippery 91.0%. Samples have skills for caring themselves while being sick 48%, and how to keep up healthy lifestyle.
Factors like gender, age and educational background were associated with perception of selfefficacy. Factors like age,
education, health status and marriage status were linked with perceived of socialsupport, in addition, found associated
between to perception of selfefficacy and perceived of socialsupport. The statistical significance was <0.05.
outcomes of the common respiratory problems in pre-school children via their caregivers 2) To study the relation between
the symptom experience, symptoms management, the outcomes with personal and health data.Caregivers caring for three
to six year old pre-school children were recruited by simple random sampling from Tumbol Satengnok. 192 of them were
selected to complete a set of questionnaire and another eight to be informants for semi-structure interviews. Descriptive
statistics were applied for quantitative data analysisfrequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson product
moment was also used to determine the hypotheses. Qualitative data were classified to be categories using content analysis.
The findings showed that the caregivers are general mothers who have experiences in taking care of the children having
common respiratory symptoms. They knew the symptoms by assessing the changes of playing behaviors and physical happiness. The caregivers reported that most problems are caused by some of the childrens over playing activities. Therefore,
they tried to manage the symptoms showed by reducing some of the activities, using traditional herbs, and making more
caressing touch their children. For the outcomes of symptom management, 50 percent could be recovered without seeking
another treatments. Symptom experience, symptom management and the outcomes of pre-school children caregivers
were statistically significant differences, p <0.01. Age was statistically significant difference in Symptom experience
and symptom management, p <0.01, whereas it was no significant difference in age and the outcomes correlation, p <0.05.
cervical cancer care. The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes from the perspective of Thai women of
their experience of reproductive health in cervical cancer care. A qualitative methodology was chosen, and open-ended
interviews were carried out with ten Muslim women. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim;
thereafter, a manifest content analysis was carried out. Three main themes connected to the aim of the study were found:
“Personal construction of health care providers,” “Understanding reproductive health” and “Culturally congruent context
of reproductive health”. The most prominent findings in this study are health care providers adapted to be developing
holistic care intervention consisting of improved nursing care for reproductive health, meaningful relationship care and
social relative of reproductive health. Furthermore, this finding might be possible to be transferred and considered in
Muslim women similar settings. Health care providers should also concern cultural care that is available with her husband
in support of reproductive health care among Thai Muslim women
healthy behavior. Environmental Landfill has a condition that is incompatible with the workplace that meets the highest
standards of comfort for workers. This study uses a descriptive study with qualitative approach descriptive research
methods. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the research subjects who were working on the final
disposal. Data were processed through the collection, reduction, and presentation of data collected and grouped into
several sections according to the type of problem. Results showed that workers waste management has not been based on
a lot of health information; attitudes of extension workers were considered essential to improve the understanding of the
workings of the correct and healthy Department of Sanitation, Parks and Fire Sintang. Practice is not to shower before
work, but with wet hair, always brush your teeth, sometimes using boiled water betel, and change clothes. In conclusion,
most workers do not have enough knowledge, generally accept any policy or activity carried out by the Department of
Sanitation, Parks and Fire. Most are already practicing healthy behavior and have been maintaining health.
is not so involved in interpersonal processes. The health care labour force has characteristics which influence the
organizational culture. One major characteristic is the domination of physicians who are decision makers in terms
of medical care. The workforce in health care organisation, hospital, for example are multidisciplinary, such as
general practitioners, nurses, therapists, pharmacists ,specialists, administrators, finance officers and managers, while in
manufacturing workforce is likely to be homogenous. The goal of health services is not necessarily to gain profit; the
most important is to increase peoples health status, so that quality is more focused on accessibility, affordability, and
appropriateness. However, industry is likely to have homogenous processes and the goal is to gain profit. Therefore,
health services may require special consideration in implementing quality management tools. It may adjust the principle
of TQM/CQI/QA in order to conform to health services characteristics.
of the latent parasite related to a profound immunosupression constitutes a health problem particulary in HIV patients
and other immunocompromised patients. Various clinical features are observed but the most frequent is represented by
neurotoxoplasmosis then pulmonary toxoplasmosis and ocular toxoplasmosis. The laboratory diagnosis is not based on
serology tests because of the limited results in this kind of patients. Serology can help only to predict the reactivation of
infection. The confirmation of diagnosis consists of the demonstration of the parasite in different samples or the detection
of toxoplasma-DNA by polymerase chain reaction PCR.
among kids at school age by participation of parents and caregivers. The samples in this research were 20 parents in
the community of Dusit, Bangkok by purposive sampling. Questionnaire and group discussion were used for collecting
the data. Descriptive statistics used in this research include frequency and percentage. This research found; Most of the
samples were from 21-30-year-old and from 31-35-year-old (30%), 75% were married, 45% were high school graduates,
40% were in trade, 45% had family income from 10,00020,000 bath, 80% of children were at normal growth level. The
program to promote Nutrition among kids at school age developed by sample group was similar in terms of process but
should increase channels to spread awareness; such as database of knowledge and share to learn together within group.