Papers by Intan Suriyanti

JURNAL IMPARTA, Jul 11, 2022
This Article provides an overview of how to overcome the increased stress that occurs in students... more This Article provides an overview of how to overcome the increased stress that occurs in students during a pandemic. This stress occurs due to new habits and new way of learning methods caused by current global conditions due to many restriction. As a person who has Christian faith, Christian students are expected to be able to overcome the stresses of life they experience by approaching God with gratitude for all the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ. So that in any situation, a student as the nation's next generation and is learning various things in this life will actually progress and develop. By communicating with Allah through worship, students are expected to have the right relationship and it is not just a religious ritual, but also a lifestyle that colors hearts, thoughts, words and behavior. So that any condition that will happen in the future, even though under conditions of limitations each student can study hard and diligently even the pressure can strengthen his faith, so that Christian students can come out as winners in facing this pandemic.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted almost all aspect of human life, not just in Indonesia, but th... more The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted almost all aspect of human life, not just in Indonesia, but the entire world. Expecially in Batam, the impact of the pandemic has greatly affected the people of Batam physically, mentally, and financially. It was during the lockdown that the effect was strongly felt. The Pandemic which took place in early 2020 until the end of 2021 (almost 2 years) had hit Batam severely to the point of the local government had to carry out the distribution of basic necessities to people who were in need. It was not just the basic needs, there were many other things that were carried out. The lecturers at the Tabgha Theological Seminary saw this as an opportunity to get involved and surely would not want to pass up this chance. By collaborating with the Indonesia Bethel Church of Tabgha Batam Center (GBI Tabgha Batam Centre), they gather the basic needs and distributed them to the local community who were in need. They collected data to determine who was entitled t...

Ethics and integrity are two things that cannot be separated. People who are know work ethics and... more Ethics and integrity are two things that cannot be separated. People who are know work ethics and do it with all their heart, can be ascertained as a person of integrity. As Christians, the Bible as the word of God and Jesus Christ as an example are the foundation of Christian ethics. In this case, ethics is considered as a means of orientation for human efforts to live and act. For Christians living in Indonesia with its various diversity is challenging, living as the light and the salt is a must to be able to witnessing the truth of God's Word. So that all those who do not know and not interested in knowing Him can be changed into His followers. The truth of God's word can be seen clearly, if someone has and know Christian ethics and live with it. This ethic which refers to the lifestyle of followers of Christ and His Word is the standard for Christian morals and lifestyle. And when they do it honestly and righteously they can be called Christians with Integrity. At the en...

In simple terms, smartphone addiction can be interpreted as a condition where a child is addicted... more In simple terms, smartphone addiction can be interpreted as a condition where a child is addicted or dependent on the excessive use of smartphones. Excessive use of smartphones without proper supervision from parents can have an impact that is not good for children because they will become children who are not optimal, can suffer from health problems, can have decreased brain abilities and other consequences. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method based on quantification in data collection and analysis to test the hypothesis that the researcher has set. The research was conducted at the Indonesian Bethel Church Tabgha Batam Center, which is located in the service area of the Riau Islands Regional Worker's Body, the Indonesian Bethel Church and is domiciled in Batam City, from October 2021 to February 2022. The results of the study prove that (1) Smartphone addiction in children aged four to ten years is in the range of 78.33 - 87.99: moderate to high rat...
Where does education begin? and when is a person appropriate to receive education? Of course, the... more Where does education begin? and when is a person appropriate to receive education? Of course, there are many answers that we can convey. But what we must understand is how important it is to convey special education to children from an early age. In this writing, Tabgha Batam Theological College also volunteered to take part in educating children and providing education related to environmental hygiene. Besides that, by cleaning up our environment as educators, we can also provide knowledge about cleaning waste, namely some that can be directly thrown into the trash, but there is also waste that can still be utilized, which means that there is waste that can still be commercialized and given to scavengers. Thus the educators also teach to love others as well as to clean and also the health of the surrounding environment.

The term collaboration is a form of cooperation carried out between individuals to achie... more The term collaboration is a form of cooperation carried out between individuals to achieve a common goal to get good results and of course in collaborating between individuals there must be involvement with one another, complementing each other, the point is that there is a process of helping each other in it. The existence of competent teachers and parents who are good role models, if placed in the context of collaboration, will make a good contribution and can also bring the expected results. Teachers and parents are learning resources for students who provide education according to their respective duties and vocations. Competent teachers are a must in themselves because their duties are to educate, guide and teach while parents to be role models especially for their children is an obligation in nurturing, caring for and not being an obstacle in the growth and development of their children. The child's growth phase is an important and decisive phase, where...
Papers by Intan Suriyanti