Papers by Intan Putri Cahyani

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), Oct 1, 2023
Mengingat potensi dan pencapaian luar biasa yang dimiliki oleh Desa Nglanggeran, menjalankan pros... more Mengingat potensi dan pencapaian luar biasa yang dimiliki oleh Desa Nglanggeran, menjalankan proses pergantian generasi dalam pengelolaan desa wisata berperan sebagai perihal yang sangatlah berarti. Kemampuan para pemuda desa tersebut sangat urgent dibekali kemampuan pengelolaan Marketing Information System (MkIS). Tujuan pengabdian adalah untuk memberdayakan pemuda desa dalam memanfaatkan teknologi digital guna meningkatkan kesadaran akan optimalisasi Sistem Informasi Pemasaraan. Terdapat 10 orang pemuda desa nglanggeran yang terpilih sebagai mitra dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini sebagai aktor pemuda yang akan mengelola Marketing Information System (MkIS) Pemasaran pariwisata. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian tersebut melibatkan teknologi berbasis Marketing Information System. Selanjutnya, pendekatan yang berfokus pada proses sosialisasi, pelatihan, pendampingan digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengalirkan pengetahuan dan pendidikan kepada masyarakat guna meningkatkan pemberdayaan mereka. Adapun hasil pengabdian hasil pre-test menujukan sebagian besar pemuda desa memiliki kefahaman awal untuk mengelola website dan media digital yaitu 10 % yang memiliki kefahaman baik dan sisanya 30 persen yang cukup memahami dan 60% kurang memahami. Adapun hasil posttest menunjukan adanya kenaikan yang signifikan yaitu menjadi 70 % menjadi lebih baik. Demikian juga terhadap kefahaman pada keterampilan conten creator,Editing foto dan Cerita Bergambar di Media Sosial awalnya hanya 30 % menjadi 50 %.. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian telah memberikan edukasi dan memberikan stimulus kepada pemuda desa sebagai aktor pariwisata keberlanjutan untuk berperan aktif dalam mengelola website, aplikasi android, serta media sosial seperti Twitter, Facebook dan Instagram sebagai media pemasaran pariwisata oleh Desa Nglanggeran.
Komuniti : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Teknologi Informasi
Unlike other social media, the concept of "look at this" on Twitter has implications for a signif... more Unlike other social media, the concept of "look at this" on Twitter has implications for a significant increase in users. The emergence of pseudonymous accounts is proof that Twitter is a comfortable place to interact and build relationships through self-disclosure. Using a pseudonym, the owner of this pseudonymous account is free to surf the world of Twitter as well as express themselves. Involving seven informants who are pseudonymous users of roleplay accounts, fangirling accounts, and cyber

Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Makna
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh tingkat literasi digital terhad... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh tingkat literasi digital terhadap pengelolaan privasi komunikasi remaja dalam peer group pada siswa MA Usb Filial MAN Batam serta mengkaji keterkaitan antara tingkat literasi digital dan pengelolaan privasi komunikasi remaja dalam peer group dengan menggunakan teori manajemen privasi komunikasi (CPM). Metode yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif, dengan jenis penelitian eksplanasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel probability sampling dengan menggunakan proportionate stratified random sampling. Peneliti menggunakan teknik survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 86 responden. Hasil akhir penelitian ini yaitu hubungan antara tingkat literasi digital dan pengelolaan privasi komunikasi terletak pada kategori cukup lemah. Peneliti mendapatkan hasil bahawa tingkat Literasi Digital berpengaruh positif dan berkontribusi sebesar 36,30% terhadap Pengelolaan Privasi Komunikasi. Penelitian ini sejalan dengan teori manajemen privasi komuni...

International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities
Responsible cultural tourism requires a sustainable approach that includes preserving cultural va... more Responsible cultural tourism requires a sustainable approach that includes preserving cultural values while promoting economic and environmental sustainability. This study examines why the Lasem Heritage Foundation chose digital storytelling as a form of sustainable communication for managing cultural tourism and how it aligns with sustainable communication principles. Using a case study approach and qualitative methods, data were collected through interviews, observation, and literature review. Findings indicate that digital storytelling is an effective approach to managing cultural tourism for the Lasem Heritage Foundation, as it provides lasting impact and message amplification. Their Instagram and Website with "Kesengsem Lasem" as tourism branding have helped the foundation communicate and amplify their cultural values to the public and promote sustainable tourism practices to wider audiences. Furthermore, The foundation's use of digital storytelling as a sustainab...

Perkembangan dunia digital membawa perubahan besar dalam aktivitas branding dan signifikan dalam ... more Perkembangan dunia digital membawa perubahan besar dalam aktivitas branding dan signifikan dalam kontribusinya dalam kebangkitan brand lokal. Hadirnya platform digital, khususnya media sosial, mendorong terjadinya pergeseran kekuasaan value production dari perusahaan ke konsumen. Dunia digital dikombinasikan dengan konsumen sebagai value co-creator memunculkan istilah citizen marketers dalam aktivitas viral marketing. Riset tentang viral marketing umumnya berfokus pada strategi yang digunakan, efektivitas ataupun tools yang digunakan, namun riset ini akan mengkaji citizen marketers sebagai komunikator utama sekaligus pesan dalam viral marketing. Oleh karena itu riset ini bertujuan memetakan dan menganalisis peran citizen marketers dalam membangun brand lokal di era digital sebagai implementasi dari Marketing Public Relations. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menganalisis konten platform digital yang beris...
KnE Social Sciences
This study explores the storytelling method used in the corporate social responsibility reporting... more This study explores the storytelling method used in the corporate social responsibility reporting process by PT. Astra International, Tbk. Based on the research results, it can be identified that a number of storytelling formats, including photos and images, video clips, messages, and cameo case studies, used by companies offer some reflection on their approach to storytelling. While stories used by select retailers often have a strong human impact and can evoke emotion, the authors argue that stories can impact human emotion. Keywords: CSR, storytelling

International Journal of Social Service and Research
The relationship between social media and individuals is complex. Like how humans flock to form a... more The relationship between social media and individuals is complex. Like how humans flock to form an 'instagramable' culture on Instagram. The author examines this complexity using the lens of Jean Baudrillard in writings on simulation and simulacra. Baudrillard's main argument is that nothing in our culture is "real" in any sense. "Simulacrum", consider as something that is real, which is a depiction or copy of something that does not exist. Instagram is a social media that makes humans addicted to signs and symbols through "instagramable" photos and videos. This research provides knowledge about the potential reality of reality from polished photos or videos uploaded to Instagram. This study uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and uses dramaturgy theory (front and backstage) to reveal the reality and falsehood of "instagramable" images. This study analyzes using four stages, namely reflection of the deep real...

Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, dan Seni
ABSTRAKInstagram bukan sekedar media pertukaran pesan melalui foto atau gambar. Instagram memilik... more ABSTRAKInstagram bukan sekedar media pertukaran pesan melalui foto atau gambar. Instagram memiliki peran penting sebagai media pengungkap identitas budaya individu dalan ruang virtual. Influencer sebagai pengguna aktif Instagram dengan banyak pengikut mengalami proses ini, karena realitas diri yang nyata terpisah dalam ruang virtual yang kemudian membentuk idenitas budaya baru. Konsep komunikasi antar budaya dan media baru digunakan sebagai perspektif dalam proses menganalisa temuan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan metode netnografi dengan mengobservasi unggahan foto lima influencer instagram populer Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini terungkap realitas bahwa terdapat tiga identitas budaya virtual yang dikonstruksi oleh para influencer antara lain a) kelas sosial ekonomi, (b) agama dan (c) keluarga. Rekomendasi bagi peneliti yang tertarik tentang studi identitas budaya virtual yaitu dapat memperkaya kedalaman d...

Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Makna, 2020
ABSTRAK Pengelolaan informasi publik yang aktif dan responsif menjadi indikator utama dalam perwu... more ABSTRAK Pengelolaan informasi publik yang aktif dan responsif menjadi indikator utama dalam perwujudan good governance yang terkait tata kelola komunikasi. Di era digital, media sosial menduduki posisi teratas menjadi layanan yang paling banyak diakses melalui internet sehingga dimanfaatkan oleh Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia sebagai PR tools yang bisa dijangkau oleh berbagai stakeholder. Praktik Public Relations telah mengalami perubahan fundamental di era disrupsi sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti tentang tren pengelolaan kehumasan perguruan tinggi saat ini berupa digital storytelling dan social media listening. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan netnografi dan memanfaatkan analytical tools yaitu Keyhole dan Social Blade. Objek penelitian difokuskan pada pengelolaan media sosial Perguruan Tinggi yang pernah mendapatkan penghargaan Anugerah Humas di kategori media sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktisi PR Perguruan Tinggi harus me...

Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a real impact on people's consumption patterns of social media ... more The COVID-19 pandemic has had a real impact on people's consumption patterns of social media which has increased by up to 40%. On the other hand, the use of social media leaves a digital footprint that cannot be erased. The students' parents of PAUD Soka Indah are the millennial generation who are very connected to their gadgets. Another problem is the lack of knowledge about the dangers of digital footprints as part of uncontrolled online activities and ignorance about the importance of managing digital privacy. Through the Information Communication and Education (IEC) Program, with the central theme of Wise social media, the team focused on the importance of being aware of digital footprints and how to ideally manage communication privacy in cyberspace. This Program uses the Participatory Rural Appraisal Model and aims to build awareness and understanding of being aware of digital footprints and the importance of managing privacy on social media. Previously, most participa...

Pariwisata rentan terhadap bencana seperti yang dialami oleh Provinsi Banten. Baru saja berusaha... more Pariwisata rentan terhadap bencana seperti yang dialami oleh Provinsi Banten. Baru saja berusaha pulih dari bencana tsunami dan gempa bumi, kini mereka dihadapkan dengan pandemic covid-19. Pariwisata pasca bencana membuat orang mengalami perubahan perilaku konsumsi mereka. Riset ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan experiential marketing dalam pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan pascabencana di Provinsi Banten. Berangkat dari metode studi kasus, data dalam Studi deskriptif kualitatif ini diperoleh melalui monitoring platform digital, FGD virtual dan data sekunder berupa webinar dan berita tentang kepariwisataan. Saat ini konsumen potensial pariwisata didominasi oleh genereasi milenial yang cenderung untuk membagikan pengalamannya melalui media sosial. Virtual Tourism melalui unggahan di media sosial menjadi pilihan terbaik saat ini sebagai bentuk dream building dan membantu menjaga minat berwisata. Exciting Banten sebagai branding pariwisata sangat berkaitan erat dengan Feel experienc...

Cendekia : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
yang sedang booming dan disukai oleh berbagai kalangan karena memungkinkan penggunanya untuk dapa... more yang sedang booming dan disukai oleh berbagai kalangan karena memungkinkan penggunanya untuk dapat membuat video pendek dengan suara dan menyisipkan lagu yang dapat dipilih secara bebas. Menariknya, TikTok juga memiliki beragam fitur yang membuat pengguna tidak bosan dengan aktivitas media sosial. Misalnya saja fitur challenge dan berbagai jenis musik terbaru yang sedang hits. Namun di Indonesia, kesan pertama terhadap TikTok tidak terlalu bagus. Pasalnya, banyak konten yang dianggap konyol dan tidak menganut budaya ketimuran. Padahal jika digunakan secara bijak maka pemanfaat media sosial TikTok ini dapat dijadikan media pembelajaran yang menyenangkan bagi anak-anak terutama murid di SDIT Attasyakur, Depok. Permasalahan mitra yang didapatkan di lapangan yaitu belum dimanfaatkan penggunaan media sosial secara efektif dan efisien dalam pembelajaran terutama pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). Diharapkan kegiatan serupa dapat dilakukan secara perkesinambungan dalam rangka menemukan media p...

Transferring the status from a private university to a state university makes the Universitas Pem... more Transferring the status from a private university to a state university makes the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta has more responsibility in the management and governance of communication. Therefore available social media as PR tools that can be reached by all stakeholders is significant. As an institution engaged in education, UPN Veteran Jakarta is active in using social media and has even made achievements. In PR activities of UPN Veteran Jakarta as the new state university through social media, the form of communication is carried out in the form of the use of stories or narratives combined with various elements or known as digital storytelling. Therefore, researchers are interested in researching digital storytelling through social media at UPN Veteran Jakarta as a university that is experiencing a status change. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive using the case study method. The object of research is focused on digital storytelling on the activ...

Jurnal Pustaka Komunikasi
The arrangement of the Komodo National Park which will turn this national park into a premium tou... more The arrangement of the Komodo National Park which will turn this national park into a premium tourist destination has caused controversy between the people who disagree with the arrangement and the government. The existing arrangement is feared to disturb the habitat and the original ecosystem of the Komodo dragon and will complicate conservation activities. This controversy has increasingly attracted public attention with the appearance of photos of Komodo blocking trucks that go viral on social media. The mass media in this case also reported on this. This research was conducted to prove the alignment of the news on the arrangement of the Komodo National Park on and Which is carried out using the critical discourse analysis method on news texts in both media. This study uses a qualitative approach so that it can see more deeply the meaning behind the discourse. The research proves that the media tend to choose one party in constructing an event. Tribunnew...

Indonesian Journal of Society Engagement
Various environmental problems that have occurred lately are more or less caused by the problem o... more Various environmental problems that have occurred lately are more or less caused by the problem of garbage and waste from various activities of living things, especially humans. Therefore, good waste management is one of the solutions to current environmental problems. One of the main problems faced by partners is plastic waste management. Based on a preliminary field study conducted by the team, it was found that until now there had been no waste management activities carried out by the residents of Baros Village, both plastic waste management related to waste banks and plastic waste sorting. In this regard, one of the innovative solutions for plastic waste management is to apply the circular economy principle by sorting plastic waste and then managing and developing it to create a circular economy, which is recycling plastic waste into a product of economic value, so that can help people's economic life. In this case, through a circular economy approach, karang taruna gets soc...
Jurnal Komunika: Jurnal Komunikasi, Media dan Informatika

Jurnal Penelitian Pers dan Komunikasi Pembangunan
Cloud-computing technology present as an impact of the changing cultural environment and competit... more Cloud-computing technology present as an impact of the changing cultural environment and competitive ecosystem of Higher Education in the world, including Indonesia. Cloud computing is actually a combination use of computer technology ("computing") and the development of Internet-based ('cloud'). Higher education is considered ideal for the diffusion of innovation because they have a core that can encourage innovation and there are frequently changes in faculty or department’s level, pedagogical and technological. This study pointed out a uniqueness where lecturers (digital immigrant) and students (digital native) could collaborate in realtime by adopting cloud-computing technology, namely Google's Google Apps for Education (GAFE), in the learning system. Diffusion-innovation theory of Rogers will be in depth elaborated to explain the process of adoption of new kind of communication technologies which is currently becoming trendsetter. This type of study is qua...

Expose: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
The emergence of the internet and social media has changed the ease of interaction and the positi... more The emergence of the internet and social media has changed the ease of interaction and the position of humans where they are no longer just as consumers, but as well as producers and distributors of messages. Whatsapp as the top three social media platforms that are widely used in Indonesia is one of the most common social media circulating information on hoaxes and hate speeches. With the massive information circulating on social media, digital literacy in new media has a very significant role. Lecturers as professional and well-educated people should be able to understand, analyze, assess, and criticize every information carried by social media. But lately there have been various cases of misuse of social media involving lecturers to the realm of law. This will be a threat because lecturers are professions that are used as role models and key opinion leaders in the society. Therefore, researchers are interested in understanding the experience of digital literacy of lecturers as Wh...

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
The Provision of Green Open Spaces (GOS) as a playground for children as well as introducing envi... more The Provision of Green Open Spaces (GOS) as a playground for children as well as introducing environmental awareness is a concern in various regions. GOS is a facility from the local government to fulfil children’s rights in terms of growing and developing in a healthy and safe environment, especially for Brebes, which has declared themselves to be a Child-Friendly Region. Nevertheless, currently, Brebes only has 12 GOSs, which is around 15 per cent of its total area. It hampered by the contradictions between the standard requirements for GOS development and the alteration of land functions due to urbanisation in addition to the lack of community involvement in spatial planning between 2012 and 2017. The purpose of this study is to examine the optimisation of GOS in Brebes Regency from the perspective of environmental communication towards the positioning of Brebes as a child-friendly city; this research is a qualitative descriptive study using ethnographic methods and an environmen...
Papers by Intan Putri Cahyani