Papers by Innocent Ogwude
Maritime Policy & Management, 2007
The object of this paper is to identify and assess the key determinants of port service quality a... more The object of this paper is to identify and assess the key determinants of port service quality and to determine the quality of service offered by two ports in Nigeria using SERVQUAL model and a Customer Satisfaction Index to measure port users' level of satisfaction at these ports. ...

Journal of sustainable development of transport and logistics, May 27, 2024
Transportation carriers can achieve significant profit or cost savings if they collaborate rather... more Transportation carriers can achieve significant profit or cost savings if they collaborate rather than engage in wasteful competition among themselves. However, the challenge in cooperative game theory is finding the optimal cost allocation methods to support pecuniary expectations of coalition members. In this paper, we determine cost allocation model that supports horizontal collaboration among transportation carriers involved in downstream distribution of packaged cement from shipper's processing plant to customer locations in selected states in Nigeria. The study focuses on the relationship between the shipper and haulage carriers that service the transport needs of its geographically distributed customers. A cost allocation mechanism based on game theory is proposed to implement win-win collaboration among the carriers. We applied a Shapley value cost allocation model to fairly distribute the cost savings from operation of five grand coalitions (S) formed by the carriers. The Shapely values were then optimized with mixed integer programming model to realize optimal cost savings from the coalition. The result revealed that the coalitions: S3 (N165,173,700.00) and S4 (N27,200,960.00) contributed significantly to the optimal savings apart from their initial contributions. The path that corresponds to S3 (X3) is the Article history:
Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management, 2013
The objective of this study was to determine the optimal allocation of shipments (least cost) of ... more The objective of this study was to determine the optimal allocation of shipments (least cost) of two manufactured products between depots and places of consumption. In this study, the least-cost method was used in solving the transportation algorithm using Tora 2.0 version software. The study was necessary because of the high operating costs associated with physical distribution when deliveries are not properly planned and considered with reference to alternative strategies. In contrast, significant savings can be achieved by using techniques available for determining the cheapest methods of transporting goods from several origins to several destinations. Cost minimisation is a very useful approach to the solution of transportation problems.
Journal of Research in National Development, 2011

Rivista Internazionale de Economia dei Trasporti, 1990
Much of the earlier Nigerian freight transportation studies centred around the question of interm... more Much of the earlier Nigerian freight transportation studies centred around the question of intermodal allocations mainly in response to the steady loss of railway's aggregate shares of the freight market which dropped from 86.4% in 1955/56 to 41.2% in 1966/67 and 5.3% in 1976/77. The studies overlooked the importance of modal service qualities in the modal allocations resulting from the transport choice made by individual shippers. The object of this study is to attempt a quantification of the factors which influence the choice of freight transportation modes in Nigeria. For the purpose, the choice of modes by manufacturing industries has been studied on the assumption that industries are the major users of freight transportation service while the manufacturing industries themselves constitute over 93% of the industrial establishments in Nigeria. The data used in the analysis were derived from the results of a shipper's survey conducted by the author in 1984, since the data ...
Journal of Research in National Development, 2012
This paper argues that influencing driver behavior is a major strategy for improving safe road us... more This paper argues that influencing driver behavior is a major strategy for improving safe road usage in Nigeria. It uses the findings of a recent study conducted by the author to show the facets of driver behavior which contribute to incidence of road crashes and should therefore be controlled. As these factors derive from the impact of impulsiveness, anger and aggression of drivers, the study recommends the use of anger management therapy and transport education to influence behavior and to encourage appropriate skills for taking risks in traffic situations. Keywords : Driver behavior, anger management, transport education

This paper evaluates the management of urban transportation infrastructure in Nigeria. It does so... more This paper evaluates the management of urban transportation infrastructure in Nigeria. It does so by defining transport infrastructure to include both the locative and distributional role of transport. The argument is general because transportation is similar in most cities, except in Lagos and Abuja with greater coordination and control. Nigeria’s urban transportation is driven by the private sector, and should be regulated, but it is not. There is confusion in its management partly because the sector is in the jurisdiction of state and local government thereby constraining full federal intervention, as all tiers of government perform different functions in the sector. Excessive traffic demand is choking most cities even when car ownership is moderate due to poor city structure and narrow roads. Further increased traffic demand is expected in over 23 cities by the year 2030. Reforms are therefore needed to introduce economic regulation, corporatize public transportation, and adopt ...

Journal of Research in National Development, 2008
The study presents railway restructuring as a solution option to railway problems in Nigeria. It ... more The study presents railway restructuring as a solution option to railway problems in Nigeria. It aims at ascertaining the efficiency of the critical input factors of Nigerian Railway corporation (NRC) while comparing it with that of the restructured developed and best practices railways to establish the basis for restructuring. A manpower survey was carried out. Benchmarking method was used to determine the best restructuring model for Nigeria. Descriptive statistical tools and simulation model were also used in carrying out the analysis. In this respect, we identified low investment, low technological capacity and capability, low productivity unreliable services, High operating ratios, weak administration, obsolete equipment and technology, low motivation and large labour force as the most severe problems to overcome. Against this background, the implication of railway restructuring in Nigeria for development was examined. The simulation results show that the restructured railways in Nigeria would save time, increase the number of traffic and increase revenue generation. The study concluded that there is a wide gap between NRC and the best practices and restructured railways as a result of the observed inefficiencies in all the critical input factors. We recommend among others the adoption of the concessional model, the repeal of the 1995 railway acts as amended to make the railway market in Nigeria contestable and viable. JORIND Vol. 3 (2) 2005: pp. 42-51

Rivista Internazionale de Economia dei Trasporti, 1993
This study was an attempt to estimate the value of transit time in industrial freight transportat... more This study was an attempt to estimate the value of transit time in industrial freight transportation in Nigeria. It relates the values of transit time directly to two groups of industrial freight using economic arguments. For this purpose, the value of transit time was calculated as the ratio of freight charges and the transport service measure represented as transit time, standard deviation of transit time and reliability of delivery times. The approach enabled the interpretation of the values associated with industrial freight transit time as representing an interest rate inclusive of storage cost while the other values based on standard deviations of transit time represent the shipping firm's valuations of transport service over the entire duration of shipments. The results suggest that the value of transit time and the standard deviation of transit time varies substantially between the two groups of industrial freight, with the revealed values being, in general, higher for c...

Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2020
The need to mitigate downtime in marine vessels arising from propulsion system failures has led s... more The need to mitigate downtime in marine vessels arising from propulsion system failures has led ship operating companies to devote enormous resources for research based solutions. This paper applied duration models to determine failure probabilities of shaft and gearbox systems in service boats. Using dockyard's event history data on boat repairs and maintenance, we applied Kaplan Meier hazard and survival curves to analyse probability of failure of shaft and gearbox systems in supply, crew and tug boats. We found that average time to shaft and gearbox failure was 8.33, 5.23 and 5.21 months for tug, supply and crew boats respectively. The hazard plots however, showed that supply boats had higher probability of failure than crew boats and then tug boats in that order. Further analysis using Cox regression model showed that the boats' shaft and gearbox system failures were significantly affected by level of lubrication oil, stress corrosion cracking and impacts on the propulsion system's components. The paper proposes that design of maintenance schedules for service boats should take the following into consideration: 1) estimated survival limits or failure times of propulsion system's shaft and gearboxes, 2) significant risk factors that affect failure mode of the propulsion system components.

This paper analyses productive efficiency of Nigerian airports to determine which of these airpor... more This paper analyses productive efficiency of Nigerian airports to determine which of these airports are operating efficiently and they will be ranked using their performance outcomes between 2005 – 2015 as the bases for this ranking , a panel data sourced from the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) is used for the analysis. Efficiency frontier was then calculated to determine movements of passenger, cargo and aircraft, using a parametric model known as Stochastic Frontier (SF). Results revealed that among the four airports assessed in this study, Muritala Mohammed International Airport was the most efficient, with a score of 71%. In second position, was Malam Aminu Kano International Airport with an efficiency score of 63%.While, Namndi Azikiwe International Airport scored 60% at third position. In fourth position is the Port Harcourt International Airport with the score of 59%. Thus, only one airport “PHC DOM” was operating at the efficient level throughout the year 2007. ...
This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

The quantitative estimates from this study are concerned with the activities associated with the ... more The quantitative estimates from this study are concerned with the activities associated with the operations of Nigerian river ports as well as the costs and the benefits derived to users of these ports. A structural equation model(SEM) of the river port operations is derived and estimated by the application of LISREL software to generate reduced form of equations and parameter estimates given as: Y5 = 1.183X1 – 1.390X2 +0.597X3. The results of the SEM technique shows that the demand for port services is significantly related to vessel supplies cost. It is proven that IWT will conveniently divert traffic from the congested corridors of road transport and that the river ports will yield significant benefits to the economic growth of Nigeria, which is revealed in the comparative scenario analysis that quantified the ratio of the magnitude of economic activities at the sea ports to the river terminals considering key similar variables- ware house operations, gang operations and ship tur...

This study attempts to model the cost of port operations in Nigeria. The quantitative estimates a... more This study attempts to model the cost of port operations in Nigeria. The quantitative estimates are concerned with the activities associated with the operations of Nigerian seaports and especially river ports, the costs and the benefits derived to users of these ports. More so, a structural equation model(SEM) of the river port operations is derived and estimated by the application of LISREL software to generate reduced form of equations and parameter estimates of the form: Y1 = -0.307X1 -0.403X2 – 0.496X3, Y2 = -0.507X2– 0.443X3, Y3 = -0.640X2 – 0.301X3 and Y5 = 1.183X1 - 1.390X2 + 0.597X3. The results of the SEM technique shows that available time for port operations is significant to handling cost, ship turnaround time and warehouse time. It further reveals that the demand for port services is significantly related to vessel supplies cost. It is proven that the SEM met the order and rank conditions and as such is structurally unique. Hence, Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) will c...

Existing studies show that effort made so far in curtailing marine pollution in ports of developi... more Existing studies show that effort made so far in curtailing marine pollution in ports of developing economies is marred by lack of administrative controls and inadequate provision of waste reception facilities at the ports. In this paper, sources of marine pollution and effects of particularly ship-based pollutants on marine environment were examined. The institutional arrangement for addressing marine pollution from ships visiting Nigeria ports is evaluated within the context of Marine Pollution (MARPOL) convention provisions and the obligations of coastal, flag states and port state control in ensuring compliance. It was found that in Nigeria ports, ship-generated waste control services and provision of waste reception facilities are outsourced to a private company with no requirement for activity audit. Apart from the Nigeria Port Authority (NPA), other government agencies are also involved in pollution monitoring and control. Given this scenario, it is envisaged that functions c...

Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering
This study investigates the quality of service provided for air travel in Nigeria and the level o... more This study investigates the quality of service provided for air travel in Nigeria and the level of satisfaction of passengers with the service encountered. It does so by focusing on both the airports and the airlines as service providers. In that way, the study captures much of the effects of the organizational culture, employee behavior, and general norms which influence passenger attitudes. The SERVQUAL model was used in measuring the five dimensions of service. Domestic travel only was studied, with data obtained from well-structured questionnaires to evaluate perception-expectation gaps in airports as well as in airlines. The overall gap score of the Nigerian airports shows an average airport quality of service with a value of 21.8179. This reveals that the perceived service quality is less than passengers' expectations in Nigerian airport service operations. In the same vein, the gap score of the Nigerian airlines shows an average airline quality-of-service gap with a value of 21.32, which is generally low. This means that the passengers or customers of the airlines during the response period were expecting more service quality from the airlines in the country. The level of service at Nigerian airports needs to be improved so as to encourage passengers to use the airports and as well reduce many queues at baggage collection areas. The air travel industry is currently challenged in a recessed economy resulting in lower service standards, lower patronage, increased missed trips, flight cancellations, passenger complaints, and faltering loyalty. The findings of the study will, therefore, be useful to the managers of airports and airlines, the economic regulator of the aviation industry, and other stakeholders.

International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Technology, 2017
The performance of Nigeria insurance industry has been ranked below global standards and which ra... more The performance of Nigeria insurance industry has been ranked below global standards and which ranking has implications on risk management in the maritime shipping sector. In this paper, the performance and operating environment of a sample of insurance firms (with marine risk portfolios) were empirically examined. Secondary data on earned premium income, indemnity paid, management expenses and total expenses representing performance indices of these firms over a period from 1974-2013 were collected for analysis of their operational performance. Qualitative data were also extracted from existing literature for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis to determine the attributes of operating environment of the insurance firms. An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) model tests on the performance indices showed that the insurance firms earned more premium than indemnity paid out during the study period. Their management expenses however, exceeded amount of indemnity paid. In terms of challenges facing the firms, the SWOT analysis revealed prevalence of poor quality service delivery to insurance customers, customer distrust, inadequate technical manpower and unfavourable macroeconomic environment. Prospects for growth of the industry were found favourable due to introduction of local content policy/cabotage shipping Acts and upgraded risk management framework. The paper recommends that more specific policy interventions be directed at complete removal of impediments in the operating environment of marine insurance firms since their performance outcome has implications on viability of shipping and related maritime businesses.
Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering
This paper reports on the use of a novel two-stage approach for assessing the efficiency of 30 ma... more This paper reports on the use of a novel two-stage approach for assessing the efficiency of 30 major Nigerian airports from 2003 to 2013 based on bootstrapped data envelopment analysis (DEA) and censored quantile regression. In the first stage, bootstrapped efficiency estimates are computed. They enable bias correction and testing for significant differences in efficiency levels among airports. Subsequently, bootstrapped DEA results are combined with censored quantile regression to assess the impact of contextual variables-related to the airports' ownership, location, and network connectivity-on different efficiency percentiles. The results reveal that the intensity of significant impacts regarding airports' contextual variables may vary between high-/low-efficiency airports. Policy implications are derived accordingly.
Papers by Innocent Ogwude