Papers by Ingrid Leversen
Rapporten beskriver data fra prosjektet "Helsevaner blant skoleelever-En WHO-undersøkelse i flere... more Rapporten beskriver data fra prosjektet "Helsevaner blant skoleelever-En WHO-undersøkelse i flere land"(HEVAS). Prosjektet ble startet i 1982 av forskere fra England, Finland og Norge. Etter kort tid ble prosjektet etablert som et samarbeidsprosjekt knyttet til Europakontoret til Verdens Helseorganisasjon (WHO). Prosjektet har spredt seg til stadig nye land. I skrivende stund deltar 43 land i studien. I Norge har vi i løpet av de 30 årene som er gått, gjennomført åtte spørreskjemaundersøkelser i grunnskolen, og fem undersøkelser på grunnkurs i videregående skole.

Child development research, Jun 26, 2012
This study explored the extent to which adolescents' motives for leisure activity participation a... more This study explored the extent to which adolescents' motives for leisure activity participation are related to their perceptions of competence and relatedness in different kinds of activities and aimed to provide new insight into boys' and girls' leisure experiences and their motivational orientations for activity participation. These proposed associations were based on previous empirical work and the theoretical frameworks of motive disposition approach and were tested in a nationally representative sample of Norwegian adolescents (N = 3273) aged 15 and 16 years (51.8% boys) from the World Health Organization's crosssectional survey, Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children 2005/06. The findings in the current study supported the hypothesis regarding matched correlations between specific motives and specific outcomes in that the adolescents seem to get (perceived competence and relatedness) what they want (competence and social motives) within leisure activities. Furthermore, the analysis using structural equation modeling indicated different motivational orientations in types of leisure activity participation between girls and boys, although the mediating effects of leisure activity participation in different types of activities were not significant.

International journal of child, youth and family studies, Sep 21, 2012
The present paper explores gendered behavior based on participation patterns of leisure activitie... more The present paper explores gendered behavior based on participation patterns of leisure activities among adolescents across socioeconomic status (SES) groups, aiming to increase knowledge and understanding of how gender socialization processes are expressed through boys' and girls' participation in leisure activities. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate whether such gendered behavior is associated with general levels of participation, and if there may be differences between low, middle, and high SES groups. The study used Norwegian nationally representative data of 15-and 16-year-olds from the World Health Organization's cross-sectional survey, Health Behaviour in School-aged Children 2005/06 (n = 3,273). Logistic regression analysis and propensity scores showed that adolescent boys and girls had clear gendered behavior patterns based on leisure activity participation in 27 different activities, and that boys and girls had about equal distributions on what was classified as typical ("boyish" or "girlish"), atypical, and neutral gender behavior. Furthermore, gendered behavior was correlated with higher levels of participation for both sexes, and it was more or less similar for boys and girls and for different socioeconomic status groups. However, when investigating differences in distributions between SES groups, high SES girls were found to have a significantly higher prevalence of both "boyish" and "girlish" activity behavior, but less "gender-neutral" compared with girls in medium and low SES groups. There were no such differences for boys.

BMC Public Health, Mar 4, 2015
Background: The assessment of real-life, community-based interventions to tackle obesity is an im... more Background: The assessment of real-life, community-based interventions to tackle obesity is an important step in the development of effective policies. Especially multi-level interventions have a high likely effectiveness and potential reach in counteracting the obesity epidemic. Although much can be learned from these initiatives, performing an evaluation of such interventions is challenging. The aim of the current article is to provide a descriptive overview of the data collection process and general results of an assessment of ongoing multi-level obesity prevention community interventions for adults in Europe, and the lessons learned from this effort. Methods: The data collection was divided into two main phases: a) finding the ongoing obesity prevention interventions by contacting key informants in each of the European Union countries and the European Economic Area, and searching existing databases; and b) collecting detailed information (including the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance (RE-AIM)) of the selected interventions using questionnaires for informants in each of the interventions. Results: A total of 78 interventions from 24 European countries were included in the final sample. The number of identified interventions varied greatly per country. The interventions covered various implementation levels (national, regional or local) and determinants (physical, sociocultural, economic, political), mostly addressing both nutrition and physical activity behaviours. Conclusions: We found that many multi-level obesity prevention interventions among adults are currently active in Europe, although we found relatively few in Southern and Eastern Europe. Identifying interventions and obtaining detailed information proved to be a difficult, time consuming and painstaking process. We discuss some of the reasons why this might be the case and present recommendations based on our experiences. We suggest that future research uses a step-wise approach, keeping participant burden to a minimum. The use of personalised and tailored strategies is recommended, led by researchers who exercise flexibility, tact and patience during the data collection process.

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Nov 15, 2013
Norway has an extensive welfare system which may provide adolescents with many options and high l... more Norway has an extensive welfare system which may provide adolescents with many options and high levels of flexibility in terms of pathways to adulthood. This study aimed to describe Norwegian developmental pathways to adulthood, including changes in role statuses (such as living situations, education, work, marriage/cohabitation and parenthood) from 16 to 30 years of age, and their precursors and outcomes. Repeated measures latent class analysis of longitudinal data from 998 Norwegian individuals indicated three main pathways to adulthood among women and men. In both sexes, most individuals undertook a long period of education and postponed family formation. However, some individuals started working early, a group of women established families with partners and children early, and a group of men remained primarily single between 16 and 30 years of age. Furthermore, the results show that pathways to adulthood in Norway are surprisingly similar to pathways in other countries such as the US, UK and Finland. The results indicate that pathways to adulthood are influenced by social reproduction factors in a country with high levels of welfare benefits as well. In addition, the results suggest that pathways involving living with a partner and either higher education or work are associated with high life satisfaction at age 30.
Norsk epidemiologi =, Oct 9, 2009

Copyright © 2012 Ingrid Leversen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Crea... more Copyright © 2012 Ingrid Leversen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This study explored the extent to which adolescents ’ motives for leisure activity participation are related to their perceptions of competence and relatedness in different kinds of activities and aimed to provide new insight into boys ’ and girls ’ leisure experiences and their motivational orientations for activity participation. These proposed associations were based on previous empirical work and the theoretical frameworks of motive disposition approach and were tested in a nationally representative sample of Norwegian adolescents (N = 3273) aged 15 and 16 years (51.8 % boys) from the World Health Organization’s cross-sectional survey, Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children 2005/06. The findings in the current study supported ...

Participation in leisure activities is an important arena for the positive psychological developm... more Participation in leisure activities is an important arena for the positive psychological development of ado-lescents. The present study set out to examine the relation-ship between adolescents ’ satisfaction of the psychological needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy in their participation in leisure activities and their perceived life satisfaction. The aim was to identify the extent to which satisfaction of the three needs explained the relationship between participation in leisure activities and life satisfac-tion. These proposed mechanisms were based on previous empirical work and the theoretical frameworks of self-determination theory, and were tested in a nationally rep-resentative sample of Norwegian adolescents (N = 3,273) aged 15 and 16 years (51.8 % boys). The structural equation analysis showed that competence and relatedness satisfac-tion fully mediated the association between participation in activities and life satisfaction. Autonomy satisfaction had a direct p...

Norsk Epidemiologi, 2009
Studier har påvist sosioøkonomiske forskjeller i ungdoms helse. I følge atferdsforklaringer på ul... more Studier har påvist sosioøkonomiske forskjeller i ungdoms helse. I følge atferdsforklaringer på ulikhet har ungdom fra familier med lav sosioøkonomisk status dårligere helse som et resultat av at de har et høyere nivå av risikoatferd og et lavere nivå av beskyttende atferd. Det empiriske grunnlaget for en slik forklaring er imidlertid svakt. Målet med studien var å undersøke rollen helseatferd kan ha for sosioøkonomiske forskjeller i ungdoms helse. Studien bygger på data fra den norske delen av ”Helsevaner blant skoleelever 2005/06”. Et utvalg av 6447 skoleelever i aldersgruppen 11 til 16 år besvarte spørreskjemaer. Sosioøkonomisk status ble målt med en indeks for foreldrenes status bestående av foreldrenes yrke, familiens velstand og antall bøker i hjemmet. Helseatferd ble målt ved epidemiologiske indikatorer for kosthold, fysisk aktivitet, stillesittende aktivitet/ser mye på tv, røyking og alkoholbruk. Ordinal logistisk regresjonsanalyse viste at ungdom med lav status hadde høyere ...
Rapporten beskriver data fra prosjektet "Helsevaner blant skoleelever-En WHO-undersøkelse i flere... more Rapporten beskriver data fra prosjektet "Helsevaner blant skoleelever-En WHO-undersøkelse i flere land"(HEVAS). Prosjektet ble startet i 1982 av forskere fra England, Finland og Norge. Etter kort tid ble prosjektet etablert som et samarbeidsprosjekt knyttet til Europakontoret til Verdens Helseorganisasjon (WHO). Prosjektet har spredt seg til stadig nye land. I skrivende stund deltar 43 land i studien. I Norge har vi i løpet av de 30 årene som er gått, gjennomført åtte spørreskjemaundersøkelser i grunnskolen, og fem undersøkelser på grunnkurs i videregående skole.

Norway has an extensive welfare system which may provide adolescents with many options and high l... more Norway has an extensive welfare system which may provide adolescents with many options and high levels of flexibility in terms of pathways to adulthood. This study aimed to describe Norwegian developmental pathways to adulthood, including changes in role statuses (such as living situations, education, work, marriage/cohabitation and parenthood) from 16 to 30 years of age, and their precursors and outcomes. Repeated measures latent class analysis of longitudinal data from 998 Norwegian individuals indicated three main pathways to adulthood among women and men. In both sexes, most individuals undertook a long period of education and postponed family formation. However, some individuals started working early, a group of women established families with partners and children early, and a group of men remained primarily single between 16 and 30 years of age. Furthermore, the results show that pathways to adulthood in Norway are surprisingly similar to pathways in other countries such as the US, UK and Finland. The results indicate that pathways to adulthood are influenced by social reproduction factors in a country with high levels of welfare benefits as well. In addition, the results suggest that pathways involving living with a partner and either higher education or work are associated with high life satisfaction at age 30.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2012

Abstract: The present paper explores gendered behavior based on participation patterns of leisure... more Abstract: The present paper explores gendered behavior based on participation patterns of leisure activities among adolescents across socio-economic status (SES) groups, aiming to increase knowledge and understanding of how gender socialization processes are expressed through boys ’ and girls ’ participation in leisure activities. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate whether such gendered behavior is associated with general levels of participation, and if there may be differences between low, middle, and high SES groups. The study used Norwegian nationally representative data of 15- and 16-year-olds from the World Health Organization's cross-sectional survey, Health Behaviour in School-aged Children 2005/06 (n = 3,273). Logistic regression analysis and propensity scores showed that adolescent boys and girls had clear gendered behavior patterns based on leisure activity participation in 27 different activities, and that boys and girls had about equal distributions on what was ...
Vi vil med dette takke elever og skoler som har deltatt i spørreskjema-undersøkelsene i studien &... more Vi vil med dette takke elever og skoler som har deltatt i spørreskjema-undersøkelsene i studien "Helsevaner blant skoleelever. En WHO-undersøkelse i flere land" siden 1983. Vårt ønskemål er at denne rapporten kan utgjøre et viktig bidrag i arbeidet med å fremme barn og unges ...

Child Development Research, 2012
This study explored the extent to which adolescents' motives for leisure activity participation a... more This study explored the extent to which adolescents' motives for leisure activity participation are related to their perceptions of competence and relatedness in different kinds of activities and aimed to provide new insight into boys' and girls' leisure experiences and their motivational orientations for activity participation. These proposed associations were based on previous empirical work and the theoretical frameworks of motive disposition approach and were tested in a nationally representative sample of Norwegian adolescents (N = 3273) aged 15 and 16 years (51.8% boys) from the World Health Organization's crosssectional survey, Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children 2005/06. The findings in the current study supported the hypothesis regarding matched correlations between specific motives and specific outcomes in that the adolescents seem to get (perceived competence and relatedness) what they want (competence and social motives) within leisure activities. Furthermore, the analysis using structural equation modeling indicated different motivational orientations in types of leisure activity participation between girls and boys, although the mediating effects of leisure activity participation in different types of activities were not significant.
Papers by Ingrid Leversen