Papers by Indranil Chatterjee
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 2019
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 2017

Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences, 2016
Children with congenital tracheo-esophageal fistula and esophageal atresia need surgical interven... more Children with congenital tracheo-esophageal fistula and esophageal atresia need surgical intervention for their survival. Apart from the several gastro-intestinal and respiratory problems that often follow surgery, there is an increased risk of impaction of foreign body above the reconstructed esophagus that becomes stenosed and/or dysmotile. Here we illustrate a case of a six-yearold boy who underwent repair of a sporadic form of congenital tracheo-esophageal fistula with esophageal atresia at the age of three months, presenting with impaction of a glass marble above the repaired esophageal segment. This report adds to the long-term care of reconstructed aerodigestive tract in children in the form of strict vigilance from the parents and care-givers so as to keep them safe from small objects that can potentially result in impacted foreign bodies.
Einstein (São Paulo), 2016

International Journal of Phonosurgery & Laryngology, 2018
Aim: To establish age as an essential factor in the assessment of swallowing Materials and method... more Aim: To establish age as an essential factor in the assessment of swallowing Materials and methods: Sixty subjects were divided into two age groups (18 to 33 years and 55 to 70 years) and were further divided into males and females. Each subject was made to swallow four times each with different food consistency (dry, water, puree, and solid). The electroglottograph (EGG) was done during the swallowing process, and each swallow was depicted by a peak and a trough in the EGG. The X-axis in the EGG showed time while the Y-axis shows percentage amplitude. With the help of web plot digitizer software, the change in time and the change in percentage amplitude were obtained from the point of onset and offset of the peak and trough in the graph and the highest and lowest point on the peak and trough in the graph respectively. Results: A significant effect of age on dry swallow time and percentage amplitude, water swallow time and percentage amplitude, puree swallow time and percentage amplitude, solid swallow time and percentage amplitude was obtained. Conclusion: The results indicated that as age increased there was a significant increase in the change in time and a significant decrease in the change in percentage amplitude parameter. Clinical significance: Age should be considered as an important factor in the process of assessment of swallowing. The altered physiology with an increase in age should influence the clinician's perception of normalcy and prognostic predictions.

IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2017
Tinnitus is a phantom sound (ringing of the ears) that affects quality of life for millions aroun... more Tinnitus is a phantom sound (ringing of the ears) that affects quality of life for millions around the world and is associated in most cases with hearing impairment. There are numerous Self-rated questionnaire in foreign languages used to assess the negative effects of tinnitus. India being multilingual country, these questionnaires are less effective on Indian population. Hence there is a great need to develop and standardize a self-assessment questionnaire in Indian languages. This study aims at transadapting and standardizing Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI-English) into Bengali language. Validity and reliability measures of the newly developed Tinnitus Functional Index-Bengali (B-TFI) was calculated statistically along with its assessment on sixty tinnitus participants (30 with hearing loss and 30 without hearing loss). A significantly good correlation was found when the results of the tool were compared with THI-Bengali and TFI-English for both the groups of participants. Test-retest reliability showed high correlation between the conditions on all the eight sub-scales of B-TFI. B-TFI is found to be a good tool with high internal consistency for detecting tinnitus related handicap. Study also provides information and need for further research.

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2021
Background: Vocal loading is a phenomenon that affects the vocal folds and voice parameters. Prol... more Background: Vocal loading is a phenomenon that affects the vocal folds and voice parameters. Prolonged vocal loading may cause vocal fatigue. Hydration is one of the easiest precautions to reduce the effect of vocal loading. Voice range profile is an analysis of a participant’s vocal intensity and fundamental frequency ranges. Speech range profile is a graphical display of frequency intensity interactions occurring during functional speech activity. Phonetogram software can analyse VRP and SRP.Methods: Total sixty normophonic participants (thirty male and thirty female) were included in this study. Phonetogram, version 4.40 by Tiger DRS, software used to measure the voice range profile and speech range profile. For VRP, participants were asked to produce vowel /a/ and a passage reading task was given for SRP measurement.Results: All sample recording were done at pre vocal loading task, VLT and after hydration. Parameter that were used to measure the effects were Fo-range, semitone, ...

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Background: The main goal of the present study was to obtain the cepstral spectral index of dysph... more Background: The main goal of the present study was to obtain the cepstral spectral index of dysphonia (CSID) scores for normophonic, hypo-functional dysphonic and hyper-functional dysphonic Indian population along with correlation of CSID and GRBAS scores for normophonic, hypo-functional dysphonic and hyper-functional dysphonic population using sustained production of vowel and oral passage of Bengali language. Methods: A total of 60 participants between 20-50 years were selected for the study. The participants were divided into three groups viz., 30 normal subjects, 15 subjects with hypofunctional dysphonia and 15 subjects with hyperfunctional dysphonia. The subjects were screened for speech and hearing defects. Recordings of sustained vowels and passage were done and then fed to measure CSID through PRAAT and software developed by C-DAC. Statistical analyses were done for the analyzed data using SPSS. Results: Significant differences (p<0.05) were found in CSID scores across hy...

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2022
Background: Auditory processing of speech involves sound localization, auditory discrimination, a... more Background: Auditory processing of speech involves sound localization, auditory discrimination, and auditory pattern recognition, audition of temporal aspects, auditory performance in competing acoustic signals, and auditory performance with degraded acoustic signals. Time compressed sentence test is mono aural low redundancy test which helps to identify person with APD as well as neurological deficit accompanying cortical and subcortical lesion. The purpose of the present study was to develop Time Compressed Sentence Test in Bengali and establish normative data on young adults along with investigating the effect of ear, gender, reliability and the level of compression of time compressed sentence in Bengali.Methods: 50 sentences were developed and compressed with 100% intelligibility. 100 young adults, native Bengali speaker (50male, 50 female) having normal hearing were selected for the study. The task involved repetition of monotically presented Time Compressed Sentences. The comp...

International Journal of Phonosurgery & Laryngology
Movement of air pressure toward the vocal folds by the coordinated action of the diaphragm, abdom... more Movement of air pressure toward the vocal folds by the coordinated action of the diaphragm, abdominal muscle, and chest muscles. • The genesis of a sequence of vibratory cycles by vocal fold vibration. The vibratory sequence of vocal folds is said to be IntroductIon Voice is defined as the laryngeal modulation of the pulmonary air stream, which is modified by vocal tract configuration. 1 Human voice is extraordinary and is capable of conveying not only complex thoughts but also subtle emotions. 2 Every time we speak, our voice reveals our gender, age, geographic background, level of education, native birth, emotional state, and our relationship with the person spoken to. All these clues (and many more) are contained within small fragments of speech, and other people can "read" our voices with remarkable accuracy. The human voice explores the power and importance of a uniquely human instrument. When we speak, we use words, but we also "perform" these words using the range and subtlety of our voices. Spoken language, therefore, contains two distinct types of communication: (1) "text" (the words themselves) and (2) "vocal" paralanguage, the thousands of ways in which any given word can be said. Text is whatever can be typed on a page. Vocal paralanguage is everything else-intonation, pitch, regional accent, sarcasm, hesitation, truthfulness, emotion, etc. 3 Voice changes throughout life as people change physiologically, intellectually, and emotionally. Production of voice at the level of vocal folds involves a three-step process:

Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 2021
Introduction This study aimed to document the effect of Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) with proper... more Introduction This study aimed to document the effect of Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) with proper assessment and management in early intervention of a child with bimodal hearing. Bimodal Hearing is the use of a cochlear implant in one ear and a hearing aid in the opposite ear. Auditory Verbal Therapy is a highly specialist early intervention programme which equips parents with the skills to maximise their deaf child’s speech and language development. Case Report A male child aged 5 years 1 month had bilateral severe to profound hearing loss and speech-language problem. He was using cochlear implant in the right ear and BTE hearing aid in left ear (Bimodal hearing). Speech and language assessment revealed delayed semantic, syntax and pragmatic skills. Assessment of language development test showed poor receptive and expressive language score. The functional auditory performance indicator score indicated poor auditory function. Auditory verbal therapy hierarchy plan was used for treat...

Staggered Spondaic (bisyllabic equal stress) Word (SSW) is a dichotic test. The Dichotic listenin... more Staggered Spondaic (bisyllabic equal stress) Word (SSW) is a dichotic test. The Dichotic listening tests is a behavioural test battery to assess the hemispheric function, inter-hemispheric transfer of information, and development and maturation of auditory nervous system. Staggered Spondaic Word (SSW) is more sensitive for brainstem and cortical lesion. The current investigation was aimed to develop and standardize staggered spondaic word (SSW) list in Bangla for assessing the central auditory processing of native Bengali listener. In this regard 200 sets of Bangla bisyllabic words were collected where each set contained a pair of spondee words: first syllable of first spondee word and last syllable of second spondee word made another spondee word. Based upon this concept sets of the staggered spondee words were fixed. Then familiar staggered spondaic word sets had been selected and stress pattern was judged. From where finally 40 sets bisyllabic equal stress words were selected. Th...

The Dichotic listening tests is a behavioral test battery for assessment of hemispheric function,... more The Dichotic listening tests is a behavioral test battery for assessment of hemispheric function, inter-hemispheric transfer of information, and development and maturation of auditory nervous system in children and adolescents. It might also help in the identification of lesions of the central auditory nervous system..The present study aimed to develop one such test and to collect normative data on Bangla speaking normal hearing individuals. The test material was developed using 25 pairs of CVCV rhyming words that differ only in initial consonants. These stimuli were made similar in total duration and imposed on to stereo tracks and aligned in such a way that there was no onset delay between the two. Normative data was taken from sixty young normal hearing native speakers of Bangla. Analysis of results revealed that there is a significant (p< 0.05) right ear advantage present for the dichotic stimuli for both the male and female participants.

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2014
Objective: To assess effects of type 3 thyroplasty on outcomes of voice quality in puberphonia. M... more Objective: To assess effects of type 3 thyroplasty on outcomes of voice quality in puberphonia. Methods: Design: Prospective Cohort Setting: Tertiary Referral Hospital Participants: 6 patients with puberphonia who failed voice therapy, aged 16-25 years, who consulted at the ENT Outpatient department between September 2010 and September 2012, underwent type 3 thyroplasty. Pre-operative and 6-month post-operative voice analysis by voice recordings, Voice Handicap Index (VHI), GRBAS score and real time acoustic analysis (perturbation) using Dr Speech software (University version 4.0, Voice Tech Corporation, USA [Tiger Electronics]) using habitual fundamental frequency (F0), jitter % and shimmer % as parameters, were performed. Results: Mean pre-operative VHI and GRBAS scores were 53 and 75.67 respectively whereas post-operative scores were 29 and 25.00 respectively. (P-value for VHI was 0.004 and that of GRBAS was 0.00). On acoustic analysis, mean pre-operative habitual fundamental f...

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2021
Background: Aiming to evaluate the recent theoretical postulates on tinnitus underscoring the rol... more Background: Aiming to evaluate the recent theoretical postulates on tinnitus underscoring the role of thalamocortical neural tracts, the present study: explores middle latency response (MLR) as a possible physiological measure of tinnitus: thus investigates the predicted exaggeration of Pa-Na, Na-Pb interpeak amplitudes in tinnitus patients and; explores middle latency response (MLR) as a prognostic indicator of tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT), thus evaluates possible decrease in Pa-Na and Na-Pb amplitude after 2 weeks exposure to tinnitus retraining therapy.Methods: An experimental group was constructed by randomly assigning 30 patients with mean age 38.5 years and complaining of debilitating tinnitus but with normal hearing for the study. MLR was administered on patients with normal auditory brainstem response (ABR) and otoacoustic emission (OAE) both pre- and post-tinnitus retraining therapy. Results: Results demonstrated no significant effect on Pa, Na and Nb absolute and int...

Psychometric validation is the study of determining internal consistency reliability and validity... more Psychometric validation is the study of determining internal consistency reliability and validity. Self-rating questionnaires are often used to assess severity of tinnitus. These questionnaires should be administered in the respondent's native language to obtain accurate responses. There is no self rating questionnaire in Bangla language to assess severity of tinnitus. The Tinnitus Severity Index Questionnaire (TSIQ) is one of the most used questionnaires. The aim of this study is to develop and standardize the TSIQ in Bangla, to investigate the complex interface of tinnitus with quality of life and psychological distress of the patients with tinnitus. A total of 30 native Bangla speaking adults (equally fluent in Bangla and English) with and without hearing loss, in the age range of 20 to 60 years and with a complaint of tinnitus for a minimum of 6 months participated in the study. Validity was tested by administering TSIQ-English and TSIQ-Bangla to the participants. Correlatio...

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2021
Background: The typical masking level differences (MLD) paradigm involves homophasic and antiphas... more Background: The typical masking level differences (MLD) paradigm involves homophasic and antiphasic masking conditions. Objectives of the study were to develop homophasic and antiphasic stimulus, to find out the effect of signal frequency, of age on MLD when all the antiphasic conditions are compared to the homophasic S0N0 and SπNπ condition and to find out effect of interaural time delay of stimulus on aging.Methods: 90 participants were divided into 3 groups of young adults, early presbycusic adults and geriatric presbycusic adults. Various stimuli were developed and presented. The MLD were using homophasic and antiphasic stimuli at 4 frequencies 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz. Subsequently these were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and paired t test.Results: All the conditions used in the study had some condition with and without significant differences. However, at 500 Hz in S0N0 homophasic condition all four antiphasic conditions among groups and MLD and Interaural time delay be...

Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 2021
Introduction The effects of increasing stimulus repetition rate on the ABR using click stimuli ha... more Introduction The effects of increasing stimulus repetition rate on the ABR using click stimuli have been investigated in normal and hearing impaired subjects with neurologic abnormality but there is limited study on the effect of stimulus repetition rate on ABR using chirp stimuli. The present study aims to compare the chirp evoked auditory brainstem responses with reference to changes in latency of peaks, interaural latency differences and interwave latency intervals as a function of rate and compare those responses with the click evoked auditory brainstem responses, in normal hearing subjects. Materials and Methods Total 30 normally hearing adults were considered for this study. All participants were screened for normal hearing sensitivity upto 8 kHz in pure tone audiometry for middle ear pathology and central auditory processing disorder. Four parameters of ABR were considered to assess in this study including absolute latency, interwave latency intervals, latency-rate function ...

Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 2017
Introduction Tympanometry is an objective measure of middle ear function that has been an integra... more Introduction Tympanometry is an objective measure of middle ear function that has been an integral part of the audiological evaluation test battery, for nearly three decades. The parameters of the tympanogram obtained are influenced with many factors such as introduction of positive or negative air pressure, speed of recording tympanogram, etc. This study was aimed to explore the influence of head positioning on tympanometric findings in normal ears. Materials and Methods Thirty ears of fifteen normal hearing subjects (mean age 22.8 years) and five ears of subjects (mean age 23 years) with high negative middle ear pressure were selected for the study.Tympanometry was done in four postures: head erect, head bent forward (chin touching the chest), head in supine and head lateralized towards one side. Results Two different results were obtained. It was interesting to note that the results significantly changed when the tympanogram was recorded after ten minutes in different head positi...

Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 2016
Introduction Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. It occurs due to paralysis, weakness, or inc... more Introduction Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. It occurs due to paralysis, weakness, or incoordination of the speech musculature. The authors with this study want to enrich clinical understanding of the difference of the aerodynamic characteristics in normophonic and dysarthric population. Materials and method The aerodynamic characteristics in normophonics and in dysarthric population were compared and documented using Voice Function Analyzer (Aerophone II®). Forty male individuals within the age range of thirty five to fifty five years participated in this study. The control group had twenty normophonic cases with no history of neurological disorder. The second group had twenty cases with dysarthria. Result Significant difference was found between the two groups in peak flow, forced volume and duration, vital capacity and fast adduction-abduction measurements. Discussion The difference in results from both the groups and their implications are discussed based on these find...
Papers by Indranil Chatterjee