Papers by Indra Ranggadara

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Oct 28, 2022
Sugarcane is one of the plantation commodities in Indonesia which has a big potential. Sugarcane ... more Sugarcane is one of the plantation commodities in Indonesia which has a big potential. Sugarcane growth consists of 4 phases that happen in a year. In the Grand Growth phase, sugarcane needs an appropriate condition to grow well and enter the next phase. The factors that affect sugarcane's Grand Growth phase are water, temperature, and sunlight. Rainfall is one of the sugarcane water sources needed, but the rainfall intensity is different, and the rainfall distribution is uneven every year. The uneven rainfall caused water stress in a sugarcane plantation. That is why it is necessary to identify the water content in sugarcane plantations to maintain the quality of sugarcane. This study predicted the water content of sugarcane plantations so the areas indicated with water stress can be anticipated. Raster data are collected from Landsat-8 satellite imagery and analyzed using one of the data-driven exploration analysis methods, PCA (Principal Component Analysis), to analyze the overlay of the Landsat 8 imageries of the sugarcane plantation area. After that, the raster data were processed to calculate the water index of the sugarcane plantation, known as NDWI (Normalized Different Water Index). NDWI values of the sugarcane plantation area are converted into an array and then become data input for the Self-Organizing Map Regressor algorithm to predict the water content of the sugarcane plantation. The results are predicted water index values for the sugarcane plantation with 72% accuracy.

International journal of recent technology and engineering, Sep 30, 2019
Population growth is phenomenon in every country, it is directly proportional to the level of foo... more Population growth is phenomenon in every country, it is directly proportional to the level of food consumption. Indonesia is ranked 4th as the country with the largest population. With the management of a good food security system, expected to meet the food needs of the community, both in quality and nutrition. The Jakarta provincial government, in this case makes a cheap food program that is subsidized so that it can be reached mainly by people with low income. but in the distribution process, there is still quite a lot of food that is not appropriate, so it becomes a problem raised by the author. by using the Analytcal Hierarchy Proccess method, the application of the AHP method in categorizing food feasibility is expected to help officers in sorting appropriate food consumption properly, effectively and efficiently. This study indicates the most priority freshness criteria in choosing appropriate food with a weight value of 0.409, in follow naturally with a weight value of 0.264, while the third and fourth criteria that affect the taste with a value of 0.187 and a good product with a weight value of 0.141.

International journal of recent technology and engineering, Sep 30, 2019
The purpose of writing this paper is to advance a restaurant that is have started out or even dev... more The purpose of writing this paper is to advance a restaurant that is have started out or even developing, with this business process will be make it easy and integrated to be as simple as possible so that customers who come to a restaurant no longer need to queue. In order to improve the quality of education on an ongoing basis both input, process and output in a study program, applications are needed that can support business processes[1]. The author makes the analysis of the system running using the UML (Unified Model Language), Multilevel Algorithm method used for analyzing the running system. The author designed this application so that the data that will be managed is integrated with the database, can be connected directly to the restaurant website and provide notifications to orders so that it makes will easy for customer to know the order process. The author focuses on combination scheduling order food and multilevel algorithm for queue restaurant order system

Teknika, Mar 1, 2022
Blockchain merupakan sebuah jenis teknologi buku besar terdistribusi yang menerima banyak perhati... more Blockchain merupakan sebuah jenis teknologi buku besar terdistribusi yang menerima banyak perhatian pada dunia digital saat ini. Pada jaringan blockchain ini memungkinkan adanya lebih dari satu pihak untuk membuat transaksi melalui protokol peerto-peer yang transparan dan dapat diverifikasi. Jaringan blockchain terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu public dan permissioned. Salah satu contohnya adalah melalui jaringan Hyperledger Fabric, di mana pada jaringan terautentikasi ini setiap peserta saling mengenal dan dapat mengidentifikasi, tetapi tidak sepenuhnya percaya satu sama lain. Pada penelitian sebelumnya sebuah arsitektur blockchain diterapkan pada sistem informasi bank sampah dengan mengadopsi konsep transaksional Hyperledger Fabric, dengan tujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah transparansi anggaran dan validasi transaksi pada proses pembelian dan penjualan. Tetapi pada penelitian tersebut masih terdapat kekurangan dimana belum jelasnya bagaimana proses pembuatan channel dan pemanggilan chain code dilakukan, termasuk adanya masalah pada performa dan skalabilitas yang berkurang seiring bertambahnya jumlah data. Berdasarkan hasil temuan tersebut, kontribusi penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan arsitektur blockchain berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya dengan menambahkan metode broadcast service, dan pipeline & chunking untuk menangani proses pembuatan channel, pemanggilan chain code, peningkatan performa, dan skalabilitas. Dengan hasilnya adalah peningkatan performa penyebaran pembaruan data dengan kecepatan rata-rata antara 0,28-0,36 detik yang diuji menggunakan 1.020 baris data pada 30 database berbeda.
Journal of physics, Mar 1, 2020
Prediction is essential one of them in the financial industry, with the prediction of this indust... more Prediction is essential one of them in the financial industry, with the prediction of this industry to be confident in determining the next steps to develop business. In the era of developing technology now, the application of machine learning to help the industry is essential, not only helps to count alone but can also help industry players to be able to predict in cases faced in the industry. In Machine Learning, financial industry players can create a credit risk analysis model based on available alternative data so that they can better manage overall risk. In this study aims to provide information on the contribution and challenges of machine learning in the financial industry and generate information on how the contributions and challenges in the application of machine learning have compiled from other researchers.

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, Mar 1, 2022
Rice is the primary staple food source for Indonesian people, with consumption increasing so that... more Rice is the primary staple food source for Indonesian people, with consumption increasing so that rice production needs to be increased. Rice drought is one of the problems that can hamper rice production. This research aims to determine the best extraction feature between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the normalized difference water index (NDWI) in describing rice fields' dryness. Moreover, using the random forest regression algorithm. This research compares NDVI with NDWI using data originating from Sentinel-2A and retrieved via the google earth engine. Regression algorithms are used in research to predict drought in paddy fields. This research shows that NDVI is better than NDWI in predicting drought using random forest regression algorithms and logistic regression algorithms. The random forest regression algorithm based on the results obtained shows that the average root mean square error (RMSE) on NDVI is 0.018, and NDWI is 0.012. Based on the logistic regression algorithm results, it was found that the average value of RMSE on NDVI was 0.346, and NDWI was 0.336. Based on the results of the RMSE, it shows that the forecasting ability of the random forest regression algorithm is better than the logistic regression.
2023 International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering (ICCoSITE)

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Meraki Digital Indonesia wants to evaluate security management on Service Oriented Architecture t... more Meraki Digital Indonesia wants to evaluate security management on Service Oriented Architecture that has been implemented in this company whether it is in accordance with the standards or not, using the COBIT 5 method. It is expected that the suitability of the maturity level can be carried out in accordance with the security management domain needed to ensure the fulfillment of the basic requirements of organizational information resources, namely the availability of integrity and availability of data or information. As well as using the Analytical Hierarchy Process algorithm to provide recommendations using decision-making in solving problems with explicit logical analysis, there are three principles that underlie AHP thinking, which is compiling hierarchies, the principle of setting priorities, and the principle of logical consistency. Then the evaluation results using COBIT 5, there are 6 security management criteria that are used as a basis for evaluating, among others, strateg...

Ticket Incident is a service provided to clients who work with Meraki Digital Indonesia. At prese... more Ticket Incident is a service provided to clients who work with Meraki Digital Indonesia. At present Ticket incident is a significant problem in terms of service, especially in handling correction software that has the highest number of tickets, because the software development planning is not optimal because the client needs software that is built because of the large number of ticket incidents that occur, so it is necessary to improve service to clients. So we need a way to improve incident ticket service using the ITIL method. This improvement method is following the purpose of assessment in each area service operation by using questionnaires, then to correct this problem another approach is needed with Fuzzy Tsukamoto to measure how many tickets need to be completed to improve the services provided. The results of this study based on the assessment using ITIL found Service Operation Processes and Organizing Service Operations as a weakness, and from the results of Fuzzy Tsukamoto...
2022 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology (ICEECIT), Nov 22, 2022

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Sugarcane is one of the plantation commodities in Indonesia which has a big potential. Sugarcane ... more Sugarcane is one of the plantation commodities in Indonesia which has a big potential. Sugarcane growth consists of 4 phases that happen in a year. In the Grand Growth phase, sugarcane needs an appropriate condition to grow well and enter the next phase. The factors that affect sugarcane's Grand Growth phase are water, temperature, and sunlight. Rainfall is one of the sugarcane water sources needed, but the rainfall intensity is different, and the rainfall distribution is uneven every year. The uneven rainfall caused water stress in a sugarcane plantation. That is why it is necessary to identify the water content in sugarcane plantations to maintain the quality of sugarcane. This study predicted the water content of sugarcane plantations so the areas indicated with water stress can be anticipated. Raster data are collected from Landsat-8 satellite imagery and analyzed using one of the data-driven exploration analysis methods, PCA (Principal Component Analysis), to analyze the overlay of the Landsat 8 imageries of the sugarcane plantation area. After that, the raster data were processed to calculate the water index of the sugarcane plantation, known as NDWI (Normalized Different Water Index). NDWI values of the sugarcane plantation area are converted into an array and then become data input for the Self-Organizing Map Regressor algorithm to predict the water content of the sugarcane plantation. The results are predicted water index values for the sugarcane plantation with 72% accuracy.
2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Human resources within the company is the most important thing because in managing a company requ... more Human resources within the company is the most important thing because in managing a company requires competent, creative and innovative human resources. This research was made based on observations from several companies that discuss problems and complaints from employees about human resources in the company. The human resource standard reference application is created using the TOGAF Framework which can help in designing human resource standard references because within the TOGAF framework there are several stages in building a corporate Enterprise architecture. The human resource standard reference application is also supported by UML design method. With these two methods, the human resource standard reference application can become an application for monitoring all data and reports on human resources transparently without having to bother and come directly to the office and in managing information applications of the human resource standard reference using SMS support technology.

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Along with the development of information and communication technology systems in the era of free... more Along with the development of information and communication technology systems in the era of free digitalization, people are asking for comfort and convenience by supporting their activities. One of them is easy to find artificial intelligence technology in various ways to support human activities. Artificial intelligence technology or often called Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be processed into various forms so that according to the adjusted method. Application of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) with UML (Unified Modeling Language) design as an interactive media for personnel and employee services. The UML (Unified Modeling Language) design method is expected to help the personnel department in providing information to employees at PT. Dimensions of Indonesian Data. The information collected will be made into frequently asked questions and then adjusted to the AIML pattern.

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
Population growth is phenomenon in every country, it is directly proportional to the level of foo... more Population growth is phenomenon in every country, it is directly proportional to the level of food consumption. Indonesia is ranked 4th as the country with the largest population. With the management of a good food security system, expected to meet the food needs of the community, both in quality and nutrition. The Jakarta provincial government, in this case makes a cheap food program that is subsidized so that it can be reached mainly by people with low income. but in the distribution process, there is still quite a lot of food that is not appropriate, so it becomes a problem raised by the author. by using the Analytcal Hierarchy Proccess method, the application of the AHP method in categorizing food feasibility is expected to help officers in sorting appropriate food consumption properly, effectively and efficiently. This study indicates the most priority freshness criteria in choosing appropriate food with a weight value of 0.409, in follow naturally with a weight value of 0.264,...

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Human resources within the company is the most important thing because in managing a company requ... more Human resources within the company is the most important thing because in managing a company requires competent, creative and innovative human resources. This research was made based on observations from several companies that discuss problems and complaints from employees about human resources in the company. The human resource standard reference application is created using the TOGAF Framework which can help in designing human resource standard references because within the TOGAF framework there are several stages in building a corporate Enterprise architecture. The human resource standard reference application is also supported by UML design method. With these two methods, the human resource standard reference application can become an application for monitoring all data and reports on human resources transparently without having to bother and come directly to the office and in managing information applications of the human resource standard reference using SMS support technology.

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Along with the development of information and communication technology systems in the era of free... more Along with the development of information and communication technology systems in the era of free digitalization, people are asking for comfort and convenience by supporting their activities. One of them is easy to find artificial intelligence technology in various ways to support human activities. Artificial intelligence technology or often called Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be processed into various forms so that according to the adjusted method. Application of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) with UML (Unified Modeling Language) design as an interactive media for personnel and employee services. The UML (Unified Modeling Language) design method is expected to help the personnel department in providing information to employees at PT. Dimensions of Indonesian Data. The information collected will be made into frequently asked questions and then adjusted to the AIML pattern.
Papers by Indra Ranggadara