Papers by Indah Suryawati
Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science, 2018

In the era of contemporary media convergence, the interconnection of journalism and social media ... more In the era of contemporary media convergence, the interconnection of journalism and social media is inevitable. New media journalism included in the mass media family cannot stand alone without the presence of social media. Therefore, the management of journalism and social media in mass media companies has currently been a given. Without the link between journalism and social media, it is undoubting that the media company is lame, outdated, and on the verge of collapse, because it is abandoned by its readers, audiences and advertisers. The aim of this study is to describe the process of linked journalism in social media in Indonesia, especially in three media groups. Those are Media Group Network, Republika Group, and MNC Group. This study uses qualitative analysis and data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and library study. The results of this study show that the three media groups have differences in managing their journalism and social media. Media Group Network separates all social media under its authority. Republika Group unites all social media under one roof, while MNC Group differentiates in each of its subsidiary groups. This difference has consequences on the number of their followers. Social media under Media Group Network and MNC Group have relatively few followers due to the large number of media subsidiaries under their auspices. On the other hand, the number of the followers of Republika Group is larger because all media subsidiaries are united in one social media platform of Republika Group.
Perkembangan jurnalistik dewasa ini telah mencapai suatu fase yang nyaris tak pernah terbayangkan... more Perkembangan jurnalistik dewasa ini telah mencapai suatu fase yang nyaris tak pernah terbayangkan dalam abad sebelumnya. Peristiwa apapun, dimanapun dan menyangkut siapa pun bisa disaksikan dalam waktu yang cepat, bersamaan bahkan sesuai keinginan atau kapan pun. Buku ini mengantarkan para mahasiswa atau calon jurnalis yang baik dan benar. Isinya memberikan gambaran bahwa meskipun teknologi informasi dan perangkat sistemik media komunikasi mengalami perubahan mendasar dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, tetapi esensi jurnalis tidaklah mengalami perubahan dasar

The Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) is an autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)based... more The Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) is an autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)based on students, students, and santri, as a forum for fostering the next generation of scholars andsuccessors of the nation's struggle. IPNU is an organization whose members are millennials (generation Y)and generation Z. The organization certainly has problems faced, one of which is related to the ethics ofcommunicating on social media by the younger generation of IPNU Ciledug. From one of the problemsfaced by IPNU, a Community Service activity was designed by Communication Studies Lecturers at BudiLuhur University with the title Online Media Literacy among Adolescents as an Effort to ImproveUnderstanding of Communication Ethics in Social Media. This activity can be useful as a means of learningfor the younger generation at IPNU Ciledug to be able to apply communication ethics in online media after understanding online media literacy in accordance with the planned program and in accord...

Communication, Apr 21, 2022
Harian FAJAR sebagai salah satu surat kabar terbesar di Makassar telah melakukan transformasi ke ... more Harian FAJAR sebagai salah satu surat kabar terbesar di Makassar telah melakukan transformasi ke dalam platform digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses mediamorfosis Harian FAJAR ke Langkah dan strategi apa saja yang telah dilakukan dan bagaimana konsep mediamorfosis ini diimplementasikan oleh Roger Fidler menempatkan mediamorfosis sebagai penyatuan teknologi dalam media komunikasi. Mediamorfosis adalah bentuk transformasi media komunikasi yang timbul akibat hubungan timbal balik. Ada tiga konsep utama dalam mediamorfosis yaitu koevolusi, konvergensi serta kompleksitas. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Paradigma yang digunakan adalah paradigma konstruktivis. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data adalah melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi non partisipan. Teknis analisis data menggunakan tiga tahap yang mencakup : 1) reduksi data-data; 2) penyajian data-data, dan 3) menyusun simpulan atau verifikasi. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Harian FAJAR dan menyadari adanya asas keberlangsungan hidup dari bentuk komunikasi lama ke bentuk komunikasi baru. adalah bentuk transformasi Harian FAJAR dan untuk memaksimalkan maka keduanya memisahkan diri dalam perusahaan media yang berbeda. Harian FAJAR dan berkomitmen menjadi penjaga di jalurnya masing-masing.

Avant Garde
Reports of alleged corruption cases Gibran-Kaesang to the KPK have attracted the attention of onl... more Reports of alleged corruption cases Gibran-Kaesang to the KPK have attracted the attention of online media. and are news portals that consider this important issue. The purpose of this study is to explain and Wartaekonomi, attitude in reporting the Gibran-Kaesang corruption alleged report and to uncover the form of domination in the news. The method used is Robert N. Entman framing model. The paradigm used is the constructive paradigm. The object of research is the reporting of alleged corruption by Gibran-Kaesang on and during the period from January 10, 2022 to January 21, 2022. The results show that and construction is presented differently. constructs this reality from the political aspect, while from the political and legal aspects. tends to be neutral. Unlike the case with, which is more daring to be against it. does not highlight certain images in its reporting. In fact, highlighted Ubedillah's positive image and created a negative image of Gibran. seems to position its news portal as an alternative media that forms an alternative public space, namely a room for protest and critical politics, even though it is not maximized.

Iklan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika berjudul "2 Musim, 65 Bendungan" adalah ik... more Iklan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika berjudul "2 Musim, 65 Bendungan" adalah iklan kontroversial pada tahun 2018 yang menampilkan keberhasilan pemerintah Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla, setahun sebelum Pemilihan Presiden berlangsung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis adanya iklan politik dalam iklan kinerja pemerintahan Jokowi "2 Musim, 65 Bendungan menggunakan analisis ekonomi politik media. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan perspektif ekonomi politik media. Metode analisis data yang akan digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif, dengan mengolah data yang diperoleh sedemikian rupa, menganalisa dan menginterpretasikan sehingga diperoleh jawaban yang tepat dari permasalahan yang dipaparkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pesan yang muncul dalam iklan "2 Musim, 65 Bendungan dapat dimaknai sebagai iklan politik karena berisi pesan-pesan politik terselubung. Konten video yang menampilkan keberhasilan pembangunan sejumlah be...

The success of fourteen artists to become members of the Indonesian Parliement 2019-2024 dr... more The success of fourteen artists to become members of the Indonesian Parliement 2019-2024 drew the attention of national media, including online media. However, some online media deliberately package this event in the form of politainment news. This is seen in the news about Mulan Jameela and Krisdayanti on and This research aims to find out the news construction of Mulan and Krisdayanti politainment news when officially appointed as a member of the Indonesian Parliament 2019-2024. The research method used is the Framing Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. Pan Kosicki's framing device is divided into four large structures : syntactic structure, script structure, thematic structure, and rhetorical structure. The object of the research was the news texts Mulan and Krisdayanti as members of the Indonesian Parliament in and in the October 2019 period. The results showed that the cognitive tools used by and Detik...

PANTAREI, Aug 31, 2017
This study aims to determine the extent to which the meaning of the Solidarity Organization of Wo... more This study aims to determine the extent to which the meaning of the Solidarity Organization of Women on women Leaders talkshow Mata Najwa "Women Determinants" on METRO TV. The research question posed is how the meaning of women leaders on the program Mata Najwa "Women Determinants" in METRO TV. The approach of this research is qualitative by using method of Reception Analysis. The theory used is Stuart Hall Analysis Theory (Encoding-Decoding) which has three categories namely Dominant, Negotiation, and Opposition. The Subject of Research is the Meaning of Women Leaders, Women's Solidarity Organizations who watch the Mata Najwa talk show program "Women Determinants" on METRO TV and the object of his research is the talk show program Mata Najwa "Woman Determinants". Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews with six informants. The results of research through the theory of Stuart Hall analysis shows that the discovery of different meanings in interpreting women leaders on the program Mata Najwa "Women's Determinants" talkshow on METRO TV. This meaning occurs because the selected informants have different backgrounds ranging from background, age of ethnic,sex and different positions. The conclusions of this research are six informants and six questions to get two dominant meaning, five meaning of negotiation and nine meaning of opposition about women leaders on talk show program Mata Najwa "Woman Determinants" in METRO TV, so in this study dominant meanings have dominated from the whole.

PANTAREI, Mar 15, 2020
This study aims to determine the strategy of producer Mersi Fm in increasing the number of listen... more This study aims to determine the strategy of producer Mersi Fm in increasing the number of listeners to the "Selimut" program on Mersi Radio 93.90 Fm. This study uses the strategy concept of Peter Pringle. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the post-positivism paradigm. His research subject was a producer on the Selimut program. Data collection through in-depth interviews and observations made to key informants and key informants. The results of this study indicate that in terms of improving the Selimut listener program that producers are doing is implementing Peter Pringle's concept of strategy, which consists of planning by Selimut Producers play an important role in doing new creative and innovative content in strengthening content on the Selimut program. presents themes, topics, song selection according to Mersi Fm radio segmentation. The Production and Purchasing Program is carried out by producers by arranging division of tasks and directing teams and broadcasters. Program Execution The producer runs what has been planned according to the specified hour format. Monitoring and Evaluation The producer program oversees broadcasters when broadcasts take place. Evaluation stage Producers hold production meetings with teams and broadcasters to see what obstacles must be evaluated so that the same problem does not occur again. The conclusion of this study is that producers are disciplined and consistent in implementing the four strategic concepts referenced in the program and structured.

PANTAREI, Mar 15, 2020
This research is about the producer strategy in improving the quality of the I'M Possible program... more This research is about the producer strategy in improving the quality of the I'M Possible program on Metro TV. This research uses peter pringle's strategic Concept and conducts interviews and observations. Peter pringle program strategy concept, which consists of purchase, program production dan purchase, program execution, program monitoring and evaluation. The planning carried out by producer I'M Possible must be in line with the goals and vision of the mission in Metro TV. Namely the slogan of knowledge to elevate (increase knowledge) for the community. In this planning the producer play an important role in thinking about ideas and content that will be implemented for filming. The production and purchase of for filming. The production and purchase of programs by the producer by arranging the I'M Possible team and program to produce their own. The execution stage. The supervision is carried out when filming tapping and evaluating to avoid any errors after tapping is complete and evaluating to make it even better.

PANTAREI, Jun 1, 2021
Lately, drug abuse cases continue to occur, a series of artists are often dragged on this case, o... more Lately, drug abuse cases continue to occur, a series of artists are often dragged on this case, one of them is comedy artist (comedian) Tri Retno Pramudati or who is familiarly called Nunung. This research uses the formulation of the problem namely How is the construction of the news of the arrest of comedian Nunung caught in drugs in online media (Framing Analysis of Robert M.Entman on and for the period 19-21 July 2019?). This study uses a constructivist paradigm, this research approach is qualitative with the analysis method of Framing Robert M.Entman.frame and, with the object of research are some news of the arrest of comedian Nunung caught in drugs in and results of this study indicate that the construction carried out by Liputan6 media .com and related to the news of the arrest of comedian Nunung caught in drugs into the realm of law but tends to show the positive side of Nunung, meaning shows its partisanship towards Nunung Comedians. By presenting several speakers who are not just one party but consists of several speakers, while Detik.c uncle tends to show the negative side of Nunung, meaning shows Nunung's corner and exaggerates the coverage of Nunung's comedians.

The phenomenon of online journalism requires that some providers of news content in conventional ... more The phenomenon of online journalism requires that some providers of news content in conventional media transform themselves into multiplatform. It aims to be able to survive in the competition of the media industry. Not surprisingly, most of the conventional news media that still survive today have sites on the internet. Some only follow content from the parent company, but some others only provide additional material. These related sites operate to the same standards of practice and professionalism as their parent company does. It could be said that journalism is entering a time called a period of disruption. A period of disruption is a time when change occurs so unexpectedly, is fundamental and touches almost all joints of people's lives. And the presence of online journalism has revolutionized news where speed is a major factor. News is no longer an 'already ongoing' event, but an 'ongoing' event that should be broadcast by the media. Some features in online j...
This study aims to determine how the strategy management of Let’s Colour program’s producer on NE... more This study aims to determine how the strategy management of Let’s Colour program’s producer on NET TV in keeping the program running. In this study, researcher used a qualitative method with descriptive approach. This study used the Concept of Program Strategy Management by Peter Pringle. The result of this study indicates that the strategy management of “Let’s Colour”program’s producer in keeping the program running by ensuring its four general steps - which are; program planning, program production, program execution and program monitoring and evaluation - are well executed with no obstacle. These things can be seen by analyzing how the program has been able to attract audiences’ attention and the strategy management that used by the program’s producer has been able to keep the program running over the past 2 years until now.

This study aims to determinate the producer’s strategy in the Betawi Ceplas Ceplos program in an ... more This study aims to determinate the producer’s strategy in the Betawi Ceplas Ceplos program in an effort to preserve Betawi culture. The aim of researcheris to find out how a producer strategy on the Betawi Ceplas Ceplos program is in an effort to preserve Betawi culture. The theory used by the researchers is organizational control theory Phillip Tompkins, George Cheney, and peers and data can be obtained from this research. This research method is a qualitative descriptive approach with a post-positivism paradigm. The research subjects are producer, assistant producer, and announcer in obtaining accurate data, and the objective of research is the radio generator producer strategy of the Betawi Ceplas Ceplos program in an effort to preserve Betawi Culture. Data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews and non-participant observation conducted on key informant, informants 1, and informans II. Other data is also obtained from documentation, informants, and various other data...
Papers by Indah Suryawati