Papers by apt.Indah Sari S.Farm
6. Seorang ibu ingin membeli piroxicam di apotek untuk mengatasi nyeri yang biasanya dia rasakan.... more 6. Seorang ibu ingin membeli piroxicam di apotek untuk mengatasi nyeri yang biasanya dia rasakan. Berapa maksimal piroxicam yang dapat diberikan kepada ibu tersebut
Antikoagulan dapat dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok : HEPARIN ANTIKOAGULAN YANG BEKERJA DENGAN MENGIKAT ... more Antikoagulan dapat dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok : HEPARIN ANTIKOAGULAN YANG BEKERJA DENGAN MENGIKAT ION KALSIUM salah satu faktor pembekuan darah ANTIKOAGULAN ORAL terdiri dari derivat 4-hidroksikumarin misalnya : dikumoral, warfarin dan derivat indan-1,3-dion misalnya : anisindion
Tahun 1817 Dr. James Parkinson mempublikasikan kasus pasien yang mengalami "Shaking Palsy" (shake... more Tahun 1817 Dr. James Parkinson mempublikasikan kasus pasien yang mengalami "Shaking Palsy" (shake= gemetar, palsy = kelumpuhan) Sejak saat itu muncul istilah parkinsonism yaitu menggambarkan gejala klinik yang ditandai dengan gemetar, kekakuan, bradikenisia, dan instabilitas postural Pada tahun 1921, Charles Foix berhasil mengungkapkan kelainan secara tepat dibatang otak, yaitu di subtansia nigra mesensefalon sebagi substrat penyakit parkinson
Seorang ibu membawa resep ke apotek untuk terapi anaknya (lakilaki,7 thn) yang menderita TBC. Oba... more Seorang ibu membawa resep ke apotek untuk terapi anaknya (lakilaki,7 thn) yang menderita TBC. Obat yang tertulis dalam resep tersebut adalah tablet yang berisi kombinasi Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) Apakah tujuan dari mengkombinasi antibiotika pada terapi TBC. A. Meminimalkan efek samping obat B. Mengurangi risiko resistensi antibiotika C. Meningkatkan efektivitas terapi D. Mencegah kekambuhan/relaps E. Memperpendek lama terapi TBC 2. Pasien lakilaki (52 thn) menderita TBC dan menerima resep Obat Anti Tuberkulosis lini pertama fase awal. Apakah regimen terapi TBC lini pertama fase awal ?

Studi kelayakan (Feasibility Study) apotek adalah suatu rancangan secara komprehensif mengenai re... more Studi kelayakan (Feasibility Study) apotek adalah suatu rancangan secara komprehensif mengenai rencana pendirian apotek baru untuk melihat kelayakan usaha baik dari pengabdian profesi maupun sisi bisnis ekonominya. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghindari penanaman modal yang tidak efektif dan berguna untuk mengetahui apakah apotek yang akan didirikan cukup layak atau dapat bertahan dan memberi keuntungan secara bisnis. Dalam studi kelayakan diperlukan perhitungan yang matang sehingga apotek yang akan didirikan nanti tidak mengalami kerugian. Sebelum melakukan pendirian dan pengelolaan apotek, perlu dilakukan perencanaan terlebih dahulu, maka setelah melakukan survei mengenai lokasi dan banyaknya sarana penunjang (dokter, rumah sakit, poliklinik, dan lain-lain termasuk banyaknya penduduk dengan kemampuan berbeda-beda) harus dilakukan studi kelayakan (Hartono, 2003). Beberapa faktor yang harus diperhatikan sebelum mendirikan apotek ialah: a. Lokasi Banyak faktor yang digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk menentukan lokasi suatu usaha. Sebagai faktor yang digunakan sebagai dasar pertimbangan pada umumnya Pasar, sebab merupakan masalah yang tidak boleh diabaikan, selain itu faktor pembeli harus diperitungkan dahulu. Oleh karenanya hendaknya diperhitungkan lebih dulu : 1) Ada tidaknya apotek lain 2) Letak apotek yang akan didirikan, mudah tidaknya pasien untuk parkir kendaraannya 3) Jumlah penduduk 4) Jumlah Dokter 5) Keadaan sosial ekonomi rakyat setempat untuk diketahui 6) Selain keadaan tersebut perlu dipertimbangkan ada tidaknya fasilitas kesehatan lain seperti : rumah sakit, puskesmas, poliklinik. Sebab tempat-tempat tersebut juga memberi obat langsung pada pasien. b. Perundang-undangan farmasi dan ketentuan lainnya. c. Pembelian. d. Penyimpanan barang/pergudangan. e. Penjualan, yang terpenting ialah kalkulasi harga atas resep Dokter. f. Administrasi, menyangkut pula laporan-laporan. g. Evaluasi apotek pada akhir tahun (Anief, 2001).

Indah sari, 2017
Aging is a natural process in all of the body organ incluiding the skin. Purple passi... more ABSTRACT
Aging is a natural process in all of the body organ incluiding the skin. Purple passion is a source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, fiber, minerals, polyphenols and carotenoids that have the ability as an antioxidant that is useful in slowing the aging process. This research was to make the cream preparations of type o/w and to determined the effectivity of anti-aging cream on the skin.
Purple passion fruit juice was made using juicer and freezy dryer, and was formulated in a cream with a basic modification of type o/w with purple passion fruit concentrated juice concentration of 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% and then the were compared with blank product and a product which contains olay. Some test inspection including were performed on the product were physical quality homogeneity test, the type of emulsion, skin irritation, pH, storage stability at room temperature for 12 weeks and an anti-aging effect test using a skin-analyzer for four weeks.
The results showed that purple passion fruit concentrate cream extract can be formulated into cream preparation with emulsion type o / w. Result from homogenity tests showed that the creams were homogens. The mean pH cream measurement result is pH 5-6. The pH of cream, and All cream is stable for 12 weeks storage at room temperature. Statistical analysis showed that a purple passion fruit juice cream and blank cream had a significant difference on anti-aging effectiveness (p ≤ 0,05), cream with purple passion fruit concentrate is able to give anti-aging effect with increasing skin water content, decreased skin pores and reduced wrinkles. The best effectiveness as anti-aging is purple passion fruit concentrate cream 7.5%.
Keywords: Concentrated Purple passion fruit juice, Cream, Anti-aging.
Drafts by apt.Indah Sari S.Farm
The fructus of Mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) fructus contains alkaloids, saponins, tannins a... more The fructus of Mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) fructus contains alkaloids, saponins, tannins and flavonoids that function as an antioxidant. In this study, its fructus is used as a main ingredient for this powder formulation that is combined with various other traditional crops. The aim of this research is to make a formula of a tradisional powder as an antibacterial from acne (P. acne). The method used in this research is the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Test (MIC) and Total Plate Count Test. The MIC results of this research that of the Phaleria extract capable of inhibiting the growth of P.acne is 3% with inhibition zone diameter of 0.8 cm. And the result of Total Plate Count Test for yeast is 9.0 x 10 3 and for bacteria is 17.5 x 10 5 .
Papers by apt.Indah Sari S.Farm
Aging is a natural process in all of the body organ incluiding the skin. Purple passion is a source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, fiber, minerals, polyphenols and carotenoids that have the ability as an antioxidant that is useful in slowing the aging process. This research was to make the cream preparations of type o/w and to determined the effectivity of anti-aging cream on the skin.
Purple passion fruit juice was made using juicer and freezy dryer, and was formulated in a cream with a basic modification of type o/w with purple passion fruit concentrated juice concentration of 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% and then the were compared with blank product and a product which contains olay. Some test inspection including were performed on the product were physical quality homogeneity test, the type of emulsion, skin irritation, pH, storage stability at room temperature for 12 weeks and an anti-aging effect test using a skin-analyzer for four weeks.
The results showed that purple passion fruit concentrate cream extract can be formulated into cream preparation with emulsion type o / w. Result from homogenity tests showed that the creams were homogens. The mean pH cream measurement result is pH 5-6. The pH of cream, and All cream is stable for 12 weeks storage at room temperature. Statistical analysis showed that a purple passion fruit juice cream and blank cream had a significant difference on anti-aging effectiveness (p ≤ 0,05), cream with purple passion fruit concentrate is able to give anti-aging effect with increasing skin water content, decreased skin pores and reduced wrinkles. The best effectiveness as anti-aging is purple passion fruit concentrate cream 7.5%.
Keywords: Concentrated Purple passion fruit juice, Cream, Anti-aging.
Drafts by apt.Indah Sari S.Farm
Aging is a natural process in all of the body organ incluiding the skin. Purple passion is a source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, fiber, minerals, polyphenols and carotenoids that have the ability as an antioxidant that is useful in slowing the aging process. This research was to make the cream preparations of type o/w and to determined the effectivity of anti-aging cream on the skin.
Purple passion fruit juice was made using juicer and freezy dryer, and was formulated in a cream with a basic modification of type o/w with purple passion fruit concentrated juice concentration of 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% and then the were compared with blank product and a product which contains olay. Some test inspection including were performed on the product were physical quality homogeneity test, the type of emulsion, skin irritation, pH, storage stability at room temperature for 12 weeks and an anti-aging effect test using a skin-analyzer for four weeks.
The results showed that purple passion fruit concentrate cream extract can be formulated into cream preparation with emulsion type o / w. Result from homogenity tests showed that the creams were homogens. The mean pH cream measurement result is pH 5-6. The pH of cream, and All cream is stable for 12 weeks storage at room temperature. Statistical analysis showed that a purple passion fruit juice cream and blank cream had a significant difference on anti-aging effectiveness (p ≤ 0,05), cream with purple passion fruit concentrate is able to give anti-aging effect with increasing skin water content, decreased skin pores and reduced wrinkles. The best effectiveness as anti-aging is purple passion fruit concentrate cream 7.5%.
Keywords: Concentrated Purple passion fruit juice, Cream, Anti-aging.