Jurnal pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan, Jul 1, 2022
The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are ass... more The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are assured to ensure the sustainability of forest management. This study analyzes the role of determining the powers and interests as well as to classify groups by analyzing the interests and influences and analyzes actor-network by using Social Network Analysis (SNA) with Kumu application.
Collaborative forest management (CFM) is assumed to provide benefits for improving the condition ... more Collaborative forest management (CFM) is assumed to provide benefits for improving the condition of the forest ecology and the community’s economy. However, its effectiveness is often debated, particularly regarding the involvement of poor and landless farmers in program implementation. In this relation, this study examines a CFM program implementation in Bandung District, West Java, the so-called Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM). The study combined qualitative and quantitative approaches in collecting data. GIS analysis and vegetation identification supported this study. The study shows that the PHBM program implementation in the study area provided benefits for improving forest ecological conditions and the livelihood of the farmers. This study also suggests that poor or landless farmers could secure their rights and access to the forest; they became coffee farmers. Despite this, to ensure the sustainability of the program, especially the involvement of the poor and lan...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
For years, the Province of West Java has been facing several development challenges, such as pove... more For years, the Province of West Java has been facing several development challenges, such as poverty, malnutrition, low access to education, etc. It is assumed that the characteristics are patterned. The aim of this paper to present the typology of socio-economic characteristic of municipalities and regencies in West Java Province. By combining cluster and spatial cluster analysis, we figured out that the three cluster of areas represented the domination of examined regional development variables. Spatial cluster analysis employs the spatially weighted variables to form a homogenous cluster of each region in West Java. The first cluster can be classified as peri-urban area (area surrounding urban region) with average-sized population, unemployment, and malnutrition size. The second cluster can be classified as rural area with small population, unemployment, and malnutrition size. The third cluster can be classified as urban area with high-sized population, unemployment, and malnutri...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
North Bandung Region (KBU) is a conservation area, water catchment and investment magnet attracti... more North Bandung Region (KBU) is a conservation area, water catchment and investment magnet attracting high due to its strategic location at an altitude level above 750 meters above sea level. Developments at KBU have a disastrous impact on the below highland. This research was conducted to identify mismatches in spatial use and indications of violations of spatial use with the superimpose method of spatial plan maps with existing land cover maps. Continued spatial analysis, object/point filtering, field observations, focus group discussions, spatial performance analysis and impact calculations. The results stated that there were 4,414 polygons and 42 typologies of spatial mismatch and 108 points of indication of violation. Found four typologies of violations of spatial use; spatial use that is not in accordance with the spatial plan, is not in accordance with the spatial use permit granted by the authorized official, is not in accordance with the permit requirements, and issues a perm...
Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus meluas tiap t... more Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus meluas tiap tahunnya. Terdapat alternatif dalam penyediaan air bersih berupa skema kerjasama konsep Corporate Social Responsibility namun selama ini pelaksanaannya masih belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan variabel yang berpengaruh dalam penyediaan air bersih dengan konsep CSR. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 9 variabel, terdapat 5 variabel yang berpengaruh, yaitu kebijakan tarif air bersih, jumlah dan debit sumber air bersih, kualitas air bersih, pengelola air bersih, dan pendanaan untuk air bersih. Sedangkan 4 variabel lain yang tidak berpengaruh adalah jumlah penduduk, ukuran wilayah, sarana penyediaan air bersih, dan lokasi sumber air bersih.
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are ass... more The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are assured to ensure the sustainability of forest management. This study analyzes the role to determine the powers and interests as well as to classify groups by analyzing the interests and influences and analyzes actor-network by using Social Network Analysis (SNA) with KUMU application. PHBM is a form of collaboration between Perum Perhutani as the program designer and forest communities. Perhutani plays as the Key Players in the program with the role of initiating the PHBM program who has great control over forest management such as monitoring and licensing access to forests, as well as Coffee Farmers as the main subject of the program. SNA analysis shows that the key actor of PHBM is LMDH as an actor who has the most connections with other actors, the information center, information broker, and also the closest with other actors since it has the shortest communication path. LMDH’s roles an...
Kabupaten Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus mel... more Kabupaten Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus meluas tiap tahunnya. Terdapat alternatif dalam penyediaan air bersih berupa skema kerjasama konsep Corporate Social Responsibility namun selama ini pelaksanaannya masih belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan, serta minimnya komunikasi antara perusahaan dengan pemerintah daerah karena tidak adanya arahan khusus mengenai penyediaan air bersih dengan konsep CSR. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan arahan penyediaan air bersih dengan konsep CSR. Tahap awal penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penyediaan air bersih dengan metode content analysis. Tahap selanjutnya adalah mengidentifikasi preferensi perusahaan dalam program CSR air bersih dengan content analysis, dan tahap terakhir adalah merumuskan arahan penyediaan air bersih dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program CSR air bersih dapat dilaksanakan akibat adanya dampak ...
Bonus Demografi akan dihadapi Indonesia pada tahun 2020-2030. AEC juga akan dihadapi Indonesia pa... more Bonus Demografi akan dihadapi Indonesia pada tahun 2020-2030. AEC juga akan dihadapi Indonesia pada tahun 2015. Namun isu dihapuskannya pelajaran Bahasa Inggris membuat resah masyarakat akibat tantangan yang akan dihadapi Indonesia menuntut kemampuan berbahasa asing yang baik.
Jurnal pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan, Jul 1, 2022
The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are ass... more The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are assured to ensure the sustainability of forest management. This study analyzes the role of determining the powers and interests as well as to classify groups by analyzing the interests and influences and analyzes actor-network by using Social Network Analysis (SNA) with Kumu application.
Collaborative forest management (CFM) is assumed to provide benefits for improving the condition ... more Collaborative forest management (CFM) is assumed to provide benefits for improving the condition of the forest ecology and the community’s economy. However, its effectiveness is often debated, particularly regarding the involvement of poor and landless farmers in program implementation. In this relation, this study examines a CFM program implementation in Bandung District, West Java, the so-called Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM). The study combined qualitative and quantitative approaches in collecting data. GIS analysis and vegetation identification supported this study. The study shows that the PHBM program implementation in the study area provided benefits for improving forest ecological conditions and the livelihood of the farmers. This study also suggests that poor or landless farmers could secure their rights and access to the forest; they became coffee farmers. Despite this, to ensure the sustainability of the program, especially the involvement of the poor and lan...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
For years, the Province of West Java has been facing several development challenges, such as pove... more For years, the Province of West Java has been facing several development challenges, such as poverty, malnutrition, low access to education, etc. It is assumed that the characteristics are patterned. The aim of this paper to present the typology of socio-economic characteristic of municipalities and regencies in West Java Province. By combining cluster and spatial cluster analysis, we figured out that the three cluster of areas represented the domination of examined regional development variables. Spatial cluster analysis employs the spatially weighted variables to form a homogenous cluster of each region in West Java. The first cluster can be classified as peri-urban area (area surrounding urban region) with average-sized population, unemployment, and malnutrition size. The second cluster can be classified as rural area with small population, unemployment, and malnutrition size. The third cluster can be classified as urban area with high-sized population, unemployment, and malnutri...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
North Bandung Region (KBU) is a conservation area, water catchment and investment magnet attracti... more North Bandung Region (KBU) is a conservation area, water catchment and investment magnet attracting high due to its strategic location at an altitude level above 750 meters above sea level. Developments at KBU have a disastrous impact on the below highland. This research was conducted to identify mismatches in spatial use and indications of violations of spatial use with the superimpose method of spatial plan maps with existing land cover maps. Continued spatial analysis, object/point filtering, field observations, focus group discussions, spatial performance analysis and impact calculations. The results stated that there were 4,414 polygons and 42 typologies of spatial mismatch and 108 points of indication of violation. Found four typologies of violations of spatial use; spatial use that is not in accordance with the spatial plan, is not in accordance with the spatial use permit granted by the authorized official, is not in accordance with the permit requirements, and issues a perm...
Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus meluas tiap t... more Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus meluas tiap tahunnya. Terdapat alternatif dalam penyediaan air bersih berupa skema kerjasama konsep Corporate Social Responsibility namun selama ini pelaksanaannya masih belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan variabel yang berpengaruh dalam penyediaan air bersih dengan konsep CSR. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 9 variabel, terdapat 5 variabel yang berpengaruh, yaitu kebijakan tarif air bersih, jumlah dan debit sumber air bersih, kualitas air bersih, pengelola air bersih, dan pendanaan untuk air bersih. Sedangkan 4 variabel lain yang tidak berpengaruh adalah jumlah penduduk, ukuran wilayah, sarana penyediaan air bersih, dan lokasi sumber air bersih.
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are ass... more The role of the community and their collaboration with other actors are the attempts that are assured to ensure the sustainability of forest management. This study analyzes the role to determine the powers and interests as well as to classify groups by analyzing the interests and influences and analyzes actor-network by using Social Network Analysis (SNA) with KUMU application. PHBM is a form of collaboration between Perum Perhutani as the program designer and forest communities. Perhutani plays as the Key Players in the program with the role of initiating the PHBM program who has great control over forest management such as monitoring and licensing access to forests, as well as Coffee Farmers as the main subject of the program. SNA analysis shows that the key actor of PHBM is LMDH as an actor who has the most connections with other actors, the information center, information broker, and also the closest with other actors since it has the shortest communication path. LMDH’s roles an...
Kabupaten Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus mel... more Kabupaten Lamongan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami krisis air bersih yang terus meluas tiap tahunnya. Terdapat alternatif dalam penyediaan air bersih berupa skema kerjasama konsep Corporate Social Responsibility namun selama ini pelaksanaannya masih belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan, serta minimnya komunikasi antara perusahaan dengan pemerintah daerah karena tidak adanya arahan khusus mengenai penyediaan air bersih dengan konsep CSR. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan arahan penyediaan air bersih dengan konsep CSR. Tahap awal penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penyediaan air bersih dengan metode content analysis. Tahap selanjutnya adalah mengidentifikasi preferensi perusahaan dalam program CSR air bersih dengan content analysis, dan tahap terakhir adalah merumuskan arahan penyediaan air bersih dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program CSR air bersih dapat dilaksanakan akibat adanya dampak ...
Bonus Demografi akan dihadapi Indonesia pada tahun 2020-2030. AEC juga akan dihadapi Indonesia pa... more Bonus Demografi akan dihadapi Indonesia pada tahun 2020-2030. AEC juga akan dihadapi Indonesia pada tahun 2015. Namun isu dihapuskannya pelajaran Bahasa Inggris membuat resah masyarakat akibat tantangan yang akan dihadapi Indonesia menuntut kemampuan berbahasa asing yang baik.
Papers by Inas Aisharya