Papers by Inaki Laresgoiti
One of today's hottest IT topics is integration, as bringing together information from different ... more One of today's hottest IT topics is integration, as bringing together information from different sources and structures is not completely solved. The approach outlined here wants to illustrate how ontologies [Gr93] could help to support the integration process. The main benefits for an ontology-based approach are the ability to picture all occurring data structures, for ontologies can be seen as nowadays most advanced knowledge representation model the combination of deduction and relational database systems, which extends the mapping and business logic capabilities a higher degree of abstraction, as the model is separated from the data storage its extendibility and reusability
The development and deployment of multi-agent systems in real world settings raises a number of i... more The development and deployment of multi-agent systems in real world settings raises a number of important research issues and problems which must be overcome if Distributed AI (DAD is to become a widespread solution technology. Work undertaken in the context of the ARCHON project has provided a number of important insights into these issues. By providing an in depth analysis of ARCHON's electricity transportation management application, this paper draws together many of the experiences obtained when building one of the world's first operational DA! systems.

ARCHON ^TM (ARchitecture for Cooperative Heterogeneous ON-line systems) was Europe's largest ... more ARCHON ^TM (ARchitecture for Cooperative Heterogeneous ON-line systems) was Europe's largest ever project in the area of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI). It devised a general-purpose architecture, software framework, and methodology which has been used to support the development of DAI systems in a number of real world industrial domains. Two of these applications, electricity transportation management and particle accelerator control, have been run successfully on-line in the organisation for which they were developed (respectively, Iberdrola an electricity utility in the north of Spain and CERN the European Centre for high energy physics research near Geneva). This paper recounts the problems, insights and experiences gained whilst deploying ARCHON technology in these real-world industrial applications. Firstly, it gives the rationale for a DAI approach to industrial applications and highlights the key design forces which shape work in this important domain. Secon...

Deregulation of the electricity sector, environmental concern, advances in Information and Commun... more Deregulation of the electricity sector, environmental concern, advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the appearance of new cost effective energy generation technologies, are driving the traditionally safe and reliable electrical network onto a situation in which the quality level of electricity supply will not only have to be maintained, but even increased, although difficulties for doing it will be greater than before due to uncertainties arising from competitive market driven transactions. The integration of market management together with the physical management of the electrical network creates several problems that the use of ICTs is going to help to solve. In this context, Internet and the Semantic Web1 technologies appear as the most cost effective and promising way to achieve the interoperation of both interrelated worlds. Scada is the basic system for every process control. The data provided by the Scada system is mainly focused onto the control o...
Intelligent Systems Engineering, 1992
As the deployment of expert systems has spread into more complex and sophisticated environments, ... more As the deployment of expert systems has spread into more complex and sophisticated environments, so inherent technological limitations have been observed. As a technique for overcoming this complexity barrier, researchers have started to build systems composed of multiple ...

Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems, 1996
ABSTRACT This paper presents an ontology to represent the electrical network from the point of vi... more ABSTRACT This paper presents an ontology to represent the electrical network from the point of view of diagnosis, i.e., an ontology of the elements of the network that are necessary for fault diagnosis. The notion of `ontology', rooted in philosophy, is used in knowledge engineering to describe explicit specifications of conceptualizations, where a conceptualization is a set of definitions of elements in a domain. It is a useful notion in knowledge based systems development because it provides the means for describing explicitly the conceptualization behind the knowledge represented in a knowledge base. An ontology, in this case for fault diagnosis, is a combination of small-scale ontologies. After a detailed analysis of the network and its behaviour, five viewpoints were identified as relevant for diagnosis. We generated an ontology for each to characterize more accurately and clearly the elements involved in the problem. Each of them focuses on different relevant aspects of the network and has a compact body of knowledge and a clear meaning in the problem. They are identified as transport, control, events, alarms, and trips. Each is discussed by the authors in relation to fault diagnosis

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
Configuration problem solving is a topic that drove a lot of interest within the AI community. Th... more Configuration problem solving is a topic that drove a lot of interest within the AI community. The World Wide Web has appeared as the vehicle to share information and facilitate businesses like the provision of simple configuration capabilities to users. Ontologies have gained acceptance within the research community as the way to make applications interoperable and drive the next intelligent generation of the World Wide Web known as the Semantic Web that many consider as a future enabler of future advance forms of collaborative e-business. It is just this consideration what has motivated the OBELIX * consortium to do research on multi-component product configuration, since collaborative design scenarios over the (Semantic) Web will become a future reality, but have not been researched in depth yet. This paper describes the efforts done and the results obtained in that direction.
2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings,, 2003
Deregulation of the electricity sector, environmental concern, advances in Information and Commun... more Deregulation of the electricity sector, environmental concern, advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the appearance of new cost effective energy generation technologies, are driving the traditionally safe and reliable electrical network onto a situation in which the quality level of electricity supply will not only have to be maintained, but even increased, although difficulties for doing it will be greater than before due to uncertainties arising from competitive market driven transactions.

Today, semantic technologies are deployed in the representation of knowledge and the development ... more Today, semantic technologies are deployed in the representation of knowledge and the development of inference engines that can incorporate reasoning capabilities to the systems. The S-TEN technology is extending the Semantic Web technologies for applications in industrial sectors. In the field of active distribution networks several objectives are addressed: to enable an automatic re-configuration of a microgrid, to improve the integration of dispersed generation by enhanced monitoring and control processes and to facilitate the integration of demand resources into the control of the grid using market mechanisms. The grids of the electrical network of the future will need to be highly automated, will require a reduced human intervention and will have a dynamic characteristic. Dynamic characteristic indicates the possibility of the equipment connected in the network to connect, disconnect and provide services to the central controller for managing the network. This capability will require plug and play capabilities that need the specification of standard protocols and data exchange models. But apart from 21, rue d'Artois, F-75008 PARIS
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2004
... figurable over the Web. Because of the economic, social, and business importance of the ... T... more ... figurable over the Web. Because of the economic, social, and business importance of the ... This OBELIX service ontology is first of all a formalization of concepts that represent the consensus in the business science liter-ature on service management and marketing. ...
European Transactions on Electrical Power, 2001
The ESPRIT IV (European strategic programme for research and development in information techno1og... more The ESPRIT IV (European strategic programme for research and development in information techno1ogy)project ElectroNet aimed at defining a European data model suitable for planning applications of HV (high voltage) and EHV (extra high voltage) power systems by applying the ISO-STEP-methodology. For three years thirteen partners from seven European countries worked on this project which was finally completed by the end of September 1999. This paper presents the innovative concepts developed for ElectroNet. Finally an outlook of a subsequent planned project EPSIM is given.
Papers by Inaki Laresgoiti