2012 IX International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES IX), 2012
To monitor spatial and temporal variability of bird level air temperature within the first thre... more To monitor spatial and temporal variability of bird level air temperature within the first three weeks of age for a negative pressure and a naturally ventilated broiler barns. To Monitor other thermal parameters such as relative humidity, temperature difference between inside and outside and the temperature and humidity index in both types of barns.
Revista Facultad Nacional De Agronomia Medellin, Dec 1, 2010
Resumen. El objetivo fue evaluar el uso de la arcilla expandida en concretos livianos, dosiicada ... more Resumen. El objetivo fue evaluar el uso de la arcilla expandida en concretos livianos, dosiicada y elaborada de manera que fuera viable el moldeo de placas con una geometría apropiada, capaz de atender las demandas de confort térmico y de las técnicas para estructuras pecuarias. Modelos de galpones de aves fueron construidos en escala 1:12, de acuerdo con Jentzsch (2002) y localizados en dirección este-oeste. Los techos fueron construidos con tres materiales diferentes: placas prefabricadas de concreto aligerado con arcilla expandida (LWC), tejas en ibrocemento (Fcim) y tejas cerámicas (Cer). Los parámetros evaluados al interior de los modelos reducidos fueron: humedad relativa (HR), índice de temperatura de globo negro y humedad (ITGU) y carga térmica radiante (CTR), durante el verano y el invierno. Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros HR, ITGU y CTR fueron estadísticamente diferentes para cada sistema evaluado. El mejor comportamiento se presentó con el modelo de placas prefabricadas de concreto aligerado con arcillas expandidas (LWC).
If applied fresh, sampling should be done before house clean out so that the nutrient analysis re... more If applied fresh, sampling should be done before house clean out so that the nutrient analysis results are readily available prior to land application. There are 2 methods that are suitable for obtaining representative litter samples in poultry houses, the trench and the point methods. This study was designed to investigate the effect of sampling methodology on the resultant nutrient content of broiler litter and how nutrient concentrations in broiler litter differ between brooding and nonbrooding areas in the production unit. The sampling methods gave similar results for litter pH, moisture content (MC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and total phosphorus (TP), thus indicating that the random walk method can be used to easily collect representative samples instead of the more time-and labor-intensive trench method for nutrient management purposes. The total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) content was significantly higher for the trench method, however, TAN accounted for less than 15% of the litter TKN. Litter MC, TAN, and TP varied significantly in each of the nonbrooding areas and the brooding area. Moisture content was 28.5, 32.0, and 28.0% for the brooding, north, and south nonbrooding areas, respectively. Litter TKN levels were 37.4, 24.9, and 20.5 g/kg for the brooding, north, and south nonbrooding areas, respectively. The TAN concentrations were higher at the north nonbrooding areas. The TP concentrations were 10.4, 8.8, and 8.5 g/kg for north nonbrooding area, brooding area, and south nonbrooding area, respectively. Our results indicate the need for sampling litter in both brooding and nonbrooding areas in broiler houses for the determination of average litter nutrient and MC.
In regions of tropical and subtropical climates, nearly all installations used for intensive broi... more In regions of tropical and subtropical climates, nearly all installations used for intensive broiler chicken production and other animals of economic interest operate as curtain-sided open structures with assisted mechanical ventilation. The lack of ventilation control in these facilities, along with wind direction and velocity effects on ventilation uniformity, complicates calculation of the quantity of gases (ammonia and others) generated by the litter at a given moment. This fact constitutes a pitfall when evaluating the polluting potential of open environments, and when comparisons with data encountered in closed environment facilities used in temperate climates need to be done. All developed countries of Europe and North America already possess methodologies to determine gas emissions in closed installations commonly found in these regions. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate some specific methodologies used for determining ammonia emissions from broiler houses located in countries of Europe and the United States, and verify the possibility for application of these methodologies to open structures commonly found in Brazil and other countries of South America. A quantitative evaluation showed that the methods with best characteristics for adaptability to the operational conditions and the different types of conditioned environments of buildings with positive pressure or natural ventilation systems were the internal tracer gas, the portable monitoring unit (PMU) and the mobile air emissions monitoring unit (MAEMU). According to the results, model-based approaches that use mass balance and passive diffusion samplers such as the "Ferm Tube" and the Saraz Method for Determination of Ammonia Emissions (SMDAE) proposed by Osorio , can also be adapted to different operational conditions for open buildings.
The present work aimed to adapt and validate a precise and simple application method defined as t... more The present work aimed to adapt and validate a precise and simple application method defined as the "Saraz method for the determination of ammonia emissions" (SMDAE), based on the method of mass diffusion, to determine ammonia flux due to mass convection from broiler litter. It was found that ammonia flux (N"A) can be obtained by the SMDAE diffusion method. The SMDAE method presents a recovery efficiency for volatilized ammonia of 77 ± 4% and can be used for ammonia concentrations as high as 0.5 ppm.
Accurate determination of ventilation rate (VR) in confined animal houses is necessary to reduce ... more Accurate determination of ventilation rate (VR) in confined animal houses is necessary to reduce errors in estimation of aerial emissions from the litter/barn. Several methods have been proposed and used for the determination of VR for naturally-ventilated animal houses, with varying degrees of accuracy and costs. This study was conducted to evaluate a refined, relatively simple protocol that can be applied in naturally ventilated barns and does not require the use of sophisticated instruments or intensive data acquisition. The protocol was tested by comparing the building VR obtained from CO2 mass balance with the VR measured using fan traverses (i.e., the reference value) in a mechanically ventilated broiler barn. The dynamic metabolic CO2 production of the birds was predicted with two different algorithms: (1) it remains constant throughout the day, and (2) it varies with animal activity throughout the day. The results demonstrate that regarding animal activity throughout the day...
The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for studying the motion of air and targ... more The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for studying the motion of air and target pollutants in naturally ventilated (NV) livestock barns. In this kind/type of barn, there exists an interest in studying the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of air flows and gaseous concentration profiles of, for instance, carbon dioxide (CO2). Most CFD models in-clude mainly, or only, air as a working fluid and don´t take into consideration the generation and motion patterns of specific gases such as CO2, which is directly linked to animals´ meta-bolic activity including production from manure. The objective of this study was to combine a CFD model with a metabolic CO2 production model with the purpose to predict air flows and CO2 distribution in a NV dairy cow barn. The studied NV dairy cow barn is a free stall with cubicles, slatted floors and manure storage below the slats. Its housing capacity is 136 dairy cows, 25 dry cows and 33 young pregnant cows, all kept inside y...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2003
AGRIS record. Record number, XS2003250325. Titles, Análise do conforto térmico em galpões avícola... more AGRIS record. Record number, XS2003250325. Titles, Análise do conforto térmico em galpões avícolas com diferentes sistemas de acondicionamento. Personal Authors, Furtado, Dermeval A.(Universidade Federal de Campina ...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2006
Federal de Viçosa. Colunas de 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 1,9 e 2,0 m foram preenchidas com esses materiais, p... more Federal de Viçosa. Colunas de 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 1,9 e 2,0 m foram preenchidas com esses materiais, para filtragem de água residuária da suinocultura (ARS), o que foi realizado em três replicatas. Para monitoramento da perda de carga nos filtros, foram instalados piezômetros. O tempo de operação dos filtros, até que a taxa de filtração passasse a ser menor que 0,2 L m -2 s -1 , foi de 100 a 150 min. As taxas de remoção de sólidos em suspensão (SS) e de sólidos totais (ST) foram, respectivamente, de 90 a 99% e de 43 a 57%, utilizando-se filtros de serragem de madeira, e de 81 a 96% e de 50 a 56%, usando-se filtros de bagaço de cana-deaçúcar. A eficiência de filtragem aumentou com o passar do tempo, ocasionada pela obstrução gradativa dos poros e pela retenção de sólidos da ARS nas colunas filtrantes. A altura da coluna filtrante não alterou significativamente a eficiência dos filtros na remoção de SS.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2002
Go to AGRIS search. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (2002/04). Avaliação de... more Go to AGRIS search. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (2002/04). Avaliação de materiais alternativos utilizados na confecção de placas porosas para sistemas de resfriamento adiabático evaporativo. ...
Companies have increasingly sought strategies that will ensure a more competitive position in the... more Companies have increasingly sought strategies that will ensure a more competitive position in the marketplace. Among these strategies adopted by companies include the health and welfare of the worker, factors currently valued by consumers, especially those of most demanding market. Thus, the postural analysis is of great importance and interest because it is the study of positioning related to body parts like head, torso and limbs, capable of producing loads that may be excessive or insufficient causing disturbances in the muscle skeletal system worker. The aim of this study was to perform a postural analysis of the main sectors of workers (slaughter, cutting room, special cuts, packaging and dispatch) of a typical refrigerator pig industry in Brazil during the execution of their daily activities as well as developing proposals to minimize and/or eliminate the diseases and accidents. The study followed the safety norms of Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment. The posture analy...
2012 IX International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES IX), 2012
To monitor spatial and temporal variability of bird level air temperature within the first thre... more To monitor spatial and temporal variability of bird level air temperature within the first three weeks of age for a negative pressure and a naturally ventilated broiler barns. To Monitor other thermal parameters such as relative humidity, temperature difference between inside and outside and the temperature and humidity index in both types of barns.
Revista Facultad Nacional De Agronomia Medellin, Dec 1, 2010
Resumen. El objetivo fue evaluar el uso de la arcilla expandida en concretos livianos, dosiicada ... more Resumen. El objetivo fue evaluar el uso de la arcilla expandida en concretos livianos, dosiicada y elaborada de manera que fuera viable el moldeo de placas con una geometría apropiada, capaz de atender las demandas de confort térmico y de las técnicas para estructuras pecuarias. Modelos de galpones de aves fueron construidos en escala 1:12, de acuerdo con Jentzsch (2002) y localizados en dirección este-oeste. Los techos fueron construidos con tres materiales diferentes: placas prefabricadas de concreto aligerado con arcilla expandida (LWC), tejas en ibrocemento (Fcim) y tejas cerámicas (Cer). Los parámetros evaluados al interior de los modelos reducidos fueron: humedad relativa (HR), índice de temperatura de globo negro y humedad (ITGU) y carga térmica radiante (CTR), durante el verano y el invierno. Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros HR, ITGU y CTR fueron estadísticamente diferentes para cada sistema evaluado. El mejor comportamiento se presentó con el modelo de placas prefabricadas de concreto aligerado con arcillas expandidas (LWC).
If applied fresh, sampling should be done before house clean out so that the nutrient analysis re... more If applied fresh, sampling should be done before house clean out so that the nutrient analysis results are readily available prior to land application. There are 2 methods that are suitable for obtaining representative litter samples in poultry houses, the trench and the point methods. This study was designed to investigate the effect of sampling methodology on the resultant nutrient content of broiler litter and how nutrient concentrations in broiler litter differ between brooding and nonbrooding areas in the production unit. The sampling methods gave similar results for litter pH, moisture content (MC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and total phosphorus (TP), thus indicating that the random walk method can be used to easily collect representative samples instead of the more time-and labor-intensive trench method for nutrient management purposes. The total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) content was significantly higher for the trench method, however, TAN accounted for less than 15% of the litter TKN. Litter MC, TAN, and TP varied significantly in each of the nonbrooding areas and the brooding area. Moisture content was 28.5, 32.0, and 28.0% for the brooding, north, and south nonbrooding areas, respectively. Litter TKN levels were 37.4, 24.9, and 20.5 g/kg for the brooding, north, and south nonbrooding areas, respectively. The TAN concentrations were higher at the north nonbrooding areas. The TP concentrations were 10.4, 8.8, and 8.5 g/kg for north nonbrooding area, brooding area, and south nonbrooding area, respectively. Our results indicate the need for sampling litter in both brooding and nonbrooding areas in broiler houses for the determination of average litter nutrient and MC.
In regions of tropical and subtropical climates, nearly all installations used for intensive broi... more In regions of tropical and subtropical climates, nearly all installations used for intensive broiler chicken production and other animals of economic interest operate as curtain-sided open structures with assisted mechanical ventilation. The lack of ventilation control in these facilities, along with wind direction and velocity effects on ventilation uniformity, complicates calculation of the quantity of gases (ammonia and others) generated by the litter at a given moment. This fact constitutes a pitfall when evaluating the polluting potential of open environments, and when comparisons with data encountered in closed environment facilities used in temperate climates need to be done. All developed countries of Europe and North America already possess methodologies to determine gas emissions in closed installations commonly found in these regions. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate some specific methodologies used for determining ammonia emissions from broiler houses located in countries of Europe and the United States, and verify the possibility for application of these methodologies to open structures commonly found in Brazil and other countries of South America. A quantitative evaluation showed that the methods with best characteristics for adaptability to the operational conditions and the different types of conditioned environments of buildings with positive pressure or natural ventilation systems were the internal tracer gas, the portable monitoring unit (PMU) and the mobile air emissions monitoring unit (MAEMU). According to the results, model-based approaches that use mass balance and passive diffusion samplers such as the "Ferm Tube" and the Saraz Method for Determination of Ammonia Emissions (SMDAE) proposed by Osorio , can also be adapted to different operational conditions for open buildings.
The present work aimed to adapt and validate a precise and simple application method defined as t... more The present work aimed to adapt and validate a precise and simple application method defined as the "Saraz method for the determination of ammonia emissions" (SMDAE), based on the method of mass diffusion, to determine ammonia flux due to mass convection from broiler litter. It was found that ammonia flux (N"A) can be obtained by the SMDAE diffusion method. The SMDAE method presents a recovery efficiency for volatilized ammonia of 77 ± 4% and can be used for ammonia concentrations as high as 0.5 ppm.
Accurate determination of ventilation rate (VR) in confined animal houses is necessary to reduce ... more Accurate determination of ventilation rate (VR) in confined animal houses is necessary to reduce errors in estimation of aerial emissions from the litter/barn. Several methods have been proposed and used for the determination of VR for naturally-ventilated animal houses, with varying degrees of accuracy and costs. This study was conducted to evaluate a refined, relatively simple protocol that can be applied in naturally ventilated barns and does not require the use of sophisticated instruments or intensive data acquisition. The protocol was tested by comparing the building VR obtained from CO2 mass balance with the VR measured using fan traverses (i.e., the reference value) in a mechanically ventilated broiler barn. The dynamic metabolic CO2 production of the birds was predicted with two different algorithms: (1) it remains constant throughout the day, and (2) it varies with animal activity throughout the day. The results demonstrate that regarding animal activity throughout the day...
The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for studying the motion of air and targ... more The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for studying the motion of air and target pollutants in naturally ventilated (NV) livestock barns. In this kind/type of barn, there exists an interest in studying the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of air flows and gaseous concentration profiles of, for instance, carbon dioxide (CO2). Most CFD models in-clude mainly, or only, air as a working fluid and don´t take into consideration the generation and motion patterns of specific gases such as CO2, which is directly linked to animals´ meta-bolic activity including production from manure. The objective of this study was to combine a CFD model with a metabolic CO2 production model with the purpose to predict air flows and CO2 distribution in a NV dairy cow barn. The studied NV dairy cow barn is a free stall with cubicles, slatted floors and manure storage below the slats. Its housing capacity is 136 dairy cows, 25 dry cows and 33 young pregnant cows, all kept inside y...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2003
AGRIS record. Record number, XS2003250325. Titles, Análise do conforto térmico em galpões avícola... more AGRIS record. Record number, XS2003250325. Titles, Análise do conforto térmico em galpões avícolas com diferentes sistemas de acondicionamento. Personal Authors, Furtado, Dermeval A.(Universidade Federal de Campina ...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2006
Federal de Viçosa. Colunas de 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 1,9 e 2,0 m foram preenchidas com esses materiais, p... more Federal de Viçosa. Colunas de 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 1,9 e 2,0 m foram preenchidas com esses materiais, para filtragem de água residuária da suinocultura (ARS), o que foi realizado em três replicatas. Para monitoramento da perda de carga nos filtros, foram instalados piezômetros. O tempo de operação dos filtros, até que a taxa de filtração passasse a ser menor que 0,2 L m -2 s -1 , foi de 100 a 150 min. As taxas de remoção de sólidos em suspensão (SS) e de sólidos totais (ST) foram, respectivamente, de 90 a 99% e de 43 a 57%, utilizando-se filtros de serragem de madeira, e de 81 a 96% e de 50 a 56%, usando-se filtros de bagaço de cana-deaçúcar. A eficiência de filtragem aumentou com o passar do tempo, ocasionada pela obstrução gradativa dos poros e pela retenção de sólidos da ARS nas colunas filtrantes. A altura da coluna filtrante não alterou significativamente a eficiência dos filtros na remoção de SS.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2002
Go to AGRIS search. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (2002/04). Avaliação de... more Go to AGRIS search. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (2002/04). Avaliação de materiais alternativos utilizados na confecção de placas porosas para sistemas de resfriamento adiabático evaporativo. ...
Companies have increasingly sought strategies that will ensure a more competitive position in the... more Companies have increasingly sought strategies that will ensure a more competitive position in the marketplace. Among these strategies adopted by companies include the health and welfare of the worker, factors currently valued by consumers, especially those of most demanding market. Thus, the postural analysis is of great importance and interest because it is the study of positioning related to body parts like head, torso and limbs, capable of producing loads that may be excessive or insufficient causing disturbances in the muscle skeletal system worker. The aim of this study was to perform a postural analysis of the main sectors of workers (slaughter, cutting room, special cuts, packaging and dispatch) of a typical refrigerator pig industry in Brazil during the execution of their daily activities as well as developing proposals to minimize and/or eliminate the diseases and accidents. The study followed the safety norms of Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment. The posture analy...
Revista Brasileira de Enghenaria Agricola e Ambiental, 2019
The environmental monitoring in animal facilities that includes collected data storage in a robus... more The environmental monitoring in animal facilities that includes collected data storage in a robust, practical and feasible way is a constant challenge. The aim of this study was to develop a reliable data logger for monitoring the air temperature and air relative humidity of aviaries and to assess the adequacy of the design using commercially available reference standard instruments. The experimental data logger was installed together with a commercial data logger, a mercury thermometer and a calibrated Vaisala HMP110 air relative humidity probe in a meteorological shelter. Linear regression analysis was performed with the collected air temperature and air relative humidity to develop calibration equations. The Nash-Sutcliffe Index and the relative error were calculated to validate the experimental data logger. The air temperature and the air relative humidity calibration equations presented Nash-Sutcliffe of 0.993 and-0.281 for the commercial data logger, and 0.913 and 0.932 for the experimental data. The mean relative error of the air temperature readings was 3 and 1% and for air relative humidity 5 and 20%, for the experimental and commercial logger, respectively. The experimental data logger reliably stored all collected data without error to the micro-SD card. The experimental data logger can be considered low-cost and sufficiently accurate for monitoring air temperature and air relative humidity in aviaries, presenting field performance very close to the commercial data logger for air temperature measurement, and better performance than the commercial data logger for the measurement of air relative humidity. Desenvolvimento e validação de um data logger para caracterização térmica em instalações de poedeiras RESUMO: O monitoramento ambiental em instalações animais, que inclui o armazenamento de dados coletados de forma robusta, prática e viável, é um desafio constante. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um data logger confiável para monitorar a temperatura e umidade relativa do ar dos aviários e avaliar a adequação do projeto usando instrumentos padrão de referência comercialmente disponíveis. O data logger experimental foi instalado junto com um data logger comercial, um termômetro de mercúrio e uma sonda de umidade relativa do ar calibrada Vaisala HMP110 em um abrigo meteorológico. A análise de regressão linear foi realizada com a temperatura e a umidade relativa do ar coletadas, para desenvolver equações de calibração. O índice Nash-Sutcliffe e o erro relativo foram calculados para validar o data logger experimental. As equações de calibração de temperatura do ar e de umidade relativa do ar apresentaram Nash-Sutcliffe de 0,993 e-0,281 para o data logger comercial e, 0,913 e 0,932 para o data logger experimental. O erro relativo médio das leituras de temperatura do ar foi de 3 e 1% e da umidade relativa do ar 5 e 20%, para o data logger experimental e comercial, respectivamente. O data logger experimental armazenou de forma confiável todos os dados coletados, sem erro, no cartão micro-SD. O data logger experimental pode ser considerado de baixo custo e suficientemente preciso para monitoramento da temperatura do ar e da umidade relativa do ar em aviários, apresentando desempenho de campo muito próximo ao data logger comercial para medição da temperatura do ar e melhor desempenho que o data logger comercial para medição da umidade relativa do ar. Palavras-chave: dispositivo eletrônico, monitoramento ambiental, instalações avícolas
The facilities for laying hens should be designed to provide thermal comfort and satisfactory lum... more The facilities for laying hens should be designed to provide thermal comfort and satisfactory luminosity for the production of quality eggs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial behavior of thermal conditions and light intensity of facilities for laying hens with vertical cages naturally conditioned during winter and summer. Air temperature, air relative humidity and light intensity data were collected in 75 points distributed evenly through the longitudinal direction of the installation in three tiers of cages (first, third and sixth). Each point represented a set of coordinates (x, y, z), being the x-axis the lines (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5), y-axis the sections (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5) and z-axis the tiers (N1, N2, N3). The spatial behavior of the thermal conditions of the facility was held during the coldest period of winter and the warmest period of summer. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial scheme. In the winter, the temperature showed homogeneous behavior among sections and variable among lines. In the summer, the spatial variability of temperature and humidity was more accentuated than in the winter, mainly among tiers. For both seasons, the center of the facility presented lower light intensity than the lateral. From the spatial behavior of the thermal conditions of the facility laying hens, it is possible to verify the magnitude and variability of temperature, relative humidity and light intensity, identify vulnerable and deficit thermal regions and contribute to decision-making related to thermal conditioning and luminosity of the facility. Index terms: Characterization of the environment; thermal variability; light intensity. RESUMO As instalações para galinhas poedeiras devem ser concebidas para proporcionarem conforto térmico e satisfatória luminosidade para uma produção de ovos de qualidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o comportamento espacial das condições térmicas e intensidade luminosa de aviários verticais para galinhas poedeiras acondicionados naturalmente, durante o inverno e verão. Dados de temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar e intensidade luminosa foram coletados em 75 pontos distribuídos uniformemente no sentido longitudinal do aviário, em três andares de gaiolas, (primeiro, terceiro e sexto). Cada ponto representava um conjunto de coordenadas (x, y, z) sendo no sentido do eixo x as linhas (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5) eixo y as seções (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5) e eixo z os níveis (N1, N2, N3). O comportamento espacial das condições térmicas do aviário foi realizado no período mais frio do inverno e mais quente do verão. O delineamento experimental adotado foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial. No inverno, a temperatura apresentou comportamento homogêneo entre as seções e variável entre linhas. No verão, a variabilidade espacial da temperatura e umidade foi mais acentuada que no inverno, principalmente entre os níveis. Para ambas as estações o centro do aviário apresentou intensidade luminosa menor que as laterais. A partir do comportamento espacial das condições térmicas do aviário de poedeiras é possível verificar a magnitude e variabilidade da temperatura, umidade relativa e intensidade luminosa, identificar regiões vulneráveis e deficitárias termicamente e contribuir para a tomada de decisões relacionadas ao acondicionamento térmico e luminosidade da instalação. Termos para indexação: Caracterização do ambiente; variabilidade térmica; intensidade luminosa.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different environment conditions on pr... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different environment conditions on productive performance and surface temperatures of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) during the initial stage of laying. In environmental controlled chambers, the birds were subjected to different temperatures and air velocities at the feeder. A total of 216 Japanese quails were distributed randomly in 2 galvanized wire cages, with 3 partitions each and 27 birds/cage. The experimental design consisted of ran-domized blocks with 2 treatments (air velocity at the feeder: 0, 1, 2, and 3 m/s and air temperature: 17, 23, 29, and 35 • C) and 6 replicates. The productive performance was analyzed statistically (Sigma Plot 12.0) by 2-way ANOVA, with treatment means separated by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). To evaluate the main effects and interactions of the factors, the Holm-Sidak multiple comparisons test was performed using a mild condition as the control group (0 m/s). Feed intake did not differ (P > 0.05) among birds reared at temperatures of 23, 29, and 35 • C, but higher feed intake was noted at 17 • C. The mean values of egg production increased significantly (P < 0.05) with increased air velocity levels. It was observed that there was an increase in egg production and feed intake with the intensification of air velocity at the feeder, regardless of ambient temperature. Egg weight and feed conversion were not affected by air velocity treatments (P > 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between air temperature and mean surface temperature and head surface temperature. In contrast, a significant negative correlation was observed between air velocity and mean surface temperature and head surface temperature. Productive performance was affected by temperature and air velocity, except for egg weight and feed conversion, which was not influenced by air velocity. Air velocity is important in removing heat from the surface of birds.
Maintaining a comfortable and productive thermal environment is one of the major challenges of po... more Maintaining a comfortable and productive thermal environment is one of the major challenges of poultry farming in tropical and hot climates. The thermal environment encompasses a number of factors that interact with each other and reflect the actual thermal sensation of the animals. These factors characterize the microclimate inside the facilities and influence the behaviour, performance and well-being of the birds. Thus, the objective of this study is to propose and validate a computational model of fluid dynamics to evaluate the spatial distribution of air velocity and the performance of a system designed to control air velocity variation for use in experiments with birds in controlled environment. The performance of the experimental ventilation prototype was evaluated based on air velocity distribution profiles in cages. Each prototype consisted of two fans coupled to a PVC pipe 25 cm in diameter, one at each end of the pipe, with airflow directed along the entire feeder installed in front of the cages. The contour conditions considered for the simulation of airflow inside the cage were air temperature of 35 °C at the entrance and exit of the cage; air velocity equal to 2.3 m s-1 at the entrance of the cage; pressure of 0 Pa. The model proposed in this study was representative when compared to the experimental measurements, and it can be used in the study of air flow behaviour and distribution for the improvement of the prototype design for later studies.
Soil microorganisms called Effective Microorganisms (EM) were first cultivated and used in the 19... more Soil microorganisms called Effective Microorganisms (EM) were first cultivated and used in the 1970s. Researches about these cultures have since then demonstrated their effectiveness in improving soil characteristics and as an alternative for accelerating organic matter decomposition in waste treatment systems. The objective of this study was to test whether the addition of EM to substrates incubated in anaerobic digesters would increase the efficiency of waste treatment and biogas production. EM cultures were obtained from bacterial colonies captured within the A-horizon of a Brazilian forest soil. They were left to grow during 15 days on cooked rice contact with the soil; afterwards, the established colonies were separated according to their colors, discarding all shades of black, gray and white, according to recommendations from related literature. Remaining colonies were further grown in sugarcane broth medium for 18 days, being this the final EM culture. Twelve bench digesters were used, each with a total capacity for three liters. The experiment was composed by four treatments consisting of different concentrations of EM inoculum [15% (T1), 10% (T2), 1% (T3) and 0% (T4)] applied to dairy cattle manure, with three replications per treatment. Anaerobic digestion was carried out under controlled temperature (35 o C) over 99 days. Data collected included concentrations of total, fixed and volatile solids (TS, FS and VS), pH and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The pH of the EM inoculum was 3.34 and COD was 24.25 mg L-1. The best reduction efficiencies for COD and TS removal were 79.44% and 42.50%, respectively, in T4. Among the treatments with EM addition, 1% (T3) resulted in better COD reduction. The maximum accumulated biogas production was 20.60 L biogas L substrate-1 , also for T3. In conclusion, EM as an inoculum in low concentrations may be advantageous to anaerobic digestion. Palavras-chave: produção animal biogás gado digestores manejo de resíduos MICRORGANISMOS EFICIENTES (ME) COMO BIOALIMENTADORES PARA DIGESTÃO ANAERÓBIA RESUMO Microrganismos benéficos ao solo, nomeados "Microrganismos Eficientes" (ME) foram cultivados e utilizados nos anos 70. Pesquisas sobre tal cultura tem demonstrado sua eficiência na melhoria das características do solo e também como forma alternativa de acelerar a decomposição da matéria orgânica em sistemas de tratamento de resíduos. O objetivo desse estudo foi testar se a adição da cultura ME como inóculo a substratos incubados em digestores anaeróbios aumentaria a eficiência do tratamento de resíduos. A cultura ME foi obtida de colônias capturadas no horizonte A do solo em uma floresta brasileira. Elas foram desenvolvidas em arroz cozido posto em contato com o solo por um período de 15 dias, após o qual as colônias estabelecidas foram separadas de acordo com padrões de cores, sendo descartadas as de tons cinza, preto e branco, conforme recomendado. As colônias remanescentes foram transferidas para o meio de caldo de cana, onde se desenvolveram por mais 18 dias, sendo esta a cultura ME. Foram utilizados 12 biodigestores de bancada, com capacidade total de três litros cada. Foram aplicados quatro tratamentos, referentes às diferentes adições de ME como inóculo [15% (T1), 10% (T2), 1% (T3) e 0% (T4)] a esterco de bovino de leite, com três repetições por tratamento. A digestão anaeróbia foi conduzida sob condição de temperatura controlada (35ºC), durante 99 dias. Os dados coletados incluíram concentrações de sólidos totais, fixos e voláteis (ST, SF e SV), pH e Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO). O pH do inóculo ME foi de 3,34 e sua DQO foi de 24,25 mg L-1. As maiores eficiências de redução de DQO e de ST foram de 79,44% e 42,50%, respectivamente para T4. Dentre os tratamentos com adição de ME, 1% (T3) resultou em melhor eficiência de redução de DQO. A produção máxima acumulada foi de 20,60 L de biogás por L de substrato, também para T3. Concluiu-se que o uso do ME como inóculo, em baixa concentração, pode ser vantajoso para a digestão anaeróbia.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the combined effects of air temperature and air veloci... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the combined effects of air temperature and air velocity on the behavior of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). A total of 216 Japanese quail in their initial laying phase were used. Bird behavior was categorized with an ethogram (eat, drink, stop, open wings/shiver, others). The experimental design was a randomized complete block, in a 4x4 factorial arrangement, with four air velocities (0, 1, 2, and 3 m s-1) and air temperatures (17, 23, 29, and 35°C). The behavior "stop" was greater when the birds were subjected to 17°C. At 35°C, a significant reduction (p<0.05) was observed in the behavior "eat" at 0 m s-1 , compared with the other velocities. The behaviors of laying quail are similar in the morning and in the afternoon. Quail remain stopped for a longer time under cold stress conditions, at 17°C. Comportamento de codornas japonesas em diferentes velocidades e temperaturas do ar Resumo-O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito combinado da temperatura e da velocidade do ar no comportamento de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Utilizaram-se 216 codornas japonesas na fase inicial de postura. Os comportamentos das aves foram estabelecidos no etograma comportamental (comer, beber, parar, abrir asas/arrepiar, outros). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4x4, com quatro velocidades do ar (0, 1, 2, e 3 m s-1) e temperaturas do ar (17, 23, 29 e 35°C). O comportamento "parar" foi maior quando as aves foram submetidas a 17°C. À temperatura de 35°C, houve redução significativa (p<0,05) para o comportamento "comer" a 0 m s-1 , em comparação às demais velocidades. Os comportamentos das codornas poedeiras são semelhantes no período da manhã e da tarde. As codornas permanecem mais tempo paradas em condições de estresse por frio, a 17°C. Termos para indexação: Coturnix coturnix japonica, estresse por frio, etologia, estresse por calor, sensação térmica.
Appropriate ventilation of poultry facilities is critical for achieving optimum performance. Vent... more Appropriate ventilation of poultry facilities is critical for achieving optimum performance. Ventilation promotes good air exchange to remove harmful gases, excessive heat, moisture, and particulate matter. In a turkey brooder barn, carbon dioxide (CO 2) may be present at higher levels during the winter due to reduced ventilation rates to maintain high temperatures. This higher CO 2 may negatively affect turkey poult performance. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of subjecting tom turkey poults (commercial Large White Hybrid Converters) to different constant levels of atmospheric CO 2 on their growth performance and behavior. In three consecutive replicate trials, a total of 552 poults were weighed post-hatch and randomly placed in 3 environmental control chambers, with 60 (Trial 1) and 62 (Trials 2 and 3) poults housed per chamber. They were reared with standard temperature and humidity levels for 3 wks. The poults were exposed to 3 different fixed CO 2 concentrations of 2,000, 4,000, and 6,000 ppm throughout each trial. Following each trial (replicate), the CO 2 treatments were switched and assigned to a different chamber in order to expose each treatment to each chamber. At the end of each trial, all poults were sent to a local turkey producer to finish growout. For each trial, individual body weight and group feed intake were measured, and mortality and behavioral movement were recorded. Wk 3 and cumulative body weight gain of poults housed at 2,000 ppm CO 2 was greater (P < 0.05) than those exposed to 4,000 and 6,000 ppm CO 2. Feed intake and feed conversion were unaffected by the different CO 2 concentrations. No significant difference in poult mortality was found between treatments. In addition, no effect of CO 2 treatments was evident in the incidence of spontaneous turkey cardiomyopathy for turkeys processed at 19 wk of age. Poults housed at the lower CO 2 level (2,000 ppm) demonstrated reduced movement compared with those exposed to the 2 higher CO 2 concentrations.
Papers by Ilda Tinoco