Papers by Ikuomola Aderonke

Journal of Computer Science and Its Application, 2015
Intrusion detection system is one of the main technologies that is urgently used to monitor netwo... more Intrusion detection system is one of the main technologies that is urgently used to monitor network traffics and identify network intrusions. Most of the available IDSs use all the 41 features in the network to evaluate and search for intrusive pattern in which some of them are redundant and irrelevant and they also generate a lot of false positive and false negative attacks. The problem of this approach is high detection time processing and generation of inaccurate results which limit the performance of intrusion detection system. In this work, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the features in the dataset in order to reduce the number of computer resources time required to detect attack and the experiment was carry out using KDDcup99 dataset. Test and comparison were done on four machine language algorithms and the results shows that Neural Network algorithm (Nnge) performs better than other schemes because it was able to generate minimal false positive rate of 0.9% and 1% before and after feature reduction. The false negative alarm rate was 3.2% before and after feature reduction and also the classification accuracy was the best. Keywords : Algorithm, Evaluation, Intrusion Detection, Principal Component Analysis.
Journal of Natural Sciences Engineering and Technology, 2010
The problems with conventional exams are absence of transparency and effective preparation of exa... more The problems with conventional exams are absence of transparency and effective preparation of exams, lower grade of objectivity, no instant feedback on examination result, increased costs, increased teacher's workload, no elaborate feedback on teaching success, does not enhance audit quality management and bad security. The Electronic examinations are those examinations performed through a computer where questions and answers are computer files rather than sheets of paper. As useful as examinations are, conventional method of conducting examination opens way for examination malpractices. Having

Computer and Information Science, Oct 20, 2010
We present a novel collaborative visual analytics application for cognitively overloaded users in... more We present a novel collaborative visual analytics application for cognitively overloaded users in the astrophysics domain. The system was developed for scientists who need to analyze heterogeneous, complex data under time pressure, and make predictions and time-critical decisions rapidly and correctly under a constant influx of changing data. The Sunfall Data Taking system utilizes several novel visualization and analysis techniques to enable a team of geographically distributed domain specialists to effectively and remotely maneuver a custom-built instrument under challenging operational conditions. Sunfall Data Taking has been in production use for 2 years by a major international astrophysics collaboration (the largest data volume supernova search currently in operation), and has substantially improved the operational efficiency of its users. We describe the system design process by an interdisciplinary team, the system architecture and the results of an informal usability evaluation of the production system by domain experts in the context of Endsley's three levels of situation awareness.
International journal of innovative research and development, Dec 31, 2022

Advances in Multidisciplinary & Scientific Research Journal Publication, 2019
The Chinese Wall Security Policy (CWSP) model is one of the access control models, which aims to ... more The Chinese Wall Security Policy (CWSP) model is one of the access control models, which aims to prevent sensitive information concerning a company being disclosed to competitor companies through the work of financial consultants. PBDM is a flexible delegation model that supports multi-step delegation and revocation in role and permission level. This model uses the can-delegate relation with prerequisite condition to restrict delegates and adds new types of roles and permissions to address permission level delegation requirement. A multi-step or multiple permission based delegation with Chinese wall security policy is a kind of delegation that satisfies Chinese wall security policy (CWSP) as a delegation constraint. This work discusses on how multiple permissions can be delegated with the restriction of CWSP. Firstly, a secure model and algorithm was defined for multiple delegation and revocation of permissions based on the strong CWSP constraint. Secondly, different types of revocation were discussed and finally implementation was done by developing a web based application using PHP that can be used in a commercial world such as an investment or financial house where there exist a conflict of interest and where delegations of permissions in multiple steps are necessary.

Examiners have used many techniques in coping with examination malpractice and still we do not ha... more Examiners have used many techniques in coping with examination malpractice and still we do not have an effective approach to examination system. The aim of this work is to combine fingerprint biometric and N-types techniques in designing an effective e-examination system. The idea is that fingerprint biometric is used as a suitable solution for rapid authentication of users in accessing the questions in the exam via the use of biometric devices. Also, an N-type technique is used to generate multiple question types for a given subject and map these types to each candidate using the monotonic (1:1) mapping scheme such that candidates adjacent to each other do not have the same type even if they are taking the same subject in the examination. The system is made up of three components: the pre-registration phase, configuration phase, and examination phase. The new system design was tested with data and the result shows that the proposed system is highly efficient in verification of user...

In this paper the design and implementation of a mobile remote health monitoring system (MRHMS) b... more In this paper the design and implementation of a mobile remote health monitoring system (MRHMS) based on wireless technologies is presented. MRHMS was able to integrate three level networks namely Body Area Network (BAN), the Personal Area Network (PAN) and the Wide Area Network (WAN). The sensors for monitoring patient’s bio-signals like blood pressure, body temperature, pulse and breathing were in the BAN. The PAN consists of the BAN as it connects the supervisor’s agent and the mobile base unit (MBU) through Bluetooth technology while the WAN was able to combine the PAN, mobile response unit (MRU) and hospital site (HS) through GPRS and Internet technology. The system is largely mobile agent based hence it is fast and responsive in real time making it ideal for proper remote health monitoring. HTTPS, SSL and TLS protocol were all employed to secure data transmission during user authentication, ensure confidentiality and data integrity. Using a GPRS based Mobile phone or PDA and t...

Journal of Natural Sciences Engineering and Technology, 2017
Due to the complexity of the processes within healthcare insurance systems and the large number o... more Due to the complexity of the processes within healthcare insurance systems and the large number of participants involved, it is very difficult to supervise the systems for fraud. The healthcare service providers’ fraud and abuse has become a serious problem. The practices such as billing for services that were never rendered, performing unnecessary medical services and misrepresenting non-covered treatment as covered treatments etc. not only contribute to the problem of rising health care expenditure but also affect the health of the patients. Traditional methods of detecting health care fraud and abuse are time-consuming and inefficient. In this paper, the health care insurance fraud and abuse detection system (HECIFADES) was proposed. The HECIFADES consist of six modules namely: claim, augment claim, claim database, profile database, profile updater and updated profiles. The system was implemented using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL. After testing, it was observed that HECIFADES was ...

Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, 2019
Streaming video is a process of transferring moving images or video over the internet in a compre... more Streaming video is a process of transferring moving images or video over the internet in a compressed form to viewers so that it can be viewed in real time. Streaming video technology is becoming more powerful all the time and appreciable works have been done in this area. However, security and adaptation of video are still problems to be tackled in the area of video streaming. In this paper, a secured and adaptive HTTP video streaming system (SAHVISS) was designed. The system was implemented using PHP, HTML5, Angular JS, Java Script and SQL Server database. It was tested on different computers and mobile devices using various web browsers. SAHVISS consist of four components namely Video Source, Streaming Server, Distribution Server and Client. The Streaming Server is made up of two sub-components namely the media encoder and the streamer. The server requires a media encoder to converts raw (uncompressed) digital video to a compressed format while the streamer breaks the encoded med...

Advances in Multidisciplinary & Scientific Research Journal Publication, 2019
Encryption of images is different from that of texts due to some basic features of images such as... more Encryption of images is different from that of texts due to some basic features of images such as bulk data capacity and high redundancy, which are generally difficult to handle by traditional means. Most of the available ciphers cannot be used directly to encrypt digital images in real-time systems because their encryption speed is not fast. In this paper, a chaotic image encryption schemes which uses a two-dimensional discretized Arnold's cat map was used for pixel permutation and a logistic map which is a one-dimensional chaotic map was used for key stream generator where the control parameter b is used as part of the secret key. The work was implemented using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. The result shows an encrypted image which is decrypted by inverse of the map and the use of the secret keys. The chaotic system employed shows its simplicity in form and complexity in dynamics.

British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, 2015
Aims: Taking student attendance manually and maintaining it for a long time is a difficult task a... more Aims: Taking student attendance manually and maintaining it for a long time is a difficult task as well as wastes a lot of time. In this paper an Educational Time and Attendance Management System (EduTAMS) that will record and manage the time and attendance of students in a university community was developed. Study Design: The system was implemented using C# and Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and was tested using electronic fingerprint scanner which was interfaced to the digital computer system for verifying student identity. Place and Duration of Study: The students of University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria fingerprint attendance were captured during the 2012 academic session. Methodology: The system comprises of four main modules namely; fingerprint capture, fingerprint processing, fingerprint matching and database while the deployment structure of the system also consists of four major segments; Fingerprint Terminals, Database Server, Access Workstations and Network Service. EduTAMS uses fingerprint technology to authenticate every student. A fingerprint recognition system uses the distinctive and persistent characteristics from the ridges, also referred to as fingerprint features, to distinguish one person from another. Results: When eduTAM was compared with the manual method, the result shows that the average time taken per student using fingerprint based attendance and manual attendance register are 6.65 and 23.66 seconds respectively. Conclusion: The performance of the eduTAM system shows that it provides robust, secured and automatic time and attendance management system for Students.

Electronic Health Record systems (EHR) are increasingly being deployed within healthcare institut... more Electronic Health Record systems (EHR) are increasingly being deployed within healthcare institutions to reduce the problems and limitations of the paper-based approach but its deployment has been slow due to high investment and maintenance cost. Cloud Computing has been widely recognized as the next generation’s computing infrastructure and it offers several advantages to its users. In this study, an Enterprise Electronic Cloud-Based Health Record System (E2CHRS) was designed, implemented and tested for recording, retrieving, archiving and updating of patients and other medical records. The Cloud database acts as the unified data bank for all the collaborating hospitals, the middleware provides a common platform for all the EHR systems between remote hospitals while an authentication server grants access to authorized users and denies unauthorized users access to records or resources on the system. An e-web portal serves as the front end of the system and it links the application w...
In this research work, the existing manual system of the poultry farm/unit of the department of a... more In this research work, the existing manual system of the poultry farm/unit of the department of animal nutrition, UNAAB is examined critically and some of its problems are identified. In examining this system, direct observations and personal interviews combined with some written documents were used. The study shows that computer can be used to improve on the stocks and sales transaction carried out in the poultry farm. The data collected form a basis for the design of a new computer based system which reduces some of the identified problems of the manual system. The newly computersied system is able to accepts data, retrieve information and generate report on the stocks and sales of the poultry product in the poultry farm. Based pm the outcome of this project work, valid data are used and the expected results are determined.

Advances in Multidisciplinary & Scientific Research Journal Publication
Security has become increasingly important in recent years. Modern advances in embedded systems, ... more Security has become increasingly important in recent years. Modern advances in embedded systems, electronics and communications technologies have led to the miniaturization and improvement of the performance of cameras and networking. These changes have given rise to the development of several security systems and technologies. The challenges faced by video surveillance system are namely high cost of ownership, poor accessibility and difficulty in achieving security. Traditional video surveillance demands for a huge amount of storage space to store huge amount of data coming from multiple sensors. Also, once the storage disks are damaged or destroyed, the footages will be unavailable, and thus backup is absolutely needed. In this work, an embedded cloud-based video surveillance system was designed. The embedded cloud-based video surveillance system stores footages in the cloud, eliminates unwanted capture by recording video only when motion is detected, it also aid the human operator in real-time threat detection through the message sent to the user containing video captured. With embedded cloud-based video surveillance system, the camera is activated when motion is detected and the video clips are sent to the user mail through the use of python script.

A Site Security Officer (SSO) who is a network security staff that responds to alarms from an Int... more A Site Security Officer (SSO) who is a network security staff that responds to alarms from an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), is always faced with the critical problem of low response time when the network becomes big. Even a skilled SSO is hard-pressed and less productive when collecting and analyzing IDS output manually as the frequency of intrusion increases. In this work, an Expert System-Based SSO (ExSSO) is designed to correct this problem. The design presents an architecture that encodes associated expert rules for responding to different categories of intrusions into its rule-based component. The Intrusion Index (II), which determines the extent of intrusion, is calculated to classify intrusions into three categories namely low, high and very high. The inference engine component utilizes the encoded rules to interpret and respond to intrusions based on the Intrusion Index. Visual Basic 6.0 is used to implement the design because of its interactiveness and high ability to s...
2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN), 2012
ABSTRACT In this paper, we proposed a survivability model for object-oriented software system for... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we proposed a survivability model for object-oriented software system for solving the problem of software degradation commonly caused by increasing growth in classes and methods. This is achieved through threshold scheme and software rejuvenation technique. Threshold value (TV) is set as the degradation point for the software system with consideration given to the critical region values (CV) as defined standard metrics like McCabeCyclomatic Complexity (CC) risk thresholds and NASA SATC WMC risk thresholds metrics. A mechanism is also integrated into the model to monitor and determine the continuous growth of methods and classes such that when threshold value (TV)

The goal of co st-sensitive response system is to ensure that response cost does not outweigh the... more The goal of co st-sensitive response system is to ensure that response cost does not outweigh the intrusion cost. In order to ensure this, some cost-sensitive response models have been developed. Some of these models do not consider the effectiveness of previous actions and lack standard approach for estimating associated cost. In this work, we present a model for assessing cost of responses based on three factors, the cost of damage caused by the intrusion, the cost of automatic response to an intrusion and the operational cost. The proposed approach provides consistent basis for response assessment across different systems and environment. In addition, the performance analysis indicates that automated responses systems using this cost metric COSIRS, when deployed can responds quickly enough to thwart active attacks in real time using optimal responses. The results of evaluation show that the design has better performance over existing ones.
2010 2nd Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, 2010
... However, effective post-intrusive actions depend on integrated efforts of experts and systems... more ... However, effective post-intrusive actions depend on integrated efforts of experts and systems and a thorough understanding of intrusion detection processes. Therefore, this work aims to strike a balance between damages made by the intrusion and cost of response. ...

Intrusion Detection System is deployed to monitor network and host activities. Current Intrusion ... more Intrusion Detection System is deployed to monitor network and host activities. Current Intrusion Detection Systems are faced with the problems of generating overwhelming false and non-relevant alerts and inability to provide detailed and broader information on the alert generated when an attack is detected by these intrusion detection systems. This work presents a verification and correlation mechanism. The verification and correlation mechanism aims at reducing the alert flooding by discarding false positive alerts. The verification mechanism separates the false positive from true positives and also detects the non-relevant alerts. The correlation mechanism is composed of three components: fusion, thread construction and focus recognition. The alert correlation mechanism analyzes, interprets and classified the alerts generated by one or more intrusion detection systems. The result shows that 24 alerts out of 89 alerts forwarded to the verification component were finally reported by the focus recognition component as alerts. This result indicates that the alerts have been reduced drastically by 73%. The proposed mechanism verified and correlates attacks overtime and increases the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of the intrusion detection system.

Security has become increasingly important in recent years. Modern advances in embedded systems, ... more Security has become increasingly important in recent years. Modern advances in embedded systems, electronics and communications technologies have led to the miniaturization and improvement of the performance of cameras and networking. These changes have given rise to the development of several security systems and technologies. The challenges faced by video surveillance system are namely high cost of ownership, poor accessibility and difficulty in achieving security. Traditional video surveillance demands for a huge amount of storage space to store huge amount of data coming from multiple sensors. Also, once the storage disks are damaged or destroyed, the footages will be unavailable, and thus backup is absolutely needed. In this work, an embedded cloud-based video surveillance system was designed. The embedded cloud-based video surveillance system stores footages in the cloud, eliminates unwanted capture by recording video only when motion is detected, it also aid the human operator in real-time threat detection through the message sent to the user containing video captured. With embedded cloud-based video surveillance system, the camera is activated when motion is detected and the video clips are sent to the user mail through the use of python script.
Papers by Ikuomola Aderonke