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Papers by Ijds Ijds
Vol. VIII, Issue-I, January-June, 2016, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 201-211
HRD for Workers: An Empirical Study
Dr. R.S. Meena
Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce, BHU-Varanasi
www.rsmeena.com [email protected], cell: 9415813184
In recent years, many research findings, case studies and practical experiences have emphasised the need to focus on HRD for workers. They show positive attitude towards the development of workers. Several HRD mechanisms like performance appraisals, potential appraisals, training, work climate, etc are being used by some organisations. HRD for workers is being increasing in the focus. It is required for the simple reason that workers constitute 72-80% of the workforce in any organisation and their contribution is the soul of the organisation and if the organisation succeeds in directing and unleashing the talent potential in them, the organisation will bloom with energy. While the need for focusing on HRD for workers has been felt and expressed both by professional as well as academicians, the efforts in this direction have not been commensurate. HRD for workers has been attempted only in limited way and that too only recently. In this research paper, it is focused that in the process of HRD for workers is needed because of emerging public and private sectors, technical changes and changing profile of working classes.
Keywords: HRD mechanisms, TQM, empowerment, workers participation and quality circle.
ISSN 2277-5811 (Print), ISSN 2278-9065 (Online)
Impact Factor 2.813. Assessed by International Society for Research Activity(ISRA)
1. Cabells, Texas, U.S.A., 2. Ulrich, U.S.A. , 3. Connect journals, India, 4. ISRA, India, 5. Genamics Journal Seek, Hamilton, New Zealand , 6. Georgetown University Library, Washington DC 20057-1174,USA, 7. ZHdK Medien- und Informationszentrum, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland, 8. German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Welfengarten, Hannover (Germany), 9. Cosmos Foundation (Germany), 10. Electronic : Journals Library: Social Science Research Center, Berlin, (Germany), 11. Leipzig University Library, Germany, 12. Scribd, California, USA, 13. ZB MED, Germany, 14. GetCITED, India , 15. WZB Berlin Social Science Center, 16. Worldcat., 17.scribed, 17.Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek , Fachbibliotheken, Bibliothekssystem Universität, Hamburg,18, ibrarian library, 19 Gsr concerts | pdfsea.net ,, 20, J-Gate – Informatics 21. Gndec central library 22. Researchgate: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3979.9442,
Dr. S.K.S.Yadav, Editor-in-chief
Impact Factor: 2.813
(Refereed Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities)
Volume-IV | Number -II | July-December, 2015
Impact Factor 2.813. Assessed by International Society for Research Activity (ISRA)
Indexed with: 1. Cabells, Texas, U.S.A.,
2. Ulrich, U.S.A. ,
3. Connect journals, India,
4. ISRA, India,
5. Genamics Journal Seek, Hamilton, New Zealand ,
6. Georgetown University Library, Washington DC 20057-1174,USA,
7. ZHdK Medien- und Informationszentrum, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland,
8. German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Welfengarten, Hannover (Germany),
9. Cosmos Foundation (Germany),
10. Electronic : Journals Library: Social Science Research Center, Berlin, (Germany),
11. Leipzig University Library, Germany,
12. Scribd, California, USA,
13. ZB MED, Germany,
14. GetCITED, India ,
15. WZB Berlin Social Science Center,
16. Worldcat.
Vol. VIII, Issue-I, January-June, 2016, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 201-211
HRD for Workers: An Empirical Study
Dr. R.S. Meena
Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce, BHU-Varanasi
www.rsmeena.com [email protected], cell: 9415813184
In recent years, many research findings, case studies and practical experiences have emphasised the need to focus on HRD for workers. They show positive attitude towards the development of workers. Several HRD mechanisms like performance appraisals, potential appraisals, training, work climate, etc are being used by some organisations. HRD for workers is being increasing in the focus. It is required for the simple reason that workers constitute 72-80% of the workforce in any organisation and their contribution is the soul of the organisation and if the organisation succeeds in directing and unleashing the talent potential in them, the organisation will bloom with energy. While the need for focusing on HRD for workers has been felt and expressed both by professional as well as academicians, the efforts in this direction have not been commensurate. HRD for workers has been attempted only in limited way and that too only recently. In this research paper, it is focused that in the process of HRD for workers is needed because of emerging public and private sectors, technical changes and changing profile of working classes.
Keywords: HRD mechanisms, TQM, empowerment, workers participation and quality circle.
ISSN 2277-5811 (Print), ISSN 2278-9065 (Online)
Impact Factor 2.813. Assessed by International Society for Research Activity(ISRA)
1. Cabells, Texas, U.S.A., 2. Ulrich, U.S.A. , 3. Connect journals, India, 4. ISRA, India, 5. Genamics Journal Seek, Hamilton, New Zealand , 6. Georgetown University Library, Washington DC 20057-1174,USA, 7. ZHdK Medien- und Informationszentrum, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland, 8. German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Welfengarten, Hannover (Germany), 9. Cosmos Foundation (Germany), 10. Electronic : Journals Library: Social Science Research Center, Berlin, (Germany), 11. Leipzig University Library, Germany, 12. Scribd, California, USA, 13. ZB MED, Germany, 14. GetCITED, India , 15. WZB Berlin Social Science Center, 16. Worldcat., 17.scribed, 17.Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek , Fachbibliotheken, Bibliothekssystem Universität, Hamburg,18, ibrarian library, 19 Gsr concerts | pdfsea.net ,, 20, J-Gate – Informatics 21. Gndec central library 22. Researchgate: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3979.9442,
Dr. S.K.S.Yadav, Editor-in-chief
Impact Factor: 2.813
(Refereed Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities)
Volume-IV | Number -II | July-December, 2015
Impact Factor 2.813. Assessed by International Society for Research Activity (ISRA)
Indexed with: 1. Cabells, Texas, U.S.A.,
2. Ulrich, U.S.A. ,
3. Connect journals, India,
4. ISRA, India,
5. Genamics Journal Seek, Hamilton, New Zealand ,
6. Georgetown University Library, Washington DC 20057-1174,USA,
7. ZHdK Medien- und Informationszentrum, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland,
8. German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Welfengarten, Hannover (Germany),
9. Cosmos Foundation (Germany),
10. Electronic : Journals Library: Social Science Research Center, Berlin, (Germany),
11. Leipzig University Library, Germany,
12. Scribd, California, USA,
13. ZB MED, Germany,
14. GetCITED, India ,
15. WZB Berlin Social Science Center,
16. Worldcat.