Papers by Ifeyinwa Manafa
Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

European Journal of Education Studies, 2020
The study investigated teachers’ effectiveness in “on air” and “online” teaching and learning in ... more The study investigated teachers’ effectiveness in “on air” and “online” teaching and learning in secondary schools in Anambra state during COVID-19 pandemic. Two research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and the population of the study comprised all the 261 principals and 5827 teachers in Anambra state. All the principals participated in the study while14% of teachers which is 812 teachers were purposively sampled, giving a total of 1073 respondents. The instrument for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire titled “Teachers’ Effectiveness in “On-Air” and Online Teaching Questionnaire” (TEOOTQ). The instrument was validated by three experts, two from education management unit, one from measurement and evaluation unit in the faculty of education, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra state. to ascertain the internal consistency of the instrument, Cronbach Alpha was used to compute the reliabi...

Journal of Community Psychology, 2022
This study examined the efficacy of the occupational health model of rational emotive behavioral ... more This study examined the efficacy of the occupational health model of rational emotive behavioral on work-life balance (WLB) and burnout management (BOM) among public school teachers. The study was a pretest-posttest randomized control group design. The participants were 141 teachers in rural communities in Enugu state Nigeria drawn with emphasis on inclusion criteria. Two instruments were used for the data. Data were analyzed using repeated measure analysis of variance. The result showed that rational emotive occupational health coaching (REOHC) led to a significant increase in the management of WLB and burnout among teachers compared to their counterparts in the control group. At the follow-up stage, REOHC proved to be effective over a period of 3 months. REOHC is a therapeutic intervention strategy that is valid and reliable over time in the management of WLB and BOM among teachers. The researchers are optimistic that the extension of REOHC to other related social and psychological-based self-defeating belief by social workers, psychologists, counselors, and employers of labors can enhance their productivity and emotionality in the home and workplace.

The advent of different Information and Communication Technological (ICT) software has attracted ... more The advent of different Information and Communication Technological (ICT) software has attracted global argument regarding associated consequences. It is due to the perceived effects that this descriptive study ascertained categories and dangers of social media networking among adolescents. A sample size of 607 in-school adolescents was randomly selected. Questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Mean, Standard deviation and t-test). The major findings revealed that adolescent students are exposed to various categories of social networks such as facebook, twitter, eskimi, myspace, 2go, blogs, email, WhatsApp and youtube. It was revealed that poor study habits, identity theft, sexual solicitation are some of the dangers associated with the use of social media networking among the study sample. Based on these findings, some counselling implications were highlighted and recommendations made.

The advent of different Information and Communication Technological (ICT) software has attracted ... more The advent of different Information and Communication Technological (ICT) software has attracted global argument regarding associated consequences. It is due to the perceived effects that this descriptive study ascertained categories and dangers of social media networking among adolescents. A sample size of 607 in-school adolescents was randomly selected. Questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Mean, Standard deviation and t-test). The major findings revealed that adolescent students are exposed to various categories of social networks such as facebook, twitter, eskimi, myspace, 2go, blogs, email, WhatsApp and youtube. It was revealed that poor study habits, identity theft, sexual solicitation are some of the dangers associated with the use of social media networking among the study sample. Based on these findings, some counselling implications were highlighted and recommendations made.

Medicine, 2021
Abstract Background: Most classroom teachers are weak in constructing test items for assessment o... more Abstract Background: Most classroom teachers are weak in constructing test items for assessment of students. This study examined the effects of cognitive behavioral active engagement training on test items construction skills among primary school teachers in Nigeria. Methods: We adopted a randomized pretest–posttest control group design. A total of 148 participants served as the study sample. One instrument was used for data collection. The participants were administered the instrument at 4 different times. Test construction guide was employed to implement the training. Data analysis was completed using analysis of covariance. Results The researchers found that cognitive behavioral active engagement training had a significant effect on participants’ test items construction scores as measured by test construction skills inventory at posttest, first and second follow-up stages. Conclusion The researchers concluded that cognitive behavioral active engagement training is efficacious in the improvement of test items construction skills among primary school teachers in Nigeria.

Medicine, 2019
Background: Living in Nigerian environment is enough stress. In our time, many students could not... more Background: Living in Nigerian environment is enough stress. In our time, many students could not cope with the stress of school environment like ours and others are still suffering from different health problems attributed to stress. Based on this, we investigated the effect of music therapy with relaxation technique on stress management among university students in southeastern Nigeria. Methods: Participants for the study were 142 university students in the Southeastern Nigeria. Perceived stress scale (PSS) was used to measure the symptoms of stress. Statistical tool used was repeated measures with analysis of variance (ANOVA) to ascertain the effectiveness of music therapy with relaxation. Among other tools used was Partial h 2 to examine the effect sizes and level of changes inthemanagement of stress across groups. Results: The finding indicated that there were no baseline differences in levels of stress management between participants in the treatment and waitlist control conditions. Results revealed significant improvement in stress management for participants in the music therapy with relaxation group, whereas the waitlist control group showed no significant change in their score over the same period. Furthermore, the positive effect of music therapy with relaxation was maintained at follow-up. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that the efficacy of music therapy with relaxation technique for improving the students' stress management can be consistent at follow-up. Hence, music therapists, counsellors and psychotherapists should continue to investigate the beneficial effects of music therapy with relaxation on stress management among university students in every part of the world. Abbreviations: hp2 = partial eta squared, a = Alpha, (x 2) = chi-square, ANOVA = analysis of variance, CI = confidence interval, M ±SD = mean and standard deviation, n = number of participants, PSS = perceived stress scale, T = treatment, WG = waitlist group.

Global Journal of Education, Humanities & Management Sciences, Jun 21, 2020
The study investigated development of human resources in Anambra state secondary schools for sust... more The study investigated development of human resources in Anambra state secondary schools for sustainable development in teaching and learning through continuous teachers training and development. The study adopted descriptive survey design. Three research questions guided the study. The population of the study was 261 principals and 5,827 teachers in Anambra state public secondary schools. A sample of 20 principals and 260 teachers was used in analysis drawn from using simple random sampling technique to select 20 principals while balloting procedure was used to select 260 teachers from the two education zones randomly selected. Questionnaire constructed by the researcher, titled "Human Resource Development For Sustainable Development In Teaching And Learning Questionnaire"(HRDSDTLQ) was used as an instrument for data collection. Three experts validated the instrument, two experts from education management and one expert from measurement and evaluation, all in the faculty of education, ChukwuemekaOdumegwuOjukwu University, Igbariam. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach alpha and was found to be 0.89. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study showed that teachers were not often involved in training and professional development in their schools. Principals encounter some hindrances in carrying out training and professional development for teachers in their schools. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends as follows: provision of adequate fund for the periodic training and professional development of teachers by government, involving teachers in training and professional development for improved performance and achievement of set goals, among others. Involvement of principals in these recommendations is imperative.

National Journal Of Educational Leadership, Nov 19, 2020
This study explored factors influencing principals' supervisory roles on quality assurance in sec... more This study explored factors influencing principals' supervisory roles on quality assurance in secondary schools in Anambra State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses tested at .05 level of significance. The population of the study was 261 principals and 5,849 teachers in six education zones in Anambra State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select four education zones Onitsha, Aguata, Ogidi and Nnewi education zones. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 30 schools from each education zone making it 120 principals. Stratified random sampling technique was also used to select six teachers from each of the selected schools totaling 720 teachers. A self-constructed instrument titled "Principals' Supervisory Roles for Quality Assurance Questionnaire" (PSRQAQ), was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by two experts in Educational Foundation unit and one expert from measurement and evaluation unit from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam. The reliability was established using a trial test method which yielded 0.89 co efficient using cronbach alpha method. Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. The result of the data analysis revealed those principals' supervisory roles for quality assurance in schools and it also, further explored some factors that influence principals' supervisory roles as poor time management by principals and large class size of students. Based on these findings, recommendations were made. Such recommendation as principals should not be so much occupied with administrative duties so as to have time for internal supervision, amongst others.

UNIZIK Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies, Jul 20, 2021
The study sought to investigate innovative administrative practices that will create road maps fo... more The study sought to investigate innovative administrative practices that will create road maps for sustainable development in secondary school administration. Descriptive research study was adopted for the study. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. The population for the study comprised 261 principals and 5, 827 teachers in Anambra state public secondary schools, 43% of principals and 14% of teachers were purposively sampled. The sample size was 480 respondents. A self-structured questionnaire titled: "Creating Road Maps for Sustainable Development in Secondary School Administration Questionnaire" (CRMSDSSAQ) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts from faculty of Education, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Igbariam. A Cronbach alpha method was used to test the reliability of the instrument. An overall reliability index of 0.78 was obtained which attested to the reliability of the instrument. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that respondents were of the view that leadership innovation practice and communication innovation practice are the road maps that will be used for sustainable development in administration of secondary schools in Anambra State, Nigeria. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends that government should provide adequate fund for procurement of ICT facilities, there should be periodic training for school principals and teachers on innovation management, among others.

American academic & scholarly research journal, 2018
This study examined the administrative effectiveness of headteachers leadership skills on primary... more This study examined the administrative effectiveness of headteachers leadership skills on primary school management and supervision in Anambra state, Nigerian. The study employed a descriptive survey research designed. The population of the study comprised 5,435 primary school headteachers and school managers in the six education zones in Anambra state. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 544 headteachers for the study.Data were collected using structured questionnaire of 28 items validated by experts and subjected to reliability testing using cronbach Alpha in which 0.83 was obtained as the reliability index. Data collected were analyzed using weighted mean and standard deviation and t-test at .05 significance. The data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. In view of the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that effective leadership skills can be enhanced by being proactive in discharge of duty and going for constant leadership trainin...

This study investigated the extent of effectiveness of conflict management strategies used by sec... more This study investigated the extent of effectiveness of conflict management strategies used by secondary school principals’ in Anambra State. It adopted a descriptive survey design. One research question guided the study. The population of the study comprised 106 principals and 2669 teachers in Onitsha, Aguata and Otuocha education zones. An instrument constructed by the researcher, titled: “Appraisal of Principals’ Conflict Management Strategy Questionnaires” (APCMSQ) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts, two experts from Educational Management Unit and one expert from measurement and evaluation unit, all from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam. The reliability was established using a test-re-test method, it yielded 0.74 correlations, coefficient using Cronbach Alpha method. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The result of data analysis revealed that strategies like forcing, avoidance and silence are u...

The study examined the perceived influence of politics on personnel management in public secondar... more The study examined the perceived influence of politics on personnel management in public secondary schools in Anambra State. Two research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. Survey design was adopted. The population of the study covered 257 principals and 312 vice principals in secondary schools in Anambra State. All the principals were used for the study and stratified random sampling technique was used to select 150 vice principal totally 406 respondents. The instrument for data collection was a researcher developed questionnaire titled Perceived influence of politics on the personnel management in secondary schools in Anambra State (PIPPM). The instrument was validated by three experts. Two experts drawn from the department of educational foundations and one expert in measurement and evaluation all in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University. Descriptive statistic was adopted whereby mean scores were used to answer the research questions while t-test was used to t...

European Journal of Education Studies, 2020
This study therefore investigated ways of managing functional secondary education for sustainable... more This study therefore investigated ways of managing functional secondary education for sustainable national development through effective leadership practices in Anambra State. Four research questions guided the study. The researcher employed a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised 6,230 principals and teachers from all public secondary schools in the six education zones of Anambra State. Nine hundred and eight (908) respondents comprising two hundred and twenty (220) principals and six hundred and eighty-eight (688) teachers selected through the use of simple random sampling techniques constituted the sample size for the study. The instrument for data collection was a - 36 item questionnaire tagged "Managing Functional Secondary Education for Sustainable National Development Questionnaire” (MFSESNDQ). The instrument was duly validated by three experts in the Department of Educational Foundations and Management and all from Chukwuemeka Odumegw...
African Research Review, 2019
The study investigated the extent of implementation of basic education policy in Anambra State se... more The study investigated the extent of implementation of basic education policy in Anambra State secondary schools: Towards national cohesion and global competitiveness. It adopted a descriptive survey design. Two research questions guided the study. The population of the study comprised 257 principals and 3,029 junior secondary school teachers in the six education zones in Anambra State. All the principals were used because of their small size while 780 teachers were selected using stratified sampling technique. An instrument constructed by researcher, titled: Basic Education Policy Questionnaire (BEPQ) was used for data collection. The

Unizik Journal Of Educational Management And Policy, Jul 30, 2020
This study investigated the extent of implementation of quality assurance practices in the manage... more This study investigated the extent of implementation of quality assurance practices in the management of secondary schools in Anambra State. Three research questions guided the study. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A total of 153 prinigbozuruikecipals and 3,259 teachers from the three education zones out of the six in Anambra State constituted the population. Out of this number 44 principals and 264 teachers were sampled using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. A 20 item self-constructed questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondent. Data collected were analyzed using mean score and standard deviation. The findings of the study showed that principals do not maintain and provide adequate infrastructures and that most principals exhibit poor leadership skills as they fail to enforce discipline in their schools. Based on the findings recommendations were made, which include among others that principals should maintain and provide adequate infrastructure and to adequately motivate teachers.

The advent of different Information and Communication Technological (ICT) software has attracted ... more The advent of different Information and Communication Technological (ICT) software has attracted global argument regarding associated consequences. It is due to the perceived effects that this descriptive study ascertained categories and dangers of social media networking among adolescents. A sample size of 607 in-school adolescents was randomly selected. Questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Mean, Standard deviation and t-test). The major findings revealed that adolescent students are exposed to various categories of social networks such as facebook, twitter, eskimi, myspace, 2go, blogs, email, WhatsApp and youtube. It was revealed that poor study habits, identity theft, sexual solicitation are some of the dangers associated with the use of social media networking among the study sample. Based on these findings, some counselling implications were highlighted and recommendations made.
Papers by Ifeyinwa Manafa