Papers by Idris Abdullahi

This study explored small scale businesses as a panacea for reducing unemployment in Niger State:... more This study explored small scale businesses as a panacea for reducing unemployment in Niger State: A study of selected small scale businesses in COE Minna Cafeteria. The study adopted survey research design. The target population of this study was 136 active small scale businesses in COE Minna Cafteria. The sample size of the study (97) was determined using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table for determining sample size. The instrument for data collection in this study was questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 15 item questions designed and expected to be answered by the respondents on the column provided appropriately. The instrument was validated by experts in the Department of Business Education, Usmanu Danfodiyo, University, Sokoto COE Minna Campus. A pilot study was conducted using Ten (10) small businesses in FUT Minna. Cronbach Alpha statistics was used to determine whether the instrument was reliable and 0.91 was obtained. In analysing the data collected from the field, the researcher used simple percentage and frequency table for demographic data of the respondents, while descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions. Inferential statistics of t-test statistics was used in testing the null hypotheses. Based on the findings, the study concluded that small-scale businesses in COE Minna Cafeteria contribute significantly to employment generation. This implies that there presence of small-scale businesses has positively impacted the local economy in terms of job creation. The study recommended that Government should equip small business owners and employees with relevant skills, their performance and growth potential can be significantly enhanced, leading to increased employment opportunities.

The result of the pilot test was coefficient of 0.89. The study used descriptive statistics such ... more The result of the pilot test was coefficient of 0.89. The study used descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation in data analysis, while regression and t-test was used to test the null hypotheses. Based on the findings, the study concluded that there e-learning system has a significant effect on academic performance of accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The study also concluded that students have limited access to e-learning facilities for accounting courses as the University does not provide sufficient e-learning resources for teaching and learning of Accounting. The study recommends that Niger State Government in collaboration with Ministry for tertiary institutions should provide adequate e-learning facilities to facilitate effective teaching and learning of Business Administration using e-learning platforms.

This research examined the entrepreneurship education as a tool for reducing unemploymen... more ABSTRACT
This research examined the entrepreneurship education as a tool for reducing unemployment in Nigeria (A study of Business Education students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna), The research has three objectives, three research questions and three research hypotheses. The research adopted survey research design. The population of the study was 115 business education students Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna. Census sampling techniques was used. The instrument used in data collection was questionnaire titled: Entrepreneurship Education as a tool for Reducing Unemployment Questionnaire (EETRUQ). Mean and standard deviation was used in data analysis to provide answers to research questions. The research hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significant. Based on findings, this research concluded that entrepreneurship education play a significant role in minimizing the rate of unemployment among business education students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna Campus. It was therefore, recommended that Government bodies and educational stakeholders should allocate more resources and funding to support initiatives. This investment is crucial for developing comprehensive entrepreneurship education comprehensive programs and providing necessary infrastructure and resources.

This research work was carried out to examine the effects of truancy on academic performance of p... more This research work was carried out to examine the effects of truancy on academic performance of primary school pupils in Edati Local Government area of Niger State. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. Chi-square was used in the testing of hypothesis posited. However, this study revealed that; that truancy hinders effective learning and could lead to poor academic performance of truants. It is therefore, recommended that, there should be enlightenment campaigns by government agencies, and non-government organizations for parents and children on the dangers inherent in truancy, and that the school authority and teachers should ensure conducive school physical environment for good working relationship between teachers and students..
Key words: Truancy, Academic Performance.

This research work was carried out to examine the effects of ICT on the academic achievement of G... more This research work was carried out to examine the effects of ICT on the academic achievement of Geography Students in Niger State College of Education Minna. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. Chi-square was used in the testing of hypothesis posited. However, this study revealed that; study has demonstrated that ICT can be used successfully to teach geography, that ICT contribute to student’s academic performance and that Ministry of Education should embark on fostering innovative networking and partnership arrangements with the private sector such as the computer solution companies such as Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Intel Corporation, Design Animation, Film Corporation and many others. This will enable schools acquire both hardware and software at cheaper costs. It is therefore, recommended that, Government and other stakeholders should mobilize resources for equipping schools with ICT infrastructure.

This research work was carried out to examine the factors and effects of peer group infl... more ABSTRACT
This research work was carried out to examine the factors and effects of peer group influence on academic performance of Adolescent Students in Niger State. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages and correlation analysis in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. Chi-square was used in the testing of hypothesis posited. However, this study revealed that; peer group has a significant influence on the academic performance of adolescent students. It is therefore, recommended that, Teachers and other education practitioners and those in related professional training, need to have knowledge of the effects of peer group pressure and understanding of the issues surrounding negative peer influence to prevent negative peer group influence and be more adequately prepared to help a teenager facing negative aspects of peer pressure.

This research work was carried out to examine the consequences of domestic violence on t... more ABSTRACT
This research work was carried out to examine the consequences of domestic violence on the performance of school children. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. However, the findings revealed that commitment by parents; caregivers and teachers in carrying out their responsibilities seem to be on the decline. The study further exposes some inherent challenges and abuses faced by learners in unsuitable living conditions. The implications of such situations are that learning institution should ascertain possible ways of liberating the affected learner and educate the parents, caregivers and teachers on the negative effects of perpetuating domestic violence. It is therefore, recommended that, Government should establish and fund counselling centres at the community, and Local Government levels and employ professional counsellors to help victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.
Drafts by Idris Abdullahi

This research work was a comparative study of student's performance in mathematics among students... more This research work was a comparative study of student's performance in mathematics among students from wealthy home and poor home background. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the influence of home background on academic performance of Minna Metropolis students in mathematics. The research methodology utilizes Spearman Correlation coefficient in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire and Academic records, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. To test the hypotheses (1 and 2), the Spearman Correlation was applied to test if financial status of parents is significantly correlated with students' academic achievement in mathematics and if Parents educational background is significantly correlated with students' academic achievement in mathematics. However, the findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between Parent's financial status and students' achievement in mathematics and that there is a significant relationship between Parents educational background is significantly correlated with students' academic achievement in mathematics. It is therefore, recommended that, Schools should be provided with adequate books and facilities to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in the society. This will give students from poor homes the opportunity to learn and improve on their performances; Parents should not allow their social status be a barrier to their children educational opportunities.

This research work is carried out to investigate the effect of peer-tutoring teaching strategy on... more This research work is carried out to investigate the effect of peer-tutoring teaching strategy on secondary school student academic achievement in Mathematics. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The design adopted was a Quasi-Experimental. Two hundred (200) students from four selected schools in Edu Local Government Area were used as research sample. The simple random sampling technique was used to select the sampled schools. The experimental group was exposed to peer-tutoring, while the control group was taught with conventional method. Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) was used to collect data from both pretest and posttests. A reliability coefficient of 0.71 was obtained. The data were analyzed using t-test. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study are student taught with peer-tutoring strategy performed better than those taught with conventional teaching method and gender has no effect on their mathematics achievement scores. It was recommended that Government agencies whose responsibility is to design and revise the curriculum for secondary schools should incorporate the use of peer tutoring in teaching.
Papers by Idris Abdullahi
This research examined the entrepreneurship education as a tool for reducing unemployment in Nigeria (A study of Business Education students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna), The research has three objectives, three research questions and three research hypotheses. The research adopted survey research design. The population of the study was 115 business education students Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna. Census sampling techniques was used. The instrument used in data collection was questionnaire titled: Entrepreneurship Education as a tool for Reducing Unemployment Questionnaire (EETRUQ). Mean and standard deviation was used in data analysis to provide answers to research questions. The research hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significant. Based on findings, this research concluded that entrepreneurship education play a significant role in minimizing the rate of unemployment among business education students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna Campus. It was therefore, recommended that Government bodies and educational stakeholders should allocate more resources and funding to support initiatives. This investment is crucial for developing comprehensive entrepreneurship education comprehensive programs and providing necessary infrastructure and resources.
Key words: Truancy, Academic Performance.
This research work was carried out to examine the factors and effects of peer group influence on academic performance of Adolescent Students in Niger State. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages and correlation analysis in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. Chi-square was used in the testing of hypothesis posited. However, this study revealed that; peer group has a significant influence on the academic performance of adolescent students. It is therefore, recommended that, Teachers and other education practitioners and those in related professional training, need to have knowledge of the effects of peer group pressure and understanding of the issues surrounding negative peer influence to prevent negative peer group influence and be more adequately prepared to help a teenager facing negative aspects of peer pressure.
This research work was carried out to examine the consequences of domestic violence on the performance of school children. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. However, the findings revealed that commitment by parents; caregivers and teachers in carrying out their responsibilities seem to be on the decline. The study further exposes some inherent challenges and abuses faced by learners in unsuitable living conditions. The implications of such situations are that learning institution should ascertain possible ways of liberating the affected learner and educate the parents, caregivers and teachers on the negative effects of perpetuating domestic violence. It is therefore, recommended that, Government should establish and fund counselling centres at the community, and Local Government levels and employ professional counsellors to help victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.
Drafts by Idris Abdullahi
This research examined the entrepreneurship education as a tool for reducing unemployment in Nigeria (A study of Business Education students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna), The research has three objectives, three research questions and three research hypotheses. The research adopted survey research design. The population of the study was 115 business education students Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna. Census sampling techniques was used. The instrument used in data collection was questionnaire titled: Entrepreneurship Education as a tool for Reducing Unemployment Questionnaire (EETRUQ). Mean and standard deviation was used in data analysis to provide answers to research questions. The research hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significant. Based on findings, this research concluded that entrepreneurship education play a significant role in minimizing the rate of unemployment among business education students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna Campus. It was therefore, recommended that Government bodies and educational stakeholders should allocate more resources and funding to support initiatives. This investment is crucial for developing comprehensive entrepreneurship education comprehensive programs and providing necessary infrastructure and resources.
Key words: Truancy, Academic Performance.
This research work was carried out to examine the factors and effects of peer group influence on academic performance of Adolescent Students in Niger State. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages and correlation analysis in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. Chi-square was used in the testing of hypothesis posited. However, this study revealed that; peer group has a significant influence on the academic performance of adolescent students. It is therefore, recommended that, Teachers and other education practitioners and those in related professional training, need to have knowledge of the effects of peer group pressure and understanding of the issues surrounding negative peer influence to prevent negative peer group influence and be more adequately prepared to help a teenager facing negative aspects of peer pressure.
This research work was carried out to examine the consequences of domestic violence on the performance of school children. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. However, the findings revealed that commitment by parents; caregivers and teachers in carrying out their responsibilities seem to be on the decline. The study further exposes some inherent challenges and abuses faced by learners in unsuitable living conditions. The implications of such situations are that learning institution should ascertain possible ways of liberating the affected learner and educate the parents, caregivers and teachers on the negative effects of perpetuating domestic violence. It is therefore, recommended that, Government should establish and fund counselling centres at the community, and Local Government levels and employ professional counsellors to help victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.