International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 2021
This study was carried out in the laboratories of the Biomedical Equipment Technology and Instrum... more This study was carried out in the laboratories of the Biomedical Equipment Technology and Instrumentation and Physical Measurements departments of the Higher Institute of Technology of Mamou. The methodology adopted in this work is based on embedded systems technology. Its objective is the Design and Production of a surgical aspirator. The main results obtained during this work relate to the realization of the electrical diagrams of the power supply, the motherboard, the operation of the algorithm, the determination of the technical characteristics of the vacuum cleaner, the synoptic diagram of operation and the principle of operation. The improvement and popularization of this present device would make it possible to equip the various health structures of the country with surgical aspirators locally at a lower cost.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 2013
Objective—To evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices of deer owners following identification... more Objective—To evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices of deer owners following identification of a cluster of captive deer with rabies as an aid for the development of rabies prevention educational materials. Design—Cross-sectional study. Population—Captive-deer owners who were members of the Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association. Procedures—Information was obtained via a mailed, self-administered questionnaire. Results—The questionnaire response rate was 59% (249/425). One hundred three of 206 (50%) respondents had incomplete knowledge of rabies virus vectors, transmission, severity, and prevention measures. Birds or snakes were incorrectly identified as rabies vectors by 96 of 213 (45%) respondents, and most (≥ 94%) respondents identified rabies virus reservoirs as vectors. Ninety of 231 (39%) respondents identified death as an outcome of rabies, and 184 of 235 (78%) respondents would seek emergency treatment if they suspected exposure. Only 62 of 235 (26%) respondents would w...
<p>Managing the WEFE nexus is a prerequisite towards the sustainable management of ... more <p>Managing the WEFE nexus is a prerequisite towards the sustainable management of water and connected resources at the river basin scale. The challenge is even more important in transboundary river basins such as the Senegal River where the four riparian countries (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal) share a common vision: to transform the river into a food-energy-transportation hub in West Africa. This vision requires the construction of hydroelectric power plants, modern irrigation systems and river transport infrastructure, and often requires constant river flows. Several dams already exist and several more are planned in the coming decades. These developments directly threaten the livelihoods of riverine communities that depend on the river banks, mainly for flood-recession agriculture and fishing.</p><p>Evaluating the WEFE nexus and its objectives usually involves indicators describing how well the sectoral objectives are met in terms of food production, energy production or percentage of the population with access to safe drinking water and sanitation services. These indicators are often aggregated at the river basin level, which masks local realities: the water needs, water management practices water management practices and inequalities in access to water at communities or households’ level.</p><p>The objective of this communication is to present a portfolio of regional and community-level indicators to analyze the WEFE nexus across different spatial and temporal scales. The construction of this portfolio is a two-stage process. Firstly, the definition of relevant indicators is carried out on the basis of consultation with a variety of participants involved in water management in the Senegal River (researchers and experts, institutional stakeholders, civil society actors, local communities). Secondly, local data describing the state of the local indicators of the nexus at the local level are collected from field surveys. We will also show how these indicators can enrich the analysis of basin-wide hydroeconomic models by assessing multi-scale trade-offs, as well as the distributional impacts of nexus interventions. This work is part of the H2020 GoNexus project, which aims at improving the governance of the WEFE nexus in transboundry river basins.</p>
This study reviewed the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on pre-existing vulnera... more This study reviewed the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on pre-existing vulnerabilities in rural communities using the scoping review strategy. It focused on manuscripts published on the topic in 2020. Based on 39 studies that met our inclusion criteria (out of 507 studies), we note that COVID-19 is exacerbating pre-existing rural vulnerabilities, including poverty, remoteness, socio-economic marginalisation and high unemployment. There is limited evidence that rural communities are resilient to the pandemic. Reduction in household expenditures and the community food system are the only reported forms of resilience. Although local institutions are supporting rural communities in responding to the impacts of the pandemic, several institutional dynamics undermine the effectiveness of the response. The increased risk of the pandemic is likely to reduce incomes and standards of living amongst poor communities. Thus, coping strategies were identified such as starting sm...
Introduction The composite coverage index (CCI) is the weighted average coverage of eight prevent... more Introduction The composite coverage index (CCI) is the weighted average coverage of eight preventive and curative interventions received along the maternal and child care continuum. We analysed maternally and child health indicators using CCI.Methods We performed a secondary analysis of demographic and health surveys (DHS) focused on women aged 15 to 49 and children aged 1 to 4. The CCI is optimal if the weighted proportion of interventions is less than 50%; otherwise, it is partial. We identified the factors associated with CCI using the following statistics: the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for complex survey samples, the chi-squared tests of Rao & Scott’s second-order correction, and the spatial autocorrelation statistic and the multivariate logistic regression.Results The optimal coverage of the ICC has increased from 43% in 2012 to 61% in 2018. In multivariate analysis, in 2012: the poor had a lower probability of having an optimal CCI than the richest; OR=0.11 [95% CI; 0.07, 0.18]. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all facets of life and has exacerbated many... more The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all facets of life and has exacerbated many challenges faced by people living with tuberculosis (TB). This study aimed to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of TB patients in Guinea during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed-methods study was conducted using two validated psychometric tools to assess HRQoL and qualitative interviews among TB patients enrolled in treatment at three centers in Conakry, Guinea. Multinomial logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with the deterioration of HRQoL. We included 439 participants in the study, among whom 44% and 31% experienced pain and anxiety, respectively. We found that an increase in the number of household members and the distance from participants’ residence to the health centre were significantly associated with lower HRQoL. Qualitative interviews highlighted nutritional and financial concerns which were exacerbated during COVID-19 pandemic and beliefs ...
L’humidité du sol a un rôle majeur dans la régulation des éléments du climat (précipitations, tem... more L’humidité du sol a un rôle majeur dans la régulation des éléments du climat (précipitations, température, H2O atmosphérique) et du cycle de l’eau. Pour étudier l’humidité du sol à l’échelle globale, la télédétection spatiale micro-onde présente un fort potentiel. Dans le cas du satellite Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), les méthodes initialement développées permettaient d’obtenir trois produits d’humidité du sol : actif, passif et actif-passif avec une résolution spatiale fine de 3 km, grossière de 40 km et moyenne de 9 km, respectivement. Cependant, six mois après le lancement du satellite, son radar s’est détérioré, empêchant SMAP de générer des produits d’humidité du sol à fine et moyenne résolution spatiale. Dès lors, des équipes de recherche ont étudié la possibilité de combiner des mesures micro-ondes actives et passives avec des capteurs installés sur des plateformes différentes et opérant à des fréquences différentes. Ce projet propose une approche de combinaison des mesures micro-ondes actives et passives de satellites différents pour estimer l’humidité du sol à 1 km de résolution spatiale sur le site de la campagne terrain SMAPVEX16-MB, situé dans une zone agricole du Manitoba. La méthode est basée sur une désagrégation de la température de brillance (TB) de SMAP, de 40 km à 1 km de résolution spatiale, en utilisant les données polarimétriques en bande C de Radarsat-2 corrigées de l’effet de la végétation (la contribution de surface : Ps), plus sensible à l’humidité du sol. La contribution de surface (Ps) est obtenue en appliquant la décomposition polarimétrique de Freeman-Durden. Le résultat de la désagrégation est une température de brillance à 1 km de résolution spatiale, qui est ensuite utilisée dans l’algorithme du Single Chanel Algorithm pour estimer l’humidité du sol à 1 km de résolution spatiale. En ce qui concerne l’estimation de l’humidité du sol, pour tous les dix champs considérés, nous avons obtenu les meilleurs résultats en utilisant les TBV : coefficients de corrélation de Pearson (R) compris entre 0,42 et 0,86, p-values comprises entre 0,003 et 0,27 et erreurs quadratiques moyennes (RMSE) comprises entre 0,02 m3.m -3 et 0,05 m3.m -3. Lorsque nous utilisons les TBH pour estimer l’humidité du sol, nous obtenons : R compris entre 0,39 et 0,75, p-values comprises entre 0,02 et 0,30 et RMSE comprises entre 0,02 m3.m -3 et 0,15 m3.m -3. Ce projet nous a permis d’implémenter une méthode innovatrice de combinaison de données micro-ondes actives et passives pour l’étude de l’humidité du sol. L’approche proposée utilise les Ps au lieu de σ^0 contrairement à la plupart des méthodes que l’on trouve dans la littérature depuis la détérioration du radar de SMAP.Abstract : Soil moisture plays a major role in the regulation of climate elements (precipitation, temperature, atmospheric H2O) and water balance. To study the soil moisture at a global scale, spaceborne microwave remote sensing has a great potential. In the case of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite, the initially developed methods provided three soil moisture products : active, passive and active-passive with a fine spatial resolution of 3 km, coarse 40 km and medium 9 km, respectively. However, six months after the launch of the satellite, its radar failed, preventing SMAP from generating soil moisture products at fine (3 km) and medium (9 km) spatial resolutions. Since then, research teams have studied the possibility of combining active and passive measurements with sensors installed on different platforms and operating at different frequencies. This project proposes a combined approach of active and passive microwave measurements of different satellites to estimate soil moisture at 1 km spatial resolution at the SMAPVEX16-MB field campaign site, located in an agricultural area of Manitoba. The method is based on a disaggregation of the brightness temperature (TB) of SMAP, from 40 km to 1 km spatial resolution, using Radarsat-2 polarimetric C-band data corrected for vegetation effects. These are represented by the surface contribution (Ps), which is more sensitive to soil moisture and extracted by applying the polarimetric decomposition of Freeman-Durden (Freeman and Durden, 1998) to Radarsat-2 data. Regarding the estimation of the soil moisture, for all the ten fields considered, we obtained the best results by using TBV: (Pearson correlation R between 0.42 and 0.86, p-values between 0.003 and 0.27, and root mean square errors (RMSE) between 0.02 m3.m -3 and 0.05 m3.m -3). When TBH was used to estimate soil moisture, the results were less accurate (R between 0.39 and 0.75 p-values between 0.02 and 0.30; and RMSE between 0.02 m3.m -3 and 0.15 m3.m -3). This project allowed us to implement an innovative methodology using Ps instead of 0 in contrast to most of the approaches combining active and passive microwave data for soil moisture estimation, since the failure of the radar onboard SMAP
Introduction Despite its effectiveness, the optimal use of the combination of insecticide treated... more Introduction Despite its effectiveness, the optimal use of the combination of insecticide treated nets (ITN) and intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (TPIg-SP) remains low in malaria endemic areas. Therefore, we studied its variations and predictors in Guinea.MethodsWe conducted a secondary analysis of the 2012 and 2018 Guinea Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). It included women who had given birth in the 3 years before each DHS, slept on ITN and took at least one dose of SP. Moran indices were used to determine spatial autocorrelation. A logistic regression and classification and regression tree (CART) identified the predictors of malaria preventive measures (MPM).ResultsIn 2012, 60.88% of pregnant women used MPM incompletely compared with 79.11% in 2018. Associated factors with incomplete MPM in 2012 were as follows: having an indirect link with the head of household (AOR = 2.23, 95% CI 1.08–4.61) and performing at least 4 ANCs (AOR ...
For-profit certifier's eco-labelling is common in industries where firms have some "coun... more For-profit certifier's eco-labelling is common in industries where firms have some "countervailing power" on sharing gains from labelling. We show that the certification standard for an environmental quality is lowered when firms have strong "power." A certifier with too low bargaining power will prefer to sell to the best offer rather than bargain. This switch in the selling mechanism also thwarts his incentives in setting the standard. This is consequential for evaluating policies. The dimensions and even signs of welfare changes induced by taxes and subsidies depend upon the mechanism used, and ultimately upon firms' countervailing power.
We analyze a for-profit certifier’s eco-labelling policies in industries where firms have some “c... more We analyze a for-profit certifier’s eco-labelling policies in industries where firms have some “countervailing power”. We show that the certification standard for an environmental quality is lowered when firms bargain over the certification fee. This result is explained by the firms obtaining a positive profit when they do not adopt the label (an outside option). Without “countervailing power” the certifier would be able to extract the whole surplus from the labeling firm and would set a higher standard for the environmental quality. Taxes and subsidies aimed to increase the latter also affect the fee and the standard; the final effect of these policies may be shown to be reversed by the “countervailing power”.
Introduction. L'alimentation est un domaine primordial pour améliorer la survie des enfants et pr... more Introduction. L'alimentation est un domaine primordial pour améliorer la survie des enfants et promouvoir une croissance et un développement sain. Objectif. Décrire les pratiques alimentaires des enfants de moins de 5 ans à l'Institut de Nutrition et de Santé de l'Enfant à Conakry. Matériel et Méthodes. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective, descriptive de 3 mois, concernant des enfants âgés de 0 à 59 mois, reçus au Centre de Récupération et d'Education Nutritionnelle de l'INSE. Cent dix-huit enfants, présentant des données complètes de consultation et de suivi nutritionnel, ont été inclus. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les pratiques alimentaires de chaque enfant ont été étudiées. Résultats. L'âge des enfants variait entre 2 et 29 mois, avec une moyenne de 9,9 mois et un sex-ratio Garçons/Filles de 1,15. Avant l'âge de 6 mois, 24% des enfants avaient reçu un allaitement maternel exclusif, 55% un allaitement mixte et 26% une alimentation de complément. La diversification alimentaire précoce a été notée chez 86 enfants. Entre 6 et 11 mois, l'alimentation comprenait plus les groupes des graines-racines-tubercules (92%) et des lait-produits laitiers (48%). Les fruits-légumes (7%) et les viande-poisson-oeuf (7%) étaient quasi-absents. Parmi les enfants d'âge ≥ 12 mois (n=39), 12 (31%) consommaient le plat familial et 27 (69%) les farines infantiles (77,8% la farine industrielle, 22,2% la bouillie de céréales locales). Conclusion. L'alimentation du jeune enfant constitue un problème de santé, nécessitant une intensification des stratégies d'éducation nutritionnelle des mères et des personnes en charge des enfants, afin de prévenir la survenue de maladies nutritionnelles.
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2019
In order to promote local natural resources in maize fertilization and to minimize the negative i... more In order to promote local natural resources in maize fertilization and to minimize the negative impact of high doses of chemical fertilizers on farms in the Faranah administrative region, a fertilization test on the effect of digestates from cattle dung on maize was carried out in the experimental station of the Higher Agronomic and Veterinary Institute of Faranah, from June 18 to October 11, 2018. The site of study has a slightly acid ferralitic soil of 6.25, poor in nutrients with 1.99% organic matter. The analyzes revealed that the digestate of the methanization and the dung of Faranah dung have the highest dry matter and ammonia contents and those of Dinguiraye have the lowest. As for the pH, it is slightly acidic for Faranah and strongly acidic for Dinguiraye. The variation in the crude fiber content is higher between digestates and lower between minerals. Moisture, dry matter, fat and protein show intermediate fluctuations between them. The experimental device used is the Rand...
Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021
Background. Malaria control interventions have been scaled up, particularly those in pregnant wom... more Background. Malaria control interventions have been scaled up, particularly those in pregnant women in Guinea. Despite that, coverage of key malaria preventive measure (MPM) indicators remains low. Therefore, it is vital to understand the reasons behind that, especially for the low coverage of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLIN). Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional survey in nine district hospitals in Guinea. Pregnant women received for delivery were interviewed to collect sociodemographic and obstetrical parameters. Associated factors with MPMs were investigated through univariate analysis and classification and regression tree (CART). Results. A total of 2248 parturients participated in this study. Among pregnant women using mosquito nets (63.5% (61.4%, 65.5%)), only 41.2% (39.1%, 43.3%) had used it regularly during the last two weeks preceding delivery. Similarly, most pregnant women (57.9% (55.8%, 59.9%)) had received less than...
In this dissertation, I looked into the hypothesis that teachers representations and attitudes va... more In this dissertation, I looked into the hypothesis that teachers representations and attitudes vary according to the natural regions, and that teaching profession seems to be most highly valued by those who are from the forest region. This, I argued, is due to ethnological, economic and religions specificities. In chapters dealing with subject perception, with pedagogical relationships and with conceptions of professional identity, I analyzed the aspirations, anxieties, frustrations and expectations of the teaching population. I pointed out the difference between, on the one hand the students who are assigned to the teaching profession often in spite of their desire, and who experience this forced assignment as a disappointment or even as a downfall compared to their original desire, and on the other hand the "recycles" (in-service trainees), former primary school teachers, who consider further training in maneah institute as a promotion and as an acknowledgement of their ...
International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 2021
This study was carried out in the laboratories of the Biomedical Equipment Technology and Instrum... more This study was carried out in the laboratories of the Biomedical Equipment Technology and Instrumentation and Physical Measurements departments of the Higher Institute of Technology of Mamou. The methodology adopted in this work is based on embedded systems technology. Its objective is the Design and Production of a surgical aspirator. The main results obtained during this work relate to the realization of the electrical diagrams of the power supply, the motherboard, the operation of the algorithm, the determination of the technical characteristics of the vacuum cleaner, the synoptic diagram of operation and the principle of operation. The improvement and popularization of this present device would make it possible to equip the various health structures of the country with surgical aspirators locally at a lower cost.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 2013
Objective—To evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices of deer owners following identification... more Objective—To evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices of deer owners following identification of a cluster of captive deer with rabies as an aid for the development of rabies prevention educational materials. Design—Cross-sectional study. Population—Captive-deer owners who were members of the Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association. Procedures—Information was obtained via a mailed, self-administered questionnaire. Results—The questionnaire response rate was 59% (249/425). One hundred three of 206 (50%) respondents had incomplete knowledge of rabies virus vectors, transmission, severity, and prevention measures. Birds or snakes were incorrectly identified as rabies vectors by 96 of 213 (45%) respondents, and most (≥ 94%) respondents identified rabies virus reservoirs as vectors. Ninety of 231 (39%) respondents identified death as an outcome of rabies, and 184 of 235 (78%) respondents would seek emergency treatment if they suspected exposure. Only 62 of 235 (26%) respondents would w...
<p>Managing the WEFE nexus is a prerequisite towards the sustainable management of ... more <p>Managing the WEFE nexus is a prerequisite towards the sustainable management of water and connected resources at the river basin scale. The challenge is even more important in transboundary river basins such as the Senegal River where the four riparian countries (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal) share a common vision: to transform the river into a food-energy-transportation hub in West Africa. This vision requires the construction of hydroelectric power plants, modern irrigation systems and river transport infrastructure, and often requires constant river flows. Several dams already exist and several more are planned in the coming decades. These developments directly threaten the livelihoods of riverine communities that depend on the river banks, mainly for flood-recession agriculture and fishing.</p><p>Evaluating the WEFE nexus and its objectives usually involves indicators describing how well the sectoral objectives are met in terms of food production, energy production or percentage of the population with access to safe drinking water and sanitation services. These indicators are often aggregated at the river basin level, which masks local realities: the water needs, water management practices water management practices and inequalities in access to water at communities or households’ level.</p><p>The objective of this communication is to present a portfolio of regional and community-level indicators to analyze the WEFE nexus across different spatial and temporal scales. The construction of this portfolio is a two-stage process. Firstly, the definition of relevant indicators is carried out on the basis of consultation with a variety of participants involved in water management in the Senegal River (researchers and experts, institutional stakeholders, civil society actors, local communities). Secondly, local data describing the state of the local indicators of the nexus at the local level are collected from field surveys. We will also show how these indicators can enrich the analysis of basin-wide hydroeconomic models by assessing multi-scale trade-offs, as well as the distributional impacts of nexus interventions. This work is part of the H2020 GoNexus project, which aims at improving the governance of the WEFE nexus in transboundry river basins.</p>
This study reviewed the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on pre-existing vulnera... more This study reviewed the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on pre-existing vulnerabilities in rural communities using the scoping review strategy. It focused on manuscripts published on the topic in 2020. Based on 39 studies that met our inclusion criteria (out of 507 studies), we note that COVID-19 is exacerbating pre-existing rural vulnerabilities, including poverty, remoteness, socio-economic marginalisation and high unemployment. There is limited evidence that rural communities are resilient to the pandemic. Reduction in household expenditures and the community food system are the only reported forms of resilience. Although local institutions are supporting rural communities in responding to the impacts of the pandemic, several institutional dynamics undermine the effectiveness of the response. The increased risk of the pandemic is likely to reduce incomes and standards of living amongst poor communities. Thus, coping strategies were identified such as starting sm...
Introduction The composite coverage index (CCI) is the weighted average coverage of eight prevent... more Introduction The composite coverage index (CCI) is the weighted average coverage of eight preventive and curative interventions received along the maternal and child care continuum. We analysed maternally and child health indicators using CCI.Methods We performed a secondary analysis of demographic and health surveys (DHS) focused on women aged 15 to 49 and children aged 1 to 4. The CCI is optimal if the weighted proportion of interventions is less than 50%; otherwise, it is partial. We identified the factors associated with CCI using the following statistics: the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for complex survey samples, the chi-squared tests of Rao & Scott’s second-order correction, and the spatial autocorrelation statistic and the multivariate logistic regression.Results The optimal coverage of the ICC has increased from 43% in 2012 to 61% in 2018. In multivariate analysis, in 2012: the poor had a lower probability of having an optimal CCI than the richest; OR=0.11 [95% CI; 0.07, 0.18]. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all facets of life and has exacerbated many... more The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all facets of life and has exacerbated many challenges faced by people living with tuberculosis (TB). This study aimed to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of TB patients in Guinea during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed-methods study was conducted using two validated psychometric tools to assess HRQoL and qualitative interviews among TB patients enrolled in treatment at three centers in Conakry, Guinea. Multinomial logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with the deterioration of HRQoL. We included 439 participants in the study, among whom 44% and 31% experienced pain and anxiety, respectively. We found that an increase in the number of household members and the distance from participants’ residence to the health centre were significantly associated with lower HRQoL. Qualitative interviews highlighted nutritional and financial concerns which were exacerbated during COVID-19 pandemic and beliefs ...
L’humidité du sol a un rôle majeur dans la régulation des éléments du climat (précipitations, tem... more L’humidité du sol a un rôle majeur dans la régulation des éléments du climat (précipitations, température, H2O atmosphérique) et du cycle de l’eau. Pour étudier l’humidité du sol à l’échelle globale, la télédétection spatiale micro-onde présente un fort potentiel. Dans le cas du satellite Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), les méthodes initialement développées permettaient d’obtenir trois produits d’humidité du sol : actif, passif et actif-passif avec une résolution spatiale fine de 3 km, grossière de 40 km et moyenne de 9 km, respectivement. Cependant, six mois après le lancement du satellite, son radar s’est détérioré, empêchant SMAP de générer des produits d’humidité du sol à fine et moyenne résolution spatiale. Dès lors, des équipes de recherche ont étudié la possibilité de combiner des mesures micro-ondes actives et passives avec des capteurs installés sur des plateformes différentes et opérant à des fréquences différentes. Ce projet propose une approche de combinaison des mesures micro-ondes actives et passives de satellites différents pour estimer l’humidité du sol à 1 km de résolution spatiale sur le site de la campagne terrain SMAPVEX16-MB, situé dans une zone agricole du Manitoba. La méthode est basée sur une désagrégation de la température de brillance (TB) de SMAP, de 40 km à 1 km de résolution spatiale, en utilisant les données polarimétriques en bande C de Radarsat-2 corrigées de l’effet de la végétation (la contribution de surface : Ps), plus sensible à l’humidité du sol. La contribution de surface (Ps) est obtenue en appliquant la décomposition polarimétrique de Freeman-Durden. Le résultat de la désagrégation est une température de brillance à 1 km de résolution spatiale, qui est ensuite utilisée dans l’algorithme du Single Chanel Algorithm pour estimer l’humidité du sol à 1 km de résolution spatiale. En ce qui concerne l’estimation de l’humidité du sol, pour tous les dix champs considérés, nous avons obtenu les meilleurs résultats en utilisant les TBV : coefficients de corrélation de Pearson (R) compris entre 0,42 et 0,86, p-values comprises entre 0,003 et 0,27 et erreurs quadratiques moyennes (RMSE) comprises entre 0,02 m3.m -3 et 0,05 m3.m -3. Lorsque nous utilisons les TBH pour estimer l’humidité du sol, nous obtenons : R compris entre 0,39 et 0,75, p-values comprises entre 0,02 et 0,30 et RMSE comprises entre 0,02 m3.m -3 et 0,15 m3.m -3. Ce projet nous a permis d’implémenter une méthode innovatrice de combinaison de données micro-ondes actives et passives pour l’étude de l’humidité du sol. L’approche proposée utilise les Ps au lieu de σ^0 contrairement à la plupart des méthodes que l’on trouve dans la littérature depuis la détérioration du radar de SMAP.Abstract : Soil moisture plays a major role in the regulation of climate elements (precipitation, temperature, atmospheric H2O) and water balance. To study the soil moisture at a global scale, spaceborne microwave remote sensing has a great potential. In the case of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite, the initially developed methods provided three soil moisture products : active, passive and active-passive with a fine spatial resolution of 3 km, coarse 40 km and medium 9 km, respectively. However, six months after the launch of the satellite, its radar failed, preventing SMAP from generating soil moisture products at fine (3 km) and medium (9 km) spatial resolutions. Since then, research teams have studied the possibility of combining active and passive measurements with sensors installed on different platforms and operating at different frequencies. This project proposes a combined approach of active and passive microwave measurements of different satellites to estimate soil moisture at 1 km spatial resolution at the SMAPVEX16-MB field campaign site, located in an agricultural area of Manitoba. The method is based on a disaggregation of the brightness temperature (TB) of SMAP, from 40 km to 1 km spatial resolution, using Radarsat-2 polarimetric C-band data corrected for vegetation effects. These are represented by the surface contribution (Ps), which is more sensitive to soil moisture and extracted by applying the polarimetric decomposition of Freeman-Durden (Freeman and Durden, 1998) to Radarsat-2 data. Regarding the estimation of the soil moisture, for all the ten fields considered, we obtained the best results by using TBV: (Pearson correlation R between 0.42 and 0.86, p-values between 0.003 and 0.27, and root mean square errors (RMSE) between 0.02 m3.m -3 and 0.05 m3.m -3). When TBH was used to estimate soil moisture, the results were less accurate (R between 0.39 and 0.75 p-values between 0.02 and 0.30; and RMSE between 0.02 m3.m -3 and 0.15 m3.m -3). This project allowed us to implement an innovative methodology using Ps instead of 0 in contrast to most of the approaches combining active and passive microwave data for soil moisture estimation, since the failure of the radar onboard SMAP
Introduction Despite its effectiveness, the optimal use of the combination of insecticide treated... more Introduction Despite its effectiveness, the optimal use of the combination of insecticide treated nets (ITN) and intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (TPIg-SP) remains low in malaria endemic areas. Therefore, we studied its variations and predictors in Guinea.MethodsWe conducted a secondary analysis of the 2012 and 2018 Guinea Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). It included women who had given birth in the 3 years before each DHS, slept on ITN and took at least one dose of SP. Moran indices were used to determine spatial autocorrelation. A logistic regression and classification and regression tree (CART) identified the predictors of malaria preventive measures (MPM).ResultsIn 2012, 60.88% of pregnant women used MPM incompletely compared with 79.11% in 2018. Associated factors with incomplete MPM in 2012 were as follows: having an indirect link with the head of household (AOR = 2.23, 95% CI 1.08–4.61) and performing at least 4 ANCs (AOR ...
For-profit certifier's eco-labelling is common in industries where firms have some "coun... more For-profit certifier's eco-labelling is common in industries where firms have some "countervailing power" on sharing gains from labelling. We show that the certification standard for an environmental quality is lowered when firms have strong "power." A certifier with too low bargaining power will prefer to sell to the best offer rather than bargain. This switch in the selling mechanism also thwarts his incentives in setting the standard. This is consequential for evaluating policies. The dimensions and even signs of welfare changes induced by taxes and subsidies depend upon the mechanism used, and ultimately upon firms' countervailing power.
We analyze a for-profit certifier’s eco-labelling policies in industries where firms have some “c... more We analyze a for-profit certifier’s eco-labelling policies in industries where firms have some “countervailing power”. We show that the certification standard for an environmental quality is lowered when firms bargain over the certification fee. This result is explained by the firms obtaining a positive profit when they do not adopt the label (an outside option). Without “countervailing power” the certifier would be able to extract the whole surplus from the labeling firm and would set a higher standard for the environmental quality. Taxes and subsidies aimed to increase the latter also affect the fee and the standard; the final effect of these policies may be shown to be reversed by the “countervailing power”.
Introduction. L'alimentation est un domaine primordial pour améliorer la survie des enfants et pr... more Introduction. L'alimentation est un domaine primordial pour améliorer la survie des enfants et promouvoir une croissance et un développement sain. Objectif. Décrire les pratiques alimentaires des enfants de moins de 5 ans à l'Institut de Nutrition et de Santé de l'Enfant à Conakry. Matériel et Méthodes. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective, descriptive de 3 mois, concernant des enfants âgés de 0 à 59 mois, reçus au Centre de Récupération et d'Education Nutritionnelle de l'INSE. Cent dix-huit enfants, présentant des données complètes de consultation et de suivi nutritionnel, ont été inclus. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les pratiques alimentaires de chaque enfant ont été étudiées. Résultats. L'âge des enfants variait entre 2 et 29 mois, avec une moyenne de 9,9 mois et un sex-ratio Garçons/Filles de 1,15. Avant l'âge de 6 mois, 24% des enfants avaient reçu un allaitement maternel exclusif, 55% un allaitement mixte et 26% une alimentation de complément. La diversification alimentaire précoce a été notée chez 86 enfants. Entre 6 et 11 mois, l'alimentation comprenait plus les groupes des graines-racines-tubercules (92%) et des lait-produits laitiers (48%). Les fruits-légumes (7%) et les viande-poisson-oeuf (7%) étaient quasi-absents. Parmi les enfants d'âge ≥ 12 mois (n=39), 12 (31%) consommaient le plat familial et 27 (69%) les farines infantiles (77,8% la farine industrielle, 22,2% la bouillie de céréales locales). Conclusion. L'alimentation du jeune enfant constitue un problème de santé, nécessitant une intensification des stratégies d'éducation nutritionnelle des mères et des personnes en charge des enfants, afin de prévenir la survenue de maladies nutritionnelles.
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2019
In order to promote local natural resources in maize fertilization and to minimize the negative i... more In order to promote local natural resources in maize fertilization and to minimize the negative impact of high doses of chemical fertilizers on farms in the Faranah administrative region, a fertilization test on the effect of digestates from cattle dung on maize was carried out in the experimental station of the Higher Agronomic and Veterinary Institute of Faranah, from June 18 to October 11, 2018. The site of study has a slightly acid ferralitic soil of 6.25, poor in nutrients with 1.99% organic matter. The analyzes revealed that the digestate of the methanization and the dung of Faranah dung have the highest dry matter and ammonia contents and those of Dinguiraye have the lowest. As for the pH, it is slightly acidic for Faranah and strongly acidic for Dinguiraye. The variation in the crude fiber content is higher between digestates and lower between minerals. Moisture, dry matter, fat and protein show intermediate fluctuations between them. The experimental device used is the Rand...
Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021
Background. Malaria control interventions have been scaled up, particularly those in pregnant wom... more Background. Malaria control interventions have been scaled up, particularly those in pregnant women in Guinea. Despite that, coverage of key malaria preventive measure (MPM) indicators remains low. Therefore, it is vital to understand the reasons behind that, especially for the low coverage of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLIN). Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional survey in nine district hospitals in Guinea. Pregnant women received for delivery were interviewed to collect sociodemographic and obstetrical parameters. Associated factors with MPMs were investigated through univariate analysis and classification and regression tree (CART). Results. A total of 2248 parturients participated in this study. Among pregnant women using mosquito nets (63.5% (61.4%, 65.5%)), only 41.2% (39.1%, 43.3%) had used it regularly during the last two weeks preceding delivery. Similarly, most pregnant women (57.9% (55.8%, 59.9%)) had received less than...
In this dissertation, I looked into the hypothesis that teachers representations and attitudes va... more In this dissertation, I looked into the hypothesis that teachers representations and attitudes vary according to the natural regions, and that teaching profession seems to be most highly valued by those who are from the forest region. This, I argued, is due to ethnological, economic and religions specificities. In chapters dealing with subject perception, with pedagogical relationships and with conceptions of professional identity, I analyzed the aspirations, anxieties, frustrations and expectations of the teaching population. I pointed out the difference between, on the one hand the students who are assigned to the teaching profession often in spite of their desire, and who experience this forced assignment as a disappointment or even as a downfall compared to their original desire, and on the other hand the "recycles" (in-service trainees), former primary school teachers, who consider further training in maneah institute as a promotion and as an acknowledgement of their ...
Papers by Ibrahima Barry