The growing development of information technology makes information technology a very important r... more The growing development of information technology makes information technology a very important resource for government and private organizations. The same applies to the university environment in student services. Amikom Purwokerto University is one of the many tertiary institutions that has implemented a web-based academic information system, including in one of its study programs, namely Information Systems. Based on interviews conducted by researchers with one of the lecturers in the Information Systems Study Program at Amikom University, Purwokerto, several problems were identified, such as the lack of regular updating of data and information on the website, the appearance of the website which was less attractive, and the lack of available content. Then, so that the company can be ready to compete with other similar websites, it is necessary to analyze the quality of the website, one of which is using the WebQual 4.0 method which is then assessed using the Importance Performanc...
Allo Bank is a digital banking service available in Indonesia. The Allo Bank application has rece... more Allo Bank is a digital banking service available in Indonesia. The Allo Bank application has received low reviews on the Google Play Store. Based on several comments, it is known that the application does not function well, frequently experiences errors, and users face difficulties when making payments. Additionally, the application often cannot be used due to problems whose causes are unknown. This study aims to determine the level of usability of the Allo Bank application and identify which principles are not met based on the Heuristics Evaluation principles. The Heuristic Evaluation method was used for this research, while data was collected using questionnaires, and the sampling technique employed was the Slovin technique. The results of this research indicate that the usability of the Allo Bank application falls into the "good" category as the severity rating calculation results did not exceed 1 (one). The highest problem was found in the Use control and freedom aspec...
Rumah Batik Anto Djamil is a traditional batik shop in Banyumas, located in the Purwokerto area. ... more Rumah Batik Anto Djamil is a traditional batik shop in Banyumas, located in the Purwokerto area. Currently, the business conducts marketing through both physical stores and digital media. However, there are challenges in the form of increasing numbers of new competitors emerging. These competitors sell similar products with nearly identical marketing strategies. An initial blueprint was drawn up according to the business model currently employed by Rumah Batik Anto Djamil. This study aims to analyze and develop the business model of Rumah Batik Anto Djamil in order to compete in similar fields of business. Data was collected through interviews and observation. Then, the Business Model Canvas was designed to facilitate the analysis of new marketing strategies. SWOT analysis was chosen to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and future threats that may occur. This analysis considers both internal and external strategic factors. The results of the study include the current BM...
Merdeka Retail is a company engaged in the retail sector, namely supermarkets that market a varie... more Merdeka Retail is a company engaged in the retail sector, namely supermarkets that market a variety of basic needs products, such as groceries, household equipment, school supplies, electrical equipment, cosmetics, baby clothes, adult clothes, shoes, sandals, and others. In its business process, the Merdeka Retail store has problems, including that Merdeka Retail has experienced a decrease in revenue because many of its customers have switched to shopping online because it is more practical. This research aims to develop the Merdeka Retail business using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach and SWOT Analysis. SWOT analysis is applied to see the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats at Merdeka Retail. Using the Business Model Canvas and SWOT Analysis will help in implementing Merdeka Retail's business development strategy so that it can compete with more modern stores that already utilize technology. Data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. This research resulted in a strategy that Merdeka Retail can digitalize by utilizing telecommunications and information technology to develop its business. The results of this strategy are the objectives of the new Business Model Canvas which are carried out on all elements by implementing a market penetration strategy, market development to reach a wider customer segmentation.
Elfath UMKM is one of the UMKM in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, which is located in Kaligond... more Elfath UMKM is one of the UMKM in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, which is located in Kaligondang Village. This UMKM is engaged in the production of snacks in the form of macaroni cheese. Based on the potential for product sales and also the number of MSMEs engaged in the production sector, the competition between fields is getting tighter. The problem with Elfath's MSMEs is that the business model has not been maximally implemented. So that the Elfath MSME needs to develop an ongoing business model so that later it can compete with other MSMEs. This study aims to identify the business model that is currently running in Elfath MSMEs and to develop a business model for Elfath MSMEs with a Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach and SWOT analysis. By using the BMC method, it can provide greater business opportunities by developing business models, while the SWOT analysis is used to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to these SMEs. The results of the st...
Saat ini siswa tidak bisa lepas dari media sosial, media sosial digunakan untuk berinteraksi dan ... more Saat ini siswa tidak bisa lepas dari media sosial, media sosial digunakan untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan orang yang kenal maupun tidak kenal melalui online. Siswa sekarang ini cenderung menuju kearah fanatik sehingga kehidupan mereka sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi. Hal tersebut juga terjadi kepada siswa di SMK Panca Bhakti Rakit. Permasalahan yang terjadi di siswa seperti kurangnya pemahaman tentang penggunaan media sosial, manfaat media sosial, penggunaan internet yang salah contohnya untuk membuka situs situs yang dilarang, banyaknya penipuan, kurangnya pengetahuan tentang industri 4.0, maka diperlukan sosialisasi untuk mempersiapkan revolusi industri 4.0 agar mendapat dampak positif dari revousi industri 4.0, dan tidak terjerumus ke dampak negatifnya. Tujuan dari pelatihan adalah memperkenalkan revolusi industri 4.0 kepada siswa untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan keahlian dalam bidang teknologi. Terdapat 3 tahapan pelatihan dimulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pelatihan adalah menambahnya pengetahuan siswa terhadap perkembangan industri 4.0 khususnya tentang perkembangan teknologi.
Journal of Information System Management (JOISM), 2019
Negara Indonesia adalah negara yang menganut sistem demokrasi. Dimana setiap warganya berhak memi... more Negara Indonesia adalah negara yang menganut sistem demokrasi. Dimana setiap warganya berhak memilih pemimpin melalui pemilihan umum. Di Desa Tayem Timur pemilihan kepala desa memiliki beberapa seperti partisipasi pemilih yang rendah, resiko terjadinya kecurangan pemungutan suara, suara tidak sah dan tingginya biaya pelaksanaan pilkades. Kendala tersebut dapat diatasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi aplikasi berbasis web. Aplikasi dibuat dengan menggunakan framework CodeIgniter dengan membangun fitur input data daftar pemilih tetap, data calon kepala desa, pencetakan kartu pemilih, pemungutan suara dan rekapitulasi hasil pemungutan suara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Prototipe dengan tahapan mendengarkan pelanggan, membangun, memperbaiki prototipe dan menguji prototipe. Pengujian menggunakan metode black box testing untuk menguji fungsionalitas sistem. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Aplikasi Pemilihan Kepala Desa Berbasis Web untuk Desa Tayem Timur.
This study aims to design strategic information systems and information technology (SI / IT) plan... more This study aims to design strategic information systems and information technology (SI / IT) planning at Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto Vocational School using the Ward & Peppard method. With the increasing number of vocational schools in Banyumas, competition between schools, especially the private sector, is inevitable. One form of competition is by utilizing technology, technological developments in the world of education when not only as support but also as an enabler for the organization's business processes. To be able to compete in schools must have the right strategy by utilizing technology as a supporting tool to improve quality and quality. IS / IT strategic planning is a process of finding, collecting, researching a portfolio of technology-based SI applications that will support business processes and create the main objectives of an organization / company business. SI / IT also affects business processes to determine the strategic steps used in the strategic planning of t...
Perkembangan sistem informasi saat ini luar biasa, banyak perguruan tinggi menerapakan sistem inf... more Perkembangan sistem informasi saat ini luar biasa, banyak perguruan tinggi menerapakan sistem informasi untuk melayani mahasiswa salah satunya adalah STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto. Banyak sistem yang telah diterapkan salah satunya adalah E-Skripsi yang dibuat untuk dosen membimbing mahasiswa. Namun masih banyak dosen yang belum bisa menggunakan aplikasi ini dengan baik terutama dosen non program studi karena belum adanya panduan penggunaan sistem secara tertulis, budaya terbiasa menggunakan sistem konvensional dan aplikasi tersebut juga masih dalam proses pengembangan. Maka perlu dilakukan suatu analisis identifikasi tingkat penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem E-Skripsi. Salah satu metode untuk melakukan analisis tingkat penerimaan sistem adalah metode Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). UTAUT merupakan sebuah model untuk menjelaskan perilaku pengguna terhadap teknologi informasi. Hasil menunjukan variabel X1, X2 dan X3 terhadap Y diterima namun variabel X4 dan Y t...
The Banyumas Regency DPRD is a Regional People's Representative Institution that is located a... more The Banyumas Regency DPRD is a Regional People's Representative Institution that is located as an organizing element of local government as a representation of the people, Banyumas District DPRD has legislative, budgetary and supervisory functions. To help the process of sending and receiving mail, the E-Office application is used to facilitate transactions. There are obstacles in using the E-Office application, namely the existence of information network interruptions causing delays in the process of correspondence to be disrupted, the number of employees who have not been able to use the application properly, there is no statistical report on the delivery of correspondence. The method used uses the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) as the method of analysis. The results of this study are all variables from the TAM and UTAUT methods which are tested with the results of H0 being rejected, H1 is accepted meaning that all variables have positive significance
TPQ At Taubah Desa Beji merupakan salah satu tempat pembelajaran agama di kabupaten banyumas, jum... more TPQ At Taubah Desa Beji merupakan salah satu tempat pembelajaran agama di kabupaten banyumas, jumlah santri mencapai ratusan dan mayoritas masih anak-anak sehingga proses pembelajaran sangat tergantung pada hal yang menarik, namun menyampaikan materi pembelajaran selama ini susah dalam menvisualisasikan materi yang diterangkan kepada santri dan hanya dengan penjelasan atau alat peraga yang konvensional. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah agar proses pembelajaran mengalami perubahan dengana adanya multimedia pembelajaran. Terdapat 3 tahapan pelaksanaan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian pada evaluasi materi tersebut diperoleh hasil yang memuaskan, walaupun pada awalnya ada sedikit kesulitan. Kesimpulannya adalah Pengetahuan dan pemahaman santri dan guru TPQ mengenai media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia meningkat.
JITU : Journal Informatic Technology And Communication, 2020
Gamelan merupakan salah satu budaya lokal Indonesia yang perlu dipelihara eksistensinya. Beberapa... more Gamelan merupakan salah satu budaya lokal Indonesia yang perlu dipelihara eksistensinya. Beberapa penelitian terkait pengenalan gamelan ke generasi muda telah banyak dilakukan, diantaranya menghasilkan aplikasi yang menggabungkan antara gamelan dengan teknologi terkini yaitu augmented reality. Penggunaan teknologi augmented reality untuk menampilkan dan memperkenalkan alat musik gamelan merupakan inovasi baru dan perlu diapresiasi. Namun perlu sebuah penilaian tersendiri untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan teknologi tersebut berdampak positif terhadap penggunanya. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan kajian lebih dalam dengan menggunakan metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) untuk mengetahui pengalaman pengguna dalam berinteraksi dengan aplikasi gamelan berbasis augmented reality. Terdapat lima aspek yang diuji yaitu aspek kemudahan penggunaan (Perceived Ease of Use), manfaat penggunaan (Perceived Usefulness), sikap pengguna (Atitude Toward Using), keinginan pengguna (Behavi...
Abstract Annular centrifugal contactors suitable for laboratory use in solvent extraction work ha... more Abstract Annular centrifugal contactors suitable for laboratory use in solvent extraction work have been designed and tested for both hydraulic performance and mass-transfer efficiency. The 2-cm contactors have nominal flow rates of 80 mL/min and mass-transfer efficiencies ...
On the other hand, a prio3'i criteria have been reported recently (Huang and Varma 1981a) applyin... more On the other hand, a prio3'i criteria have been reported recently (Huang and Varma 1981a) applying the fast pseudofirst-order reacnon model (model If) in a nonadiabatic gas-liquid CSTR to provide necessary and sufficient conditions among physico-chemical parameters which assure unique and multiple steady states, and also the asymptotic stability of the steady states. It is believed that these a priori criteria can be derived only by assuming the pseudo-first-order reaction in the "fast" reaction regime (i. e. , the fast pseudo-first-order reaction model). Therefore, the use of' the fast pseudo-first-order reaction model is justifiable not only because of the fair agreement between the multiplicity regions predicted by this model and the second-order reaction model, but also because of its capability to lead to a priori criteria, as shown by the analyticity of the uniqueness and multiplicity regions presented in this work. Thus, it is recommended that the fast pseudo-first-order reaction model (model If) be always applied first to give an idea of the multiplicity regions of second-order reactions; if specific operational conditions are close to regions of multiplicity predicted by this model, then a fine tuning can be done to identify the possibility precisely by using the pseudo-first-order reaction model (model 1) and the full second-order reaction model (model 2)-in that order. Although both models 1 and 2 use trial-and-error, the computational effort is significantly lower for model 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT tuition scholarship for D. T.-J. Huang is gratefully acknowledged The Union Oil Fellowship in Reaction Engineering and a Reilly NOTATION Only those symbols not reported in Part I of this work (Huang and Varma, 1981b) are listed below. Fl,, F12 = critical liquid flow rates, defined by Eq. 4 Da,, Da2 = critical values of Da, defined by Eq. 5 LITERATURE CITED
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal
The application of e-government for agencies from the basic level, sub-district, aims to create s... more The application of e-government for agencies from the basic level, sub-district, aims to create single-united data to be accessed from sub-district to district and even national. Then, human resources capability in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy is also essential to maximize the application of e-government. However, the implementation of egovernment in Purbalingga has not been carried out optimally due to the lack of use of computers and the Internet by village officials. The research aims to measure the level of ICT literacy of village officials and the correlation between computer literacy and Internet literacy. The research is a quantitative study using a survey method with the People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM) concept. Around 108 village officials in Purbalingga are involved in the research. The results show that ICT literacy is still at level 2. It implies that the village officials use computers and the Internet many times with the same usage pa...
Impact of COVID-19 is very influential in various fields, one of which is the field of education ... more Impact of COVID-19 is very influential in various fields, one of which is the field of education with online learning through government regulations. The implementation of the learning from home policy will be implemented starting in mid-March 2020. With home learning, a teacher is still required to administer the daily agenda of learning activities. Currently the teacher's daily agenda is still in the form of books, with learning from home this makes it increasingly difficult for principals to check and supervise learning activities carried out by teachers, homeroom supervision of students is increasingly difficult. So there needs to be a breakthrough in the online learning process, one of which is through the website. The purpose of this research is to design a website-based teacher activity agenda information system. the system development method used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model. the results of this study have created a web-base...
Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan program konversi bahan bakar rumah tangga pada tahun 2007 mengguna... more Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan program konversi bahan bakar rumah tangga pada tahun 2007 menggunakan LPG sebagai pengganti minyak tanah. Gas LPG merupakan sumber energi paling banyak dipakai masyarakat Indonesia. saat ini kualitas tabung gas LPG cenderung menurun. Penurunan kualitas ini bisa terjadi karena kurangnya pengawasan pada saat proses produksi, terutama pada proses quality control, sehingga penggunaan LPG cukup berbahaya dengan potensi yang dapat menyebabkan ledakan hingga kebakaran. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian kali ini adalah merancang dan membangun sebuah prototype sistem pendeteksi kebocoran gas dan api menggunakan arduino. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengembangan prototype dengan tahapan mendengarkan permasalahan dan kebutuhan pelanggan, membangun prototype, selanjutnya pelanggan melihat prototype dan mengujinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah alat yang dapat mendeteksi kebocoran gas LPG dan api menggunakan mikrokontroler arduino yang dapat diaksess menggunakan smartphone dengan ratarata waktu respon untuk mendeteksi api 4,43 detik sedangkan untuk mendeteksi gas 4,18 detik.
The growing development of information technology makes information technology a very important r... more The growing development of information technology makes information technology a very important resource for government and private organizations. The same applies to the university environment in student services. Amikom Purwokerto University is one of the many tertiary institutions that has implemented a web-based academic information system, including in one of its study programs, namely Information Systems. Based on interviews conducted by researchers with one of the lecturers in the Information Systems Study Program at Amikom University, Purwokerto, several problems were identified, such as the lack of regular updating of data and information on the website, the appearance of the website which was less attractive, and the lack of available content. Then, so that the company can be ready to compete with other similar websites, it is necessary to analyze the quality of the website, one of which is using the WebQual 4.0 method which is then assessed using the Importance Performanc...
Allo Bank is a digital banking service available in Indonesia. The Allo Bank application has rece... more Allo Bank is a digital banking service available in Indonesia. The Allo Bank application has received low reviews on the Google Play Store. Based on several comments, it is known that the application does not function well, frequently experiences errors, and users face difficulties when making payments. Additionally, the application often cannot be used due to problems whose causes are unknown. This study aims to determine the level of usability of the Allo Bank application and identify which principles are not met based on the Heuristics Evaluation principles. The Heuristic Evaluation method was used for this research, while data was collected using questionnaires, and the sampling technique employed was the Slovin technique. The results of this research indicate that the usability of the Allo Bank application falls into the "good" category as the severity rating calculation results did not exceed 1 (one). The highest problem was found in the Use control and freedom aspec...
Rumah Batik Anto Djamil is a traditional batik shop in Banyumas, located in the Purwokerto area. ... more Rumah Batik Anto Djamil is a traditional batik shop in Banyumas, located in the Purwokerto area. Currently, the business conducts marketing through both physical stores and digital media. However, there are challenges in the form of increasing numbers of new competitors emerging. These competitors sell similar products with nearly identical marketing strategies. An initial blueprint was drawn up according to the business model currently employed by Rumah Batik Anto Djamil. This study aims to analyze and develop the business model of Rumah Batik Anto Djamil in order to compete in similar fields of business. Data was collected through interviews and observation. Then, the Business Model Canvas was designed to facilitate the analysis of new marketing strategies. SWOT analysis was chosen to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and future threats that may occur. This analysis considers both internal and external strategic factors. The results of the study include the current BM...
Merdeka Retail is a company engaged in the retail sector, namely supermarkets that market a varie... more Merdeka Retail is a company engaged in the retail sector, namely supermarkets that market a variety of basic needs products, such as groceries, household equipment, school supplies, electrical equipment, cosmetics, baby clothes, adult clothes, shoes, sandals, and others. In its business process, the Merdeka Retail store has problems, including that Merdeka Retail has experienced a decrease in revenue because many of its customers have switched to shopping online because it is more practical. This research aims to develop the Merdeka Retail business using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach and SWOT Analysis. SWOT analysis is applied to see the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats at Merdeka Retail. Using the Business Model Canvas and SWOT Analysis will help in implementing Merdeka Retail's business development strategy so that it can compete with more modern stores that already utilize technology. Data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. This research resulted in a strategy that Merdeka Retail can digitalize by utilizing telecommunications and information technology to develop its business. The results of this strategy are the objectives of the new Business Model Canvas which are carried out on all elements by implementing a market penetration strategy, market development to reach a wider customer segmentation.
Elfath UMKM is one of the UMKM in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, which is located in Kaligond... more Elfath UMKM is one of the UMKM in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, which is located in Kaligondang Village. This UMKM is engaged in the production of snacks in the form of macaroni cheese. Based on the potential for product sales and also the number of MSMEs engaged in the production sector, the competition between fields is getting tighter. The problem with Elfath's MSMEs is that the business model has not been maximally implemented. So that the Elfath MSME needs to develop an ongoing business model so that later it can compete with other MSMEs. This study aims to identify the business model that is currently running in Elfath MSMEs and to develop a business model for Elfath MSMEs with a Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach and SWOT analysis. By using the BMC method, it can provide greater business opportunities by developing business models, while the SWOT analysis is used to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to these SMEs. The results of the st...
Saat ini siswa tidak bisa lepas dari media sosial, media sosial digunakan untuk berinteraksi dan ... more Saat ini siswa tidak bisa lepas dari media sosial, media sosial digunakan untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan orang yang kenal maupun tidak kenal melalui online. Siswa sekarang ini cenderung menuju kearah fanatik sehingga kehidupan mereka sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi. Hal tersebut juga terjadi kepada siswa di SMK Panca Bhakti Rakit. Permasalahan yang terjadi di siswa seperti kurangnya pemahaman tentang penggunaan media sosial, manfaat media sosial, penggunaan internet yang salah contohnya untuk membuka situs situs yang dilarang, banyaknya penipuan, kurangnya pengetahuan tentang industri 4.0, maka diperlukan sosialisasi untuk mempersiapkan revolusi industri 4.0 agar mendapat dampak positif dari revousi industri 4.0, dan tidak terjerumus ke dampak negatifnya. Tujuan dari pelatihan adalah memperkenalkan revolusi industri 4.0 kepada siswa untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan keahlian dalam bidang teknologi. Terdapat 3 tahapan pelatihan dimulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pelatihan adalah menambahnya pengetahuan siswa terhadap perkembangan industri 4.0 khususnya tentang perkembangan teknologi.
Journal of Information System Management (JOISM), 2019
Negara Indonesia adalah negara yang menganut sistem demokrasi. Dimana setiap warganya berhak memi... more Negara Indonesia adalah negara yang menganut sistem demokrasi. Dimana setiap warganya berhak memilih pemimpin melalui pemilihan umum. Di Desa Tayem Timur pemilihan kepala desa memiliki beberapa seperti partisipasi pemilih yang rendah, resiko terjadinya kecurangan pemungutan suara, suara tidak sah dan tingginya biaya pelaksanaan pilkades. Kendala tersebut dapat diatasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi aplikasi berbasis web. Aplikasi dibuat dengan menggunakan framework CodeIgniter dengan membangun fitur input data daftar pemilih tetap, data calon kepala desa, pencetakan kartu pemilih, pemungutan suara dan rekapitulasi hasil pemungutan suara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Prototipe dengan tahapan mendengarkan pelanggan, membangun, memperbaiki prototipe dan menguji prototipe. Pengujian menggunakan metode black box testing untuk menguji fungsionalitas sistem. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Aplikasi Pemilihan Kepala Desa Berbasis Web untuk Desa Tayem Timur.
This study aims to design strategic information systems and information technology (SI / IT) plan... more This study aims to design strategic information systems and information technology (SI / IT) planning at Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto Vocational School using the Ward & Peppard method. With the increasing number of vocational schools in Banyumas, competition between schools, especially the private sector, is inevitable. One form of competition is by utilizing technology, technological developments in the world of education when not only as support but also as an enabler for the organization's business processes. To be able to compete in schools must have the right strategy by utilizing technology as a supporting tool to improve quality and quality. IS / IT strategic planning is a process of finding, collecting, researching a portfolio of technology-based SI applications that will support business processes and create the main objectives of an organization / company business. SI / IT also affects business processes to determine the strategic steps used in the strategic planning of t...
Perkembangan sistem informasi saat ini luar biasa, banyak perguruan tinggi menerapakan sistem inf... more Perkembangan sistem informasi saat ini luar biasa, banyak perguruan tinggi menerapakan sistem informasi untuk melayani mahasiswa salah satunya adalah STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto. Banyak sistem yang telah diterapkan salah satunya adalah E-Skripsi yang dibuat untuk dosen membimbing mahasiswa. Namun masih banyak dosen yang belum bisa menggunakan aplikasi ini dengan baik terutama dosen non program studi karena belum adanya panduan penggunaan sistem secara tertulis, budaya terbiasa menggunakan sistem konvensional dan aplikasi tersebut juga masih dalam proses pengembangan. Maka perlu dilakukan suatu analisis identifikasi tingkat penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem E-Skripsi. Salah satu metode untuk melakukan analisis tingkat penerimaan sistem adalah metode Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). UTAUT merupakan sebuah model untuk menjelaskan perilaku pengguna terhadap teknologi informasi. Hasil menunjukan variabel X1, X2 dan X3 terhadap Y diterima namun variabel X4 dan Y t...
The Banyumas Regency DPRD is a Regional People's Representative Institution that is located a... more The Banyumas Regency DPRD is a Regional People's Representative Institution that is located as an organizing element of local government as a representation of the people, Banyumas District DPRD has legislative, budgetary and supervisory functions. To help the process of sending and receiving mail, the E-Office application is used to facilitate transactions. There are obstacles in using the E-Office application, namely the existence of information network interruptions causing delays in the process of correspondence to be disrupted, the number of employees who have not been able to use the application properly, there is no statistical report on the delivery of correspondence. The method used uses the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) as the method of analysis. The results of this study are all variables from the TAM and UTAUT methods which are tested with the results of H0 being rejected, H1 is accepted meaning that all variables have positive significance
TPQ At Taubah Desa Beji merupakan salah satu tempat pembelajaran agama di kabupaten banyumas, jum... more TPQ At Taubah Desa Beji merupakan salah satu tempat pembelajaran agama di kabupaten banyumas, jumlah santri mencapai ratusan dan mayoritas masih anak-anak sehingga proses pembelajaran sangat tergantung pada hal yang menarik, namun menyampaikan materi pembelajaran selama ini susah dalam menvisualisasikan materi yang diterangkan kepada santri dan hanya dengan penjelasan atau alat peraga yang konvensional. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah agar proses pembelajaran mengalami perubahan dengana adanya multimedia pembelajaran. Terdapat 3 tahapan pelaksanaan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian pada evaluasi materi tersebut diperoleh hasil yang memuaskan, walaupun pada awalnya ada sedikit kesulitan. Kesimpulannya adalah Pengetahuan dan pemahaman santri dan guru TPQ mengenai media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia meningkat.
JITU : Journal Informatic Technology And Communication, 2020
Gamelan merupakan salah satu budaya lokal Indonesia yang perlu dipelihara eksistensinya. Beberapa... more Gamelan merupakan salah satu budaya lokal Indonesia yang perlu dipelihara eksistensinya. Beberapa penelitian terkait pengenalan gamelan ke generasi muda telah banyak dilakukan, diantaranya menghasilkan aplikasi yang menggabungkan antara gamelan dengan teknologi terkini yaitu augmented reality. Penggunaan teknologi augmented reality untuk menampilkan dan memperkenalkan alat musik gamelan merupakan inovasi baru dan perlu diapresiasi. Namun perlu sebuah penilaian tersendiri untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan teknologi tersebut berdampak positif terhadap penggunanya. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan kajian lebih dalam dengan menggunakan metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) untuk mengetahui pengalaman pengguna dalam berinteraksi dengan aplikasi gamelan berbasis augmented reality. Terdapat lima aspek yang diuji yaitu aspek kemudahan penggunaan (Perceived Ease of Use), manfaat penggunaan (Perceived Usefulness), sikap pengguna (Atitude Toward Using), keinginan pengguna (Behavi...
Abstract Annular centrifugal contactors suitable for laboratory use in solvent extraction work ha... more Abstract Annular centrifugal contactors suitable for laboratory use in solvent extraction work have been designed and tested for both hydraulic performance and mass-transfer efficiency. The 2-cm contactors have nominal flow rates of 80 mL/min and mass-transfer efficiencies ...
On the other hand, a prio3'i criteria have been reported recently (Huang and Varma 1981a) applyin... more On the other hand, a prio3'i criteria have been reported recently (Huang and Varma 1981a) applying the fast pseudofirst-order reacnon model (model If) in a nonadiabatic gas-liquid CSTR to provide necessary and sufficient conditions among physico-chemical parameters which assure unique and multiple steady states, and also the asymptotic stability of the steady states. It is believed that these a priori criteria can be derived only by assuming the pseudo-first-order reaction in the "fast" reaction regime (i. e. , the fast pseudo-first-order reaction model). Therefore, the use of' the fast pseudo-first-order reaction model is justifiable not only because of the fair agreement between the multiplicity regions predicted by this model and the second-order reaction model, but also because of its capability to lead to a priori criteria, as shown by the analyticity of the uniqueness and multiplicity regions presented in this work. Thus, it is recommended that the fast pseudo-first-order reaction model (model If) be always applied first to give an idea of the multiplicity regions of second-order reactions; if specific operational conditions are close to regions of multiplicity predicted by this model, then a fine tuning can be done to identify the possibility precisely by using the pseudo-first-order reaction model (model 1) and the full second-order reaction model (model 2)-in that order. Although both models 1 and 2 use trial-and-error, the computational effort is significantly lower for model 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT tuition scholarship for D. T.-J. Huang is gratefully acknowledged The Union Oil Fellowship in Reaction Engineering and a Reilly NOTATION Only those symbols not reported in Part I of this work (Huang and Varma, 1981b) are listed below. Fl,, F12 = critical liquid flow rates, defined by Eq. 4 Da,, Da2 = critical values of Da, defined by Eq. 5 LITERATURE CITED
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal
The application of e-government for agencies from the basic level, sub-district, aims to create s... more The application of e-government for agencies from the basic level, sub-district, aims to create single-united data to be accessed from sub-district to district and even national. Then, human resources capability in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy is also essential to maximize the application of e-government. However, the implementation of egovernment in Purbalingga has not been carried out optimally due to the lack of use of computers and the Internet by village officials. The research aims to measure the level of ICT literacy of village officials and the correlation between computer literacy and Internet literacy. The research is a quantitative study using a survey method with the People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM) concept. Around 108 village officials in Purbalingga are involved in the research. The results show that ICT literacy is still at level 2. It implies that the village officials use computers and the Internet many times with the same usage pa...
Impact of COVID-19 is very influential in various fields, one of which is the field of education ... more Impact of COVID-19 is very influential in various fields, one of which is the field of education with online learning through government regulations. The implementation of the learning from home policy will be implemented starting in mid-March 2020. With home learning, a teacher is still required to administer the daily agenda of learning activities. Currently the teacher's daily agenda is still in the form of books, with learning from home this makes it increasingly difficult for principals to check and supervise learning activities carried out by teachers, homeroom supervision of students is increasingly difficult. So there needs to be a breakthrough in the online learning process, one of which is through the website. The purpose of this research is to design a website-based teacher activity agenda information system. the system development method used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model. the results of this study have created a web-base...
Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan program konversi bahan bakar rumah tangga pada tahun 2007 mengguna... more Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan program konversi bahan bakar rumah tangga pada tahun 2007 menggunakan LPG sebagai pengganti minyak tanah. Gas LPG merupakan sumber energi paling banyak dipakai masyarakat Indonesia. saat ini kualitas tabung gas LPG cenderung menurun. Penurunan kualitas ini bisa terjadi karena kurangnya pengawasan pada saat proses produksi, terutama pada proses quality control, sehingga penggunaan LPG cukup berbahaya dengan potensi yang dapat menyebabkan ledakan hingga kebakaran. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian kali ini adalah merancang dan membangun sebuah prototype sistem pendeteksi kebocoran gas dan api menggunakan arduino. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengembangan prototype dengan tahapan mendengarkan permasalahan dan kebutuhan pelanggan, membangun prototype, selanjutnya pelanggan melihat prototype dan mengujinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah alat yang dapat mendeteksi kebocoran gas LPG dan api menggunakan mikrokontroler arduino yang dapat diaksess menggunakan smartphone dengan ratarata waktu respon untuk mendeteksi api 4,43 detik sedangkan untuk mendeteksi gas 4,18 detik.