Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 2022
Outcomes of a case study based on the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters (AIE) released by... more Outcomes of a case study based on the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters (AIE) released by the Council of Europe are presented in this article. The paper is created as a supplement to help students reflect critically on unique intercultural interactions. The study claims that the document may be utilised in its original question-and-answer format to examine intercultural experiences critically and as a framework for students to create intercultural encounter narratives. As a result, this document may be used to write reflective narratives on students’ intercultural experiences, such as studying abroad. Two Japanese students on a short program in Malaysia were asked to create a story on their intercultural experiences for this research. The students then submitted their responses to the same experience’s questions in AIE. They created their narrative using AIE as a framework, and content analysis of the two AIE narratives indicated that the narrative based on AIE was more crit...

International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities
Culture and heritage activities have always relied heavily on assembling a group of people to bri... more Culture and heritage activities have always relied heavily on assembling a group of people to bring the event to life. However, during the pandemic COVID-19, these events cannot be held due to the restrictions and the danger it could bring in spreading the diseases. As a result, new options should be made available to ensure that cultural and heritage activities can continue in the face of adversity. This study describes the researcher’s experience in a knowledge transfer project on the long-term sustainability and conservation of community-based cultural and heritage activities during the COVID-19 epidemic. To preserve and sustain cultural activities, the article suggests a digital approach to culture and heritage activities. The research is based on the researcher’s observations and fieldwork experience. The result indicated that Lambo Sari and the research team kept track of each participant’s progress during the monitoring phase, which was the fourth step of this effort. In addi...

The development of information and communications technology created the phenomenon where people ... more The development of information and communications technology created the phenomenon where people connected to the various positive and negative implications. Statistics show that the issue of Internet abuse is a serious issue either globally or locally, precisely in Malaysia and would have implications for the formation of this connected society. Since more and more Malaysians becoming ‘netizens’, particularly those involving children and adolescents, the higher the need to educate them to be cautious, sensitive and concerned when sharing information through online. Children and adolescents are the two groups most vulnerable to the threats and risks associated with the Internet as cyber-crime can happen at any time, regardless of where they are, including at their own home. Parents as a ‘first institutions’ for children to receive initial training on how to be ‘netizens’ who is responsible for himself and digital community. Accordingly, this paper discusses the analysis of policy do...

Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) di Malaysia berkembang pesat sejak sedekad lalu dengan pelbagai ... more Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) di Malaysia berkembang pesat sejak sedekad lalu dengan pelbagai pembaharuan dari segi dasar dan inisiatif. Perkembangan ini dirangka selari dengan kepentingan ilmu dan keperluan pembangunan modal insan, bukan saja untuk keperluan tempatan malah didorong oleh dasar untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan pengajian tinggi berkualiti bagi memenuhi permintaan di rantau ini. Perkembangan ini bukan berlaku secara kebetulan, akan tetapi melalui perancangan strategik dasar kerajaan terhadap sektor pengajian tinggi yang proaktif, kestabilan politik, kepesatan ekonomi dan permintaan tinggi terhadap pengajian tinggi. Matlamat untuk membangunkan modal insan sudah pasti tidak akan tercapai sekiranya pembelajaran di IPT disalahtafsirkan ataupun hanya dianggap sebagai batu loncatan sahaja. Komuniti IPT perlu menyedari bahawa kemajuan ilmu yang sebenar tersurat menerusi kualiti jiwa, minda, aspirasi, cara hidup dan kemahiran yang dibangunkan dalam diri setiap ahli dalam komu...
The Malaysian context is diverse in that there are three main ethnic and religious groups: Muslim... more The Malaysian context is diverse in that there are three main ethnic and religious groups: Muslim Malay, Chinese Buddhist and Indian Hindus. These ethnic and religious groups are reflected in the staff composition at the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), a university on the East Coast of Malaysia. The site has been selected because, given the ethnic mix, there is potential for intercultural communication problems to surface among the staff which includes the three ethnic groups. The objective is to ascertain whether these communication patterns generate problems and conflict which may, in turn, affect the university’s productivity.

This research was inspired by the state government to explore the stakeholders perception towar... more This research was inspired by the state government to explore the stakeholders perception towards the implementation of TRENGLISH program in Terengganu, which is one of the initiatives made by the state government in its effort to enhance the level of English proficiency among students and citizens in Terengganu. The main objective of the research is to examine the effectiveness of the TRENGLISH programs and to identify factors influencing the effectiveness of the program. The specific objectives were i) to investigate the levels of awareness and attitudes of stakeholders towards TRENGLISH program, ii) to examine the readiness of TRENGLISH program implementation and iii) to examine the perceptions of the stakeholders towards TRENGLISH program. The research was conducted at 32 pilot schools that involve in TRENGLISH program. To obtain the data from respondents, questionnaires were distributed to the respondents at the respective schools as well as at TRENGLISH Seminars and TRENGLIS...

This study investigated the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of personnel employed at University M... more This study investigated the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of personnel employed at University Malaysia Terengganu to determine the interplay between their interpersonal communication patterns. The interpersonal communication examined included how they interpret, understand and assess their own and their colleagues’ values and beliefs as well as their use of verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Also explored were their conflict management styles and their perceptions in relation to Malaysia Concept. This study was framed within Hofstede cultural values theory, verbal communication theory (Hall, 1959 and 1966; Knapp & Hall, 2006) and cross-cultural communication theory (Hofstede, 1984, 1991, 2001, 2010 and 2012). Guided by these perspectives the study explored the respondent’s perspectives and experiences. This study employed mixed methods as a research design with ethnography as a research approach. The methods selected for the study included both quantitative and qual...
1526 Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Retrieval Number:F12... more 1526 Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Retrieval Number:F12710476S519/19©BEIESP Abstract: In most parts of the world, tourism is the sector that has been found to be the fastest-growing economically and avitourism, which is a part of ecotourism, is growing in trend. However, the local market potential of birding or avitourism in many developing countries, including Malaysia, is yet to be further explored despite its rapid growth globally. Many previous researchers agreed that avitourism has high potential in bringing significant social and economic benefits to local communities. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the aspect of youth engagement in birding activities and its implication for future avitourism.

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, May 28, 2018
In the midst of the popularity of massive open online learning approach and the fourth industrial... more In the midst of the popularity of massive open online learning approach and the fourth industrial revolution, it seems that multiliteracies approach is losing its significance in the educational setting of Malaysia. This paper discusses the relevance of multiliteracies project approach in the current Malaysian academic arena since its introduction in the early 21 st century. This paper will begin by outlining the significance of the multiliteracies approach at the local and global educational settings. The current study is part of a larger action research project that involved four action research cycles investigating multiliteracies approach in ESL (English for the Second Language) contexts. The data for the current study were collected from the second action research cycle, involving 28 participants who were learners of ESL at Bakti Polytechnic (pseudonym). Data were collected through classroom observation, semistructured interviews and classroom documents. The data show that multiliteracies approach still provides students with evocative learning experience and promotes the acquisition of necessary skills for students to participate in the 21 st century particularly technological, critical thinking and teamwork skills. Findings suggest that multiliteracies approach has the potential to be expanded to further include the properties of the current sensation of the fourth industrial revolution.

The Journal of Social Sciences Research
This article employed secondary data to critically examine policies, mission and vision of a priv... more This article employed secondary data to critically examine policies, mission and vision of a private mission university in line with fundamental human rights and the safety of students. The high rate of violence and criminal activities across Nigeria seems to have given credence to such policies in as much as such policies emphasize students" safety and development. Therefore, academic freedom and students" fundamental human rights should be exercise within the policies designed to ensure students safety and development. In the past and in recent times, studies have explored several areas of student safety and development, most especially in developed nations where priority is placed on student affairs administration, but such efforts are yet to be examined in the literature emanating from Nigeria despite several criticism against the policies of the university. Contrary to the belief of many critics, violation of fundamental human rights does not exist in the university under study; instead, stringent policies and procedures attached to the actualization or implementation of such policies are in existence to safeguard students" safety and development. The study argued that the failure of some students to comply with the procedures attached to these policies seem to have created a scenario of violation which critics contend with. Thus, a stern look at these policies and their applicability to students" matters would have been better understood and appreciated instead of condemnation. However, the paper argued that implementation of policies should be exercised with caution, largely because disciplinary power is a sensitive issue and those exercising it must do so with thoughtfulness and in absolute good faith and in accordance with the rule of law.

Akademika, 2020
The number of students participating in Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) programs... more The number of students participating in Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) programs has increased enormously over the years. The reasons are diverse and may range from personal growth to better employability prospects, together with improvement in foreign language skills and intercultural awareness. AIMS programs receive generous funding from Bahagian Education Malaysia (BEM) of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, therefore their outcomes should be measured and evaluated. This paper focuses on students’ experiences and their lesson learned as an alumnus of AIMS program. Reports submitted by the students were analysed using Leximancer and Spider-web Configuration. The content analysis done using Leximancer shows nine variables that are "orientation", "Thailand", "internship", "training", "water", "people", "food", "excursions" and "important" that according to the students are of ...

International Journal of Business, Economics, and Social Development
This study investigates the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of the University Malaysia Terengganu... more This study investigates the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) personnel to determine the elements of uncertainty avoidance among the staff. As such, the study examines the respondents’ expectations of rules, changes, and creativity in uncertainty avoidance. This study also investigates the differences between respondents’ behaviour in High Uncertainty Avoidance (HUA) or Low Uncertainty Avoidance (LUA) and the extent to which these differences affect communication. Furthermore, this study employed mixed (qualitative and quantitative) methods as a research design, with ethnography as a research approach. The study data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 20) and thematic analysis for an in-depth exploration of the respondents. The result of the study showed that, regardless of ethnicity, common HUA values were shared in the observation of rules and regulations, which reflected the consensual agreement ...

Leadership performance by village leaders is essential to promote sustainable life among rural co... more Leadership performance by village leaders is essential to promote sustainable life among rural communities, especially fisheries community who living along coastal villages. Otherwise, previous studies found that performance issues among village’s leaders remain as serious problems, and need to find the best solution. This study was conducted to profile the job performance among village leaders based on demographic factors such as educational level, age and experiences as village leader. The data of this cross-sectional survey were collected by questionnaires on 300 respondents consist of members of village organization through stratified sampling’s technique, while the data was analysed by SPSS using items of mean, standard deviation, independent-sample t-test and anova. The finding shown that there were differences in job performance among village leaders on educational level, age and experiences. Interestingly, the finding told the best on job performance among villag...

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies
This study observes the application and patterns of Japanese linguistic politeness used by Malays... more This study observes the application and patterns of Japanese linguistic politeness used by Malaysian tour guides during their guided tour sessions with the Japanese tourists. The interactions with the toruists were conducted in the Japanese language. During the guided tour sessions, the cultural encounters between the Malaysian tour guides and Japanese tourists influence the manner of communication for both parties to achieve and maintain effective and appropriate communication. The issue is whether the Japanese-speaking Malaysian tour guides, who are not native Japanese speakers, were able to perform their role using Japanese as the medium of communication and fulfil the standards of Japanese language according to the Japanese culture. Data were collected from audio-visual recordings of all interactions during the five tour sessions around Malacca City Centre and field notes. The audio recordings were transcribed verbatim, while visual recordings and field notes were used as references for details of certain interaction aspects that were not apparent in the audio recordings. The study found that most of the Japanese polite forms used were only at the teeneego (politeness form) level. Besides that, the data also revealed that several Malaysian tour guides were using the plain form for verbs and choosing vocabularies from vocabulary groups that were inappropriate based on the politeness aspect when speaking to the Japanese tourists. These practices were contradictory with the concept that ought to be practiced in the Japanese service culture. This means that politeness in the context of Japanese professional communication was not applied. However, the data analysis showed that these impoliteness manner did not affect the flow of the communication process and the intended messages were delivered during the tour. The findings can be used as a reference point for Japanese language instructors to design appropriate techniques, particularly for Japanese language lessons in tourism.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016