Papers by Innocent SHERIA RUVUGIRO

The present study primarily addressed the impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation of rural ... more The present study primarily addressed the impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation of rural population in Rwanda. The study was undertaken in Gakenke District in Rwanda and was carried out in nineteen microfinance institutions (SACCOs) operating in Gakenke District. The targeted population was 12,688 members of SACCOs (12,314 borrowers, 247 Directors and 127 SACCO Staff) from which a sample of 100 members was purposively selected. The study has adopted a combination of correlation and descriptive research design. It has employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research used both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected using questionnaire and interview and, while secondary data was collected using documentations techniques whereby, financial reports, bylaws, Manual of procedures and Credit policies of SACCOs have been consulted. The analysis of data was done via SPSS. The data was presented in form of tables, charts and graphs designed by SPSS.
The study has found that microfinance activities have a positive impact on poverty alleviation of members. It was found that microfinance activities has positively affected income level, housing, wealthy (assets ownership), occupation, access to education and medical care service, as well business performance of members in Gakenke District. The study found that there are six variables that have impact on member’s poverty alleviation, these are: Educational background of a member, family size/number of dependents, the occupation of a member, and number of loans got from microfinance, government programs against poverty, and membership duration. All variables were found to have positive impacts on poverty alleviation of rural population, except the family size or number of dependents of respondents.
The study recommends that Microfinance should encourage its members to improve on their current level of education by engaging in adult education or life-long learning as this will have the potency to increase their level of income;
Microfinance should seek long term capital from local market which will enable them to grant larger volume of loan and to greater number of people who will improve their outreach level; again microfinance should design appropriate products that are flexible enough to meet the different needs of the poor for both production and consumption.
The government should subsidize loans for poor people to make the loans more affordable for clients, keep assisting microfinance in saving mobilization to increase loanable fund, assist microfinance in training members on loan utilization, saving culture and business.
Papers by Innocent SHERIA RUVUGIRO
The study has found that microfinance activities have a positive impact on poverty alleviation of members. It was found that microfinance activities has positively affected income level, housing, wealthy (assets ownership), occupation, access to education and medical care service, as well business performance of members in Gakenke District. The study found that there are six variables that have impact on member’s poverty alleviation, these are: Educational background of a member, family size/number of dependents, the occupation of a member, and number of loans got from microfinance, government programs against poverty, and membership duration. All variables were found to have positive impacts on poverty alleviation of rural population, except the family size or number of dependents of respondents.
The study recommends that Microfinance should encourage its members to improve on their current level of education by engaging in adult education or life-long learning as this will have the potency to increase their level of income;
Microfinance should seek long term capital from local market which will enable them to grant larger volume of loan and to greater number of people who will improve their outreach level; again microfinance should design appropriate products that are flexible enough to meet the different needs of the poor for both production and consumption.
The government should subsidize loans for poor people to make the loans more affordable for clients, keep assisting microfinance in saving mobilization to increase loanable fund, assist microfinance in training members on loan utilization, saving culture and business.
The study has found that microfinance activities have a positive impact on poverty alleviation of members. It was found that microfinance activities has positively affected income level, housing, wealthy (assets ownership), occupation, access to education and medical care service, as well business performance of members in Gakenke District. The study found that there are six variables that have impact on member’s poverty alleviation, these are: Educational background of a member, family size/number of dependents, the occupation of a member, and number of loans got from microfinance, government programs against poverty, and membership duration. All variables were found to have positive impacts on poverty alleviation of rural population, except the family size or number of dependents of respondents.
The study recommends that Microfinance should encourage its members to improve on their current level of education by engaging in adult education or life-long learning as this will have the potency to increase their level of income;
Microfinance should seek long term capital from local market which will enable them to grant larger volume of loan and to greater number of people who will improve their outreach level; again microfinance should design appropriate products that are flexible enough to meet the different needs of the poor for both production and consumption.
The government should subsidize loans for poor people to make the loans more affordable for clients, keep assisting microfinance in saving mobilization to increase loanable fund, assist microfinance in training members on loan utilization, saving culture and business.