Papers by Indira Riastiwi
Forest science and technology, Apr 9, 2024
AIP conference proceedings, 2024
Biodiversitas, Dec 31, 2023
AIP Conference Proceedings, Dec 31, 2022

Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 2023
Rapid decline in seed viability of Moringa oleifera Lam. due to storage severely reduces its capa... more Rapid decline in seed viability of Moringa oleifera Lam. due to storage severely reduces its capability to germinate. This study aimed to evaluate the viability of moringa seeds stored at various temperatures through seed germination on a selected medium and provide insights into its conservation in seed banks. The research consisted of two experiments. (1) Optimization of moringa seed germination using different media: A) sand 100%; B) mixed sand, soil, manure, rice husk charcoal (1:1:1:1); C) mixed sand, soil, and manure (1:1:1); D) mixed soil, manure, rice husk charcoal (2:1:1); and E) soil 100%. (2) Determination of moringa seed viability stored at various temperatures (-35, 5, 20, and 25 °C) every three months for 24 months. The information on the moringa seed banks was compiled via a literature review. Germination variables (percentage, rate, time, and index) were observed and recorded. The best germination medium for moringa seeds was medium B. Storage temperature at 5 °C was the most suitable temperature to maintain viability, indicated by the highest germination percentage, rate, and index, and the shortest germination time of only 6 days. There are moringa seed collections of 11 seed banks published online.

Plant and Fungal Systematics, Jul 1, 2023
The true mangrove genus Camptostemon (Malvaceae) is becoming increasingly rare. This genus can be... more The true mangrove genus Camptostemon (Malvaceae) is becoming increasingly rare. This genus can be found in the Philippines, Borneo, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Confusion remains over the taxonomic status of Camptostemon aruensis, endemic to Aru Islands, Indonesia. Therefore, a taxonomic revision is presented. Morphological characteristics, distribution maps, an identification key, and photographs of the species are provided. Based on type and type-locality specimens from the Aru Islands, C. aruensis is found to morphologically match C. schultzii. Camptostemon aruensis is a synonym of C. schultzii. Therefore, Camptostemon consists of two species, C. philippinensis (from the Philippines, Borneo, and Sulawesi), and C. schultzii (from Maluku, Indonesian Papua, Papua New Guinea, and northern Australia). Camptostemon philippinensis and C. schultzii are found in different geographic areas and do not share the same island.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi, Nov 17, 2021
No less than 600 cultivars have been developed from 25 Mentha species, but only four mint species... more No less than 600 cultivars have been developed from 25 Mentha species, but only four mint species are cultivated commercially for essential oil production in the world, two of them are peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.) and spearmint (M. spicata L.). Mints are generally cultivated through vegetative propagation due to pollen sterility and high ploidy levels, thus generative propagation is often unsuccessful. Therefore, to optimize vegetative propagation especially in vitro propagation, this study aimed to determine the growth response of mints, namely peppermint and spearmint grown on in vitro media with the addition of coconut water and BAP. Using a Randomized Block Design with 1 factor, node segments from peppermint and spearmint plantlets were inoculated on growth media with 4 levels: 1) MS (control, without the addition of coconut water and BAP); 2) MS with 50 mL coconut water (MS + AK); 3) MS with 0.25 mg/L BAP (MS + BAP); 4) MS with 50 mL of coconut water and 0.25 mg/L BAP (MS + AK + BAP). Each treatment consisted of 5 replicates with 5 explants each. The cultures were incubated for eight weeks, growth and physiological parameters were observed. The results showed that peppermint growth response was best in the medium with coconut water addition, while the addition of coconut water or BAP had no effect on spearmint growth. Coconut water and BAP increased the total chlorophyll content of peppermint and spearmint leaves. The combination of coconut water and BAP resulted in an inhibitory response to the growth of peppermint and spearmint in vitro.

Jurnal Hama dan penyakit tumbuhan tropika, Jan 9, 2013
Susceptibility of Urban Trees Polyalthia longifolia and Pterocarpus indicus to Infection of the r... more Susceptibility of Urban Trees Polyalthia longifolia and Pterocarpus indicus to Infection of the red root rot fungus Ganoderma sp. Urban trees on the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) area play an important role in increasing environmental qualities as well as in supporting the teaching and learning processes. However, red root rot disease caused by Basidiomycete Ganoderma sp. has severely infected some existing urban trees. This experiment was aimed to determine the susceptibility of Polyalthia longifolia (glodokan) and Pterocarpus indicus (angsana) to the infection of Ganoderma sp. Identification of infected trees was performed in UGM area. Further steps were carried out to achieve those objectives : (1) isolation of Ganoderma spp. and testing of Koch's postulate and (2) examination of the susceptibility of P. longifolia and P. indicus to infection of Ganoderma sp. The susceptibility test of P. longifolia and P. indicus to Ganoderma sp. indicated that P. longifolia was more resistant to fungal pathogen infection than that of P. indicus. Based on this experiment, it can be concluded that P. longifolia is a species that is more suitable than P. indicus. P. longifolia should be planted on the areas that have been infested with inocula of Ganoderma sp..
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Dec 1, 2022

Biodiversitas, Nov 2, 2022
The stomatal and epidermal characteristics can be used as additional evidence in plant taxonomy a... more The stomatal and epidermal characteristics can be used as additional evidence in plant taxonomy activity. The aim of the study was to identify the stomatal and epidermal characteristics of Zingiberaceae in Serang District, Banten, Indonesia. The samples used were 11 species of Zingiberaceae collected from Serang District. The stomatal and epidermal collection was carried out using the replica technique. Based on the results, all species has brachyparatetracytic type of stomata, on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf. The densities of stomata of all species observed on abaxial were higher than adaxial surface of the leaf. The stomatal density on adaxial surface of leaf between 1.71-4.43 stomata per unit leaf area of 171,602 µm 2 , while on abaxial 10.46-42.22 stomata per unit leaf area. The stomatal index on adaxial surface is between 1.34-6.97%, while on abaxial 7.54-30.25%. The length of guard cells on adaxial surface is between 30.30-47.85 µm, while on abaxial 29.86-50.68 µm. The width of guard cells on adaxial surface between 18.67-31.73 µm, while on abaxial 19.97-31.95 µm. The adaxial epidermal cells have a column, polygonal, or rectangular shapes, while the abaxial has poligonal or rectangular-shaped epidermal cells. The epidermal cells that are over leaf veins have polygonal or rectangular-shaped cells.
Jurnal Biodjati, Jun 1, 2021
Wild bananas have been known to have resistance to abiotic stress such as drought stress (Santos ... more Wild bananas have been known to have resistance to abiotic stress such as drought stress (Santos et al., 2018) and biotic stress such as Fusarium wilt disease (Zhang et al., 2019). Therefore, wild

IOP conference series, Nov 11, 2020
The teak belongs to the highly prized timber tree. Quality teak trees have been guaranteed by pla... more The teak belongs to the highly prized timber tree. Quality teak trees have been guaranteed by planting clonal planting materials propagated vegetatively, for example, by shoot tip cutting and tissue culture. Tissue culture propagation of teak has been commercially viable even though the efficiency of production can still be improved. This research aimed to study the effect of increasing shoot inoculum density and sucrose concentration requirement for optimum growth of teak shoot in vitro. Inocula of a single nodal shoot in the number of 5 or 9 were inoculated on modified MS basal media with sucrose concentrations treatment of 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 g l−1. The results showed that the standard sucrose concentration of 30 g l−1 and a higher concentration of 40 g l−1were optimum for the growth the inocula of the densities tested. Even though the average shoot growth was lower for nine inocula than that of five inocula, the total shoot growth was higher for the former. An increasing number of inocula can be used as a method to increase the efficiency of shoot proliferation stage of teak micropropagation.

Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea, Mar 27, 2018
Tectona grandis L.f.) untuk industri nasional hanya bisa dipenuhi sekitar 0,75 juta m 3 /tahun da... more Tectona grandis L.f.) untuk industri nasional hanya bisa dipenuhi sekitar 0,75 juta m 3 /tahun dari 2,5 juta m 3 /tahun yang diantaranya disebabkan oleh umur panen pohon jati yang lama dan semakin berkurangnya lahan yang sesuai dengan habitat jati akibat perubahan iklim. Indonesia memiliki lahan kering yang cukup luas untuk pengembangan jati, sehingga dibutuhkan bibit tanaman jati yang bisa tumbuh cepat dan tahan dengan kondisi kekeringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan sifat ketahanan klon jati tetraploid dengan diploid terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan ulangan sebanyak 9 kali di rumah kaca. Faktor pertama adalah klon diploid (2x) dan tetraploid (4x). Faktor kedua adalah tingkat cekaman kekeringan meliputi interval penyiraman 3 hari, 7 hari, 14 hari, 21 hari, dan disiram hanya di awal perlakuan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap tinggi bibit, diameter batang, jumlah daun, luas daun, ketebalan daun, potensial air daun, stomata, perakaran, dan bobot kering tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan kedua klon bibit jati menurun dalam kondisi cekaman kekeringan, namun pertumbuhan bibit tetraploid lebih baik dibandingkan dengan bibit diploidnya.
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia: Indonesian Journal of Horticulture, Apr 30, 2021
In plant micropropagation, cytokinin and nitrogen are the essensial components that affect plant ... more In plant micropropagation, cytokinin and nitrogen are the essensial components that affect plant growth and morphogenesis. In this research, we evaluated the effect of BA concentration and modification of MS medium with variation in total nitrogen concentration and NO3-:NH4 + ratio on the growth of moringa plant. The treatments tested were (1) BA concentrations of 0

Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, Dec 23, 2018
Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is a cultivated plant that reported have many benefits. Indonesia... more Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is a cultivated plant that reported have many benefits. Indonesian people have utilized moringa as a vegetable widely but it is never used as functional food. The distribution data of moringa in Indonesia is needed to develop moringa as an additional nutrient for functional food. The aim of the research was to draw up the distribution map of moringa in Java and Lesser Sunda Islands (LSI). In addition, this distribution map was also attributed with average annual rainfall to know the preference of moringa to life depend on the rainfall. This research has been conducted with four approaches: collecting specimens, direct observation of living plant, direct observation of specimen herbarium and literature study. All data were analyzed and arranged into the distribution maps of moringa in Java and the LSI attributed with annual rainfall. The result showed that moringa in entire Java mostly distributed in the area of Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, the north part of East Java, Madura and Kangean. While, moringa in LSI distributed in the southern part of Bali,

Plant and Fungal Systematics
The true mangrove genus Camptostemon (Malvaceae) is becoming increasingly rare. This genus can be... more The true mangrove genus Camptostemon (Malvaceae) is becoming increasingly rare. This genus can be found in the Philippines, Borneo, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Confusion remains over the taxonomic status of Camptostemon aruensis, endemic to Aru Islands, Indonesia. Therefore, a taxonomic revision is presented. Morphological characteristics, distribution maps, an identification key, and photographs of the species are provided. Based on type and type-locality specimens from the Aru Islands, C. aruensis is found to morphologically match C. schultzii. Camptostemon aruensis is a synonym of C. schultzii. Therefore, Camptostemon consists of two species, C. philippinensis (from the Philippines, Borneo, and Sulawesi), and C. schultzii (from Maluku, Indonesian Papua, Papua New Guinea, and northern Australia). Camptostemon philippinensis and C. schultzii are found in different geographic areas and do not share the same island.
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Dec 1, 2022

Biodiversitas, Nov 2, 2022
The stomatal and epidermal characteristics can be used as additional evidence in plant taxonomy a... more The stomatal and epidermal characteristics can be used as additional evidence in plant taxonomy activity. The aim of the study was to identify the stomatal and epidermal characteristics of Zingiberaceae in Serang District, Banten, Indonesia. The samples used were 11 species of Zingiberaceae collected from Serang District. The stomatal and epidermal collection was carried out using the replica technique. Based on the results, all species has brachyparatetracytic type of stomata, on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf. The densities of stomata of all species observed on abaxial were higher than adaxial surface of the leaf. The stomatal density on adaxial surface of leaf between 1.71-4.43 stomata per unit leaf area of 171,602 µm 2 , while on abaxial 10.46-42.22 stomata per unit leaf area. The stomatal index on adaxial surface is between 1.34-6.97%, while on abaxial 7.54-30.25%. The length of guard cells on adaxial surface is between 30.30-47.85 µm, while on abaxial 29.86-50.68 µm. The width of guard cells on adaxial surface between 18.67-31.73 µm, while on abaxial 19.97-31.95 µm. The adaxial epidermal cells have a column, polygonal, or rectangular shapes, while the abaxial has poligonal or rectangular-shaped epidermal cells. The epidermal cells that are over leaf veins have polygonal or rectangular-shaped cells.
Papers by Indira Riastiwi