Bolema, Apr 1, 2016
La finalidad de este artículo es precisar algunos de los elementos que organizan un espacio de tr... more La finalidad de este artículo es precisar algunos de los elementos que organizan un espacio de trabajo efectivo para problemas de lugares geométricos en entornos tecnológicos. Se explora como 52 futuros profesores de matemáticas progresan en su concepción de lugares geométricos a través de la apropiación de las funcionalidades específicas de cada entorno (herramienta), en relación con su propia práctica como estudiantes y su futuro ejercicio profesional. Con base en sistemas de geometría dinámica se comparan tres herramientas, las diferentes representaciones matemáticas de los lugares geométricos generadas por ellas, tanto desde la perspectiva de su dinámica matemática como de sus funcionalidades didácticas. Las funcionalidades didácticas proporcionadas desde el diseñador se han estudiado desde el modelo Espacio de Trabajo Matemático (ETM). Este modelo pone de relieve la necesidad de articular para el trabajo geométrico los niveles epistemológico y cognitivo a través de diferentes génesis de razonamiento (visual-discursiva, instrumental y discursiva).
Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa, 2019
Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning, 2021
Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning, 2021
People aged 20-39 were stopped in the streets of Victoria (Australia) and Madrid (Spain) to gauge... more People aged 20-39 were stopped in the streets of Victoria (Australia) and Madrid (Spain) to gauge their views on the gendering of mathematics. The findings suggested that for respondents from both countries, if stereotyped beliefs are held they were more strongly associated with the traditional male stereotype, that is, that males are considered more suited to pursuits in mathematics. However, in general, the Spanish respondents held stronger views than the Australians that mathematics was gender neutral, that is, that it, and related fields, are equally suited to males and females.
In this paper we report data, gathered in Madrid, Spain, from two groups aged 20-39: one group co... more In this paper we report data, gathered in Madrid, Spain, from two groups aged 20-39: one group comprised pedestrians stopped in the City streets, the other consisted of university students, specifically prospective primary school teachers [PPST]. It was found that the PPST were generally more negative than members of the general public about mathematics and its importance. Overall, there was relatively little evidence of gender stereotyping, However, when found, the traditional male stereotype prevailed.

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 12, 2020
This paper focuses on the epistemic and cognitive characterization of backward reasoning in strat... more This paper focuses on the epistemic and cognitive characterization of backward reasoning in strategy games resolution. It explores the use of AiC (Abstraction in Context) as a tool for the analysis of the epistemic actions involved in these processes. It is reported a first analysis developed by the research team in order to be used as protocol-guide in the analysis of a study carried out with PhD students in Mathematics Degree in a Spanish and an Italian University, who face problem solving games. The case study shows the process of discovery that a PhD student makes to formulate a general recursive formula. It is a key for understanding the interaction between the AiC model and the characteristics of backward reasoning. The analysis allows to combine the two models-backward reasoning and AiC-in a unified framework that allows to focus both short-term and long-term processes in students' activities.

The Mathematics Enthusiast, 2013
Research on technology-assisted teaching and learning has identified several families of factors ... more Research on technology-assisted teaching and learning has identified several families of factors that contribute to the effective integration of such tools. Focusing on one such family, affective factors, this article reports on a qualitative study of 30 prospective secondary school mathematics teachers designed to acquire insight into the affect associated with the visualization of geometric loci using GeoGebra. Affect as a representational system was the approach adopted to gain insight into how the use of dynamic geometry applications impacted students' affective pathways. The data suggests that affect is related to motivation through goals and self-concept. Basic instrumental knowledge and the application of modeling to generate interactive images, along with the use of analogical visualization, played a role in local affect and prospective teachers' use of visualization.
Resumen del proyecto PIMCD 232 (2017) que presenta el diseno y uso de un sistema de seguimiento d... more Resumen del proyecto PIMCD 232 (2017) que presenta el diseno y uso de un sistema de seguimiento de egresados en la Facultad de Matematicas para analisis de empleabilidad asi como para informacion que valga para la mejora de las titulaciones.
Mathematics, 2020
The paper focuses on the cognitive and epistemic characterization of backward reasoning in strate... more The paper focuses on the cognitive and epistemic characterization of backward reasoning in strategy games resolution. It explores the use of abstraction in context (AiC) theory as a tool for the analysis of the epistemic actions involved in these processes. We follow a qualitative methodology based on design experiments, focusing on a study carried out with mathematics and engineering students. The analysis allowed us to combine the two models derived from the epistemology of mathematical backward reasoning and AiC theory in a unified framework that allowed us to focus both short-term and long-term processes in mathematical activities. Recurring patterns of epistemic actions were identified.

REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 2020
Aprendizaje-Servicio es una metodología que adquiere cada vez más relevancia en el ámbito univers... more Aprendizaje-Servicio es una metodología que adquiere cada vez más relevancia en el ámbito universitario. Cómo método de enseñanza busca vincular el aprendizaje del estudiante con el servicio a la comunidad generando beneficios en tres ámbitos: el currículum académico, la formación en valores y en el desarrollo de la responsabilidad social. En este artículo se presenta la implementación de proyectos de Aprendizaje y Servicio en Matemáticas en el ámbito docente universitario para la asignatura de Trabajo de Fin de Grado del Grado de Ingeniería Matemática. Apoyados en la experiencia desde 2012 y presentando un caso de estudio desarrollado durante el curso 2018-2019, se caracteriza la metodología de Aprendizaje-Servicio para el área de Matemáticas. Para ello ha sido importante cualificar elementos propios del ámbito de la Educación Matemática y también muy específicamente dotar de una herramienta didáctica que cualificara la fase de evaluación formativa de la metodología Aprendizaje-Ser...
Una Ciencia Humana Libro Homenaje a Camino Canon Loyes 2014 Isbn 978 84 8468 563 0 Pags 131 142, 2014
Gaceta De La Real Sociedad Matematica Espanola, 1998
Suma Revista Sobre Ensenanza Y Aprendizaje De Las Matematicas, 1989
Uno: Revista de Didáctica de las …, 2006
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ... Una acción formativa del profesorado Auto... more Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ... Una acción formativa del profesorado Autores: Gömez-Chacón, Inés M. Revista: Uno : Revista de Didáctica de las Matemáticas, 2006 ENE-MAR; XII (41) Página(s): 40-51 ISSN: 11339853 Resumen: Este artículo recoge ...
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2000
In this paper, a model for the study of the interaction between cognition and affect in Mathemati... more In this paper, a model for the study of the interaction between cognition and affect in Mathematics is proposed. Using this model, the description of emotional reactions and their origin is made possible, as are the changes and evolution within the subjects of analysis. Certain important dimensions related to affect and cognition are developed in this article. The importance of
En esta ponencia se presenta una síntesis de investigaciones realizadas en Matemáticas y afecto, ... more En esta ponencia se presenta una síntesis de investigaciones realizadas en Matemáticas y afecto, especialmente, en éstas dos últimas décadas. Se describe el estado de la cuestión respecto al desarrollo de marcos teóricos y metodológicos y a propuestas de programas de actualización didáctica para profesores y alumnos, dando prioridad a cuestiones abiertas que pueden plantear investigaciones futuras. Se ponen de relieve aspectos a repensar y a avanzar en este campo de investigación referidos: a conceptualización, a la interacción cognición y afecto en los procesos de pensamiento matemático, a identidad y afecto en el contexto del desarrollo profesional del profesor y a propuestas de articulación entre teoría y práctica que hagan posible que esta temática llegue de forma operativa al aula.
Revista Complutense de Educación, 2007
This article describes the nature and structure of systems of beliefs of a group of secondary lev... more This article describes the nature and structure of systems of beliefs of a group of secondary level students in Spain and Belgium (Flanders), which were elicited by means of a questionnaire designed for this purpose with a distinct organising focus. The Mathematics-Related Beliefs Questionnaire (MRBQ) measures four major components of students' mathematics-related belief systems: beliefs about the role and the functioning of their own teacher, beliefs about the significance of and competence in mathematics, beliefs about the Mathematics as a social activity, and beliefs about Mathematics as a domain of excellence. The internal structure of these belief systems as well as the relationship between students’ belief and gender, achievement level and track level were studied.