International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 7, Issue 4 (JULY-AUGUST 2019), PP. 13-18, 2019
Since Railway is the second quickest and cheapest mode of transportation which make it largest mo... more Since Railway is the second quickest and cheapest mode of transportation which make it largest mode of commutation over the world .In India alone it has 115,000 km of track length and It runs 12,617 trains to carry over 23 million passengers daily – equivalent to moving the entire population of Australia. India Railways runs more than 7,421 freight trains carrying 3 million tones (MT) of freight every day.
Since cost of life and goods directly associated to Railway are too much it requires high level of security and safety associated to it. The objective of this research is to forestall all the passengers from any derailment mishap caused due to rail cracks or any other defects in rail tracks.
This research is based on the Nadal's theory and complex calculation of lateral and vertical vibrations for ride comfort. Based on the calculations, the frequency of vibrations may be analyzed and efforts can be taken to stop such type of accidents. As it is closely related to traveler and freight transportation, it owns high risk in terms of human lives and value of assets which is our prime focus. Railway has adapted new technologies and higher safety standards but in spite of all these efforts, we are unable to control accidents and risk associated to derailments and collisions exists. However it may be reduced by elaborated analysis of the causes. Railway is also committed for high level of comfort for the passengers, hence several continuous efforts with complex and complicated actions and research are been made. Noise and vibration are known factors for discomfort, the most sources of vibration in an exceedingly train are track defects, that causes during wheel rim climb or rail change due to track defects. This is the reason why it has been the topic of intense interest for several trains manufacturers and researches over the globe. Although new techniques in producing and style guarantees higher ride comfort but fully elimination of track defects due to numerous ground irregularities is still not possible.
Papers by IJTRA Editor
Since cost of life and goods directly associated to Railway are too much it requires high level of security and safety associated to it. The objective of this research is to forestall all the passengers from any derailment mishap caused due to rail cracks or any other defects in rail tracks.
This research is based on the Nadal's theory and complex calculation of lateral and vertical vibrations for ride comfort. Based on the calculations, the frequency of vibrations may be analyzed and efforts can be taken to stop such type of accidents. As it is closely related to traveler and freight transportation, it owns high risk in terms of human lives and value of assets which is our prime focus. Railway has adapted new technologies and higher safety standards but in spite of all these efforts, we are unable to control accidents and risk associated to derailments and collisions exists. However it may be reduced by elaborated analysis of the causes. Railway is also committed for high level of comfort for the passengers, hence several continuous efforts with complex and complicated actions and research are been made. Noise and vibration are known factors for discomfort, the most sources of vibration in an exceedingly train are track defects, that causes during wheel rim climb or rail change due to track defects. This is the reason why it has been the topic of intense interest for several trains manufacturers and researches over the globe. Although new techniques in producing and style guarantees higher ride comfort but fully elimination of track defects due to numerous ground irregularities is still not possible.
Since cost of life and goods directly associated to Railway are too much it requires high level of security and safety associated to it. The objective of this research is to forestall all the passengers from any derailment mishap caused due to rail cracks or any other defects in rail tracks.
This research is based on the Nadal's theory and complex calculation of lateral and vertical vibrations for ride comfort. Based on the calculations, the frequency of vibrations may be analyzed and efforts can be taken to stop such type of accidents. As it is closely related to traveler and freight transportation, it owns high risk in terms of human lives and value of assets which is our prime focus. Railway has adapted new technologies and higher safety standards but in spite of all these efforts, we are unable to control accidents and risk associated to derailments and collisions exists. However it may be reduced by elaborated analysis of the causes. Railway is also committed for high level of comfort for the passengers, hence several continuous efforts with complex and complicated actions and research are been made. Noise and vibration are known factors for discomfort, the most sources of vibration in an exceedingly train are track defects, that causes during wheel rim climb or rail change due to track defects. This is the reason why it has been the topic of intense interest for several trains manufacturers and researches over the globe. Although new techniques in producing and style guarantees higher ride comfort but fully elimination of track defects due to numerous ground irregularities is still not possible.