Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Spektrum, Apr 3, 2015
Motor induksi tiga fasa merupakan salah satu mesin listrik yang banyak digunakan di dunia industr... more Motor induksi tiga fasa merupakan salah satu mesin listrik yang banyak digunakan di dunia industri. Sesuai dengan peran dan fungsinya, maka motor induksi tiga fasa dinilai sangat penting dalam dunia industri, sehingga motor induksi diharuskan bekerja dengan baik dan aman. Banyak sekali jenis-jenis gangguan yang berpotensi untuk mengganggu fungsi dan kerja motor atau bahkan merusak motor itu sendiri di antaranya yaitu unbalance voltage dan overload. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat suatu alat yang bertugas untuk mengamankan motor induksi tiga fasa terhadap gangguan unbalance voltage dan overload berbasis mikrokontroller ATMega 328. Alat ini juga memiliki fitur monitoring yang dilakukan pada komputer.

Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine), 2018
Sea turtle has protected status because of their endangered existence. To prevent turtle extincti... more Sea turtle has protected status because of their endangered existence. To prevent turtle extinction is by organizing turtle conservation activities. Moving the turtle eggs is one of turtle conservation activities. After moved, the eggs are monitored until they hatch and released to the sea. Monitoring of these turtle eggs is manually every day and make it difficult for officers. To help officers, author made an automatic monitoring system. The monitoring system using ultrasonic sensors and NodeMCU ESP8266 which will send data via MQTT. On the server there is a webserver to process data from hardware. There is also a telegram messenger notification that will appear when there is a change on the height of sand. With this monitoring system, it is expected to help the turtle conservation officer to move the turtles that have been hatched at the right time and monitor the eggs automatically.

Jurnal SPEKTRUM, 2018
Customer PT. PLN (Persero) has been getting prepaid and postpaid electric service programs, on po... more Customer PT. PLN (Persero) has been getting prepaid and postpaid electric service programs, on postpaid electricity PT. PLN is still using conventional ways to monitor the electricity consumption of its customers. PLN officers must record meters, calculate and publish accounts to be paid by customers. In this study using electrical energy monitoring system using SMS that can measure and monitor the use of electrical energy in real time, using the method of direct measurement. Results from the current sensor readings and voltage sensors will be forwarded to the microcontroller to be converted into the amount of electrical energy consumption and the amount of payment in accordance with tariffs that have been determined PLN. The research was conducted in Basic Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory of Energy Conversion, Laboratory of Workshop & Electrical Installation, Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.

Jurnal SPEKTRUM, 2019
The negligence of residents and the lack of a house security system are the causes of the rampant... more The negligence of residents and the lack of a house security system are the causes of the rampant cases of theft. Technological developments are increasingly rapid, making technology can be applied as a security system at home. This can be a solution to these problems. In this study a home security system was developed in the form of a prototype. This study uses a microcontroller that can be controlled using mobile devices via bluetooth communication. The prototype consists of a keypad to enter a password as a substitute for a home key, a PIR sensor as a detection of human body heat movements, and a buzzer as an alarm. The results of this study are that the prototype has been realized where the servo motor has been able to open and lock by entering the correct password. Setting ON / OFF lighting, display information on the LCD, and ON / OFF PIR sensor from an Android mobile phone via Bluetooth communication are in accordance with the plan.
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro, 2016
Carbon monoxide is gas that harmful to health . Carbon monoxide is caused by motor vehicles that ... more Carbon monoxide is gas that harmful to health . Carbon monoxide is caused by motor vehicles that are not well maintened, so we need device can measure the levels of carbon monoxide. Measuring instrument created using sensor MQ - 7 based arduino uno R3 . Sensor MQ - 7 is a sensor sensitive to carbon monoxide , stable power supply 5 volts and can measure from 20-2000 ppm of carbon monoxide . Output device is data on the LCD and ISD1820 voice module , so it can be installed in an office basement . DOI: 10.24843/MITE.1601.19

In this journal, an analysis of the NutriNeeds application is carried out. The Nutrineedsapplicat... more In this journal, an analysis of the NutriNeeds application is carried out. The Nutrineedsapplication is the result of a study that aims to determine daily calorie needs for people withdiabetes mellitus. The level of accuracy of the NutriNeeds application will be compared with theBroca method in determining the daily calorie requirements for people with diabetes mellitus.The NutriNeeds application is designed with the mamdani fuzzy inference system and androidstudio, which uses 7 inputs in the fuzzy inference system, namely gender, male BBI, femaleBBI, age, BMI, physical activity, stress factors, and produces an output, namely calories daily.The NutriNeeds application requires data input, namely gender, weight, height, age, andphysical activity, which will display daily calorie results and meal schedules. The data in thisstudy were 5 pieces of data on patients with diabetes mellitus. Based on the comparison of dailycalories generated by the NutriNeeds application by calculating daily...
The use of hydroponics is an effective way to carry out farming activities without theneed for la... more The use of hydroponics is an effective way to carry out farming activities without theneed for large tracts of land. Hydroponics requires extra supervision to be able to produceplants with good quality. There are three main parameters in hydroponics, namely the amountof dissolved nutrient content, the pH level in water, and the water suhue level. To provideconvenience in conducting surveillance, this research designed an IoT-based NFT hydroponicmonitoring system. The use of TDS sensors, pH sensors, and temperatur sensors DS18B20 inthis study are used to measure any changes that occur in the three parameters. Sensor datawill be processed by Arduino Mega 2560 and sent to Firebase databases via NodeMCUESP8266 which is connected to the internet network, so users can supervise anytime andanywhere through the android mobile application.

Companies beverage manufacturers, rely on water as the main raw material for the manufacture of i... more Companies beverage manufacturers, rely on water as the main raw material for the manufacture of its products. To ensure the quality of water used, the necessary sieve (filter) water to capture and remove dirt and bacteria that still contained water. Along with the use of water filters continue to occur, the necessary measures water filter replacement on a regular basis so that water quality is maintained. If a replacement water filter is not implemented, then the damage to the beverage production machine may occur. To overcome these problems, it has been designed and realized a tool to remind the replacement water filter by utilizing the SMS-based microcontroller ATMEGA-328. The method in the manufacture of these tools is hardware consists of electronic devices and design of water filter media MC2. Software using C language arduino. Water flow sensor electronics devices and water pump pressure switch attached to the water line filter media. Capacity usage of water that has passed th...

Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro, 2019
Saat ini tidak sedikit masyarakat Indonesia bekerja sebagai pembudidaya ikan salah satunya ikan k... more Saat ini tidak sedikit masyarakat Indonesia bekerja sebagai pembudidaya ikan salah satunya ikan koi. Hal ini dikarenakan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari penjualan ikan koi sangat menjanjikan. Faktor utama berhasilnya penjualan ikan koi adalah kualitas ikan dari hasil budidaya itu sendiri. Untuk mendapatkan hasil budidaya berkualitas, tentunya kolam-kolam tersebut harus selalu dalam keadaan bersih (memiliki tingkat kekeruhan air < 400 NTU). Oleh karena itu dibuatlah suatu sistem untuk dapat memonitoring tingkat kekeruhan air dan pemberi pakan otomatis pada kolam budidaya ikan koi dengan tujuan membantu pembudidaya ikan koi meningkatkan kualitas hasil budidaya mereka. Prinsip kerja sistem monitoring tingkat kekeruhan air kolam budidaya koi ini adalah dengan membaca nilai kekeruhan air kolam menggunakan sensor kekeruhan (Turbidity Sensor). Pembacaan nilai sensor tersebut akan diproses mikrokontroler NodeMCU kemudian mengaktifkan modul relay pompa drainase untuk menguras air keruh. Di...

Swiftlet nest farming is one of the businesses found in Indonesia due to its bigeconomic value. N... more Swiftlet nest farming is one of the businesses found in Indonesia due to its bigeconomic value. Nest quality at the time when harvest is able to impact the selling price ofswiftlet nest. Farmers usually monitor the swiftlet nest by checking the nest directly in thebuilding, this matters because the swiftlet is shocked. Monitoring is needed for checking thephysical condition of the swiftlet nest. This research will make a prototype hopefully useful toswiftlet nest farmers as a reference to increase nest quality with high economic value. Theresearch has been done on software and hardware design by ESP32-CAM and Arduino IDEsoftware for making the source code. The result from research of a monitoring system onswiftlet nest farming based ESP32-CAM equipped with telegram is able to send commandsmenu to telegram, capturing photo of swiftlet nest, turning on flash and turning off flash onESP32-CAM. The research has been realized successfully as design.

Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro, 2018
Cars are a transportation mode that is widely used in society. Every year in Indonesia and other ... more Cars are a transportation mode that is widely used in society. Every year in Indonesia and other countries experience a continuous increase in the number of cars. The intensity of cars especially in parking areas often become a challenge for drivers to park cars and increases the risk of a crash. This research aims to design and build a distance sensor device that helps to park cars based on Arduino Uno microcontroller which is hoped to help decrease the risk of cars crashing to another car or object. This device will will produce three types of input that will inform the driver on the distance detected, between the car and another object. The first output is in text form displayed on an LCD screen, then the second output is a buzz produced by a buzzer and the third output is produced by a speaker which produces sound of audio recordings voicing the distance detected by the sensor.

Jurnal Ilmiah Spektrum, 2015
Dewasa ini masyarakat banyak disibukan dalam berbagai rutinitas harian mulai dari pekerjaan kanto... more Dewasa ini masyarakat banyak disibukan dalam berbagai rutinitas harian mulai dari pekerjaan kantor, sekolah, rumah tangga dan lainnya. Karena terlalu banyak aktifitas biasanya masyarakat sering melupakan hal-hal kecil salah satunya lupa akan waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan perawatan sepeda motor khususnya dalam penggantian oli. Dari permasalahan tersebut maka munculah ide untuk membuat prototype alat pengingat penggantian oli pada sepeda motor memanfaatkan SMS berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega-328. Pada perangkat mekanik prototype terdapat komponen rotary encoder dan sensor kecepatan yang diletakkan pada velg. Jarak yang sudah ditempuh dan kecepatan putaran roda didapat dari putaran velg. Program delay timer akan menghitung waktu penggantian oli. Pada alat ini terdapat fitur pengiriman SMS terus-menerus serta buzzer terus berbunyi jika pengendara melebihi batas kecepatan. Alat ini bertujuan untuk mengingatkan pengendara sepeda motor dengan mengirimkan SMS tentang waktu yang tepat dala...

Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro, May 21, 2018
Puja Trisandya Mantram chanting, conducted three times a day on daily basis by Hindus in Bali. Us... more Puja Trisandya Mantram chanting, conducted three times a day on daily basis by Hindus in Bali. Usually it is chanted by electronic equipment, which is loudspeakers and operated manually. With technological advances, these activities can be replaced using RTC timer, controlled by microcontroller. This design consists of a microcontroller, Display, Mini MP3Player, Keypad, audio, and Power Supply circuit design. This design will be made so that it can be tested in practice. mannerwhere as the entire circuit is controlled by microcontroller ATmega328. Intisari-Pengucapan Mantram Puja Trisandya dilaksanakan tiga kali sehari secara rutin oleh umat Hindu di Bali. Biasanya pengucapan memakai peralatan Elektronika dilengkapi dengan pengeras suara dan dioperasikan oleh operator secara manual. Dengan Kemajuan teknologi, aktivitas ini bisa digantikan menggunakan timer RTC yang dikendalikan dengan mikrokontroler. Perancangan rangkaiannya meliputi : Perancangan rangkaian mikrokontroler, Display, Mini MP3 Player, Keypad, Audio , dan Power Supply. Perancangan ini akan direalisasikan sehingga bisa dilakukan pengujian secara nyata. Alat ini berkerja secara otomatis dengan membandingkan jam sekarang dengan waktu pemutaran Mantram Puja Trisandya, apabila terjadi kecocokan data, maka mikrokontroler akan mengirimkan perintah kepada Mini MP3 Player untuk memutar file rekaman Mantram Puja Trisandya yang telah tersimpan pada mikro SD. Dari hasil penelitian didapat LCD (M1602A) mampu menampilkan huruf sesuai dengan kata-kata Mantram Puja Trisandya yang merupakan keluaran dari Mini Mp3 Player dengan tepat waktu. dimana seluruh rangkaian dikendalikan dengan mikrokontroler ATmega328. Kata Kunci-otomatisasi puja trisandya, mikrokontroler atmega328, rtc ds1302.
We design Braille-learning module based on microcontroller as a helping tool for Braille-learning... more We design Braille-learning module based on microcontroller as a helping tool for Braille-learning process for people with vision disabillity. The main operating system used is Arduino ATMega 2560 as the input data processor and provide output commands according to planning. The result is a system consists of a push-button Keyboard for data input, DFPlayer mini for sound output and a LCD for character display. Braille-learning module can be used for 5.6 hours under standby keyboard module condtion and 5.04 hours in keyboard module condition suppressed with minimum or maximum mini DFPlayer volume.
Automatic control technology for energy savings is no stranger to social life. Negligence in turn... more Automatic control technology for energy savings is no stranger to social life. Negligence in turning off lights and air conditioners in class is one example of the waste of electricity that occurs in school and campus institutions. By using the PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor and LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) on the automatic control system of lights and air conditioners, it is expected to reduce excess electricity consumption. All uses of sensors are connected directly to Arduino Nano as the center of automatic system controllers. Software design uses the basic programming language C Arduino and utilizes the timer library function which functions as a room timer. From the results of the research, this tool can already be used as an automation while saving electricity consumption in the use of electronic devices such as lights and air conditioners.

Small house design, sometimes ignoring comfort factors such as air circulation and direct sunligh... more Small house design, sometimes ignoring comfort factors such as air circulation and direct sunlight that can make humidity increase and higher temperature inside the house. Giving a controll system at the part of the house can make the air circulation better. In this paper, the prototype design of automatic roof canopy drive using a light sensor, rain sensor, and an ATMega16 microcontroller based temperature sensor is used to solve the problem. This prototype uses the programming language in BASCOM AVR software and PROTEUS software for circuit simulation. Light sensor in the form of LDR will detect changes in light intensity, that is when dark produces a voltage of 1.17V and logic 0 and when light produces a voltage of 4.30V and logic 1. Rain sensor is used to detect the presence of water in the event of rain, that is in conditions the rain produces a 1.83V voltage and logic 0, whereas in the absence of rain it produces a voltage of 4.70V and logic 1. The LM35 temperature sensor is u...

Technological developments have encouraged many human lives in automatic matters. One of the uses... more Technological developments have encouraged many human lives in automatic matters. One of the uses of the rapidly developing electronics field is the application of household appliances. This study will be made a prototype of fish feed and water replacement in the aquarium of ATmega328P microcontroller based. This prototype aims to facilitate feeding of fish and replacing water in the aquarium. The sensor reading is using an ultrasonic sensor to control the amount of fish feed which when the feed runs out will be marked with a buzzer that lights up. The system for regulating fish feeding and replacement of water is regulated by the DS1307 Real Time Clock IC with a display in a 20x4 cm LCD. A valve opening for fish feed containers uses a servo motor. The program used in designing this prototype is to use the C Programming Language. The results achieved in this study are fish feed schedules and water changes can be arranged with a switch button with a twice daily feeding schedule and w...

Taekwondo is one of the martial arts competitions competed in the Olympics. Taekwondo comes from ... more Taekwondo is one of the martial arts competitions competed in the Olympics. Taekwondo comes from Korea, Tae means "kicking or destroying with legs"; Kwon means "boxing"; and Do means "road" or "art". The taekwondo match is led by a referee and a judge who is responsible for giving scores to athletes who get points. During taekwondo match training, the assessment is still done in a manual way so that electronic score equipment is needed that is portable and easy to operate. Based on this, there is a desire to make electronic score equipment used for taekwondo match training by creating a scoring board using an Arduino-based joystick. The Arduino-based scoring board uses two PS3 sticks that are connected to Arduino wirelessly using Bluetooth and received by the joystick receiver. The display value of this match training will be displayed on the LED Matrix display in the form of numbers / scores. The time and the taekwondo match training round ar...