Papers by Dr. Ahmad Zainudin Husin

This article aims to analyse the issues following the presence of Vietnamese refugees in Thailand... more This article aims to analyse the issues following the presence of Vietnamese refugees in Thailand during the War (1954–1975). The focus of the analysis is on Thailand’s attitude towards Vietnamese refugees as well as the steps taken to return the refugees to Vietnam. This research uses qualitative methods, particularly document analysis, emphasising the use of British official government documents, newspapers that were published in South Vietnam and Thailand, books, and scientific articles. The findings of this study show that the presence of Vietnamese refugees during the Vietnam War created restlessness among the leaders and people of Thailand. Apart from security issues, their presence also invites social problems in Thailand. At the time, the refugee repatriation effort was carried out successfully. Still, it was thwarted by the presence of a second more enormous wave following the failure of South Vietnam to defend its country. This caused the issue to continue until the 1990s,...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
, is a sacred date for Malaysia. Indeed, it is born from the struggles of its earlier generations... more , is a sacred date for Malaysia. Indeed, it is born from the struggles of its earlier generations. This paper seeks to reveal the roles, contributions and sacrifices that have been made by those labeled radicals in seeking independence. This study was completed by referring to historical documents such as British files and reports as well as personal records of those involved to confirm their involvement in the struggle for independence. The findings showed that the role of two great figures from Pahang, namely Ibrahim Haji Yaakub and Ishak haji Muhammad, was significant in the struggle for Malaysian independence. These forerunners of the struggle for independence have given a huge impact and meaning to Malaysia. Their deeds, contributions and sacrifices must be recognized by the nation.
Penerbit UTHM, Mar 1, 2021
Buku ini merupakan koleksi makalah yang dijadikan bab dalam buku bagi membicarakan tentang kisah ... more Buku ini merupakan koleksi makalah yang dijadikan bab dalam buku bagi membicarakan tentang kisah Kesultanan di Alam Melayu yang terdapat di Gugusan Kepulauan Melayu. Dalam buku ini digarapkan 13 makalah yang membicarakan pelbagai kisah yang pernah dilalui oleh Kesultanan Alam Melayu. Pelbagai kisah perjuangan Kesultanan di Alam Melayu yang dirakamkan oleh pelbagai ahli akademik dari pelbagai universiti samada dari dalam mahupun luar negara

Disertasi ini membincangkan hubungan Vietnam Utara dan Vietnam Selatan dengan negara-negara Asia ... more Disertasi ini membincangkan hubungan Vietnam Utara dan Vietnam Selatan dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara yang terpilih iaitu Malaysia, Thailand, Filipina, Indonesia dan Singapura. Bentuk hubungan yang dikaji meliputi secara langsung dan tidak langsung (melalui perantaraan pihak ketiga atau pertubuhan tertentu). Analisis hubungan ini mengambilkira perkembangan antarabangsa yang mempengaruhi dasar luar kedua-dua Vietnam dengan Asia Tenggara iaitu Perang Dingin, persaingan golongan Komunis dengan Bukan Komunis di kedua-dua Vietnam dan perkembangan dasar kuasa-kuasa besar di kedua-dua Vietnam dengan Asia Tenggara. Reaksi kepada perkembangan ini mencorakkan pola hubungan antara kedua-dua Vietnam dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara yang dikaji. Secara keseluruhannya penyelidikan ini merumuskan dinamika hubungan yang wujud, dipengaruhi oleh reaksi kedua-dua pihak (Vietnam Utara dan Vietnam Selatan dengan Negara-negara Asia Tenggara) terhadap perkembangan dalaman Vietnam dengan rantau Asia ...

Persaingan ideologi Komunis dan Bukan Komunis yang meletus selepas berakhirnya Perang Dunia Kedua... more Persaingan ideologi Komunis dan Bukan Komunis yang meletus selepas berakhirnya Perang Dunia Kedua telah memberi ruang kepada Kuasa Amerika Syarikat untuk melebarkan pengaruhnya di rantau Asia Tenggara. Strategi mengikat negara-negara baru merdeka di Asia Tenggara melalui kaedah bantuan ekonomi, ketenteraan, teknikal dan menubuhkan pakatan bersama untuk menyekat pengaruh Komunis di rantau ini berjaya memperkukuhkan ideologi demokrasi yang di perjuangkannya. Dasar Amerika Syarikat di rantau ini berubah mengikut perkembangan di Asia Timur dan kemudiannya krisis Vietnam. Kejayaan Komunis menguasai China telah mengubah sikap Amerika Syarikat terhadap Jepun dan seterusnya Asia Tenggara. Perkembangan di Korea juga telah memaksa kuasa tersebut memperkukuhkan kekuatan tentera di Indochina. Perang Vietnam pula telah menyebabkan Amerika Syarikat cuba mengambil hati masyarkat di Asia Tenggara dengan mengusahakan kemerdekaan kepada mereka. Kaedah ini boleh dianggap sebagai satu kejayaan Amerika ...
Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, 2016
Ahmad Boestamam was among the earliest Malay nationalist figures who was at the forefront in voic... more Ahmad Boestamam was among the earliest Malay nationalist figures who was at the forefront in voicing nationalism rights among the Malays. He tried to persuade the Malays to rise and assert their rights to fight for their lands. The Malays are the original natives of Malaya and should be brave to fight for democracy and the independence of Malaya. Looking at the political and economic situations at that time, the Malays were beginning to lag behind in all aspects of life. Thus, Ahmad Boestamam tried to awaken his people. Therefore, this paper describes his role and contribution in the efforts to raise awareness among the Malays in fighting the right of their soil. By referring to primary and secondary sources, this paper presents Ahmad Boestamam’s role as a nationalist in Malaya.

Artikel ini membincangkan Dasar British di Asia Tenggara dan kesannya terhadap Malaysia 1967-1975... more Artikel ini membincangkan Dasar British di Asia Tenggara dan kesannya terhadap Malaysia 1967-1975. Fokus perbincangan menjurus kepada tiga aspek iaitu perubahan dasar ketenteraan British di Timur Suez, reaksi Malaysia dan kesan perubahan pimpinan Britain terhadap rantau ini khususnya Malaysia. Artikel ini turut menganalisis kesan perkembangan di Asia Tenggara terhadap dasar Britain yang turut memberi impak kepada Malaysia. Pengunduran tentera Amerika Syarikat dari Vietnam Selatan yang dikenali sebagai era Vietnamisasi, memberi kesan yang besar kepada dasar negara anggota The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) di Asia Tenggara. Britain yang merupakan anggota pertubuhan tersebut juga tidak terkecuali daripada perubahan tersebut. Pakatan ketenteraannya dengan Malaysia yang terjalin sejak 19 September 1957 iaitu The Anglo-Malayan Defence Agreement (AMDA) mula dinilai semula berikutan perubahan dasar ketenteraan di timur Suez yang diumumkan pada 1969. Ini menimbulkan reaksi darip...

Persidangan Afro-Asian dimulakan di Bandung (1955), diikuti Persidangan Kaherah (1957) dan Belgra... more Persidangan Afro-Asian dimulakan di Bandung (1955), diikuti Persidangan Kaherah (1957) dan Belgrade (1961), yang membawa kepada penubuhan pergerakan negaranegara berkecuali (NAM). Persidangan ini disertai negara-negara Komunis dan anti- Komunis yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sebuah kesatuan dalam kalangan negara-negara berkecuali dalam menentang usaha penjajahan Barat selepas Perang Dunia Kedua. Pengisytiharan Tunku Abdul Rahman berhubung cadangan pembentukan Malaysia pada tahun 1961 yang menggabungkan Tanah Melayu, Singapura, Sabah dan Sarawak, telah menimbulkan berbagai reaksi anggota persidangan tersebut. Kepelbagaian reaksi ini berkait rapat dengan kepentingan dari aspek strategik, keanggotaan dalam pertubuhan pertubuhan tertentu, persempadanan, ideologi dan lain-lain. Reaksi sesetengah negara anggota ini kelihatan mengatasi "Semangat Bandung" yang menjadi pegangan mereka sejak tahun 1954. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan reaksi anggota Persidangan Afro-Asian...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Malaysia was developed under the political concensus among the multi-racial political leader. The... more Malaysia was developed under the political concensus among the multi-racial political leader. The struggle of the founding fathers of Malaysia led to the birth of an independence nation by 31 August 1957 as Tanah Melayu and became Malaysia after the joining of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore on 1963. This article was written to analyse the experience of the coalition of multi-racial leaders in the struggle of independence using the historical approach. The understanding on this coalition will contribute to the new approach for the next generation to appreciate the concept of multiracial coalition as a fundamental for the future of Malaysian identity. Based on unity and harmony, inter-racial relations can be nurtured and always be preserved for the sake of an independent Malaysia. Failure to understand the past will cause a nation to fall back into the arena of racial strife and riots that will not benefit but harm the country. The implication is the collapse of an independent nation that was built together. Therefore, all aspects of life, be it political, economic, and social, should be nurtured towards the success of Rukun Negara (National Principles) by appreciating the history in building a new Malaysia.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
This article aims to look at the implications of the Privatization Policy introduced by the forme... more This article aims to look at the implications of the Privatization Policy introduced by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in the country from 1983 to 2018 in terms of the positive and negative implications towards the economy and the people of the country. The time taken is to see how effective this policy is in the 35 years of its implementation. The policy was introduced in 1983 and continues to be implemented today as it benefits outweighs the negative impact on the nation and the people. In general, the introduction of the Privatization Policy has also served to reduce the government's financial burden especially when the country is in an economic downturn, improve efficiency and diversification of revenue, encourage economic growth, efficient resource allocation and accelerate the achievement of the New Economic Policy (NEP). This study was conducted primarily using qualitative and chronological methods and was subjective. The information obtained is extracted and analyzed from primary and secondary sources. Primary sources include economic reports, Malaysian plans, Privatization Plans, Dewan Rakyat Statements and relevant government documents. The secondary sources consist of scientific journals, books and information obtained from the web site. The results show that the privatization policy implemented has positive and negative implications on the economy and the people. The privatization process also promotes the growth of the capital market and thus enhances private sector's contribution to GDP growth. Although this policy has negative implications, it is considered one of the policies that continues to play a role in shaping the country's future economic growth and development.

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2020
This article is intended to point out the involvement of the communist era during race riots that... more This article is intended to point out the involvement of the communist era during race riots that occurred on May 13, 1969. Majority of us Malaysians are not so exposed to the involvement of the communist and their agenda to create chaos and unrest in this country. The communists using racial incitement and influencing the public through the Labor Party and Left-wing Parties. This study was conducted primarily using qualitative methods and subjective chronology. The information obtained was taken and analyzed in the form of primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are composed of the Government White Paper, Command Paper, Hansard House of Commons, Leader's speeches, thesis, interviews, Majlis gerakan Negara (MAGERAN) reports, the Federal Budget Reports and documents of the Federal Constitution. While secondary sources are made up of scientific journals, books and reference information obtained from websites. The results portrait that there are a series of very clear involvement of the communist party before, during and after the riots until the 1970s. The focus of the communists is to create an atmosphere of chaos and tension between them which would indirectly weaken the national defense system. The government through the implementation of the administration under MAGERAN managed to curb the activities of communist control and stop the riots. Later the government took drastic measures, particularly to reduce the level difference between the racial and economic disparities by intensifying security measures in order to break the communist elements in the country.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2018
Melayu Raya was a struggle requiring unity of thought to unite and restore the integrity of the M... more Melayu Raya was a struggle requiring unity of thought to unite and restore the integrity of the Malay archipelago. Through this movement they tried to reunite the Malay race as before the colonial era. During the colonial era, the Malay Archipelago was successfully separated into several separate entities. The political fighters in the Malay Archipelago trying to consolidate its own way. Burhanuddin Al-Helmy, Ahmad Boestamam and Ishak Haji Muhammad represented Malaya while Sukarno and Hatta represented Indonesia and they were sharing the same goal. This paper refers to work of historical documents such as colonial files and the interviews of the struggles involved in the Melayu Raya movement. Therefore, this paper tries to uncover the struggles of Melayu Raya / Indonesia Raya with reference to the struggles of the Malays allied strategies in order to liberate the country from being further colonized by the West.

inception in 1967 until 1995.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established o... more inception in 1967 until 1995.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8th August 1967 sponsored initially by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. ASEAN was established during an era of conflict between North Vietnam, assisted by pro-comunist countries and South Vietnam supported by non-communist countries. The conflict affected the relations between North Vietnam and ASEAN. Eventhough ASEAN was a neutral organization but most of its members were anti-communist and the situation affected its relations with North Vietnam. After the unification in 1975, the communist ideologues were in control over Vietnam’s administration. After the war, there was an emergence of new crisis involving Cambodia, Laos and border conflict between Vietnam and China. To resolve the conflicts, initiatives were put forward to the three Indochina countries into ASEAN. The efforts faced many challenges due to differences in ideology. With the end of the ideo...
Papers by Dr. Ahmad Zainudin Husin