Papers by Humberto Torres
53 reflexiones sobre aspectos de la fonética y otros temas de lingüística, 2016, ISBN 978-84-608-9830-6, págs. 211-219, 2016
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019

Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía, 2021
En los últimos tiempos se ha desarrollado un área de estudio vinculada con la manera en que compr... more En los últimos tiempos se ha desarrollado un área de estudio vinculada con la manera en que comprendemos y producimos las estructuras y unidades gramaticales, entre ellas las relaciones intra e interoracionales. El análisis de la prosodia, una de las variables que más interviene en la comprensión y en el mapeo de estructuras (Frazier et al., 2006), resulta crucial para entender hasta qué punto la interfaz prosodia-sintaxis-pragmática determina el procesamiento cognitivo de las relaciones interoracionales. En el presente trabajo se identificaron diferentes valores sintáctico-pragmáticos que se asocian con el uso de la conjunción pero: adversativo-restrictivos o preconcesivos al igual que ocurre en italiano y ruso (Mazzoleni, 2016; Biagini y Mazzoleni 2017, 2019). El objetivo principal de esta investigación es identificar los correlatos prosódicos asociados a estos valores. Para ello, en un primer momento se analizó un pequeño corpus del español rioplatense, constituido por audios d...
ACI Materials Journal, 2021

Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 1998
Accumulation of monocyte-derived foam cells in focal areas of the atherosclerotic (A.S.-) lesion ... more Accumulation of monocyte-derived foam cells in focal areas of the atherosclerotic (A.S.-) lesion is one of the key events in early atherogenesis. Using a flow model for the damaged vessel wall, we examined the ability of ECM-bound platelets to induce monocyte tethering and adhesion. Whereas ECM-proteins alone induced monocyte adhesion only at low shear stresses (F100 mPa), ECM-bound platelets induced monocyte rolling and adhesion at shear stresses up to 240 mPa. Studies with specific antibodies showed that monocyte adhesion to platelets was mainly mediated by P-selectin and monocyte PSGL-1 (maximum inhibition 90%).  2-Integrin blocking CD18 and CD11b antibodies partly inhibited the arrest of rolling cells. Antibodies against other adhesion molecules such as LFA-1, PECAM-1, and  1-integrins had no effect. Even sparsely adhered platelets (D10% coverage of the surface) already strongly supported monocyte tethering. In conclusion, activated platelets present on ECM are a powerful adhesive substrate for monocyte recruitment under flow conditions.
Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, 2018

Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications, 2017
Coffee is becoming one of the most popular beverages in Mexico. In the present work, X-ray Fluore... more Coffee is becoming one of the most popular beverages in Mexico. In the present work, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) was used to determine the contents of several elements (with atomic numbers between 11 and 38) in 11 samples of commercial ground coffee, comparing with another one of soluble coffee and two of used ground coffee. Samples were dried at room temperature and pelletized. XRF analyses were carried out using a spectrometer based on an Rh X-ray tube, registering the characteristic x-rays with a Silicon Drift Detector. The system detection calibration and accuracy check was performed through the analysis of NIST certified reference materials 1547 (peach leaves), 1570a (spinach leaves), 1573a (tomato leaves), and 1571 (orchid leaves). As a general rule, the elemental concentrations measured are similar in all samples of coffee, in values not exceeding toxic levels. However, the differences among the elemental concentrations are shown.

Speech Prosody 2016, 2016
This paper explores the relationship between perceived syllable prominence and the acoustic prope... more This paper explores the relationship between perceived syllable prominence and the acoustic properties of a speech utterance. It is aimed at establishing a link between the linguistic meaning of an utterance in terms of sentence modality and focus with its underlying prosodic features. Our acoustic analysis compares traditional parameters modified by focus and sentence mode like fundamental frequency, syllabic durations and intensity against Fujisaki model accent command parameters. Listeners identified narrow focus correctly but only one third of utterances with no focus. Ratings of perceived prominence are moderately correlated with most prosodic parameters. The proportion rate of syllable duration to the underlying accent command duration resulted to be the parameter combination that best correlates to prominence. A simple classifier based on a regression model is presented to detect prominences automatically. This model could explain up to 60% of the observed variance.

Salus, Dec 1, 2012
Con el objeto de conocer los agentes implicados en las infecciones nosocomiales y su susceptibili... more Con el objeto de conocer los agentes implicados en las infecciones nosocomiales y su susceptibilidad antimicrobiana en pacientes del Servicio de Neonatología, se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 101 aislamientos bacterianos, analizándose los casos de sepsis nosocomial. Se identificó la susceptibilidad de las cepas por métodos bacteriológicos convencionales, con medios de cultivo universales y selectivos. Se calculó la frecuencia de infecciones por 100 ingresos y se analizó la sensibilidad. La incidencia de sepsis neonatal nosocomial fue 36.4%. Predominaron bacterias gramnegativas (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli y no fermentadores) (54.4%), seguido por bacterias grampositivas (Staphylococcus aureus y Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo) (37.6%) y hongos (7.9%). La susceptibilidad a aminoglucósidos fue 28%. Para la Ciprofloxacina la sensibilidad para las Klebsiella fue 56.2%. Con respecto al cefepime y cefalosporinas de 3ra generación, la sensibilidad para los no fermentadores fue 50%. En cuanto al meropenem, Escherichia coli fue 54.4% sensible, Klebsiella 65.5%, y los no fermentadores 50%. Para piperacilina-tazobactam, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella y no fermentadores fueron sensibles en 45.4%, 40.6 % y 50%, respectivamente. La susceptibilidad al Colistin fue de 83.3% en los no fermentadores; Klebsiella 71.8% y Escherichia coli 63.6%. La sensibilidad del Staphylococcus aureus a la oxacilina fue de 18,7%, al linezolid, teicoplamina y vancomicina de 100%. El Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo fue 100% sensible a linezolid, teicoplanina y vancomicina y 46,6 % a clindamicina. Se pudo constatar la estabilidad en la circulación de los agentes causales, predominando las bacterias gramnegativas, y la baja susceptibilidad a la terapia antimicrobiana utilizada.

Salus, Dec 1, 2012
Con el objeto de conocer los agentes implicados en las infecciones nosocomiales y su susceptibili... more Con el objeto de conocer los agentes implicados en las infecciones nosocomiales y su susceptibilidad antimicrobiana en pacientes del Servicio de Neonatología, se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 101 aislamientos bacterianos, analizándose los casos de sepsis nosocomial. Se identificó la susceptibilidad de las cepas por métodos bacteriológicos convencionales, con medios de cultivo universales y selectivos. Se calculó la frecuencia de infecciones por 100 ingresos y se analizó la sensibilidad. La incidencia de sepsis neonatal nosocomial fue 36.4%. Predominaron bacterias gramnegativas (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli y no fermentadores) (54.4%), seguido por bacterias grampositivas (Staphylococcus aureus y Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo) (37.6%) y hongos (7.9%). La susceptibilidad a aminoglucósidos fue 28%. Para la Ciprofloxacina la sensibilidad para las Klebsiella fue 56.2%. Con respecto al cefepime y cefalosporinas de 3ra generación, la sensibilidad para los no fermentadores fue 50%. En cuanto al meropenem, Escherichia coli fue 54.4% sensible, Klebsiella 65.5%, y los no fermentadores 50%. Para piperacilina-tazobactam, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella y no fermentadores fueron sensibles en 45.4%, 40.6 % y 50%, respectivamente. La susceptibilidad al Colistin fue de 83.3% en los no fermentadores; Klebsiella 71.8% y Escherichia coli 63.6%. La sensibilidad del Staphylococcus aureus a la oxacilina fue de 18,7%, al linezolid, teicoplamina y vancomicina de 100%. El Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo fue 100% sensible a linezolid, teicoplanina y vancomicina y 46,6 % a clindamicina. Se pudo constatar la estabilidad en la circulación de los agentes causales, predominando las bacterias gramnegativas, y la baja susceptibilidad a la terapia antimicrobiana utilizada.

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2016
Fujisaki's intonation model parameterizes the F0's contour efficiently and becouse of its strong ... more Fujisaki's intonation model parameterizes the F0's contour efficiently and becouse of its strong physiological basis has been successfully tested in different languages. One problem that has not been fully addressed is the extraction of the model's parameters, i.e., given a sentence, which model's parameter values best describe its intonation. Most of the proposed methods strive to optimize the parameters so as to obtain the best fit for the F0 contour globally. In this paper we propose to use text information from the sentence as the main guide or reference for adjusting the parameters. We present a method that defines a set of rules to fix and optimize the model's parameters. Optimization never loses sight of the text structure events that arouse it. When text information is not enough, the algorithm predicts parameters from F0 contour and tie it to the text. The process of parameter estimation can be seen as a way to go from text information to the F0 contour. Parameter optimization is carried out to fit the F0 contour locally. Our novel approach can be implemented manually or automatically. We present examples of manual implementation and the quantitative results of the automatic one. Tested on three corpora in Spanish, English and German, our automatic method shows a performance of 34% better than other tested methods.

Water Policy, 2015
In order to promote good water governance practices, harmonize multiple objectives, and reflect t... more In order to promote good water governance practices, harmonize multiple objectives, and reflect the linkages between environmental, socioeconomic and politico-administrative aspects, it is imperative to define appropriate regions for water resources planning and management. The Water Resources Planning and Management Decision Support System (WARPLAM DSS) is presented here as a tool to support the definition of suitable limits for water resources regions. Although river basins are generally considered the most suitable regions to achieve Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) goals, WARPLAM DSS facilitates the analysis of politico-administrative, historic-cultural, socioeconomic, and physical-environmental aspects. This paper summarizes an initiative to define integrated water resources regions for the establishment of River Basin Committees (RBCs) in Peru, based on a comprehensive analysis of the Peruvian territory. The study was developed through a partnership between ANA-Per...
This paper presents a novel method for rescoring the n-best recognition hypotheses using intonati... more This paper presents a novel method for rescoring the n-best recognition hypotheses using intonation knowledge. The model synthesizes the f0 contours for each of the n-best hypotheses and estimates an intonative matching index between the synthetic shapes and the real f0 contour. This index is applied in the rescoring process, and can be viewed as a degree of intonation compatibility between the hypotheses and the input sentence. The f0 prediction is based on classification and regression trees and the Fujisaki model. We evaluate our approach using a single speaker of the Buenos Aires Spanish LIS-SECYT database under clean and babble-noisy conditions. Considering the systems under no grammar condition, the proposed model reduces the mean absolute word error rate in 3.1% with respect to the baseline system, in a consistent manner and under different noise conditions.
Revista médica de Chile, 2007
We report a 16 year old male with a history of angina on exertion. A treadmill exercise test was ... more We report a 16 year old male with a history of angina on exertion. A treadmill exercise test was positive for ischemia in concordance with a Thallium-201 scintigraphy showing a septal and infero-posterior reversible myocardial perfusión defect. Coronary angiography disclosed severe aneurysmal coronary artery disease. Bilateral internal mammary coronary artery bypass grafting was successfully performed. Kawasaki disease is the most likely etiology, although not confirmed.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Usefulness of thrombolytic therapy with low doses of streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction]](
Revista médica de Chile, 2006
The optimal dose of Streptokinase in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction is not well est... more The optimal dose of Streptokinase in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction is not well established. Apparently, the thrombolytic efficacy would not increase with doses over 750,000 units. To compare the effectiveness and safety of treatment with low doses of Streptokinase, ranging from 500,000 to 750,000 units, in patients with ST elevation acute myocardial infarction. From September 1993 to September 1998, the GEMI register of patients with acute myocardial infarction, was carried out in 37 hospitals, incorporating 4,938 patients. Of these, 1,631 patients received streptokinase. According to the administered dose of Streptokinase, patients were divided in two groups: 1,465 patients who received 1.5 millions U in 60 minutes (classical therapy group), and 166 patients with ischemic chest discomfort and either ST-segment elevation or left bundle-branch block on the electrocardiogram, who received 500,000 to 750,000 U streptokinase administered in no more than 30 minutes, with h...
Revista chilena de cardiología, 2011
Revista chilena de cardiología, 2011
La Vasculopatía del injerto (VDI) es la principal causa de muerte tardía del trasplante cardiaco ... more La Vasculopatía del injerto (VDI) es la principal causa de muerte tardía del trasplante cardiaco (TX). Un diagnóstico precoz de esta complicación tendría un impacto en la terapia y pronóstico de esta afección. El ultrasonido intracoronario (IVUS), permite un diagnóstico precoz y certero de VDI, pero en la mayoría de los centros aún se utiliza la coronariografía. Objetivo: Evaluar la validez de la coronariografía en el diagnostico de VDI en pacientes trasplantados cardiacos, comparado con el IVUS.
Revista médica de Chile, 2007
Severe aneurismal coronary artery disease probably caused by Kawasaki disease. Report of one case... more Severe aneurismal coronary artery disease probably caused by Kawasaki disease. Report of one case We report a 16 year old male with a history of angina on exertion. A treadmill exercise test was positive for ischemia in concordance with a Thallium-201 scintigraphy showing a septal and infero-posterior reversible myocardial perfusion defect. Coronary angiography disclosed severe aneurysmal coronary artery disease. Bilateral internal mammary coronary artery bypass grafting was successfully performed. Kawasaki disease is the most likely etiology, although not confirmed (

Angiogenesis, 1998
Recirculation of leukocytes is mediated by the intricately regulated expression of adhesion molec... more Recirculation of leukocytes is mediated by the intricately regulated expression of adhesion molecules on both the vessel wall and leukocyte membranes. In the present paper it is demonstrated that tumor angiogenesis factors impair leukocyte rolling and adhesion under flow conditions. Three lines of evidence presented in this paper support this finding; (i) treatment of cultured endothelial cells (EC) with the angiogenic factor basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) results in decreased ICAM-1 expression and decreased numbers of adhering leukocytes under flow conditions. (ii) flow induced upregulation of endothelial ICAM-1 in the presence of bFGF does not yield ICAM-1 levels higher than on resting EC. (iii) bFGF decreases the TNFα mediated induction of E-selectin and ICAM-1 expression, resulting in decreased rolling and firm adhesion of leukocytes on the endothelial surface. For ICAM-1 it is demonstrated that bFGF inhibits TNFα induced levels of mRNA, and that this effects is transcrip...
Papers by Humberto Torres