Teaching Documents by Howald HARRINSON
Trascendencia de los comites de convivencia en las instituciones educativas, 2019
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and tha... more Abstract
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and that has long been a concern of both student (pairs) teachers and parents, however, and after the struggle to attack bullying, it has been observed in some contexts This has the purpose of developing an intervention plan to combat bullying from a positive approach, an approach that allows us to put a stop to the individuality of each of our students, an approach that empowers and wins.

Trascendencia de los comités de convivencia en las instituciones educativas, 2019
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and tha... more Abstract
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and that has long been a concern of both student (pairs) teachers and parents, however, and after the struggle to attack bullying, it has been observed in some contexts This has the purpose of developing an intervention plan to combat bullying from a positive approach, an approach that allows us to put a stop to the individuality of each of our students, an approach that empowers and wins.
La presente monografía, es acerca de un fenómeno social que ya muchos conocemos y que nos atañe desde hace mucho tiempo tanto estudiante (pares) maestros y padres de familia, sin embrago y tras la lucha de atacar al bullying, se ha observado en algunos contextos sociales que esto ha ido en incremento, por lo que este trabajo tiene la finalidad de desarrollar un plan de intervención para combatir el acoso escolar desde un enfoque positivo, un enfoque que permita poner un alto desde la individualidad de cada uno de nuestros alumnos, un enfoque que empodera y vence.
Teaching Documents by Howald HARRINSON
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and that has long been a concern of both student (pairs) teachers and parents, however, and after the struggle to attack bullying, it has been observed in some contexts This has the purpose of developing an intervention plan to combat bullying from a positive approach, an approach that allows us to put a stop to the individuality of each of our students, an approach that empowers and wins.
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and that has long been a concern of both student (pairs) teachers and parents, however, and after the struggle to attack bullying, it has been observed in some contexts This has the purpose of developing an intervention plan to combat bullying from a positive approach, an approach that allows us to put a stop to the individuality of each of our students, an approach that empowers and wins.
La presente monografía, es acerca de un fenómeno social que ya muchos conocemos y que nos atañe desde hace mucho tiempo tanto estudiante (pares) maestros y padres de familia, sin embrago y tras la lucha de atacar al bullying, se ha observado en algunos contextos sociales que esto ha ido en incremento, por lo que este trabajo tiene la finalidad de desarrollar un plan de intervención para combatir el acoso escolar desde un enfoque positivo, un enfoque que permita poner un alto desde la individualidad de cada uno de nuestros alumnos, un enfoque que empodera y vence.
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and that has long been a concern of both student (pairs) teachers and parents, however, and after the struggle to attack bullying, it has been observed in some contexts This has the purpose of developing an intervention plan to combat bullying from a positive approach, an approach that allows us to put a stop to the individuality of each of our students, an approach that empowers and wins.
The present monograph is about a social phenomenon that many of us already know and that has long been a concern of both student (pairs) teachers and parents, however, and after the struggle to attack bullying, it has been observed in some contexts This has the purpose of developing an intervention plan to combat bullying from a positive approach, an approach that allows us to put a stop to the individuality of each of our students, an approach that empowers and wins.
La presente monografía, es acerca de un fenómeno social que ya muchos conocemos y que nos atañe desde hace mucho tiempo tanto estudiante (pares) maestros y padres de familia, sin embrago y tras la lucha de atacar al bullying, se ha observado en algunos contextos sociales que esto ha ido en incremento, por lo que este trabajo tiene la finalidad de desarrollar un plan de intervención para combatir el acoso escolar desde un enfoque positivo, un enfoque que permita poner un alto desde la individualidad de cada uno de nuestros alumnos, un enfoque que empodera y vence.