Papers by Hossameldin ELALKAMY
Estudio de las estrategias de dispersion de las especies vegetales en diferentes habitats del des... more Estudio de las estrategias de dispersion de las especies vegetales en diferentes habitats del desierto de los Emiratos Arabes Unidos. Se estudian las estrategias de dispersion de 307 especies y se relacionan con los principales caracteres funcionales relacionados con la supervivencia de especies en cinco ecosistemas aridos -deserticos. Se estudia la relacion entre la forma de crecimiento de las especies vegetales y la presencia de baco aereo de semillas. Se estudia el efecto de los regimenes de luz y temperatura que intervien en la dormancia y germinacion de Citrulus colocynthis, especie clave en el desierto de Arabia.

Egyptian Journal of Botany, 2017
P HLOMIS AUREA Decne. (Lamiaceae), which have future antidiabetic drug yielding potentials, is an... more P HLOMIS AUREA Decne. (Lamiaceae), which have future antidiabetic drug yielding potentials, is an endemic species, restricted to the high altitudes in five main habitats in southern Sinai. The genetic characterization of individuals from different populations is necessary to construct proper conservation programs. Thus, the present study was conducted to achieve two main goals; 1) Finding the genetic diversity among Phlomis aurea populations through variation in seed storage proteins electrophoretic pattern and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) finger printing as a dominant DNA molecular marker. 2) Perceive the relationship among these biochemical and molecular parameters with the different habitats in Saint Katherine Protectorate (SKP) are in South Sinai. Mature dry seeds from 30 individuals representing different populations were used for protein analysis using SDS-PAGE technique, 12 individuals of them were chosen for ISSR analysis. The former test produced 20 protein bands, three of them were common to all plants (species specific) and could be used as finger prints for Phlomis aurea. It was suggested that seed storage protein patterns are affected by aspect direction, altitude and slightly affected by habitats. ISSR analysis showed that decreasing genetic variation of Phlomis aurea individuals from different habitats in the following order: Wadibed> Slope> Gorge>Basin. This open area habitat contributes to high percent of hybridization and consequently results in high genetic polymorphism.

Bul Syayeef is receiving much conservation interest due to the presence of a breeding colony of G... more Bul Syayeef is receiving much conservation interest due to the presence of a breeding colony of Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus), in addition to the surrounding diversity of habitats providing suitable niche for the species. As part of a comprehensive proposal for promoting the official status of the area and in pursuit of declaring it as a protected area a zoning plan for the area using the readily available datasets expressing the biodiversity of the area has been prepared. About 10 conservation features within the area of interest were identified. In addition 2 sources of costs were determined. According to Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity Sector (TMBS) the main management objective of this PA is to conserve the Greater Flamingo, thus conservation targets were tailored towards this objective. Simulated annealing was adopted as the main algorithm for selecting the most suitable zoning plan. Spatial Conservation planning solution was applied through MARXAN® in addition t...

Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019
Systematic conservation planning is essential in the justification and design of protected areas,... more Systematic conservation planning is essential in the justification and design of protected areas, especially in an era where every piece of land or water is at a high premium. We used satellite tracking data and regular monitoring of Greater flamingos into the spatial prioritization planning tool Marxan to identify the most important zones for the conservation of the greater flamingo and many other species of waterbirds and marine habitats in one of the economically important areas in the coastal zone of Abu Dhabi. Locations from 11 satellite tracked flamingos and monthly count data since 2009 in the Bul Syayeef area showed a predominant use of a relatively small area which when integrated in Marxan provided optimum boundary with minimum cost. Marxan identified 1, 5, 10 and 15 ha planning units and provided the best solution with 15 ha. The reduced total area of 145 km 2 is nearly 40% of the originally proposed area for protection, is more pragmatic and easy to establish, given the high importance of the area for economic development. Using approximately the same boundary, the proposed area was declared a Ramsar site in September 2016 and was subsequently declared a protected area through a government decree in September 2017.

Nubian Ibex (Capra nubiana) is a one of the few species of large mammal species in the Egyptian f... more Nubian Ibex (Capra nubiana) is a one of the few species of large mammal species in the Egyptian fauna. The range inhabited by the species in the mountains of Sinai represents an important bridge between its distribution in Asia and Africa. The impact of various environmental factors shaping its distribution were investigated using distribution modeling methods. Maximum entropy modeling showed that presence of water resources is most influential in the species distribution in south Sinai, followed by slope, habitat, altitude and finally aspect. The current range of the species was estimated as 506 square kilometers in the mountains of south Sinai. El íbice de Nubia (Capra nubiana) es una de las pocas especies de mamíferos grandes en la fauna egipcia. El rango que ocupa la especie en las montañas del Sinai, representa un puente entre Africa y Asia, en su área de distribución. El impacto ambiental de varios factores que determinan su distribución se ha investigado modelizando su distri...

The rally event took place in late January 2003, sampling prior to the event took place just two ... more The rally event took place in late January 2003, sampling prior to the event took place just two days before the rally while the second sampling session was done a year after the event in Feb 2004 to account for diversity recovery, if there is any has occurred. In addition direct observation of the rally event itself was done to observe the inflected impact as it is occurring. The rally crossed a linear distance of 60 Km inside St. Katherine Protectorate through Wadi Zaghra, Wadi Nasab and Wadi Madsus from north to south respectively. A sampling site was selected every 6 kilometers of the route with a total of 10 sampling sites. Five random plots of 10m x 10m each were selected at each sampling site totalling 500m² of sampled area in each site. Plots were selected across wadi encompassing its entire area to assure a representative sample and to avoid bias imposed by spatial patterns of various species distribution (individuals of some species are found in wadi beds and others are ag...

During the period of Jun 2004 until Feb 2005 a study was carried out to assess and quantify the v... more During the period of Jun 2004 until Feb 2005 a study was carried out to assess and quantify the vegetation cover and plant community in the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve (DDCR). This was done to provide baseline data that will serve as the preliminary basis for temporal comparison, provided that monitoring is a continuously ongoing activity in DDCR. An emphasis was placed on assessing the density, cover and diversity of the flora of DDCR and in addition an attempt is made to map the vegetation of DDCR. A total of 269 plots covering 1883000 m² were sampled over the DDCR and Al Maha Reserve (AMR). The sampling was done using plot sampling approach over the 2 main habitats; Gravel plains and Sand dunes. A standard of 10% coverage was maintained. In each plot several parameters were measured for each species; density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, abundance, relative abundance and importance value. Diversity indices were used to quantitatively assess the diversity...

Zoology in the Middle East, 2006
Only two gazelle species are currently present in a wild state in Egypt. These are Dorcas Gazelle... more Only two gazelle species are currently present in a wild state in Egypt. These are Dorcas Gazelle (Gazella dorcas) and Slender-horned Gazelle (Gazella leptoceros). The latest information available about the status and distribution of these two species collected during the period 1997-2005 indicates that the population size and range of both species continue to shrink at different rates. The conservation status of the two species is reviewed and a quantitative estimation for the range of the two species is provided using IUCN's Area of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy guidelines. Kurzfassung. Gegenwärtig kommen in Ägypten in freier Wildbahn nur noch zwei Gazellenarten vor: die Dorkasgazelle (Gazella dorcas) und die Dünengazelle (Gazella leptoceros). Neue Informationen aus den Jahren 1997-2005 über den Status und die Verbreitung zeigen, dass sowohl die Populationen beider Arten als auch die Größe ihres Verbreitungsgebietes in unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit weiter abnehmen. Der Schutzstatus beider Arten wird dargestellt und eine quantitative Analyse des Vorkommensgebietes anhand der von IUCN entwickelten Richtlinien "Area of Occurrence" und "Area of Occupancy" wird vorgenommen.
Diversity and Distributions, 2013

Conservation Genetics, 2011
Since being declared extinct in the wild in 1972, the Arabian oryx has been the subject of intens... more Since being declared extinct in the wild in 1972, the Arabian oryx has been the subject of intense and sustained effort to maintain a healthy captive population and to reintroduce the species to its ancestral range. Previous reintroductions and associated genetic assessments focused on the release of closely managed zoo animals into Oman and included observations of inbreeding and outbreeding depression. Here we describe the use of multiple unmanaged herds as source populations for a new reintroduction project in the United Arab Emirates, allowing a comparison between studbook management and uncontrolled semi-captive breeding approaches to the conservation of genetic diversity. Results of mitochondrial control region sequencing and 13-locus microsatellite profiling highlight a severe lack of diversity within individual source populations, but a level of differentiation among populations that supports the formation of a mixed founder herd. The combined release group contained a similar level of diversity to each of the intensively managed captive populations. The research includes the first genetic data for animals held on Sir Bani Yas Island, a former private reserve which until recently held over 50% of the world's Arabian and scimitar-horned oryx and is recognized as having huge potential for re-establishing endangered antelope species in the wild. The genetic assessment provides the first stage of an ongoing genetic monitoring programme to support future supplemental releases, translocations and genetic management of reintroduced populations.
Zoology in the Middle East, 2013
Records of the Arabian Toad (Duttaphrynus arabicus) and the Dhofar Toad (Duttaphrynus dhufarensis... more Records of the Arabian Toad (Duttaphrynus arabicus) and the Dhofar Toad (Duttaphrynus dhufarensis) in the UAE and adjacent areas of northern Oman are mapped and some recent observations presented. The Arabian Toad is more widely distributed in more mesic habitats and benefits from the increase in artificially irrigated habitats. The Dhofar Toad is able to live in drier areas but its distribution pattern suggests it may be outcompeted by the Arabian Toad in wetter areas with greater availability of surface water.

Global Conservation and Ecology, 2019
Systematic conservation planning is essential in the justification and design of protected areas,... more Systematic conservation planning is essential in the justification and design of protected areas, especially in an era where every piece of land or water is at a high premium. We used satellite tracking data and regular monitoring of Greater flamingos into the spatial prioritization planning tool Marxan to identify the most important zones for the conservation of the greater flamingo and many other species of waterbirds and marine habitats in one of the economically important areas in the coastal zone of Abu Dhabi. Locations from 11 satellite tracked flamingos and monthly count data since 2009 in the Bul Syayeef area showed a predominant use of a relatively small area which when integrated in Marxan provided optimum boundary with minimum cost. Marxan identified 1, 5, 10 and 15 ha planning units and provided the best solution with 15 ha. The reduced total area of 145 km2 is nearly 40% of the originally proposed area for protection, is more pragmatic and easy to establish, given the high importance of the area for economic development. Using approximately the same boundary, the proposed area was declared a Ramsar site in September 2016 and was subsequently declared a protected area through a government decree in September 2017.

Dorcas gazelle is one of four antelope species stil l surviving in Egypt. The species is under ma... more Dorcas gazelle is one of four antelope species stil l surviving in Egypt. The species is under many threats across its range in Egypt. The population size and density is also variable in different part s of the species range in Egypt. Sinai is part of th is range and is of special significance for the species because it is the most eastern extent of th e range and it has been cut off from the mainland by the Suez Canal, so the population is be lieved to be isolated. A monitoring program has been in place since 1999 to establish the popul ation size and density of gazelle using distance sampling. The estimates calculated during this tim e reveal a steep decline of the population and shrinkage of range. The current population size has shown significant reduction since it was first surveyed. The current population is believed to be as small as only 6% of the size estimated in 1999. The range is also reduced, as dorcas gazelle s have not been recorded in the southern part of the study r...

Aquaculture industry is growing at a rapid rate in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The reason for this ... more Aquaculture industry is growing at a rapid rate in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The reason for this rapid growth could be attributed to the increase in population, together with increased nutritional demand, and associated over-exploitation of the local fish stock. The industry provides an obvious alternative solution for protein and is also considered as an activity that could provide opportunities for economic growth and entrepreneurship among the local community. It is against this backdrop that Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi decided to undertake an analysis to select and prioritize areas suitable for aquaculture along the coast as well as inland areas. The selection approach involved analysis for three different types of aquaculture, namely inland aquaculture systems (ponds, raceways RAS), sea cages and intertidal aquaculture. Accordingly, there were three distinct analysis domains defined to enable the process of site selection leading to three sets of suitability predictors and c...

The Ecological classification and Landuse mapping from satelite imagery project was completed in ... more The Ecological classification and Landuse mapping from satelite imagery project was completed in December 2014. By bringing together many years of expertise from the remote sensing, GIS, Survey and ecology sectors, the Environment Agency- Abu Dhabi (EAD) has produced a bespoke solution using cutting edge technology. The project has used the state of art satelite image processing technologies, complemented with unrival local ecological knowledge to provide terrestrial and marine mapping along with Landuse and Land Cover layesr at a scale of 1:10,000. The output of the project is available to the Abu Dhabi spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) community using the EAD's environmental data dissemination portal ( Geospatial data forms a fundemental resources for informing policies for planning resources allocation in Abu Dhabi. The satelite mapping project will provide a crucial baseline for activities during the next 5 years.

Introduction The Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve (DDCR) was established in 2003 as a protected ... more Introduction The Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve (DDCR) was established in 2003 as a protected area with the main aim of conserving the natu-ral resources of Dubai's inland desert and to restore the natural fauna and flora of the reserve to its natural state. In order to achieve this aim it was decided to carry out a number of surveys to assess the current situation and to determine the priorities for the next phase. Within the DDCR very little was known about species belonging to the order Carnivora, so the following questions were asked: 1) what wild carnivore species are found in the DDCR?, 2) what is the distribution of these species?, 3) what is the population size of these spe-cies?, and 4) are there any feral species and where are they concentrated? It was decided that the best method to answer these ques-tions was to utilize camera traps. Camera traps have the advantage of detecting, with equal effi-ciency, nocturnal and diurnal activities while having minimal environm...
Egypt has vast extended deserts that are very diverse in their fauna and flora. Significant antel... more Egypt has vast extended deserts that are very diverse in their fauna and flora. Significant antelope populations are still surviving in the egyptian deserts but yet are low in numbers. Conservation of these animals require good quality data about various aspect of their likelihood. I t is hard, both labor and time consuming to conduct comprehensive surveys to cover these huge areas. Advances in distance sapling allowed for utilization of small research teams with relatively low logistics to acquire high quality data in relatively short time. This book describes the synthesis and application of a desert antelope(dorcas gazelle) monitoring program using distance sampling as the main sampling protocol in South Sinai, EGYPT.
Papers by Hossameldin ELALKAMY
About 10 conservation features within the area of interest were identified. In addition 2 sources of costs were determined. According to Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity Sector (TMBS) the main management objective of this PA is to conserve the Greater Flamingo, thus conservation targets were tailored towards this objective. Simulated annealing was adopted as the main algorithm for selecting the most suitable zoning plan. Spatial Conservation planning solution was applied through MARXAN® in addition to Zonae Cogito®.
A zoning plan of three zones was devised where a main conservation zone of 144 km² was delineated. The main conservation zone was then buffered by a 4 km span and lastly followed by least priority general use zone. Sensitivity analysis was also conducted to determine the solution properties.
Keywords: Bul Syayeef, greater flamingo, MARXAN, simulated annealing, Zonae Cogito, zoning plan.