Papers by Mina Mahbub Hossain

THESIS: Determining the Relation between the Mergers and Acquisitions of Firms with the Announced... more THESIS: Determining the Relation between the Mergers and Acquisitions of Firms with the Announced Total Value: A Bi-variate Generalized Poisson Regression Approach STUDENT: Mina Mahbub Hossain DEGREE: Master of Science COLLEGE: Sciences and Humanities DATE: May, 2017 PAGES: 50 Mergers and Acquisitions(M&A) are major strategic initiatives undertaken by many organisations.The choice of payment type in (M&A) – Cash, Stock Debt, or a combination of these – can have a substantial impact on the successful completion of the transaction. In this thesis, we provide an empirical investigation into the determinants of the Number of Mergers by introducing the Announced Total Value (ATV) according to the payment type investment characteristics of the companies involved as additional variables which have not been considered in previous studies.We considered the payment types and TVA of a particular payment type of the companies involved in (M&A) to explore their effects on the number of Mergers c...

Agricultural Sciences, 2012
Bangladesh is a subtropical monsoon climate characterized by wide seasonal variations in rainfall... more Bangladesh is a subtropical monsoon climate characterized by wide seasonal variations in rainfall, moderately warm temperatures, and high humidity. Rainfall is the main source of irrigation water everywhere in the Bangladesh where the inhabitants derive their income primarily from farming. Stochastic rainfall models were concerned with the occurrence of wet day and depth of rainfall for different regions to model the daily occurrence of rainfall and achieved satisfactory results around the world. In connection to the Markov chain of different order, logistic regression is conducted to visualize the dependence of current rainfall upon the rainfall of previous two-time period. It had been shown that wet day of the previous two time period compared to the dry day of previous two time period influences positively the wet day of current time period, that is the dependency of dry-wet spell for the occurrence of rain in the rainy season from April to September in the study area. Daily data are collected from meteorological department of about 26 years on rainfall of Dhaka station during the period January 1985-August 2011 to conduct the study. The test result shows that the occurrence of rainfall follows a second order Markov chain and logistic regression also tells that dry followed by dry and wet followed by wet is more likely for the rainfall of Dhaka station and also the model could perform adequately for many applications of rainfall data satisfactorily.
The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) is an emerging stock exchange located in the capital city of Bangl... more The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) is an emerging stock exchange located in the capital city of Bangladesh. This present study focuses on finding a predictive model for the DSE general index. According to the Box-Jenkins methodology, ARIMA (2, 2, 1) model was found well fitted from a set of different possible ARIMA models. But the diagnostic tests such as ACF plot of residuals, standardized residual plot, shows that our model forecasts mean of the series pretty good though, we need to consider the volatility of the series to get the more accurate forecast of the data set. Conditional variance model, eGARCH (1, 1) was found as the best fits to our DSE data. The R package rugarch is used to fit the model.
Research Journal of Economics Business and Ict, Jun 1, 2012
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a basic measure of a country's overall economic performan... more The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a basic measure of a country's overall economic performance. Bangladesh is basically an agriculture country and therefore agriculture plays important role on GDP. To assist in the decision making process, this article proposes a time series model based on the contribution of Agriculture to GDP from fiscal year 1972 to 2010. In this paper, we have identified ARIMA (1, 2, 1) model as a reasonable model to forecast the yearly growth rate of GDP of Bangladesh. We also found that the GARCH (1, 1) model with a specified set of parameters is the best fit for our concerned data set. The proposed models help to identify the influence of the agricultural sector on GDP.
Papers by Mina Mahbub Hossain